Articles – Disaster Preparedness
1. Influences of preparedness knowledge and beliefs on household disaster preparedness
By Thomas, Tracy N.; Leander-Griffith, Michelle; Harp, Victoria; Cioffi, Joan P.
MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report. 9/11/2015, Vol. 64 Issue 35,
Abstract: The article discusses the impact of preparedness knowledge and beliefs on household disaster preparedness. Topics covered include the efforts of the U.S. federal government to strengthen its ability to protect the people's way of life. Also mentioned is the aim to help them quickly recover from national emergencies.
2. Disaster nursing skills, knowledge and attitudes required in earthquake relief: Implications for nursing education.
By Yan, Y.E.; Turale, S.; Stone, T.; Petrini, M.
International Nursing Review. Sep 2015, Vol. 62 Issue 3, p351-359. 9p
Abstract: Globally, nurses becoming more aware of getting better prepared for disaster relief, but in China, disaster nursing knowledge, courses and research are still limited. This study explored the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by registered nurses from across China who worked in the aftermath of three large earthquakes to try to determine future disaster nursing education requirements
3. Nurses - are we disaster ready?
By Geale, Sara K.; Duffield, Christine.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Jul 2015, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p23-23.
Abstract: The article discusses the issue that whether the Australian system and nurses are prepared to respond to disaster situations. Topics include suggestions for hospitals to plan for both internal and external disasters; inconsistency in hospital Australian education courses for nurses on disaster preparedness; and need for hospitals to provide disaster training to all staff.
4. Disaster preparedness and response: Challenges for Australian public health nurses - A literature review.
By Rokkas, Philippa; Cornell, Victoria; Steenkamp, Malinda.
Nursing & Health Sciences. Mar 2014, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p60-66. 7p
Abstract: Given that disaster events are predicted to increase in impact and frequency, the health workforce needs to be prepared for and able to respond effectively to a disaster. This paper highlights issues currently facing disaster nursing and focuses on the challenges for Australian public health nurses responding to and preparing for disasters within Australia.
Articles - Journal of Advanced Nursing. Nov 2015
5. Systematic review of physical activity and exercise interventions on body mass indices, subsequent physical activity and psychological symptoms in overweight and obese adolescents.
By Ruotsalainen, Heidi; Kyngäs, Helvi; Tammelin, Tuija; Kääriäinen, Maria.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Nov 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 11, p2461-2477. 17p
Abstract: To examine the effects of physical activity and exercise interventions on body mass index, subsequent physical activity and psychological symptoms for overweight and obese adolescents (12-18 years). Promotion of physical activity must be effective and school nurses should be equipped with the information and resources required to implement counselling for overweight and obese adolescents
6. Improving support for heart failure patients: a systematic review to understand patients' perspectives on self-care.
By Spaling, Melisa A.; Currie, Kay; Strachan, Patricia H.; Harkness, Karen; Clark, Alexander M.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Nov 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 11, p2478-2489. 12p
Abstract: This systematic review aimed to generate patient-focussed recommendations to enhance support of heart failure self-care by examining patients' experiences, perspectives and self-care behaviours. Despite increased recognition of the importance of heart failure self-care, patients' knowledge and practices around this self-care and interventions to improve it are inconsistent.
7. Defining attributes of patient safety through a concept analysis
By Kim, Linda; Lyder, Courtney H.; McNeese-Smith, Donna; Leach, Linda Searle; Needleman, Jack.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Nov 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 11, p2490-2503. 14p
Abstract: The aim of this study was to report an analysis of the concept of patient safety. Despite recent increase in the number of work being done to clarify the concept and standardize measurement of patient safety, there are still huge variations in how the term is conceptualized and how to measure patient safety data across various healthcare settings and in research.
8. Psychosocial adaptation: an evolutionary concept analysis exploring a common multidisciplinary language.
By: Londono, Yenly; McMillan, Diana E.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Nov 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 11, p2504-2519. 16p
Abstract: To provide the first known concept analysis of psychosocial adaptation, exploring its evolution from the concept adaptation. We also determine how psychosocial adaptation is conceptualized across nursing, health, sociobehavioural and education disciplines.
