Electronic Cigarette Technical Expert Advisory Group
The Government intends to introduce an electronic cigarette regulatory scheme. The Ministry of Health is seeking nominations for members of the Technical Expert Advisory Group, Electronic Cigarette Product Safety.
Download the Technical Expert Advisory Group Terms of Reference (Word, 35 KB)
Please forward nominations to [email protected].
Nominations close 5pm, Friday 9 June 2017. Please include the nominee’s name and occupation, contact details, and curriculum vitae. The names of two referees should also be provided.
Articles – Anti-microbial resistence
1. The moral significance of Anti-microbial resistence
By Johnstone, Megan-Jane.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. 01/08/2016, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p23-23. 1p.
Abstract: The article discusses the moral issue surrounding anti-microbial resistance (AMR). Topics mentioned include the anticipated extent of drug-resistant infections by year 2050, the role of nursing education and nursing ethics in the development of the moral skills and competencies of nurses, and the need for AMR ethics guidelines for nurses worldwide.
2. Super-bugging out
By Wapner, Jessica.
Newsweek Global. 24/03/2017, Vol. 168 Issue 11, p52-53. 2p
Abstract: The article discusses issues concerning proliferation of antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S. It mentions a study that confirmed the extent in the U.S. of infections with multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria; and identification of diagnoses of infections with Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Shigella.
3. Facing a post-antibiotic era
By Paola, Sheshtyn.
Australian Journal of Pharmacy. 01/08/2016, Vol. 97, p32-36. 4p.
Abstract: The article examines the role of pharmacists in the increasing prevalence of bacteria resistant to multiple types of antibiotics in Australia. Topics noted include the uncontrolled use of antibiotics in humans and animals, validity of old or repeat prescriptions in addition to overprescribing, and correct disposal of antibiotics.
4. Antibiotic resistance
By Millman, Christian.
Discover. 01/07/2016, Vol. 37 Issue 6, p52-55. 4p
Abstract: The article discusses the ability of bacteria to become resistant or immune to the antibiotic drugs. It examines the efficacy and safety of using penicillin as an antibiotic drug that threat or kill bacteria.
Articles – Nursing Economic$. Mar/Apr2017
5. Speaking Truth to Power: Implications for Nursing's Values And Voice.
By Nickitas, Donna M.
Nursing Economic$. Mar/Apr2017, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p54-95. 2p.
Abstract: The author reflects on the move by nurses to speak truth to power to resolve the challenges they confront like threats to healthcare access and the optimization of primary, community-based and preventive services, as of March 2017. She discusses the efforts by nurses to hold their elected representatives and government officials accountable in shaping the quality of healthcare services.
6. Enhanced RN role in behavioral health care: An untapped resource
By Rutherford, Marcella M.
Nursing Economic$. Mar/Apr2017, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p88-95. 8p
Abstract: The article discusses the key role played by registered nurses (RN) or generalist nurses in behavioral health (BH) care in the U.S. Also cited are the hindrances to effective BH care as of March 2017 like insufficient funding, patient stigma, and lack of recognition of prevalence, as well as such other topics as the economic perspective related to nursing and BH.
Articles – Handwashing
7. Patients' Hand Washing and Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infection.
By Haverstick, Stacy.
Critical Care Nurse. Jun 2017, Vol. 37 Issue 3, pe1-e8. 8p
Abstract: Hand hygiene is important to prevent hospital-acquired infections. Patients' hand hygiene is just as important as hospital workers' hand hygiene. Hospital-acquired infection rates remain a concern across health centers. Objectives To improve patients' hand hygiene through the promotion and use of hand washing with soap and water, hand sanitizer, or both and improve patients' education to reduce hospital-acquired infections
8. Hand Hygiene Do's & Don'ts
By Karash, Julius A.
H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks. May 2017, Vol. 91 Issue 5, p39-42. 4p
Abstract: The article offers information on improving hand hygiene. Topics discussed include primary causes of poor hand hygiene including lack of accountability and just-in-time coaching, ineffective placement of dispensers or sinks, and ineffective or insufficient education, recommendations to improve hand hygiene, and the significance of sensors as a key to hand-washing compliance efforts.
9. Rigorous cleaning standards help to prevent spraed of new E.coli strain
By Ferenc, Jeff.
H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks. Oct 2016, Vol. 90 Issue 10, p16-17. 2p
Abstract: The article discusses the importance of maintaining effective hand-hygiene practices and environmental disinfection and cleaning in hospitals and health care facilities following the discovery of a patient in the U.S. whose E. coli strain with the gene MCR-1 is resistant to the antibiotic colistin.
