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Issue 35 - 28 October 2016

Articles – Nursing Ethics [Journal], June 2016

1. Robots in elder care
Gallagher, Ann; Nåden, Dagfinn; Karterud, Dag
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 369-371. 3p
: It is predicted that by 2050 there will be 1.5 billion people in the world over the age of 65 years. In countries such as Japan, there is an acute awareness that the number of those in need of care will far outstrip the number of available caregivers. Japan is a pioneer of technological developments, and news headlines highlight how the problem and the technology are coming together: 

2. The meaning of vulnerability to older persons
Sarvimäki, Anneli; Stenbock-Hult, Bettina
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 372-383. 12p.
: Vulnerability and ageing have generally been associated with frailty, which gives a limited view of both vulnerability and ageing. Objective: The aim of this study was to illuminate the meaning of vulnerability to older persons themselves.

3. Exploring nurses' personal dignity, global self-esteem and work satisfaction
Sturm, Bonnie A.; Dellert, Jane C
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 384-400. 17p
This study examines nurses’ perceptions of dignity in themselves and their work. Nurses commonly assert concern for human dignity as a component of the patients’ experience rather than as necessary in the nurses’ own lives or in the lives of others in the workplace.

4.  Ethical competence
Kulju, Kati; Stolt, Minna; Suhonen, Riitta; Leino-Kilpi, Helena
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 401-412. 12p
: Exploring the concept of ethical competence in the context of healthcare is essential as it pertains to better quality of care. The concept still lacks a comprehensive definition covering the aspects of ethical expertise, ethical knowledge and action of a health professional. This article aims to report an analysis of the concept of ethical competence.

5. Towards a competency assessment tool for nurses in ethics meetings
Cusveller, Bart; Schep-Akkerman, Annemiek;
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 413-420. 8p.
: Nurses require specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to participate competently in various forms of ethics meetings. The literature does not state the contents of the knowledge, skills and attitudes nurses need for ethics meetings. Without such a competency profile, it cannot be assessed in how far nurses actually possess these qualities for ethics meetings. .

6. Clarifying perspectives
Bartholdson, Cecilia; Lützén, Kim; Blomgren, Klas; Pergert, Pernilla
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 421-431. 11p
: Childhood cancer care involves many ethical concerns. Deciding on treatment levels and providing care that infringes on the child’s growing autonomy are known ethical concerns that involve the whole professional team around the child’s care. The purpose of this study was to explore healthcare professionals’ experiences of participating in ethics case reflection sessions in childhood cancer care.

7. Ethical dilemmas facing chief nurses in Japan
Ito, Chiharu; Natsume, Mikiko
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 432-441. 10p
: Chief nurses are most likely to take the lead in discussing and working to resolve ethical dilemmas, creating an ethical culture within their organization that results in effective ethics training. As the first step in this process, there is a need to define the kinds of ethical dilemmas that chief nurses grapple with on a regular basis as a target for future study.

8. Confidentiality in participatory research
Petrova, Elmira; Dewing, Jan; Camilleri, Michelle
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 442-454. 13p
This article presents key ethical challenges that were encountered when conducting a participatory qualitative research project with a very specific, small group of nurses, in this case with practice development nurses in Malta. With the small number of nurses employed in practice development roles in Malta, there are numerous difficulties of maintaining confidentiality. Poorly constructed interventions by the researcher could have resulted in detrimental effects to research participants and the overall trustworthiness of the research.

9. Qualitative research ethics on the spot
Øye, Christine; Sørensen, Nelli Øvre; Glasdam, Stinne
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 455-464. 10p
The increase in medical ethical regulations and bureaucracy handled by institutional review boards and healthcare institutions puts the researchers using qualitative methods in a challenging position. Method: Based on three different cases from three different research studies, the article explores and discusses research ethical dilemmas.

10. Iranian women and care providers' perceptions of equitable prenatal care 
Gheibizadeh, Mahin; Abedi, Heidar Ali; Mohammadi, Easa; Abedi, Parvin
Nursing Ethics, Jun 2016; 23(4): 465-477. 13p
: Equity as a basic human right builds the foundation of all areas of primary healthcare, especially prenatal care. However, it is unclear how pregnant women and their care providers perceive the equitable prenatal care. This study aimed to explore Iranian women’s and care providers’ perceptions of equitable prenatal care.