9. Nurses as therapeutic agents in the extreme environment of the desert war, 1940-44.
By Brooks, Jane.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Nov 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 11, p2520-2528. 9p
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to explore therapeutic nursing with combatants in the extreme environment of the desert in World War II. The notion of nursing as therapy gained credence in the 1990s and is currently experiencing resurgence, as nurses seek to find meaning in their work and improve patient care in the post-Francis environment.
Articles – Hydration
10. 5 Big Myths About Hydration.
By Migala, Jessica.
Health. Jul/Aug2016, Vol. 30 Issue 6, p89-92. 3p
Abstract: The article discusses five myths and facts about hydration. These include a dehydrated body can be hydrated with healthy diet, and not necessary to consume 64 ounces of water daily for good health. It mentions that thirst means the body is dehydrated, and excluding excess use of water during exercise.
11. Fate of ingested fluids: factors affecting gastric emptying and intestinal absorption of beverages in humans
By Leiper, John B.
Nutrition Reviews. 2015 Supplement 2, Vol. 73, p57-72. 16p
Abstract: The volume of fluid ingested for rehydration is essential in determining the restoration of euhydration because it must be in excess of the water lost since the individual was last euhydrated. The formulation of any ingested beverage is also important as this affects the rate at which the fluid is emptied from the stomach, absorbed in the small intestine, and hence assimilated into the body water pool
12. Do small differences in hydration status affect mood and mental performance
By Benton, David; Young, Hayley A.
Nutrition Reviews. 2015 Supplement 2, Vol. 73, p83-96. 14p
Abstract: Although it has been suggested that many in the general population are dehydrated to the extent that mood and cognition are disrupted, there has been little research investigating mild levels of dehydration. When dehydration reduces body mass by more than 2%, it has been consistently reported that mood is influenced, fatigue is greater, and alertness is lower. In contrast, the effects on cognition have been less consistent.
Journal - Table of Contents
OT Insight: magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand, October 2016
13A. From the editor [Clinical workshops, OT week 20-16]
13B. OTNZ-WNA News [Peter Anderson, Executive Director]
13C. The importance of resilience [Heroic development – authentic leadership training]
13D. Resilience and vulnerability
13E. Frances Rutherford lecture award recipient [Dr Linda Robertson]
13F. What did you do today? Part 2: What you can do to help [Clients for whom obesity is a contributory factor]
13G. What guides Occupational Therapy practice in primary palliative care in New Zealand? [Janeen Richardson]
13H. A rural occupational therapy experience [Vicki Fryer]
13I. Promoting the profession [Lynn Faulkner]
13J. CPE calendar
14. OT Conference: Committing to social change/Nga tahitanga o te Tangata
Date: 13-15 September 2017
Venue: Rutherford Hotel, Nelson
More information:
15. Inaugural Improving Patient Experience Conference
Future challenges and opportunities involved in ensuring patients experience high quality care and choice.
Date: 27 - 28 April 2017
Venue: Swissotel Sydney
For speaking opportunities contact: [email protected]
More information:
News – National
16. Bay drink driver numbers declining but not for seniors
Bay of Plenty Times - Friday Nov 18, 2016
More than 800 people have been prosecuted for drink-driving on Western Bay roads this year with figures showing a growing number were over 50. Head of Western Bay road policing Senior Sergeant Ian Campion said 837 drink-drivers had been prosecuted as at September 8 this year - the latest figures available.
17. Waikato hospital overflow beds in treatment rooms
Waikato Times - November 17 2016
Patients face the possibility of being attended to treatment in family rooms as Waikato Hospital struggles to keep up with demand for beds. Hospital bosses deny that it's reached the critical stage of having to treat patients in corridors despite that instruction on the DHB's internal website.
News – International
18. Teenagers' brain connections 'make them learn differently'
6 October, 2016
Teenagers are often portrayed as thrill-seekers, but research suggests their brains are wired to learn from their experiences, which makes them better prepared for adulthood. In a small study, they performed better than adults at a picture-based game and brain scans showed a higher level of brain activity.