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Issue 14 Library e-newsletter - 21 Apr 2017

Articles – Creative Nursing [Journal]

1. Deference to Expertise: Making Care Safer 
Godlock, Gwendolyn Cherese, MS, CMSRN, CPHQ; Miltner, Rebecca Suzie, PhD, RN, CNL, NEA-BC; Sullivan, Dori Taylor, PhD, RN, NE-BC, CPHQ, FAAN.
Creative Nursing; Minneapolis (2017): 7-12
: Since the seminal report by the Institute of Medicine, To Err Is Human, was issued in 1999, significant efforts across the health care industry have been launched to improve the safety and quality of patient care. This article will explore key elements of the HRO concept of deference to expertise, describe the structural elements that support nurses and other personnel in speaking up, and provide examples of practical, evidence-based tools to help organizations support and encourage all members of the health care team to speak up.

2. A Foundational Analysis of Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Theory and Evaluation of Its Significance for Nursing Practice and Research 
Younas, Ahtisham, MN(c), BSN.
Creative Nursing; Minneapolis (2017): 13-23.
: In-depth understanding of the ontological and epistemological assumptions of nursing theories can be achieved through theory analysis. This article presents an analysis of the ontological and epistemological assumptions of Dorothea Orem's selfcare theory and evaluates its significance for nursing practice and research.

3. Teaching Millennials and Generation Z: Bridging the Generational Divide 
Shatto, Bobbi, PhD, RN, CNL; Erwin, Kelly, MA.
Creative Nursing; Minneapolis (2017): 24-28.
: Most undergraduate students today are part of the millennial generation and the next wave of students-Generation Z-are just beginning to enter universities. Incorporating technology, engaging students with adaptive learning activities, and understanding basic generational differences are ways to limit the effects of generational conflict while keeping both millennials and Generation Z students engaged in learning.

4. Virtual Simulations: A Creative, Evidence-Based Approach to Develop and Educate Nurses 
Leibold, Nancyruth, EdD, RN, MSN, PHN, CNE; Schwarz, Laura, DNP, RN, CNE.
Creative Nursing; Minneapolis (2017): 29-34.
: This article presents examples of virtual simulation, virtual worlds, and virtual patients in continuing education, staff development, and academic nursing education. Virtual simulations in nursing use technology to provide safe, as realistic as possible clinical practice for nurses and nursing students.

5. The Effect of Preoperative Education on Postoperative Pain After Joint Surgery: An Integrative Literature Review 
Barry, Mary Ashley, BSN, RN.
Creative Nursing; Minneapolis (2017): 42-46.
: As the number of total knee arthroplasty surgeries continues to increase and the length of hospital stay is trending down, preoperative education continues to be an important factor to support positive postoperative outcomes. The purpose of this literature review is to examine whether preoperative education for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty affects postoperative pain management compared to those who do not receive this education.

Articles – Email Etiquette

6. Keep it simple: Email etiquette - do you get it?: Reply, ignore or delete?: Don't blow away friends and clients
Lynch, Peter
Proctor, The, Vol. 36, No. 7, Aug 2016: 56
: The basic menu of actions is to read/save; read and reply/save; glance and ignore; delete.

7. Email etiquette: Teaching students to achieve correct tone of voice
Cocks, Tamra;   Schembri, Stephanie
English Australia Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2013: 61-66
It is becoming customary for educators and students to correspond via email outside of class times. Achieving the appropriate tone of voice can be problematic for EFL/ESL students with a lack of understanding of sociopragmatic and sociolinguistic norms

Articles –  Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal

8. Understanding the place of advance directives in paramedic pre-hospital care
Sharp, Richard; Thompson, Sean
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: Resuscitation of a patient in cardiac arrest is not always the most appropriate course of action. Many patients now have advance directives which express their wishes around end-of-life care. This article investigates the place of advance directives in pre-hospital paramedic care and identifies areas that may improve paramedic practice. Recent literature is reviewed as well as pertinent New Zealand legislation

9. Student enquiry: The power of student research to influence evidence-based practice
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
Strong, Gary; Thompson, Sean
: Undergraduate paramedic students frequently ask challenging and insightful questions. This paper highlights projects at several tertiary institutions teaching paramedic degrees in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom where student enquiry and research is contributing to improved evidence-based practice.

