Articles – Rheumatic Heart Disease
1. Valvular aspects of rheumatic heart disease
Remenyi, Boglarka; ElGuindy, Ahmed; Smith, Sidney C; Yacoub, Magdi & Holmes, David R.
The Lancet
(Mar 26, 2016): 1335-1346.
Abstract: Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease remain major global health problems. Although strategies for primary and secondary prevention are well established, their worldwide implementation is suboptimum. In patients with advanced valvular heart disease, mechanical approaches (both percutaneous and surgical) are well described and can, for selected patients, greatly improve outcomes; however, access to centres with experienced staff is very restricted in regions that have the highest prevalence of disease.
2. Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease Among Children - American Samoa, 2011-2012
Beaudoin, Amanda, DVM, PhD; Edison, Laura, DVM; Introcaso, Camille E, MD; Goh, Lucy, MD; Marrone, James, MD; et al.
MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 64. 20. (May 29, 2015).
Abstract: Acute rheumatic fever is a nonsuppurative, immune-mediated consequence of group A streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat). Recurrent or severe acute rheumatic fever can cause permanent cardiac valve damage and rheumatic heart disease, which increases the risk for cardiac conditions (e.g., infective endocarditis, stroke, and congestive heart failure). Beaudoin et al identify cases of pediatric acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease during 2011-2012 in American Samoa and assess the potential roles of missed pharyngitis diagnosis, lack of timely prophylaxis prescription, and compliance with prescribed benzathine penicillin.
3. Plasma adiponectin levels and relations with cytokines in children with acute rheumatic fever
Ozgen, Huriye; Ucar, Birsen; Yildirim, Ali; Colak, Omer; Bal, Cengiz & Kilic, Zubeyir
Cardiology in the Young, Jun 2015; 25(5): 879-892. 14p
Abstract: We aimed to investigate the role of adiponectin in acute rheumatic fever by evaluating correlations with cytokines and acute-phase reactants. Patients were divided into three groups by clinical findings.
4. Office rapid strep tests: State of the art
Schuman, Andrew. J.
Contemporary Pediatrics, Sep 2015; 32(9): 42-45. 4p
Abstract: New device-based strep tests improve our ability to detect group A streptococcus early in the course of the infection, expediting diagnosis and treatment.
5. More needs to be done to prevent Group B strep infection in the UK
McQuaid, Fiona & Plumb, Jane
British Journal of Midwifery, Jun 2015; 23(6): 418-423. 6p
Abstract: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most common cause of sepsis and meningitis in infants under the age of 3 months with a 10% mortality and significant morbidity for many survivors. In the UK, over 40 babies die each year of GBS-related sepsis. Early-onset infection can be prevented in the majority of cases by giving women known to be colonised with GBS intravenous antibiotics during labour, but this requires a screening process which is not currently recommended in the UK. This article aims to review the issues surrounding antenatal screening for GBS and argues that we could be doing much more in the UK to prevent this potentially devastating infection in newborn babies.
Articles – Journal of Advanced Nursing, August 2015
6. 'But how many papers should I write...?': Making good choices about quality, quantity and visibility of academic publications
Clark, Alexander M. & Thompson, David R.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, Aug 2015; 71(8): 1741-1743. 3p.
Abstract: Quantity, quality and visibility are important, interrelated, but also hold different concerns for academic career progression. As a sheer number of papers, quantity is clearly vital. Quality and visibility are dependent on quantity because without any papers, quality and visibility of scholarly outputs do not even become considerations. However, quality is as fundamental in different ways.
7. Professional ethics in nursing: An integrative review
Kangasniemi, Mari; Pakkanen, Piiku; Korhonen, Anne
Journal of Advanced Nursing, Aug 2015; 71(8): 1744-1757. 14p
Abstract: Aim To conduct an integrative review and synthesize current primary studies of professional ethics in nursing. Background Professional ethics is a familiar concept in nursing and provides an ethical code for nursing practice. However, little is known about how professional ethics has been defined and studied in nursing science
8. A secondary meta-synthesis of qualitative studies of gender and access to cardiac rehabilitation
Angus, Jan E.; King-Shier, Kathryn M.; Spaling, Melisa A.; Duncan, Amanda S.; Jaglal, Susan B.; Stone, James A. & Clark, Alexander M.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, Aug 2015; 71(8): 1758-1773. 16p
Abstract: To discuss issues in the theorization and study of gender observed during a qualitative meta-synthesis of influences on uptake of secondary prevention and cardiac rehabilitation services. Background Women and men can equally benefit from secondary prevention/cardiac rehabilitation and there is a need to understand gender barriers to uptake.
