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Issue 15 Library e-newsletter - 28 April 2017

Articles – Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 2016

1. Federalism and Australia's national health and health insurance system
Podger, A
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Volume 11 Issue 3 (2016)
: While health reform in Australia has been marked by piecemeal, incremental changes, the overall trend to increasing Commonwealth involvement has not been accidental or driven by power-hungry centralists: it has been shaped by broader national and international developments including technological change and the maturing of our nation and its place internationally, and by a widespread desire for a national universal health insurance system.

2. Health systems in Australia and four other countries: Choices and challenges
Martins, J M
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Volume 11 Issue 3 (2016)
: The purpose of health systems is the pursuit of healthy lives. The performance of the Australian health system over the last decade is compared with the United Kingdom and its three other offshoots: the United States, Canada and New Zealand. In the first instance, system performance is assessed in terms of threats to healthy lives from risk factors and changes that have taken place during the decade

3. Healthcare system restructuring in New Zealand: Problems and proposed solutions
Gauld, R
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Volume 11 Issue 3 (2016)
: This article overviews the New Zealand healthcare system. It then describes a series of problems facing the system and proposed solutions. These include the need for team care, providing services closer to patients' homes, focusing on a population of interest, connecting up the system, and engaging patients more closely in care design and delivery.

4. From global to local: Strengthening district health systems management as entry point to achieve health-related sustainable development goals
Tejativaddhana, P; Briggs, DS; Thonglor, R
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Volume 11 Issue 3 (2016)
: Healthcare in Thailand is provided at a relatively low cost and healthcare needs have transitioned to begin to address diseases and mortality of developed countries. The challenges now faced by Thailand are similar to most developed countries reflecting adult mortality and risk factors of an uppermiddle income population and the need to modify institutional structures to reflect these changing circumstances.

Articles - New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, Mar 2017

5. Changes in walking levels of people with stroke following discharge from hospital: A pilot study  Timothy, Emily Kate, MHealSc, BSc; Bown, Braidie-Jean, BPhty; Beever, Rachael M, BPhty; Mulligan, Hilda F, PhD.
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy; Wellington (Mar 2017): 17-23.
: This study aimed to investigate changes in walking levels of independently mobile individuals following a stroke between the inpatient setting and the home environment, both directly after discharge and in the longer term. Forty-three participants who had a stroke as their primary diagnosis and who could walk 10 metres without the support of another person on discharge from hospital completed the study

6. Rotator cuff repair protocols: a survey of current New Zealand practice 
Harman, Bronwyn, Dip Phys, Adv Dip Phys (OMT),; Olds, Margie, MHSc.
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy; Wellington (Mar 2017): 24-30.
: Rehabilitation following surgical rotator cuff repair may enable return to pre-injury function. Optimal recovery is facilitated by the use of post-operative protocols that enhance communication between the surgeon and physiotherapist. The purpose of this study was to describe the rotator cuff repair rehabilitation protocols currently used in New Zealand

7. A systematic review of the effects of perturbation training on preventing falls 
Papadimitriou, Angela, D Psych; Perry, Mark, PhD.
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy; Wellington (Mar 2017): 31-49.
: The efficacy of conventional falls prevention training for healthy older people may be sub-optimal, and perturbation training, a new approach that trains reflexive control of postural stability, has been evaluated In several trials. The current systematic review aimed to evaluate If perturbation training can reduce falls In healthy frail older people and healthy young people.

Articles – Health Promotion Journal of Australia, Mar 2017

8. How well are health information websites displayed on mobile phones? Implications for the readability of health information 
Cheng, Christina; Dunn, Matthew.
Health Promotion Journal of Australia; Collingwood (Mar 2017): 15-20.
: More than 87% of Australians own a mobile phone with Internet access and 82% of phone owners use their smartphones to search for health information, indicating that mobile phones may be a powerful tool for building health literacy. Yet, online health information has been found to be above the reading ability of the general population.

9. Is there a relationship between primary school children's enjoyment of recess physical activities and health-related quality of life? A cross-sectional exploratory study 
Hyndman, Brendon; Benson, Amanda C; Lester, Leanne; Telford, Amanda.
Health Promotion Journal of Australia; Collingwood (Mar 2017): 37-43
: An important strategy for increasing children's physical activity is to enhance children's opportunities for school recess physical activities, yet little is known about the influence of school recess physical activities on children's health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between Australian primary school children's enjoyment of recess physical activities and HRQOL.

10. Partnerships in obesity prevention: maximising co-benefits 
Jones, Michelle; Verity, Fiona.
Health Promotion Journal of Australia; Collingwood (Mar 2017): 44-51.
: Partnerships were used to increase healthy eating and active living in children for the Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle (OPAL) program, a systems-wide, community-based childhood obesity prevention program in South Australia.

