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Issue 9 Library e-newsletter - 16 March 2017

Are you a budding writer?
Submit an article to the co-editors of Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand ([email protected]). 
The best nurse writers published in Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand (KTNNZ) this year will be up for prize money totalling $750. The writer of the winning article will receive $500, and the runner-up $250.

Articles – Venous Thromboembolism

1. Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions - Venous Thromboembolism; Study Results from University of Birmingham Provide New Insights into Venous Thromboembolism (Prediction of risk of recurrence of venous thromboembolism following treatment for a first unprovoked venous thromboembolism: systematic review.
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week; Atlanta (Dec 10, 2016): 1169.
: According to news reporting originating from Birmingham, United Kingdom, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "Unprovoked first venous thromboembolism (VTE) is defined as VTE in the absence of a temporary provoking factor such as surgery, immobility and other temporary factors.

2. Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions - Venous Thromboembolism; Researchers at Mayo Clinic Target Venous Thromboembolism (Reasons for the persistent incidence of venous thromboembolism)
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week; Atlanta (Mar 19, 2017): 678
: According to news reporting out of Rochester, Minnesota, by NewsRx editors, research stated, "Reasons for trends in venous thromboembolism (VTE) incidence are uncertain. According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Almost 80% of incident VTE events are attributable to known major VTE risk factors and one-third of incident idiopathic VTE events are attributable to obesity. Rochester, Minnesota, United States, North and Central America, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Conditions, Nervous System Diseases and Conditions.

3. Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions - Venous Thromboembolism; Study Data from Department of Medicine Update Knowledge of Venous Thromboembolism (Scoring Systems for Estimating Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Medical Patients)
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week; Atlanta (Mar 12, 2017): 749.
: According to news reporting out of Cittadella, Italy, by NewsRx editors, research stated, "Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients, accounting for up to 10% of hospitalization-related deaths in both surgical and medical patients.

4. Cardiovascular Diseases and Conditions - Venous Thromboembolism; New Venous Thromboembolism Study Results Reported from University of Massachusetts School of Medicine (Comparative effectiveness of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis options for the patient undergoing total hip and knee replacement.
Biotech Week; Atlanta (Feb 22, 2017): 301.
According to news reporting from Worcester, Massachusetts, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Essentials Despite trial data, guidelines have not endorsed direct oral Xa inhibitors above other options. According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "Clinicians should consider these profiles when selecting prophylaxis options."

Articles – Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing

5. What prompts nurses to seek help from wound care consultants in spinal cord injury management?
By Bundz, Julie; Schuurs, Sarita; Kendall, Melissa; Amsters, Delena
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 34, Issue 2 (Dec 2016 - Feb 2017)
: This study aimed to identify clinical scenarios that might prompt nurses to seek advice from a spinal cord injury wound care nurse consultant for pressure injury management. In addition, some attributes of nurses were examined for associations with intention to seek the help of a consultant.

6. The Cancer Nurse Coordinator Service in Western Australia: Perspectives of specialist cancer nurse coordinators
By Monterosso, Leanne; Platt, Violet; Krishnasamy, Meinir; Yates, Patsy; Bulsara, Caroline
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 34 Issue 2 (Dec 2016 - Feb 2017)
:  In Western Australia the cancer nurse coordinator (CNC) role is unique, state wide and situated in nursing. It requires the domains of clinical expert, resource consultant, educator, change agent, researcher and advocate to facilitate seamless coordination of care for patients across metropolitan, rural and remote geographical areas of Western Australia

7. The transition of overseas qualified nurses and midwives into the Australian healthcare workforce
By Ohr, Se Ok; Holm, Doreen; Brazil, Sue
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 34 Issue 2 (Dec 2016 - Feb 2017)
: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the key elements to consider when developing and implementing strategies to enhance the transition of overseas qualified nurses and midwives (OQNMs) into the Australian healthcare clinical practice environment.

8. Being a fellow patient to a critically ill patient leads to feelings of anxiety - an interview study
By Laursen, Jannie; Lundby, Trine Bonnevie; Danielsen, Anne Kjaergaard; Rosenberg, Jacob
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 34 Issue 2 (Dec 2016 - Feb 2017)
: Objectives: To explore in-patients' experiences being a fellow patient to patients who become critically ill. The study was designed as a qualitative phenomenological study. The study was conducted in a surgical ward of a hospital in Denmark.

9. Male or nurse what comes first?: Challenges men face on their journey to nurse registration
By Juliff, Dianne; Russell, Kylie; Bulsara, Caroline
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 34 Issue 2 (Dec 2016 - Feb 2017)
: This paper aims to provide an account of the first phase of a qualitative longitudinal study that explored the initial challenges men in nursing face to become registered. What is known is that men, a minority group within nursing, face the usual challenges of all new nurses in their quest to register as nurses. In addition, they have added pressures that hinder their quest due to being male.

Articles – Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)

10. Editorial: Interprofessionalism and transprofessionalism: Towards a more integrated approach to health and social care and education
Ulloa, Maria
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)

11. Understanding the place of advance directives in paramedic pre-hospital care
Sharp, Richard; Thompson, Sean
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: Resuscitation of a patient in cardiac arrest is not always the most appropriate course of action. Many patients now have advance directives which express their wishes around end-of-life care. This article investigates the place of advance directives in pre-hospital paramedic care and identifies areas that may improve paramedic practice

12. Student enquiry: The power of student research to influence evidence-based practice
Strong, Gary; Thompson, Sean
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: Undergraduate paramedic students frequently ask challenging and insightful questions. This paper highlights projects at several tertiary institutions teaching paramedic degrees in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom where student enquiry and research is contributing to improved evidence-based practice.

