Articles – Compassion within nursing
1. How does it really feel to be in my shoes? Patients' experiences of compassion within nursing care and their perceptions of developing compassionate nurses
By Bramley, Louise; Matiti, Milika.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Oct 2014, Vol. 23 Issue 19/20, p2790-2799. 10p
Abstract: Aims and objectives- To understand how patients experience compassion within nursing care and explore their perceptions of developing compassionate nurses. Compassion is a fundamental part of nursing care. Individually, nurses have a duty of care to show compassion; an absence can lead to patients feeling devalued and lacking in emotional support.
2. Nursing theory and the delivery of compassionate care
Power, Louisa.
Nursing Standard (2014+)
(Feb 10, 2016): 41
Abstract: Compassionate care is a priority in current healthcare policy. However, its definition is amorphous, leading to difficulties standardising it in practice. This article discusses how nursing theory is central to the delivery of compassionate care. It emphasises the need to develop a theoretical framework that reflects the eclectic and pragmatic nature of nursing practice, and the importance of using patient feedback as an indicator of the quality of care and as a basis for adapting theoretical hypotheses.
3. Measuring compassion in nurses and other healthcare professionals: An integrative review. Papadopoulos, Irena; Ali, Sheila.
Nurse Education in Practice
(Jan 2016): 133-139
Abstract: Compassion is an essential part of nursing practice. However recent high profile public inquiries have uncovered failings in the NHS and revealed a need for nursing education to assure that both undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare professionals receive training in compassion. The aim of this study was to review how compassion is being measured in nurses and other healthcare professionals.
4. Predictors of Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction in Acute Care Nurses
Kelly, Lesly, PhD, RN; Runge, Jody, MS, RN, CNRN; Spencer, Christina, RN.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
(Nov 2015): 522-528.
Purpose: To examine compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction in acute care nurses across multiple specialties in a hospital-based setting.
Design: A cross-sectional electronic survey design was used to collect data from direct care nurses in a 700-bed, quaternary care, teaching facility in the southwestern United States.
5. Self-compassion: Basis of Quality Nursing Care
Sharma, Bhartendra; Jiwan, Triza.
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
(Apr-Jun 2015): 279-282
Abstract: Nurses are the leading part of health care team in providing quality care to patients. Emotionally intelligent nursing staffs deliver more qualified services. Nurses, in hospital settings, often provide care for patients and families who are suffering. Compassion is an essential component of the care that nurses provide.
6. Factors That Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses
Hunsaker, Stacie, MSN, CPEN, CEN; Chen, Hsiu-Chin, PhD, RN, EdD; Maughan, Dale, PhD, RN; Heaston, Sondra, MS, NP-C, CEN, CNE.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
(Mar 2015): 186-194
Abstract: The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to determine the prevalence of compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and burnout in emergency department nurses throughout the United States and (b) to examine which demographic and work-related components affect the development of compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and burnout in this nursing specialty.
7. Developing relationships: A strategy for compassionate nursing care of the dying in Japan
Shimoinaba, Kaori; O'Connor, Margaret; Lee, Susan; Kissane, David.
Palliative & Supportive Care
(Dec 2014): 455-464.
Abstract. The aim of this study was to explore the type of relationship and the process of developing these relationships between nurses and patients in palliative care units in Japan. The special contribution that culture makes was examined to better understand the intensity of nurses' grief after the death of their patient.
Articles – Contemporary Nurse, Volume 52, Issue 2-3, 2016
8. Editorial: Call to action: greater investment in the registered nurse role is required to improve care outcomes for dementia patients living in residential aged care and their families. Louise D. Hickman, Stephen Neville, Thomas Fischer, Patricia M. Davidson & Jane L. Phillips
Contemporary Nurse, Volume 52, 2016. 137-139
9. Current role challenges in New Zealand aged residential care: the potential consequences for healthcare assistant role expansion
Kay Shannon & Barbara McKenzie-Green
Contemporary Nurse, Volume 52, 2016: 140-151
Abstract: Challenges facing healthcare assistants in aged residential care are a focus of global debate. These challenges involve remuneration, education, skill mix, work conditions and organisational structures. We enter the discussion by acknowledging current work, education and remuneration for healthcare assistants. We then consider the supervisory relationships between registered nurses (RNs), enrolled nurses (ENs) and healthcare assistants, educational levels for RNs, ENs and healthcare assistants, and the interplay between organisation and practice in aged residential care.
