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Issue 4 Library e-newsletter - 7 Feb 2018

Articles – Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017

1. On Stigma & Health.
Goldberg, Daniel S.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017; 45(4): 475-483. 9p
: Stigma is corrosive. It is capable of causing intense psychosocial harm. Even after controlling for every conceivable confounder, members of social groups persistently subjected to stigma get sicker and die quicker than their counterparts. Accordingly, many social epidemiologists regard stigma as an independent social determinant of health. Hatzenbuehler, Link, and Phelan have gone further, labeling stigma a true “fundamental cause of disease” justifying intensive social resources intended to alleviate stigma's adverse health impact.

2. Stigmatizing the Unhealthy.
Roberts, Jessica L.; Weeks, Elizabeth
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017; 45(4): 484-491. 8p
: Stigma can lead to poor health outcomes. At the same time, people who are perceived as unhealthy may experience stigma as the result of that perception. As part of a larger project examining discrimination on the basis of health status or “healthism,” we explore the role of stigma in producing disadvantage based on health status. Specifically, we look to the principles of health equality and health justice.

3. Borderline: The Ethics of Fat Stigma in Public Health.
Pausé, Cat
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017; 45(4): 510-517. 8p
: This article argues that public health campaigns have an ethical obligation to combat fat stigma, not mobilize it in the “war on obesity.” Fat stigma is conceptualized, and a review is undertaken of how pervasive fat stigma is across the world and across the lifespan. By reviewing the negative impacts of fat stigma on physical health, mental health, and health seeking behaviors, fat stigma is clearly identified as a social determinant of health.

4. Shaming Vaccine Refusal.
Silverman, Ross D.; Wiley, Lindsay F.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017; 45(4): 569-581. 13p
: This piece explores legal, ethical, and policy arguments associated with using interventions that leverage feelings of shame and social exclusion to promote uptake of childhood immunizations by parents.

5. A New Framework for Evaluating the Potential for Drug Law to Produce Stigma: Insights from an Australian Study.
Seear, Kate; Lancaster, Kari; Ritter, Alison
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017; 45(4): 596-606. 11p.
: Alcohol and other drug-related stigma is a growing concern. Many organizations have called for a reduction in such stigma through law reform, but there is little sense of how, precisely, this might be achieved. This paper reports on a new method to examine the relationship between stigma and the law and establish a framework that can guide and inform future law reform efforts.

6. The Epidemic as Stigma: The Bioethics of Opioids.
Buchman, Daniel Z.; Leece, Pamela; Orkin, Aaron
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017; 45(4): 607-620. 14p
: In this paper, we claim that we can only seek to eradicate the stigma associated with the contemporary opioid overdose epidemic when we understand how opioid stigma and the epidemic have co-evolved. Rather than conceptualizing stigma as a parallel social process alongside the epidemiologically and physiologically defined harms of the epidemic, we argue that the stigmatized history of opioids and their use defines the epidemic.

7. Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Normative Comparison with Refusing Lifesaving Treatment and Advance Directives.
Menzel, Paul T.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2017; 45(4): 634-646. 13p
: Refusal of lifesaving treatment, and such refusal by advance directive, are widely recognized as ethically and legally permissible. Voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED) is not. Ethically and legally, how does VSED compare with these two more established ways for patients to control the end of life? Is it more questionable because with VSED the patient intends to cause her death, or because those who assist it with palliative care could be assisting a suicide?

Articles - Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice

8. The Role of Us and the "Home" Exercise Program.
Hughes, Christopher
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice, 2018; 30(1): 6-7. 2p.
: The home exercise program (HEP) is frequently an expected but often overlooked
part of care. As physical therapists, we know it can be the difference in patient success if
adhered to and done in sync with traditional physical therapy visits.

9. Insidious Onset of Upper Extremity Lymphedema in a Patient with Chronic Shoulder Pain and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Case Report.
Riccardi, Lauren
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice, 2018; 30(1): 10-15. 6p
: A 26-year-old female presented with an 8-year history of left: neck and shoulder pain with radiating pain to her fingers, and insidious onset of upper extremity lymphedema, present for 4 months. Methods: The physical therapist used a variety of edema management techniques to reduce the chronic swelling in her arm, including manual lymphatic drainage, retrograde massage, compression, and diaphragmatic breathing.

