Articles – Nurse Prescribing/ Antibiotic Prescribing
1. Navigating professional and prescribing boundaries: Implementing nurse prescribing in New Zealand
Anecita Gigi Lim, Nicola North, John Shaw
Nurse Education in Practice 27 (2017) 1e6
Abstract: This study explored the experiences and perspectives of one of the first cohorts of nurse prescribers and their strategies in establishing the role and negotiating the associated professional boundaries. Semistructured interviews were undertaken with ten newly registered nurse-prescribers. Two broad categories, each comprising three themes, were identified: 'shifting professional boundaries' and 'navigating boundaries of practice'.
2. Nurses can influence prescribing antibiotics
Courtenay , Molly
Primary Health Care (2014+); London Vol. 27, Iss. 6, (Jun 2017): 14.
Abstract: Antimicrobial resistance represents one of the greatest patient safety challenges of our time. Conserving antibiotic sensitivity through the management of self-limiting respiratory tract infections (RTIs), the most frequent acute problems where patients consult in primary care, without recourse to antibiotics is a global priority.
3. Do Residents Need All Their Medications? A Cross-Sectional Survey of RNs' Views on Deprescribing and the Role of Clinical Pharmacists
Ailabouni, Nagham; Tordoff, June; Mangin, Dee; Nishtala, Prasad S.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 43, Iss. 10, (Oct 2017): 13-20
Abstract: A cross-sectional survey was mailed to 307 RNs of a nationally representative sample of residential aged care facilities to investigate their views and perceptions on medication use and deprescribing in older adults. Questions were grouped according to each stage of the medication use process, and a dedicated section to explore nurses' views on deprescribing was included.
4. Influences on the start, selection and duration of treatment with antibiotics in long-term care facilities
Daneman, Nick, MD MSc; Campitelli, Michael A, MPH; Giannakeas, Vasily, MPH; Morris, Andrew M, MD SM(Epi); Bell, Chaim M, MD PhD; et al.
Canadian Medical Association. Journal: CMAJ; Ottawa Vol. 189, Iss. 25,
(Jun 26, 2017): E851-E860.
Abstract: Understanding the extent to which current antibiotic prescribing behaviour is influenced by clinicians' historical patterns of practice will help target interventions to optimize antibiotic use in long-term care. Our objective was to evaluate whether clinicians' historical prescribing behaviours influence the start, prolongation and class selection for treatment with antibiotics in residents of long-term care facilities.
Articles – Nursing Management (RCN), December 2017
5. Community nurses need a_way to manage caseloads
Nursing Management (RCN), December 2017, Vol. 24 Number 8: p14
Abstract: NHS_Improvement and_NHS_England are finalising an improvement resource to address safe staffing in district nursing. Over recent years, the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has been involved in work on safe staffing in community nursing. As an independent charity, unconnected with employers or unions, we offer expert and objective evidence informed by consultation with practitioners, including members of our national network of Queen’s Nurses.
6. Preparing supervisors to provide safeguarding supervision for healthcare staff
Marcia Smikle Head of safeguarding children, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, England
Nursing Management (RCN), December 2017, Vol. 24 Number 8: p 34-41.
Abstract: This paper outlines why experienced supervisors at a London healthcare provider received skills training so they could offer safeguarding supervision to front-line colleagues with case management responsibilities for vulnerable children and young people. It examines how supervisors use the main functions of supervision and a cycle of reflection in clinical practice with supervisees.
7. Health literacy: a study of internet-based information on advance directives
Peter Stuart Senior lecturer, University of Northampton, Faculty of Health and Society, Northampton, England
Nursing Management (RCN), December 2017, Vol. 24 Number 8: 27-33
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality and value of web-based information on advance directives. Internet-based information on advance directives was selected because, if it is inaccurate or difficult to understand, patients risk making decisions about their care that may not be followed in practice.
8. Schwartz rounds: bringing staff together to promote patient care
Chris Longhurst @news_rcni News reporter, RCNi
Nursing Management. December 2017, Vol. 24 Number 8: p8-9
Abstract: A National Institute for Health Research study has found regular healthcare staff meetings improve morale and self-esteem. Findings from a study into the effectiveness of Schwartz rounds suggest that staff who use this opportunity for group reflection are less stressed and more empathic with colleagues and patients.
9. Recognising the essentials of compassionate care
Sara Horton-Deutsch Watson caring science endowed chair, College of Nursing, University of Colorado, United States.
Gwen Sherwood Professor and associate dean for academic affairs, Chapel Hill School of Nursing, University of North Carolina, United States
Nursing Management. December 2017, Vol. 24 Number 8: 12-12
Abstract: When we practise reflective and transpersonal care, we demonstrate our love for our patients and colleagues. Reflective practice and caring science are two concepts essential to the delivery of compassionate care
Journal - Table of Contents
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, November 2017, Volume 27, Number 9
10A. Editorial: partnership approach to better lung health is an example to us all
10B. News: NHS ‘struggling to cope with 21st century problems’; Interim guidance for district nurses; concerns over future workforce; NMC reveals nursing associate draft standards; New set of voluntary standards for senior practice nurses
10C. Nurse-led IV clinic brings treatment to the community while improving efficiency: rapid response antibiotics service in Swansea proves crucial for mobile patients
10D. Clinical Update: Endometriosis
10E. Journal scan: telephone-first strategy designed to cope with increase in patient demand does not necessarily suit all practices; South Asian families report perceived stigma attached to asthma diagnosis; Digital interventions to reduce alcoholism
10F. Research Focus: Mindfulness
10G. Careers: It’s essential that we tackle inequalities
10H. Take step back before putting your best foot forward [An award winning healthcare model helped a Dorset practice set an agenda to engage and empower patients with leg ulcers]; Social care time bomb: Why opt for a career in a distressingly low-paid job?
10I. Lung Health: Pioneering, proactive and successful [Liverpool-based specialist respiratory nurses in GP centres]
10J. Evaluation of a primary care triumvirate leadership development programme
10K. Exploring parental self-efficacy in the management of acute minor childhood illness
10L. How to write a reflective practice case study
Conferences & Workshops
11. Goodfellow Symposium 2018
Date: 24th & 25th March 2018, 8.30-5.30pm
Venue: Vodafone events centre
770 Great South Rd, Wiri, Manukau
Programme Overview:
Keynote speaker: The human brain is not designed for thinking
News National
12. Kiwi drinks higher in sugar than other countries – dentists
Newshub 17 January 2018
Dentists are calling for a sugar levy after Kiwi drinks were found to have more sugar than other countries. Research conducted by University of Waikato researcher Dr Lynne Chepulis alongside overseas researchers has found that non-alcoholic Kiwi drinks have higher sugar levels, compared to Australia, Canada and the UK.
13. The sobering science of drinking and driving
From Our Changing World, 9:07 pm on 14 December 2017
Alison Ballance, Senior Producer @alisonballance [email protected]
Imagine you’re at a party. It’s been a long but very pleasant evening and you’re trying to decide if you can safely drive home. You’ve had several – was it two or three? - generous glasses of wine early on, but a while ago you switched to drinking water. There was a barbecue earlier on so you figure the food will have mopped up some of the alcohol. And you feel pretty sober, and are confident you’re not above the legal blood alcohol limit
News International
14. New test for STI superbug you've probably never heard of
The Age – January 18, 2018
A new test to detect a superbug similar to chlamydia is being rolled out across the nation – and experts are urging those with symptoms including painful urination to get checked. Mycoplasma genitalium is thought to affect about 400,000 Australians, but many people have never heard of it.