Are you a budding writer?
Submit an article to the co-editors of Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand ([email protected]).
The best nurse writers published in Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand (KTNNZ) this year will be up for prize money totalling $750. The writer of the winning article will receive $500, and the runner-up $250.
Articles – International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, Feb 2016
1. Editorial: Nurses and Nurse Practitioners diagnose to plan evidence-based care and treatments
Brokel, Jane M.
International Journal of Nursing Knowledge; Feb 2016; v.27. n.2, 59-60.
Abstract: As president of NANDA International, Inc., I take this moment to express my commitment in championing the true value of nursing diagnoses to intervene with evidence-based practice as a homecare nurse and as faculty to teach nurse practitioners and nurses in their care for patients.
2. Efficacy of a transition theory-based discharge planning program for childhood asthma management
Ekim, Ayfer; Ocakci, Ayse Ferda
International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, Feb 2016; 27(2):
70-78. 9p
Abstract: This study tested the efficacy of a nurse-led discharge planning program for childhood asthma management, based on transition theory.
3. Description of advanced practice nurses interventions through the nursing interventions classification in different care settings for older people: A qualitative study
Garcia-Mayor, Silvia; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos; Cuevas-Fernandez-Gallego, Magdalena; Villa-Estrada, Francisca; Porcel-Galvez, Ana María; Sastre-Fullana, Pedro; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel; International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, Feb 2016; 27(2): 79-86. 8p
Articles – Caseload Management
4. Caseload management methods for use within district nursing teams: a literature review.
Roberson, Carole
British Journal of Community Nursing, May 2016; 21(5): 248-255.
Abstract: A community nursing caseload can be viewed as a ‘ward without walls’, and can be difficult to define (Stuart et al, 2008). One definition might be a designated geographical or practice population for which a community nursing team is responsible for meeting the nursing care needs of the individuals (Bain and Baguley, 2012).
5. Caseload midwifery care: Promoting a healthy future for Australia
Hartz, Donna; Tracy, Sally
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, Jun 2015; 22(11): 53-53
Abstract: Australia has one of the highest caesarean rates in the world at 32% (Hilder et al., 2014). However his high rate has not delivered health improvements for mothers and babies.
6. Sample evaluation of caseload complexity in a community health-care NHS trust
McGarry, Anne
British Journal of Community Nursing, Apr 2015; 20(4): 174-180. 7p
Abstract: People diagnosed with a multiple long-term conditions and those with profound and multiple learning disabilities are the most intensive users of health and social care. In addition, around 30% of patients with long-term physical conditions also have a mental health problemThis study demonstrates that those with comorbid mental health problems show poorer clinical outcomes, lower quality of life and reduced ability to manage physical symptoms effectively
7. Modelling sustainable caseloads for MS specialist nurses
Mynors, Geraldine; Bowen, Amy
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, Dec 2014/Jan2015; 10(6): 274-280. 7p
Abstract: There are 245 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) specialist nurses (MSSNs) across the UK, with variable caseloads, suggesting inequitable and, where caseloads are particularly high, inadequate provision
Articles – Australian Health Review, February 2017
8. Organisational benefits of a strong research culture in a health service: a systematic review
Harding, Katherine, PhD, MPublicHlth, BOccThy; Lynch, Lauren, BSpeechPath; Porter, Judi, PhD, MHlthSci, GradDipNutrDiet; Taylor, Nicholas F, PhD.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 45-53.
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to determine whether there is an association between having research culture in a health service and better organisational performance. Using systematic review methods, databases were searched, inclusion criteria applied and study quality appraised
9. Stranded: causes and effects of discharge delays involving non-acute in-patients requiring maintenance care in a tertiary hospital general medicine service
Salonga-Reyes, Armi, MBBS; Scott, Ian A, MBBS, FRACP, MHA, Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 54-62.
Abstract: The aims of the present study were to identify causes of prolonged discharge delays among non-acute in-patients admitted to a tertiary general medicine service, quantify occupied bed days (OBDs) and propose strategies for eliminating avoidable delays. A retrospective study was performed of patients admitted between 1 January 2012 and 31 May 2015 and discharged as non-acute cases requiring maintenance care and who incurred a total non-acute length of stay (LOS) >7 days and total hospital LOS >14 days
10. Private general paediatric care availability in Melbourne
Kunin, Marina, MA, PhD; Allen, Amy R, BBNSc, BPsySci, GradDipAOD; Nicolas, Caroline, BSocSc(Psych); Freed, Gary L, MD, MPH.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 63-67.