10. Whanau Ora: A Maori health strategy to support Whanau in Aotearoa
Hayes, Renee
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
The purpose of this article is to explore some of the socio-political events that have influenced health delivery in Aotearoa New Zealand. The introduction of the Whanau Ora (family well-being) approach to health is examined, as is the role of the registered nurse in relation to this government health policy. The development of Whanau Ora, its relevance to health and the roles and responsibilities of registered nurses are discussed to articulate the contribution they make to the success of Whanau Ora.

11. Ma te Marama Ka Ora Ai Tatou: Through understanding one another we can all achieve well-being.
Owen, Katie; Hart, Rachel; Trimmer, Wendy
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: In this article, the authors explain key aspects of the Whitireia New Zealand Bachelor of Nursing (BN) programme. The programme supports nurse development with the goals of fostering human worth and optimum health through a person-centred curriculum. An excerpt from a student reflection following an undergraduate clinical experience is used to illustrate the formative journey of a student nurse.

12. 'Caring' a an understanding of professional identity by first-year nursing students
Song, Wen Jie
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: Professional identity is an important concept in nursing education. This paper reports on a small study that examined first-year nursing students' understanding of professional identity. The intention of the study was to offer insight to those nurse educators who support the development of professional identity through nursing education

13. Public health nursing in a non-traditional environment
Arcus, Kerri; Gunn, Lucy; Nelson, Katherine; McKinlay, Eileen
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: A new model of public health nursing was established in New Zealand when a nurse was stationed at a government agency that provides social, welfare and employment services. It was envisioned that the nurse could augment the agency's work by improving their clients' access to healthcare. This nursing model of care was researched using case study methods to investigate its effectiveness

14. The peer-review process in scholarly writing
Doncliff, Brent
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
All writers who submit to peer-reviewed journals will have their manuscript reviewed. This discussion paper examines some of the reasons why peer review exists and provides comment on the process. It is helpful to understand why this process exists and be aware of some of the issues that have been reported over time in relation to editorial peer review

Journal table of Contents

AENJ: Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, Vol. 20, Number 1,  February 2017

15A. The utilisation of one district hospital emergency department by people with Parkinson’s disease
15B. Emergency department waiting room nurse role: A key informant perspective
15C. Who falls in an adult emergency department and why—A retrospective review
15D. Case study and case-based research in emergency nursing and care: Theoretical foundations and practical application in paramedic pre-hospital clinical judgment and decision-making of patients with mental illness
15E. Using observation to collect data in emergency research
15F. Job satisfaction among emergency department staff
15G. So you want to conduct a randomised trial? Learnings from a 'failed' feasibility study of a Crisis Resource Management prompt during simulated paediatric resuscitation
15H. Accurate respiratory rates count: So should you!
15I. Triage, damned triage… and statistics: Sorting out redundancy and duplication within an Emergency Department Presenting Problem Code Set to enhance research capacity


16. 18th Annual Medical Law Conference
: 30 - 31 Aug 2017
Venue: Wellington
More information:

17. 2017 Primary Care Symposium
: 15 November 2017
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

News – National

18. Aged care investigation reveals concerns over waiting lists, GP fees and aged-care facilities
The Press - April 19 2017
Elderly Cantabrians face long waiting lists for treatment, struggle to pay for increasing GP fees and are "appalled" about the conditions in aged-care facilities. A national investigation by Labour and the Green Party, in conjunction with Grey Power, is revisiting a 2010 review on the state of aged care.

19. Editorial: Aged care settlement an important pay equity milestone
Stuff - April 19 2017
Overnight, more than 55,000 low-paid workers have got a pay rise. Or so it seemed. The Government's $2 billion settlement with aged-care workers was the proverbial overnight success story that had been in the pipeline for years. It began when Wellington aged care worker Kristine Bartlett took a case against her employer, TerraNova, in 2012.

News – International

20. Diet fizzy drinks linked to dementia and stroke
The Telegraph – April 2017
onsuming diet fizzy drinks every day almost triples the risk of developing dementia, a major new study suggests. People who regularly drank artificially sweetened beverages are also more likely to suffer a stroke, but the full-fat equivalent is not associated with a greater risk of either condition.

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