10. Night-time continence care in Australian residential aged care facilities: findings from a grounded theory study
Joan Ostaszkiewicz, Beverly O'Connell & Trisha Dunning
Contemporary Nurse, Volume 52, 2016: 152-162
Background: Continence care commonly disrupts sleep in residential aged care facilities, however, little is known about what staff do when providing continence care, and the factors that inform their practice. Aims: To describe nurses' and personal careworkers' beliefs and experiences of providing continence care at night in residential aged care facilities.
11. Developing networks between residential aged care facilities as a result of engagement in a falls prevention project: an action research study
Emma Lea, Sharon Andrews, Terry Haines, Jennifer Nitz, Betty Haralambous, Kirsten Moore, Keith Hill & Andrew Robinson
Contemporary Nurse, Volume 52, 2016: 163-175
Abstract: Residential aged care facility (RACF) staff often operate in isolation. Research is lacking on networking between facilities. Aims: To explore outcomes associated with network formation between two RACFs as part of an action research approach to reducing falls. Design: Action research approach with qualitative data collected.
12. Psychometric testing of a person-centred care scale the Eden Warmth Survey in a long-term care home in New Zealand
Polly Yeung, Vivien Rodgers, Michael Dale, Sarah Spence, Blanka Ros, Jenny Howard & Kieran O’Donoghue
Contemporary Nurse, Volume 52, 2016: 176-190
Abstract: Traditional nursing homes have been viewed as dominated by the medical model. Since the 1990s, the Eden AlternativeTM has become a significant model in systemic transformations in nursing homes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric performance of the 20 items of the Eden Warmth Survey – Residents (EWS-R) in an aged-care home.
Journal Table of Contents
OT Insight: Magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand, Vol.37, No.6, August 2016
13A. From the editor
13B. OTNZ-WNA news [MOH last days of Life Implementation Advisory Group; new eHealth/Telehealth special interest group; OT week 2016]
13C. Heroic development: Authentic leadership training
13D. Reflection within occupational therapy practice
13E. 67th Annual General Meeting: Occupational Therapy New Zealand
13F. Tuning into the current health climate
13G. We gain what we train: How well do we measure the outcomes we value?
13H. Occupational therapy in other countries – how does it differ from Aotearoa New Zealand?
13I. Interest: Lovely things about being an occupational therapist [Excerpt from Sonya’s website]; The importance of conditions on scope of practice – and getting them removed]
13J. CPE calendar
14. NZ Nursing Informatics Conference (NZNIC)
Date: Thursday 3 November 2016
Venue: SKYCITY Auckland on.
Scholarships available to attend – they provide extra-low-cost entry to NZNIC for one day.The scholarship is worth $209 and includes:
- 1-day registration on 3 November to the 2016 NZ Nursing Informatics Conference
- Delegate bag for conference
- Handbook and proceedings books for three conferences (HiNZ + NZNIC + SFT)
- Access to the online webcast (video & slides) library of conference presentations during conference week.
- Access to the exhibition hall with over 50 informative booths
The recipient is required to pay a small $48 fee to cover administration fees
More information:
15. 2016 Home and Community Health Organisation Conference
We will explore the challenges and opportunities of changes occurring in home and community services.
Date: 28-29 September 2016
Venue: Te Papa in Wellington
More information:
16. Massey University inaugural Public Health Symposium
Building capacity for public health gain
Date: 30 September 2016
Venue: Te Wharewaka o Poneke | Wellington Waterfront | 10am-5pm
This event will be a forum for dialogue, debate, and sharing of research and practice that focuses on building capacity for public health gain in New Zealand.
Includes presentations such as:
- Sleep as a Public Health Issue [Professor Philippa Gander]
- Pae Ora: Māori Health Horizons and the Public Health Workforce
To access the programme:
Registration is free but please RSVP to Vicki McNaught to lock in your seat.
17. Healthier Lives 2016 Kōrero Tahi
Date: 18 October 2016
Venue: Nordmeyer Lecture Theatre | University of Otago, Wellington
This event is an opportunity for researchers, community representatives, health practitioners and policymakers to talk together about global and national perspectives on the rise of non-communicable diseases and, importantly, how we can combat this together.
You are welcome to attend this free public event for all or part of the day. Registration is essential.
News National
18. NZ needs radical overhaul on dementia care - report
Newshub - Tuesday 20 Sep 2016
A global report warns that countries like New Zealand are unprepared for a surge in dementia cases. The latest World Alzheimer Report says half of dementia cases go undiagnosed and there's not enough focus on services and support
News International
19. MDs strengthen advice against codeine for kids’ coughs, pain
Calgary Herald – 19/9/2016
The American Academy of Pediatrics has strengthened its warnings about prescribing codeine for children due to reports of deaths and risks for dangerous side effects