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Issue 36 - 4 Nov 2016

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Kai Tiaki Nursing Research

Latest issue - September 2016

Articles – Parkinsons

1. Balance and gait represent independent domains of mobility in Parkinson disease
Horak, Fay B.; Mancini, Martina; Carlson-Kuhta, Patricia; Nutt, John G.; Salarian, Arash.
Physical Therapy, Sep 2016; 96(9): 1364-1371. 8p
: The Instrumented Stand and Walk (ISAW) test, which includes 30 seconds of stance, step initiation, gait, and turning, results in many objective balance and gait metrics from body-worn inertial sensors. It was hypothesized that balance and gait represent several independent domains of mobility and that not all domains would be abnormal in individuals with Parkinson disease (PD) or would change with levodopa therapy.

2. Clear speech variants: An acoustic study in Parkinson's disease
Lam, Jennifer; Tjaden, Kris
Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, Aug 2016; 59(4): 361-646. 16p
: The authors investigated how different variants of clear speech affect segmental and suprasegmental acoustic measures of speech in speakers with Parkinson’s disease and a healthy control group.

3. Homocysteine levels in Parkinson's disease: Is Entacapone effective?
Kocer, Bilge; Guven, Hayat; Comoglu, Selim Selcuk;
BioMed Research International, 7/17/2016; 2016 1-6. 6p
: Plasma homocysteine (Hcy) levels may increase in levodopa-treated patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) as a consequence of levodopa methylation via catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). Results from previous studies that assessed the effect of COMT inhibitors on levodopa-induced hyperhomocysteinemia are conflicting. We aimed to evaluate the effects of levodopa and entacapone on plasmaHcy levels.

4. Clinical edge: Recent advances in the genetics of Parkinson's disease
Stell, Rick
Medicus, Vol. 55, No. 1, Feb 2015: 40-43
: Parkinson's disease is predominantly a sporadic disorder. However in 5 per cent to 10 per cent of cases, it is inherited in a Mendelian fashion. More recently it has become clear that genetic predisposition also plays a role in patients with the "sporadic" form of the disease.

Articles – Clinical Supervision

5. The art of clinical supervision: Its development and descriptive mixed method review
Russell, Kylie;   Alliex, Selma;   Gluyas, Heather
The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 33, No. 4, Jun/Jul/Aug 2016: 6-16
: The Health Workforce Australia Clinical Supervision Support Program Discussion Paper (2010) highlighted the education deficits of health professionals responsible for the clinical supervision of students. This research aimed to develop, implement and evaluate a new education program for nurses to assist in the development of knowledge and attitude to supervise students whilst on clinical practicum.

6. Perceptions of ad hoc supervision encounters in general practice training: A qualitative interview-based study
Morrison, Jane;   Clement, Tim;   Nestel, Debra;   Brown, James
Australian Family Physician, Vol. 44, No. 12, Dec 2015: 926-932
: Ad hoc supervision encounters occur between general practitioner (GP) supervisors and general practice registrars outside scheduled teaching sessions. Anecdotally reported as important learning opportunities, these encounters are rarely explored in the literature. This study examined supervisors', registrars' and practice managers' perceptions of ad hoc supervisory encounters.

7. What midwives are saying about clinical supervision
Love, Bev
Australian Midwifery News, Vol. 15, No. 3, Spring 2015: 26-27
: I have been given the unique opportunity to provide clinical supervision to many midwives over the past seven years, and have seen those midwives engage in extra midwifery unit activities, extend themselves to higher duties, and demonstrate high levels of team work, self-confidence, and competence.

8. Finding a way forward: A literature review on the current debates around clinical supervision
Dilworth, Sophie;   Higgins, Isabel;   Parker, Vicki;   Kelly, Brian;   Turner, Jane
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, Vol. 45, No. 1, Aug 2013: 22-32
: This paper employs a critical interpretive approach to review the clinical supervision literature. The review discusses the current debates and challenges exploring possible ways of moving beyond the current criticisms and limitations in the literature. The review concludes that despite some confusion about the quantifiable outcomes, clinical supervision presents a professionally enriching activity that provides a forum for sharing of knowledge and generation of shared understandings of health care.

Articles – Clinical decision making

9. A view from the outside: Nurses' clinical decision making in the twenty first century
Deegan, Joan
The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 30, No. 4, Jun/Jul/Aug 2013: 12-18
: The purpose of this paper is to highlight some observations of clinical decision making processes made by culturally and linguistically diverse nurses (CALD), in relation to elderly patients in particular. It will explore some of the potentially serious professional and legal implications for nurses when there is an over reliance on experiential knowledge and routine tasks without mindful application of evidence and consideration of the ethico legal imperatives.

10. Documentation is crucial defending clinical decision making
Starr, Linda
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 23, No. 8, Mar 2016: 19
: Documentation is an integral component of patient care. There are a number of common errors in documentation practices such as illegibility, inconsistencies, ambiguity, lack of dates, times and signatures.

11. Implementation of shared decision-making in Australia
Ervin, K;   Blackberry, I;   Haines, H
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2016:
: Shared decision-making (SDM) is the process of clinicians and patients participating jointly in making healthcare decisions, having discussed evidence-based treatment options and the potential risks and benefits of each option, taking into consideration the patient's individual preferences and values.

Journal Table of Contents

Primary Health Care, Vol.26, No. 8, October 2016
[RCN Journal]

12A. Editorial: The QNI is committed to quality and education
12B. News: District nursing services rely on goodwill, says King’s fund; NICE refers coil to morning-after pill; Number of young people with suicidal thoughts at record level; NHS 111 to include online triage; People with diabetes need more help to self-manage
12C. News Analysis: Pals providing comfort and support throughout the night; Nurse perspective – Dying at home is their last wish
12D. News Policy Briefing: Childhood obesity
12E. News Research Focus: Impact of the NHS Health Check on cardiovascular disease risk; Can lay health trainers increase uptake of NHS Health Checks in hard-to-reach populations?; Who uses NHS Health Checks?
12F. Opinion: Vision is key to changing our sexual health statistics
12G. Opinion: Mental illness is no game
12H. Opinion: How do we measure quality in district nursing care?
12I. Making a difference with personalised care [Advanced Nurse Practitioner Lucy Moorhead helps people with dermatological conditions to self-manage their treatment]
12J. Leg Ulceration: Best foot forward
12K. Evidence & Practice Summary: Steps to improve antihypertensive medication adherence; District nurse views on improving transfer of care from hospital to home; Tea – hydration and other health benefits
12L. Evidence & Practice/Research: District nurse views on improving the transfer of care from hospital to home
12M. Evidence & Practice/Nursing Practice: Steps to improve antihypertensive medication adherence
12N. Evidence & Practice/Hydration: Tea –Hydration and other health benefits


13. 2017 Australian Pain Society 37th Annual Scientific Meeting
Date: 12 April 2017
Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia
More information:

14. 15th World Congress on Public Health 
: 3–7 April 2017
Venue: Melbourne | Australia

News – National

15. Young woman with dementia inspires others
Newshub - Thursday 3 Nov 2016
An Australian woman diagnosed with young onset dementia is inspiring others by living beyond her disease. She's just been named in Australia's '100 Women of Influence' and is in New Zealand to attend the International Alzheimer's Conference

News – International

16.  Every year of smoking causes DNA mutations that make cancer more likely
Los Angeles Times – 3 November 2016
Attention smokers: For every year that you continue your pack-a-day habit, the DNA in every cell in your lungs acquires about 150 new mutations. Some of those mutations may be harmless, but the more there are, the greater the risk that one or more of them will wind up causing cancer.

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