Abstract: The aims of the present study were to determine the actual availability of private general paediatric appointments in the Melbourne metropolitan region for children with non-urgent chronic illnesses and the cost of such care. A 'secret shopper' method was used
11. Is Western Australia's rural surgical workforce going to sustain the future? A quantitative and qualitative analysis
Shanmugakumar, Sharanyaa, MBBS; Playford, Denese, BA MCS, PhD; Burkitt, Tessa, BA MIntRlns Grad; Tennant, Marc, BDSc, PhD, AFCHSE, FICD; Bowles, Tom, MBBS, FRACS.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 75-81.
Abstract: Despite public interest in the rural workforce, there are few published data on the geographical distribution of Australia's rural surgeons, their practice skill set, career stage or work-life balance (on-call burden). Similarly, there has not been a peer-reviewed skills audit of rural training opportunities for surgical trainees.
12. How do we capture the emergency nurse practitioners' contribution to value in health service delivery?
Jennings, Natasha, BN, RN, CCC(Emerg), GradDipAdv; Lutze, Matthew, RN, NP, MN, MN; Clifford, Stuart, BN, RN, NP, MN, GradDip, GradC; Maw, Michael, RN, NP, MNursAP, AdvDipBusDip.
Australian Health Review; Collingwood
(Feb 2017): 89-90.
Abstract: The emergency nurse practitioner is now a well established and respected member of the healthcare team. Evaluation of the role has focused on patient safety, effectiveness and quality of care outcomes. Comparisons of the role continue to focus on cost, with findings based on incomplete and almost impossible to define, recognition of contribution to service delivery by paralleled practitioners
Journal – Table of Contents
Emergency Nurse New Zealand, March 2017
13A. Editorial [Michael Geraghty]
13B. Chairpersons report [Rick Forster]
13C. A sobering read [Details of 3 articles on alcohol use]
13D. Literature Review: CT scanning for suspected scaphoid fractures in the emergency department
13E. Literature Review: Does a rapid assessment team at triage versus a standard nurse approach improve emergency department quality performance indicators?
13F. An interview with Sharyn McGarry
13G. Regional report: Northland/Te Taitokerau
13H. Regional report: Auckland
13I. Regional report: Midland
13J. Regional report: Hawkes Bay/Tarawhiti
13K. Regional report: Top of the South
13L. Regional report: Greater Wellington
13M. Regional report: Canterbury/Westland; Southern
14. Symposium: The Dying Truth – Communication in Advanced Disease
Date: 27 April 2017 8:30am – 4:30pm
Venue: The Brentwood Hotel, Kilbirnie, Wellington
More information:
15. Webinar – Psoriatic Arthritis
Join Rheumatologist, Assoc Professor Andrew Harrison, Ms Sarah Davey, who lives with PsA, and your host Errol Pike, in this webinar to discuss the symptoms of and treatment of psoriatic arthritis.
Date: 4 April, 12.30pm
More information:
News – National
16. Honouring our WW1 nurses
by Wynsley Wrigley. Gisborne Herald - March 23, 2017 2:04PM
NURSES resplendent in their newly made replica World War 1-era uniforms will open the Recovery exhibition at Tairawhiti Museum on Friday by arriving in a 1917 Buick. It is the same vehicle that took part in 1919 Armistice Day commemorations and other events.
17. 'It is not able to infect you!' – Kiwi doctor dismisses myth that getting the flu jab can give you the winter blues
TVNZ – Breakfast: 20 March 2017
News – International
18. Two-thirds of all cancers caused by DNA replication errors, landmark study shows
Sydney Morning Herald
March 24 2017 - 8:31AM
A landmark study published on Friday shows that about two-thirds of all cancers are caused by random errors made during normal cell division.
19. Exercise levels decline 'long before adolescence'
BBC News - 14 March 2017
Adolescence is thought to be the time when children go off exercise - but a study in The British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests it happens much earlier, around the age of seven. Sitting is replacing physical activity from the time children start school, the research suggests.