How do you get Typhoid Fever?
Typhoid is spread person-to-person via the faecal-oral route, or via food or water that has been contaminated. Untreated water supplies, shellfish gathered from areas where water is contaminated or food handled by a person carrying the infection are also potential sources of infection.
Books recently added to the NZNO Library collection
NZNO members can borrow these books for 4 weeks
1/ HQ 1381 HYM
Hopes dashed?: the economics of gender inequality
Bridget Williams Books Ltd, 2017
Following on from her 1994 book, 'Women and Economics: an overview of the Status of Women in the NZ Economy', economist Prue Hyman surveys the past two decades, with reference to the promise of equality in the labour market and recognition for unpaid domestic work.
2/ W26.5 NEL
Health informatics: An interprofessional approach
Nelson, Ramona & Staggers, Nancy
2nd edition, 2018
Concise coverage includes information systems and applications such as electronic health records, clinical decision support, telehealth, ePatients, and social media tools, as well as system implementation. Topics include data science and analytics, mHealth, principles of project management, and contract negotiation.
3/ WY 100 WIL
DeWit's fundamental concepts and skills for nursing
Williams, Patricia
Fifth edition, 2018
Provides all the basic theoretical and applied knowledge that nurses need to practice in an expanded number of care settings, such as the community clinic, GP’s office, long-term care facility, home, and acute-care hospital setting. Thorough discussion of QSEN addresses topics like the physical and psychosocial needs of the patient, critical thinking for problem solving and clinical judgment, and communication, within a strong nursing process framework.
4/ WY 100 PER
Clinical nursing skills and techniques
Perry, Anne Griffin., Potter, Patricia A., Ostendorf, Wendy R
Provides comprehensive coverage of over 200 basic, intermediate and advanced skills, featuring nearly 1,000 full-color photographs and drawings, a nursing process framework, step-by-step instructions with rationales, and a focus on critical thinking and evidence-based practice.
Articles – Hand Hygiene
5/ 10 steps to protect yourself against clods and flu
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. Oct 2016, Vol. 34 Issue 8, p4-5. 2p.
Abstract: The article discusses Dr. Simin Nikbin Meydani's 10-step prescription to reduce the risk of flu and boost the immune system. These include getting vaccinated which can also reduce risk of flu-related hospitalization, eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to help strengthen the immune system to better fight off infections and making walking a year-round practice
6. Rigorous cleaning standards help to prevent spread of new E. coli strain
By Ferenc, Jeff.
H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks. Oct 2016, Vol. 90 Issue 10, p16-17. 2p.
Abstract: The article discusses the importance of maintaining effective hand-hygiene practices and environmental disinfection and cleaning in hospitals and health care facilities following the discovery of a patient in the U.S. whose E. coli strain with the gene MCR-1 is resistant to the antibiotic colistin.
7. Importance of preventative hand hygiene practices in community nursing wound management
By Raymond, Linda.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Aug 2016, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p32-32. 1p.
Abstract: The article discusses the importance of preventative hand hygiene (HH) practices in wound management in community healthcare (CHC) settings and presents a scenario that illustrates the infection control, occupational health and safety and environmental issues that CHC workers must be prepared for. Topics mentioned include a background on the five moments of hand hygiene approach developed by the World Health Organization and the benefits of HH education.
8. Ensuring effective infection prevention and control methods in general practice
By Taylor, Kate.
Practice Nurse. Aug 2016, Vol. 46 Issue 8, p13-15. 2p
Abstract: The article offers suggestions to healthcare providers of Great Britain for maintaining the facilities hygienic and infection free. Topics discussed include ineffective infection control of various healthcare practices inspected by the regulators Care Quality Commission (CQO); several suggestion for improvement in cleanliness such as vaccination of staff, hand washing with disinfectants and monitoring of the cleaning schedule.
9. Effects of hand hygiene education and individual feedback on hand hygiene behaviour, MRSA acquisition rate and MRSA colonization pressure among intensive care unit nurses
By Hee-Kyung Chun; Kyung-Mi Kim; Ho-Ran Park.
International Journal of Nursing Practice. Dec 2015, Vol. 21 Issue 6, p709-715. 7p
Abstract: This study was conducted to increase the frequency and level of thoroughness of hand hygiene practice by nurses, and to assess the influence of the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) acquired incidence rate and the MRSA colonization pressure in a medical intensive care unit (MICU)
10. Adherence to hand hygiene guidelines - significance of measuring fidelity
By Korhonen, Anne; Ojanperä, Helena; Puhto, Teija; Järvinen, Raija; Kejonen, Pirjo; Holopainen, Arja.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Nov 2015, 24 Issue 21/22, p3197-3205. 9p
Abstract: The aim was to evaluate the usability of fidelity measures in compliance evaluation of hand hygiene. Background Adherence to hand hygiene guidelines is important in terms of patient safety. Compliance measures seldom describe how exactly the guidelines are followed.
Articles - Journal of Community Nursing
11. Assessing patients with urinary incontinence: the basics
Leaver, Rachel.
Journal of Community Nursing; Stow on the Wold
(Feb/Mar 2017): 40,42-44,46.
Abstract: Urinary incontinence is a common problem in the UK, and one often seen by community nurses. While it is often associated with ageing, urinary incontinence can in fact have a number of causes and it is important that the community nurse is aware of the full range of aetiologies and presentations.
12. A new solution for indwelling catheter encrustation and blockage
Holroyd, Sharon.
Journal of Community Nursing; Stow on the Wold
(Feb/Mar 2017): 48,50-52.
Abstract: With over a million devices used in the NHS every year, indwelling urinary catheterisation is widely acknowledged as one of the most commonly used invasive healthcare procedures. Despite its widespread use, there is also extensive evidence of the risk of infection, blockage and bypassing associated with indwelling catheters, all of which can adversely affect patients' health and quality of life.
13. The role of community nurses in stroke prevention
Clare, Christopher Stephen.
Journal of Community Nursing; Stow on the Wold
(Feb/Mar 2017): 54-56,58.
Abstract: Stroke is a major cause of mortality and lifelong disability, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment. The risk factors of stroke are well-known and many are modifiable through lifestyle adjustments, however, the incidence of first-time stroke is increasing year-onyear
14. What is complex regional pain syndrome?
Burden, Melanie.
Journal of Community Nursing; Stow on the Wold
(Apr/May 2016): 12-13.
Abstract: Every day, community nurses are faced with a multitude of illnesses and conditions, some of which will be easy recognisable while others will be harder to spot. In this respect, the complex make-up of the human body itself presents a challenge. One condition that may not be easily recognisable and which may rarely be encountered by community' nurses is complex regional pain syndrome.
15. Demystifying debridement and wound cleansing
Downe, Annette; Khatun, Salma.
Journal of Community Nursing; Stow on the Wold
(Apr/May 2016): 26,28-30.
Abstract: In the community setting, leg ulcer management involves both care of the wound itself and the skin of the lower limb. Cleansing is vital to enure that infection does not develop in the wound itself and that the integrity of the periwound skin is maintained. Maintaining the skin's barrier function is also vital, as, without this, fluid loss, inflammation, dryness and infection can develop.
16. An hour-a-day project aimed at streamlining continence services
Barrie, Mariama.
Journal of Community Nursing; Stow on the Wold
(Apr/May 2016): 45-46,48-50,52-53.
Abstract: It is widely recognised that the NHS is facing unprecedented challenges in trying to improve the quality of services provided, while managing the most severe and protracted period of resource constraint in its history (NHS Confederation, 2014; Today's NHS, 2015).
17. The challenge of carrying out research in care homes: malnutrition
Stow, Ruth.
Journal of Community Nursing; Stow on the Wold
(Apr/May 2016): 60,62-65.
Abstract: This article discusses some of the issues and challenges of conducting research in care homes - in this case with a focus on malnutrition - and makes recommendations for future research.
Journal table of Contents
OT Insight: Magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand, Vol. 38, No.2, March 2017
18A. From the Editor; From the Executive Director
18B. OTNZ-WNA news: LAN group meetings; Awards and grants
18C. Occupational therapists play a key role in reducing pressure on hospitals
18D. Health policy researchers find occupational therapy is only spending category that reduces hospital readmissions
18E. Why occupational therapy for 30, when it could be 30,000?
18F. Practising appropriately for bicultural Aotearoa New Zealand: Plenary session; Part 3
18G. Climbing out of the silos: A collaborative handwriting programme in schools between health and education
18H. Opinion: Low vision rehabilitation course for occupational therapists returning to education
18I. Feature: Be brave and open to whakawhanaungatanga
18J. Resetting my clinical compass
18K. CPE calendar
19. Symposium: The Dying Truth – Communication in Advanced Disease
Date: 27 April 2017 8:30am – 4:30pm
Venue: The Brentwood Hotel, Kilbirnie, Wellington
More information:
20. Food Integrity Conference 2017
Date: 28 & 29 June, 2017
Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland
More information:
21. The Science & Art of Psychology in New Zealand
Date: 30 August – 2 September 2017
Venue: Rydges Latimer Hotel, Christchurch
More information:
22. ANZAHPE 2017 - Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators 2017 Conference
Transitions asks us to consider where we have been, where we are and where we are going in our personal, professional and organisational learning journeys.
Date: 11-14 July 2017
Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia
More information:
News – National
23. Unhappy nurses to meet managers
ODT Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Nurses at Dunedin Hospital are unhappy with staffing numbers and will raise the problem with management. The New Zealand Nurses Organisation has set up a meeting between some of its emergency department members and management to be held later this week.
24. The scary reason doctors say kids need HPV vaccines
NZ Herald - 9:11 AM Tuesday Apr 4, 2017
It's an alarming trend considering HPV, or human papillomavirus, is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the country. The CDC estimates that nearly all sexually active men and women will get a form of the virus at some point. Although most HPV infections go away on their own, they are causing 30,700 cancers in men and women every year, including cervical, vaginal and penile cancers along with oral cancers
25. Greater Wellington Regional Council staff in line to receive living wage this year
Damian George 14:16, April 3 2017
Greater Wellington Regional Council looks set to roll out the living wage for its staff from later this year, but council contractors are proving harder to persuade. The council is expected to rubber-stamp the proposal on Wednesday, after it agreed in principle to becoming a living wage employer in September last year.
News – International
26. Why low-calorie sweeteners are making us fat
The Age - April 6, 2017
When you opt for a diet drink, chances are you think you're making the better choice. However, while such beverages may not contain sugar, that doesn't mean they're good for your waistline.