10. 10 Steps to Protect Yourself Against Colds and Flu.
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. Oct 2016, Vol. 34 Issue 8, p4-5. 2p
Abstract: The article discusses Dr. Simin Nikbin Meydani's 10-step prescription to reduce the risk of flu and boost the immune system. These include getting vaccinated which can also reduce risk of flu-related hospitalization, eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to help strengthen the immune system to better fight off infections and making walking a year-round practice.
11. Infection Control: taking the lead.
By Richards, Sara.
Practice Nurse. May 2016, Vol. 46 Issue 5, p35-40. 5p.
Abstract: The article discusses infection control for practice nurses and official guidance covering Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections. Topics include healthcare associated infections (HCAIs), the health and Social Care ACt of 2008 and the resulting Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infection, and the 10 criteria of the Code which include systems for management and monitoring, providing clean and appropriate environments, and appropriate antimicrobial use.
Journal - Table of Contents
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal
May 2017, Volume 27 Number 4
12A. Editorial: We need better data on district nursing to safeguard services
12B. News: NHS issues ‘safe caseloads’ draft guidance for staff; Clinic appointments fall below standard
12C. News: No signal hinders access to services; Insufficient training to help new mothers; Clarion calls for community funding applicants; Academics have developed an app to support nursing and pharmacy students with prescribing medication
12D. Community nurses urged to look out for signs of sepsis
12E. Handwashing: Essential facts
12F. Journal scan: Better engagement with HIV care improves outcomes; Methods used to tackle obesity in the prison population; Universal screening effective in identifying ‘at-risk’ drinkers
12G. Research focus: Three recent research articles on e-cigarettes are summarised
12H. Opinion: What a pain-Community nurses should take patients’ aches seriously
12I. Time to talk about FGM
12J. Planning, implementing and evaluating a parent education programme
12K. Using community education provider networks to develop general practice nursing
12L. Making the healthcare needs of LGBT patients a priority
12M. Tackling hypertension: what’s new?
12N. Contributing to the journal
Conferences & Seminars
13. NZ Population Health Congress 2018
Theme: 'Sharing solutions, shaping our future E hara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini' (My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective).
Date: 18 – 20 April 2018
Venue: Auckland
More information: http://www.pophealthcongress.org.nz/nzphc18
14. Seminar - Paediatric allergy
The purpose of this workshop is to review the latest evidence in food allergy prevention and treatment
Date: Monday, 26 June 2017
Venue: Pharmac, Wellington
More information: https://www.pharmac.govt.nz/seminars/paediatric-allergy/
15. Seminar - Dementia update
The goal of this session is to provide an overview of the patient journey with dementia, including aspects of dementia care from diagnosis to end of life.
Date: Friday, 4 August 2017
Venue: Pharmac, Wellington
More information: https://www.pharmac.govt.nz/seminars/dementia-update/
16. Seminar - Cardiovascular disease for Primary Care
The seminar will cover hypertension and management of lipids in primary care
Date: Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Venue: Pharmac, Wellington
More information: https://www.pharmac.govt.nz/seminars/cardiovascular-disease-for-primary-care/
News – National
17. Four ways your co-workers are making you sick - and how to stop it
Stuff - May 29 2017
With winter officially beginning this week, flu season is in swing. It's likely your office already has a couple of sniffly, spluttery workers hiding at their desks. "At this time of year, it's quite common for people to come in to work when they have a mild viral infection, like a cold. Every time these people sneeze and splutter, they'll be sending out a plume of virus particles which can go on to infect their workmates," says microbiologist and University of Auckland senior lecturer Siouxsie Wiles.
News – International
18. The Age - May 31 2017
Health insurers in the frame for misleading customers
Large health insurance companies are on notice. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has them in its sights for the widespread and long-standing practice of hiding negative changes to customer's medical benefits.
19. The Age - May 30 2017
ACCC takes health fund NIB to court over concealing changes to its MediGap Scheme
The consumer watchdog has taken health fund NIB to the Federal Court, accusing it of "unconscionably" concealing changes to a scheme that left members with surprise out-of-pocket costs.
20. Heart palpitations and menopause: What you need to know
Medical News Today - 30 May 2017
Women may worry about the menopause for different reasons. Some may view it as a significant milestone, equating to the end of childbearing years. Others may worry about well-known symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats.