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Issue 37 - 11 Nov 2016

16/11/2016 Crowe Horwath House has been checked by engineers following the earthquake and the NZNO library has now re-opened.

Articles – Concussion

1. The truth about women and concussions.
Levine, Hallie. Health, Nov 2016; 30(9): 132-137. 6p
: When you think of women and concussions, you might think of Lindsey Vonn taking a tumble on the slopes or Dutch cyclist Annemiek van Vleuten flipping over her handlebars and landing on her head during the Rio Olympics. Yet a concussion—a type of brain injury resulting from a bump, blow or jolt to the head—can happen to any of us, not just über-athletes. These injuries can be caused by not only sports but also falls, car crashes, blunt trauma (getting hit on the head by an object) and assaults.

2. Underreporting of Concussions and Concussion-Like Symptoms in Female High School Athletes.
McDonald, Tracy; Burghart, Mark A.; Nazir, Niaman
Journal of Trauma Nursing, Sep/Oct2016; 23(5): 241-246. 6p
: Underreporting of concussions and concussion-like symptoms in athletes continues to be a serious medical concern and research focus. This study examined the self-reporting behaviors of female high school athletes. Seventy-seven athletes participated, representing 14 high school sports. Nearly half of the athletes (31 participants) reported a suspected concussion, with 10 of the 31 athletes refraining from reporting symptoms to training staff after injury.

3. Current Recommendations On Management of Pediatric Concussions.
Gillooly, Diane
Pediatric Nursing, Sep/Oct2016; 42(5): 217-222. 6p
: Concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which impacts the pediatric population. Children are thought to be at a higher risk for concussion injuries when compared to adults due to anatomical and structural differences, such as head shape and size, brain water content, vascularization, myelination, and weaker neck muscles (McGuire & McCambridge, 2011).

4. Head injuries can be dangerous
Nursing Update, Jul/Aug2016; 41(4): 42-43. 2p
: A head injury is a potentially dangerous medical condition that can lead to bleeding in or around the brain, and even death. This is one of the reasons why all patients who have suffered a head injury should be closely monitored and receive urgent medical care.

Articles – Informed Consent

5. Vulnerable subjects: Why does informed consent matter?
Goodwin, Michele
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics; Fall 2016; v.44. n.3, 371-380. 10p
: Most literature captures human experiments as either acceptable or unacceptable; good or bad; ethical or non-ethical. However, might there be finer degrees to distinguish medical experimentation from eitherbeing permissible or utterly unethical? Thus, considering this basic question, what can we learn, takes on an important urgency as demonstrated in this Essay and others in this special issue.

6. Limning the semantic frontier of informed consent
Washington, Harriet A
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics; Fall 2016; v.44. n.3, 381-393. 13p
: The Code of Federal Regulations is unambiguous in regard to providing research subjects the information that provides the underpinning of informed consent: “The information that is given to the subject or the representative shall be in language understandable to the subject or the representative.” This is a straightforward requirement, but not an easy one.

7. Achieving informed consent for cellular therapies: A preclinical translational research perspective on regulations versus a dose of reality
Anderson, Aileen J.; Cummings, Brian J.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Fall 2016; 44(3): 394-401. 8p
: A patient might reasonably assume that the pre-clinical data underlying a trial is from the same cell line they will receive if they give consent to participate in the trial. Are these assumptions correct, and if not, have the patients really given “informed consent”? What is the process for gaining FDA authorization of a clinical trial for a cell product, and is this process adequate?

8. Realizing informed consent in times of controversy: Lessons from the SUPPORT study
Morse, Robert J.; Wilson, Robin Fretwell
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics; Fall 2016; v.44. n.3, 402-418. 17p
: The elegantly simple idea — that consent to medical treatment or participation in human research must be “informed” to be valid — is being tested anew today. The high cost of medical care, as well as a desire for quantifiable improvements in treatment, has precipitated an emphasis on evidence-based medicine, with the hope that a better grasp of the effectiveness of competing medical treatments can bring discipline to choices often guided by experience and intuition.

9. The new federalism: Stats policies regarding embryonic stem cell research
Acosta, Nefi D.; Golub, Sidney H.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Fall 2016; 44(3): 419-436. 18p
: American policy regarding the experimental use of human embryonic stem cells was forged in the period 2001–2006. This article will focus on that period, as the directions chosen in that period greatly influenced the policy course for the foreseeable future.

10. Informed consent, body property, and self-sovereignty 
Rao, Radhika
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Fall 2016; 44(3): 437-444. 8p.
: Research using human biological materials is booming, yet many questions regarding such research remain unanswered. Is informed consent always necessary for the use of human biological materials in research, and if so, what counts as informed consent? Is a generalized blanket consent to all future research sufficient, or must the donors of biological specimens be provided with full information about the purposes of the research and affirmatively consent to each particular use?

11. Involuntary consent: Conditioning access to health care on participation in clinical trials 
Ruqaiijah A.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Fall 2016; 44(3): 445-461. 17p.
: Although the controversy over the lack of consent in fetal-tissue clinical trials is relatively new, history is replete with instances of medical researchers who have conducted clinical trials with minorities and the economically disadvantaged without their consent.

Journal - Table of Contents

Journal of Continuing Education in Education
November 2016 Volume 47 · Issue 11

12A. Thanksgiving 2016
12B. A Tribute to the Team
12C. The Critical Role of the Continuing Education Specialist
12D. Remote Video Monitoring: A Novel Approach in Fall Prevention
12E. A Critical “P” in Patient-Centered Care: Palliative Care for All of Us
12F. TeamSTEPPS in Long-Term Care—An Academic Partnership: Part I
12G. Charge Nurses' Experiences With Horizontal Violence: Implications for Leadership Development
12H. CNE Quiz: Charge Nurses' Experiences With Horizontal Violence: Implications for Leadership Development
12I. Capitalizing on Military Nurse Skills for Second-Career Leadership and Staff Development Roles
12J. Married State Preceptorship Model: Crossing the State Line in New Graduate Nurse Transition to Practice
12K. Kangaroo Care Education Effects on Nurses' Knowledge and Skills Confidence


13. 2017 Australian Pain Society 37th Annual Scientific Meeting
: 12 April 2017
Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia
More information:

14. 15th World Congress on Public Health
: 3–7 April 2017
Venue: Melbourne | Australia

News – National

15. Medical failures top 500 in a year - report
Newshub - Thursday 10 Nov 2016
A new report has revealed more than 500 patients suffered from medical failures in the 12 months to June. A total of 520 adverse events were reported to the Health Quality and Safety Commission by district health boards (DHBs) and 154 by other providers between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.

16. Nearly 90 charges under cyber bullying law
ODT - Thursday, 10 November 2016
A wide-reaching law that criminalised online communications deemed deliberately harmful has resulted in nearly 90 criminal charges since it was passed last year. "One of the most serious cases involved a man who was jailed for sending a disturbing video to a woman over Facebook," Justice Minister Amy Adams said today in a speech launching a new agency to help victims of online abuse and bullying.

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