11. Online canteens: awareness, use, barriers to use, and the acceptability of potential online strategies to improve public health nutrition in primary schools 
Wyse, Rebecca; Sze Lin Yoong; Dodds, Pennie; Campbell, Libby; Delaney, Tessa; et al.
Health Promotion Journal of Australia; Collingwood (Mar 2017): 67-71.
: This study of primary school principals assessed the awareness, use, barriers to use and acceptability of online canteens. A telephone survey of 123 primary school principals within the Hunter New England Region of New South Wales, Australia was conducted from September 2014 to November 2014.

Articles –  Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, April 2016

12. 'Something normal in a very, very abnormal environment' - Nursing work to honour the life of dying infants and children in neonatal and paediatric intensive care in Australia 
Bloomer, Melissa J; Endacott, Ruth; Copnell, Beverley; O'Connor, Margaret.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing; Newcastle (Apr 2016): 5-11.
: The majority of deaths of children and infants occur in paediatric and neonatal intensive care settings. For nurses, managing an infant/child's deterioration and death can be very challenging. Nurses play a vital role in how the death occurs, how families are supported leading up to and after the infant/child's death. This paper describes the nurses' endeavours to create normality amidst the sadness and grief of the death of a child in paediatric and neonatal ICU.

13. Levels of exposure to ethical conflict in the ICU: Correlation between sociodemographic variables and the clinical environment 
Falcó-Pegueroles, Anna; Lluch-Canut, Mª Teresa; Martínez-Estalella, Gemma; Zabalegui-Yarnoz, Adelaida; Delgado-Hito, Pilar; et al.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing; Newcastle (Apr 2016): 12-20.
: To analyse the level of exposure of nurses to ethical conflict and determine the relationship between this exposure, sociodemographic variables and perceptions of the clinical environment.

14. Intensive care nurses' experiences of end-of-life care 
Kisorio, Leah C; Langley, Gayle C.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing; Newcastle (Apr 2016): 30-38.
: An exploratory, descriptive qualitative approach was utilised. Purposive sampling method was used to select nurse participants (n=24) working at the selected intensive care units in the three academic affiliated, tertiary specialist hospitals in the Johannesburg and Pretoria regions, South Africa

15. Nurses' experiences of caring for the suddenly bereaved in adult acute and critical care settings, and the provision of person-centred care: A qualitative study
Walker, Wendy; Deacon, Kate.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing; Newcastle (Apr 2016): 39-47.
: A descriptive exploratory study, involving focused, face-to-face interviews. Participants comprised nine registered nurses and one auxiliary nurse, working in environments where sudden death was known to occur, i.e. emergency, cardiac and critical care. The provision of person-centred care was examined by applying a validated Person-Centred Nursing Framework.

16. Modelling end-of-life care practices: Factors associated with critical care nurse engagement in care provision 
Ranse, Kristen; Yates, Patsy; Coyer, Fiona.
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing; Newcastle (Apr 2016): 48-55.
: To identify factors associated with critical care nurses' engagement in end-of-life care practices. Multivariable regression modelling was undertaken on 392 responses to an online self-report survey of end-of-life care practices and factors influencing practice by Australian critical care nurses'

Journal table of Contents

Primary Health Care (RCN), Vol. 27, Number 1, February 2017

17A. Reasons to be cheerful
17B. Profound concern’ over nurse and GP caseloads; Diabetes linked with depression; PM’s £15 million to tackle ‘stigma’; Divert cash to home care, urges chief nurse
17C. Delivering timely results in community care
17D. Contraception
17E. News Research Focus: The transition from child to adult care
17F. All change for nursing staff in Northern Ireland?; Sick and tired?
17G. Nurses must bear witness to the obesity problem
17H. Expect the unexpected [Maria Hughes, lead nurse in tissue viability]
17I. Evidence & Practice: Technological support for people with long-term conditions; An integrated approach to working with homeless people; A refreshing pathway to training for professionals
17J. A hub clinician’s perspective on supported self-care through technology
17K. An integrated approach to nursing care for homeless people
17L. Positive approaches to care: A new look at dementia education
17M. Perspectives for nurses on mental health in children and young people


18. 18th Annual Medical Law Conference
: 30 - 31 Aug 2017
Venue: Wellington
More information:

19. 2017 Primary Care Symposium
: 15 November 2017
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

News – National

20. Young NZ women drinking RTDs to 'hazardous levels' - Alcohol Healthwatch warns
TVNZ – 27 April 2017
Massey University has released research findings which reveals startling figures when it comes to young females and their consumption of RTDs.

21. Drinking in moderation – is it good for you?
Moderate drinking is commonly assumed to be good for your health, but new research from Massey University’s College of Health shows this might not be the case. Researchers used data from the Health, Work and Retirement Longitudinal Studyto explore whether alcohol had any benefits for older New Zealanders’ health

News – International

22. Experts sound alarm over yoghurts with as much sugar as ice-cream
The Age – 27 April 2017
Next time you grab a tub of flavoured yoghurt thinking it's a healthy alternative, remember that it may have more sugar than ice-cream.

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