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Library e-newsletter Issue 28 - 26 August 2016

Articles – Leadership

1. Improving cardiovascular nurse-led health services
Astley, Carolyn & Clark, Robyn
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 23(9), Apr 2016: 22
: Leadership, mentoring and collaboration are important in the advocacy of cardiovascular nurse roles and can develop skills in culture and system change, competencies and connecting people to networks that can develop the emerging leader.

2. Clinical leadership and nursing
Ogrin, Rajna & Barrett, Elizabeth
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 23(2), Aug 2015: 45
: Health systems around the world are grappling with the task of providing system-wide evidence based, person-centred, efficient and effective care. Clinical leadership, particularly of nursing staff, is proposed to be integral in reaching this goal (NHS Leadership Academy, 2013; NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, 2011).

3. Leadership styles of nurse managers in ethical dilemmas: Reasons and consequences
Zydziunaite, Vilma & Suominen, Tarja
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 48(2), Oct 2014: 150-167
: Understanding the reasons and consequences of leadership styles in ethical dilemmas is fundamental to exploring nurse managers' abilities to influence outcomes for patients and nursing personnel. Purpose: To explain the associations between different leadership styles, reasons for their application and its consequences when nurse managers make decisions in ethical dilemmas.

4. Integrated leadership capability: Building a model for today and tomorrow
Galloway, J; Bickerstaff, L; McAlinden, F; Workman, B; Redley, B; Keenan, C
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 9(3) 2014
: In 2010, the senior management team at Kingston Centre, a stand-alone 315 bed sub-acute, residential and aged persons mental health service located in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, embarked on an ambitious leadership development strategy to meet both current and projected challenges facing their service. This case study provides a description of the development, implementation and early outcomes of a local interprofessional development program for frontline leaders.

5. Nurses as leaders - creating nurses with drive and passion
Cooper, Janette
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 22(10), May 2015: 38
: Nurses are increasingly being encouraged to step up as leaders in the healthcare setting. The field of nursing demands nurses use leadership skills regularly so knowing what the core skills of leadership are and how they can be used to get the outcomes you desire is an area of education that is increasingly important to your career, your job satisfaction, your interpersonal relationships and consequently your health.

6. What are the non-technical skills used by scrub nurses?: An integrated review
Kang, Evelyn; Gillespie, Brigid M & Massey, Debbie
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, 27(4),
Summer 2014: 16-25
: Analysis of adverse events in health care suggests that improvement of non-technical skills may reduce surgical errors and enhance patient outcomes. The term 'non-technical skills' refers to "the cognitive, social and personal resource skills that complement technical skills, and contribute to safe and efficient task performance". Subsumed within non-technical skills are the domains of communication, leadership, teamwork, decision making and situation awareness.

7. Taking the lead: Nurses, midwives and leadership
Keast, Karen
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 22(5), Nov 2014: 18-23
: Nurse and midwifery leaders are pivotal in Australia's changing healthcare landscape. While there are leaders paving the way at the helm of the profession, there's more to being a nurse leader than a promotion or position, writes Karen Keast

Articles – Nursing Management/ Managing Staff

8. Stories of management in the future according to young adults and young nurses
Harmoinen, Merja; Niiranen, Kaisa; Niiranen, Vuokko; Astedt-Kurki, Paivi &   Suominen, Tarja
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 47(1/2), Apr/May/Jun 2014: 69-78
: The aim of this study was to describe the phenomenon of management by way of the ideas of secondary school students and young nurses. Background: Young adults are changing workplaces more than ever before, yet their work expectations and perspectives of management differ to those of previous generations. New perspectives on management were drawn from the study, in particular the multiple dimensions of equality in workplace organization and the manager's role in an employee's professional development process.

9. Managing intergenerational nursing teams: Evidence from the literature
Burke, Angela, Walker, Leonie & Clendon, Jill
Kai Tiaki Nursing Research, 6(1), Sep 2015: 24-27
: The current nursing workforce is intergenerational in nature, with nurses spanning four generations: veterans, baby boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. This review examines current literature on the intergenerational workplace and presents strategies for creating more harmonious work environments that acknowledge and cater for intergenerational differences

10. Health and wellbeing: Psyche: Building conflict competence
Bruce, Paula
LSJ: Law Society of NSW Journal, No. 24, Jul 2016: 58-59
: The ability to understand and communicate positive solutions to conflict is essential for work and home.

11. Opening the black box in nursing work and management practice: the role of ward managers.
By Townsend, Keith; Wilkinson, Adrian & Kellner, Ashlea.
Journal of Nursing Management. Mar 2015, 23(2), p211-220. 10p
: This paper aims to identify and explore key obstacles preventing ward managers from effectively performing the human resource management (HRM) responsibilities required in their role. Background In the context of increasing costs and the decentralisation of responsibility to ward level, the relevance of the ward manager role within the 'black box' between human resource management and firm performance is becoming increasingly pertinent

Journal Table of Contents

From Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal
August 2016 Volume 19, Issue 3, p127-172

12A. ChIP: An early activation protocol for isolated blunt chest injury improves outcomes, a retrospective cohort study (p127–132)
12B. ED-HOME: Improving educator confidence and patient education in the Emergency Department (p133–137)
12C. Peripheral intravenous catheter insertion in the Emergency Department
12D. Rates of workplace aggression in the emergency department and nurses’ perceptions of this challenging behaviour: A multimethod study (p143–148)
12E. A healthy degree of suspicion: A discussion of the implementation of transmission based precautions in the emergency department (p149–152)
12F. An evaluation of staff transitioning from a combined adult/child emergency department to a new paediatric emergency department: A qualitative study
12G. Family presence during management of acute deterioration: Clinician attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of current practices (p159–165)
12H. Profiling wound management in the emergency department: A descriptive analysis (p166–171)


13. Toward a Sugary Drink Free Aotearoa
This symposium will look at the science as to why high sugar and sugary drink intake is detrimental to health. It will also showcase a number of initiatives that have been developed to restrict sugar and promote health
Date: 11 October 2016
Venue: Wellington School of Medicine, University of Otago
More information:

14. Everyone has a story: What is yours?
Ever wished you’d told someone something but never did? Perhaps there’s something you’d really like your whānau to know – your own taonga tuku iho.

  • Wednesday 21 September 6pm – 9pm
  • Wednesday 19 October 6pm – 9pm

Venue: Mary Potter, Porirua Community Hospice, 1a Prosser Street, Porirua.
RSVP for catering purposes - Ph 04 237 7563.

News National

15. The reason you're addicted to coffee: it's in your genes
Mitch McCann – Newshub - Friday 26 Aug 2016
Some people can't stand coffee, but for others it's a necessity of everyday life. The reason for that might be in your genes. British scientists have identified a gene called PDSS2, which they believe could have something to do with why people become addicted to coffee.

News International

16. Apple rushes out iPhone software fix to avoid conversation eavesdropping
The Age - August 26 2016
One of the world's most evasive digital arms dealers is believed to have been taking advantage of three security vulnerabilities in popular Apple products in its efforts to spy on dissidents and journalists. Investigators discovered that a company called the NSO Group, an Israeli outfit that sells software that invisibly tracks a target's mobile phone, was responsible for the intrusions. The NSO Group's software can read text messages and emails and track calls and contacts. It can even record sounds, collect passwords and trace the whereabouts of the phone user.  In response, Apple on has released a patched version of its mobile software, iOS 9.3.5. Users can get the patch through a normal software update.

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