13. Whanau Ora: A Maori health strategy to support Whanau in Aotearoa
Hayes, Renee
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: The purpose of this article is to explore some of the socio-political events that have influenced health delivery in Aotearoa New Zealand. The introduction of the Whanau Ora (family well-being) approach to health is examined, as is the role of the registered nurse in relation to this government health policy.

14. Ma te Marama Ka Ora Ai Tatou: Through understanding one another we can all achieve well-being
Owen, Katie; Hart, Rachel; Trimmer, Wendy
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: In this article, the authors explain key aspects of the Whitireia New Zealand Bachelor of Nursing (BN) programme. The programme supports nurse development with the goals of fostering human worth and optimum health through a person-centred curriculum. An excerpt from a student reflection following an undergraduate clinical experience is used to illustrate the formative journey of a student nurse

15. 'Caring' a an understanding of professional identity by first-year nursing students
Song, Wen Jie
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: Professional identity is an important concept in nursing education. This paper reports on a small study that examined first-year nursing students' understanding of professional identity. The intention of the study was to offer insight to those nurse educators who support the development of professional identity through nursing education.

16. Public health nursing in a non-traditional environment
Arcus, Kerri; Gunn, Lucy; Nelson, Katherine; McKinlay, Eileen
Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal, Issue 23 (2016)
: A new model of public health nursing was established in New Zealand when a nurse was stationed at a government agency that provides social, welfare and employment services. It was envisioned that the nurse could augment the agency's work by improving their clients' access to healthcare. This nursing model of care was researched using case study methods to investigate its effectiveness.

Journal – Table of Contents

Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal (AENJ), Vol. 20, No. 1 (2017)

17A. The utilisation of one district hospital emergency department by people with Parkinson’s disease
17B. Emergency department waiting room nurse role: A key informant perspective
17C. Who falls in an adult emergency department and why—A retrospective review
17D. Case study and case-based research in emergency nursing and care: Theoretical foundations and practical application in paramedic pre-hospital clinical judgment and decision-making of patients with mental illness
17E. Using observation to collect data in emergency research
17F. Job satisfaction among emergency department staff
17G. So you want to conduct a randomised trial? Learnings from a 'failed' feasibility study of a Crisis Resource Management prompt during simulated paediatric resuscitation
17H. Accurate respiratory rates count: So should you!
17I. Triage, damned triage… and statistics: Sorting out redundancy and duplication within an Emergency Department Presenting Problem Code Set to enhance research capacity


18. NZ Social Media Forum
With the launch of FB live, Twitter's character count update, Snap spectacles, Instagram stories, Influencer marketing and so much more, we're working up our magic to bring you a bigger and better event focused on everything to do with social media. Whether you're a social media mogul looking to sharpen up your skills,  or you're new to social media and want to learn how to better use social media for your marketing strategy
Date: 31 Jul - 1 Aug 2017
Venue: Orakei Bay, Auckland
More information:

19. Open Forum with Dr Karen Hitchcock: May you never grow old
The importance and the role of older people in New Zealand, and the implications for improving the quality and safety of our health care system.
Event date: 10th - 10th Apr 2017
Location: Te Papa Tongarewa Museum, Wellington
To register:

20.  FallsStop – free seminar about falls reduction with Anne-Marie Hill
: 3rd - 7th Apr 2017
Location: Dunedin, Wellington and Auckland
Dunedin, Monday 3 April – Southern DHB, Wakari Hospital, Board Room, Level 3, Main Block, 369 Taieri Road, Halfway Bush, Dunedin

Wellington, Tuesday 4 April – Nordmeyer Theatre, University of Otago, Wellington Hospital, 23A Mein Street, Wellington

Auckland, Thursday 6 April – Auckland DHB, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Clinical Education Centre, Level 5, Auckland City Hospital, 2 Park Road, Auckland

Counties Manukau, Friday 7 April – Ko Awatea, Middlemore Hospital,
100 Hospital Road, Auckland

To register:

News – National

21. Has alcoholism become New Zealand's accepted addiction?
NEWSHUB – 14/3/2017 - By Tony Wright
It's easy to forget alcohol is the most widely available and consumed recreational drug in New Zealand - and is therefore the drug that causes Kiwis and their families the most harm. To look at it statistically, the New Zealand Drug Foundation says alcohol causes more harm in this country than illegal drugs methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, acid and heroine combined.

22. A mumps outbreak in Auckland has reached 25 reported cases.
TVNZ – 13 March 2017
Auckland Regional Public Health Service has confirmed the numbers to 1 NEWS, with the most recent case reported last Friday. Earlier last month, the Ministry of Health reported an increase in mumps cases "with 25 cases reported between 1 September 2016 and 9 February 2017".

23. Overseas patients run up millions in unpaid hospital bills
Samantha Gee 11:26, March 14 2017
Patients ineligible for health care in the Nelson-Marlborough region cost the health board $655,538 in the last financial year, including $90,747 spent on three patients with heart conditions. By December 2016, $293,692 was still outstanding and $63,490 had been written off.

News – International

24. Racism in the health system plagues efforts to close the gap for Indigenous Australians, report
Sydney Morning Herald - March 16 2017
Indigenous people die on average 10-17 years earlier than non-Indigenous Australians and have significantly higher rates of chronic illness and preventable diseases largely wiped out in other high-income countries, found the Closing the Gap report, released on Thursday

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