10. Addition of the Anterior Shear Test in Diagnosing Lumbar Segmental Instability: A Case Report.
Temes, William; Karas, Steve; Baughman, Emily
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice, 2018; 30(1): 24-29. 6p
: Classifications systems, for those seeking physical therapy for low back pain, have been developed in an attempt to guide treatment and have improved outcomes. Emphasizing the importance of clustered findings including patient presentation, diagnostic imaging, and manual assessment in classification and clinical decision-making enhances care.

11. Retrospective Case Review Following Physical Therapy Treatment for Patients with Lateral Patellar Subluxation/Dislocation.
Vitale, Teresa Errigo; Mooney, Brianne; Vitale, Ashley; Apergis, Demitra; Wirth, Stephen; Grossman, Mark G.
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice, 2018; 30(1): 30-38. 9p
: Incidences of patellar subluxation or dislocation have been documented up to 43/100,000. Purpose: To document the time course of physical therapy intervention for patients with this condition and to recommend guidelines for nonsurgical rehabilitation. Eight subjects treated in physical therapy for lateral patellar subluxation or patellar dislocation consented to anonymous utilization of their data from a chart review.

12. Treatment of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Using Non-thrust Mobilizations to the Thoracic Spine and Ribs: A Case Report.
Curtis, J. Quinlon; Gupta, Jyotsna; Hill, Caria H.; Gross, Michael T.
Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice, 2018; 30(1): 40-46. 7p
: Shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) is a common diagnosis with fair outcomes. The purpose of this case report is to discuss the clinical reasoning related to a regional interdependence approach using thoracic spine and rib mobilizations for an individual with SIS. The patient was a 47-year-old male who experienced 4 months of left shoulder pain with overhead tasks, bench and military press exercises, and when pushing open a heavy door. Evaluation findings were consistent with SIS as well as thoracic spine and rib hypomobility.

Journal - Table of Contents

Psychology Aotearoa, Volume 9 Number 2, November 2017

13A. President’s Korero – Celebrating diversity
13B. Editorial – Preview of this editions varied and interesting contributions
13C. Forum: What is it going to take for women to start leading in our high-density female profession, when the past continues to shape
13D. An accidential advocate – Dr Kim McGregor
13E. Dr Rose Black responds to questions on poverty
13F. 2017 NZPsS Conference: Pasifika and psychology – Are we there yet? [Julia Ione]
13G. 2017 NZPsS Conference: Twenty-five years into the correctional rehabilitation revolution: Keeping the science and art of psychology relevant
13H. Mental travels in space and time
13I. What does speech-language therapy practice look like in New Zealand and how does it interface with psychology?
13J. Why a psychology degree prepares you for any career
13K. Sex, gender and sexual diverse youth’s experiences of Project Youth
13L. How is the role of psychologist at the Ministry of Education Severe Behaviour Service understood by schools, families and whanau? A psychologist’s perspective
13M. On combatting negative narratives: can psychology apply its optimistic voice to broader social discourses of individuals who commit offences?
13N. Food insecurity and social justice in Aotearoa New Zealand
13O. A novice’s experience of the annual conference
13P. How young Maori wahine cope with parenthood: A Kaupapa Maori exploration
13Q. NZPsS Professional development for 2018

Conferences & Workshops

14. ANZICS New Zealand Regional Annual Scientific Meeting
The Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Starship Children’s Hospital are proud to host this event for the first time. The theme of the meeting is 'Size Does Matter!' reflecting the innovative and challenging differences between critically ill neonates, children and adults
Date: 4-6 April 2018
Venue: The Hilton Hotel | Auckland | New Zealand

News National

15. Mumps outbreak 2017
During 2017 a significant mumps outbreak has affected over 1000 people, mostly in Auckland. Those aged 10 to 29 years have been most affected, as this age group has lower immunisation rates.

16. Baby's saliva can predict tooth decay, study finds
Stuff - February 4 2018
Schools are banning all drinks except for milk and unflavoured water in an effort to quell rampant rates of tooth decay amongst young children. But the ban is proving too late for many children, with one primary school principal saying far too many of his students are arriving for their first day with rotting teeth. The solution may be found in a new study which has discovered saliva samples taken from the mouth of 1-year-olds can predict future decay.

News International

17. Overcoming the top roadblocks to healthier eating
Calgary Herald – Jan 25, 2018
If you've felt stuck when it comes to knowing you should eat better but struggle to start or sustain changes to your diet, you are not alone. Here are my top three success principles on how to move forward for a healthier diet for life to increase your health, energy and move you towards your personal best weight.


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