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Issue 22 Library e-newsletter - 14 June 2017

Elder Abuse Awareness 15-22 June 2017

Articles – Elder Abuse

1. Reform proposals target elder abuse
McLean, Sallie
The Proctor,  Volume 37 Issue 1 (Feb 2017)
: New proposals from the Australian Law Reform Commission focus on frontloading safeguards to help older persons protect their rights. Sallie McLean explains the key suggestions and seeks input from practitioners on these ideas

2. Elder abuse
Davis, Jodie
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, Sep 2016: 28-29

Abstract: The following excerpt is from our Elder Abuse tutorial on the ANMF's Aged Care Training Room (ACTR). Subtopics covered include defining elder abuse, legalities, contributing factors, indicators of elder abuse, organisational issues, characteristics of the abused resident/client and their abuser, worker characteristics, prevention and compulsory reporting to name but a few.

3. Royal commission calls for mandatory elder abuse training
O’Keeffe, Darragh
Australian Ageing Agenda, May/June 2016, Jul 2016: 10-11
: Given the role aged care staff play in responding to elder abuse, the Victorian inquiry called for better training, while developments nationally have put elder abuse firmly on the agenda, reports Darragh O'Keeffe.

4. Prevalence and associated factors of elder abuse in a community-dwelling population of Aotearoa New Zealand: A cross-sectional study
Yeung, Polly;   Cooper, Lareen;   Dale, Michael
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2015: 29-43
: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the prevalence and associated factors of elder abuse in a representative sample of older people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Analysis was conducted on responses from the second wave of the New Zealand Longitudinal Study of Ageing (NZLSA) omnibus survey of 3,923 adults aged 50-87 years.

5. Family violence across the life cycle
Forsdike, Kirsty;   Tarzia, Laura;   Hindmarsh, Elizabeth;   Hegarty, Kelsey
Australian Family Physician, Vol. 43, No. 11, Nov 2014: 768-774
: Family violence covers a range of abuse including child abuse and neglect, intimate partner violence and elder abuse. This article aims to address clinical questions that general practitioners (GPs) may have in identifying and responding to patients experiencing family violence. 

Articles – Australian Ageing Agenda [Journal]

6. Renewing aged care's workforce; Catering to diversity
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Jan/Feb 2017 (Feb 2017)
: Our aged care workforce - its viability and future - is something aged care providers think about every day - from challenges in attracting and retaining staff to contemplating the ageing profile of our workers. When we think of designing something as complex as aged care services for all Australians we need to be cognisant of who the service is for.

7. The question: Nurse practitioners in aged care
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Jan/Feb 2017 (Feb 2017)
: We need more nurse practitioner positions to be created. This might sound simplistic, but achieving it needs concerted effort by all the relevant parties - governments, aged care providers, universities and health professionals. Support and commitment from all sides would help to expand the role and address some of the barriers that may be encountered.

8. Pioneering a new vision
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Jan/Feb 2017 (Feb 2017)
Leser, Markus
: A new model sees aged care providers enable older people to remain living independently in their preferred environment, writes Dr Markus Leser.

9. Tackling pay in 'the forgotten industry'
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Jan/Feb 2017 (Feb 2017)
O'Keeffe, Darragh
: The longstanding issue of low wages for care workers and nurses in residential aged care is back in focus as a Senate committee investigates the sector's workforce. But is anything likely to change? Darragh O'KKeeffe reports.

10. Changing service provision: TLC Aged Care's innovative mission
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Jan/Feb 2017 (Feb 2017)
: Alongside significant investment in new facilities and upgrades, TLC Aged Care has sought to integrate fullservice medical centres with its aged care facilities. This has allowed its existing residents a continuum of care, and will help to facilitate short-term restorative care for those in the community

11. Tackling the worsening oral health crisis
Australian Ageing Agenda, Issue Jan/Feb 2017 (Feb 2017)
: A group of aged care providers, dentists and academics in Tasmania has come together to develop a new plan to improve oral health in aged care, writes DR LEN CROCOMBE.