Articles – Privacy

11. Social media and work: An emerging privacy
Thornthwaite, Louise

Precedent (Sydney, N.S.W.), No. 135, Jul/Aug 2016: 8-13
Soon after social media (SM) emerged, it became an issue in unfair dismissal cases, with industrial tribunals having to consider the nature and implications of employees' online posts. Employee comments posted when they were off-duty, on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs, posed interesting questions. Scholars wrote of the blurring of the distinction between employees' public and private lives.

12. Here's looking at you, citizen : Big data and surveillance societies
McLachlan, Margaret
Public Sector, 39(3), Sep 2016: 16-17
: A major feature of the future public service will be increased use of digital data gathered in ever more sophisticated ways. It's a brave new world - but it's one that also raises concerns. Deputy editor Margaret McLaclan talked to an expert in the field of privacy and data protection to find out what we need to be thinking about now.

13. Call for privacy law reform after not so smart phone abuse
The Lamp, Vol. 73, No. 4, May 2016: 22-23
: A Sydney woman is winning public support for changes to laws on privacy and voyeurism after a nurse took an unauthorised photograph of her genitals and showed it to others

14. "We all deserve protection when we are vulnerable"
The Lamp, Vol. 73, No. 4, May 2016: 24-25
: In campaigning to change NSW laws on privacy and voyeurism, Brieana Rose* gave evidence to a NSW Legislative Council inquiry into remedies for breaches of privacy

15. Privacy law in New Zealand in relation to the media: The Sasa Sparkle saga
Brown, Andrew
Intellectual Property Forum: journal of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Society of Australia and New Zealand, No. 104, Mar 2016: 54-61
: This article considers the topic of privacy law in New Zealand. First, it provides a brief outline of the legislative and judicial responses to privacy issues in New Zealand. It then discusses the application of this law to two aspects of the Sasa Sparkle fact scenario: the taking of photographs from public property, and the taking of photographs of children. The article then discusses what the position would be if, instead of photographs of Sasa Sparkle, photographs of a lookalike were used.

Journal Table of Contents

The Tube: NZNO Gastroenterology Nurses Section

August 2016

16A. Chairperson’s report [Karen Kempin]
16B. Editor’s report [Karen Clarke]
16C. Olympus corner [Bowel cancer awareness month; EUS Symposium 2016; Olympus Academy courses]
16D. A Gastroenterology Dept journal
16E. Annual Scientific Meeting 2016 [23-25 November 2016, Claudelands Event Centre, Hamilton]
16F. Past newsletter Gastroentological committee – 1989
16G. Conference report November 2015 Rotorua
16H. The Taranaki  endoscopy journey to quality improvements
16I. Nurses performing endoscopy in New Zealand
16J. Writing guidelines for The Tube
16K. Unconfirmed minutes 26 November 2015 – NZNO Gastroenterology Nurses Section
16L. Gastroenterology units in New Zealand


17. 15th World Congress on Public Health 
Date: 3–7 April 2017
Venue: Melbourne | Australia

News – National

18. Helen Kelly farewelled at emotional Wellington memorial service
Newshub - Friday 28 Oct 2016 3:35 p.m.
Helen Kelly's friends, family, and comrades farewelled the former Council of Trade Unions (CTU) president at an emotional service in Wellington on Friday. Ms Kelly passed away over a fortnight ago after a long battle with lung cancer, aged 52.

News – International

19. More than 100,000 Canadians unintentionally harmed during hospital stays
Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizen  10.26.2016
Tens of thousands of people are unintentionally harmed in Canadian hospitals every year, according to new figures released by the Canadian Institute of Health Information and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute on Wednesday. One out of 18 patients, or 138,000 people, suffered unintended harm in 2014-15 as a result of the hospital care they received, according to the report, Measuring Patient Harm in Canadian Hospitals

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