Articles – Journal of Community Health

12. Rural area deprivation and hospitalizations among children for ambulatory care sensitive conditions 
Hale, Nathan; Probst, Janice; Robertson, Ashley
Journal of Community Health, Jun 2016; 41(3): 451-460. 10p
: This study examined the intersection of rurality and community area deprivation using a nine-state sample of inpatient hospitalizations among children (<18 years of age) from 2011. One state from each of the nine US census regions with substantial rural representation and varying degrees of community vulnerability was selected.

13. Reactions to thirdhand smoke are associated with openness to smoking in young never smoking children 
Chen, Jian; Ho, Sai; Wang, Man; Lam, Tai
Journal of Community Health, Jun 2016; 41(3): 461-467. 7p
: To investigate the associations between reactions to thirdhand smoke (THS) and openness to smoking in young children. In a school-based survey in Hong Kong, 4762 Chinese primary school students reported their reactions to THS (one or more of 'pleasant/happy', 'nausea', 'excited', 'heart beat faster', 'relaxed', 'dislike the smell', 'like the smell', 'dizzy', 'coughing/choking', 'eye uncomfortable' and 'none of the above'), smoking status and openness to smoking (lack of a firm intention not to smoke.

14. Development of a cost-effective educational tool to promote acceptance of the HPV vaccination by Hispanic mothers
Brueggmann, Doerthe; Opper, Neisha; Felix, Juan; Groneberg, David; Mishell, Daniel; Jaque, Jenny
Journal of Community Health, Jun 2016; 41(3): 468-475. 8p
: Although vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) reduces the risk of related morbidities, the vaccine uptake remains low in adolescents. This has been attributed to limited parental knowledge and misconceptions.

15. Factors associated with tooth loss in older adults in rural Colarado 
Tiwari, Tamanna; Scarbro, Sharon; Bryant, Lucinda; Puma, Jini
Journal of Community Health, Jun 2016; 41(3): 476-481. 6p
: The purpose of this paper is to examine factors that are associated with tooth loss in older adults living in the San Luis Valley (SLV), Colorado, which is a rural and large geographical area (roughly the size of Connecticut) that has a large population age 60 years or older.

Journal - Table of Contents

The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, June 2017

16A. Editorial: Advanced practice roles
16B. Table talk: Pathways through perioperative care [I’m a Peri-Operative Nurse – what’s your super power!
16C. Busy study session in Timaru
16D. Is your hospital smoke free?
16E. Registered Nurse First Assistants improve patient outcomes post-surgery
16F. Endovascular surgery and the hybrid operating room
16G. Multiple ligament reconstruction of the knee
16H. Periprosthetic infection: The role of the perioperative nurse
16I. Nurse Practitioner: embracing the journey

Conferences & Workshops

17.  “This is not my home”: Aged Residential Care without Consent – On Whose Authority? – Auckland
This seminar was initiated by the Northern Regional Alliance Health of Older People Group
in association with Counties Manukau District Health Board
Date: 08/09/2017
More information: Iris Reuvecamp [email protected]
To register:

18. “This is not my home”: Aged Residential Care without Consent – On Whose Authority? – Hawke’s Bay
Many people with moderate or severe dementia are recommended for residential care at the same time as they are assessed as no longer having legal capacity to consent to this care.
Date: September 15, 2017
More information:

News – National

19. NZMA - Improving Health Literacy
The New Zealand Medical Association has produced a policy briefing on Improving Health Literacy that seeks to promote a shared understanding of what health literacy means, why it is important, and what can be done to improve it

News – International

20. Breakenridge: Persuade parents of the benefits of vaccination
Calgary Herald - June 13, 2017

Once again, southern Alberta is dealing with an outbreak of potentially fatal whooping cough, and once again, we can trace the problem to low vaccination rates. Tragically, it’s a combination of unwarranted suspicion and vaccine conspiracy theories that’s fuelling those low rates

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