Articles – International Journal of Nursing Practice, June 2016
9. Editorial: Nurses and midwives need health promotion as much as their patients. Prof Lin Perry.
International Journal of Nursing Practice, June 2016, Vol 22(3): 216
Abstract: What should we do? We should treat nurses and midwives in their workplace to the same consideration for their health and wellbeing that we accord their patients. We recognise the individuality of patients; we should do the same for staff and, at the least, recognise the differing needs of younger and older nurses
10. Clinical evaluation of the use of an intracardiac electrocardiogram to guide the tip positioning of peripherally inserted central catheters
Ruiyi Zhao, Chunfang Chen, Jingfen Jin, Komal Sharma, Nan Jiang, Yingqin Shentu & Xingang Wang
International Journal of Nursing Practice, June 2016, Vol 22(3): 217-223
Abstract: The use of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) provides important central venous accesses for clinical treatments, tests and monitoring.
Compared with the traditional methods, intracardiac electrocardiogram (ECG)-guided method has the potential to guide more accurate tip positioning of PICCs.
This study aimed to clinically evaluate the effectiveness of an intracardiac ECG to guide the tip positioning by monitoring characteristic P-wave changes
11. Effect of clinical nursing pathway for endoscopic thyroidectomy in Chinese patients: A meta-analysis
Yu Yang, Xinhua Hu, Qiang Zhang, Hui Cao, Jun Li, Junpeng Wang, Yang Shao and Shijie Xin
International Journal of Nursing Practice, June 2016, Vol 22(3): 224–231
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the use of a clinical nursing pathway for patients undergoing endoscopic thyroidectomy by conducting a meta-analysis. Electronic databases were searched for relevant controlled trials published prior to August 2013. Only papers that compared the use of a clinical nursing pathway to usual care for patients undergoing endoscopic thyroidectomy were selected.
12. Pain experience and satisfaction with postoperative pain control among surgical patients
Pathmawathi Subramanian, Suguna Ramasamy, Kwan Hoong Ng, Karuthan Chinna & Roshaslina Rosli
International Journal of Nursing Practice, June 2016, Vol 22(3): 232–238
Abstract: Alleviating acute pain and providing pain relief are central to caring for surgical patients as pain can lead to many adverse medical consequences. This study aimed to explore patients' experience of pain and satisfaction with postoperative pain control
13. Predictors of regular exercise among older residents of long-term care institutions
Yuh-Min Chen, Yueh-Ping Li and Min-Ling Yen
International Journal of Nursing Practice, June 2016, Vol 22(3): 239–246
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to apply self-efficacy theory to explore predictors of regular exercise among older residents of long-term care institutions. Convenience sampling was used to collect data from 151 older adults residing in three residential care homes in Taiwan
14. Nurses' knowledge of advance directives and perceived confidence in end-of-life care: a cross-sectional study in five countries
Alice Coffey, Geraldine McCarthy, Elizabeth Weathers, M. Isabel Friedman, Katherine Gallo, Mally Ehrenfeld, Sophia Chan, William H.C. Li, Piera Poletti, Renzo Zanotti, D. William Molloy, Ciara McGlade, Joyce J. Fitzpatrick & Michal Itzhaki
International Journal of Nursing Practice, June 2016, Vol 22(3): 247–257
Abstract: Nurses' knowledge regarding advance directives may affect their administration and completion in end-of-life care. Confidence among nurses is a barrier to the provision of quality end-of-life care. This study investigated nurses' knowledge of advance directives and perceived confidence in end-of-life care, in Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy and the USA using a cross-sectional descriptive design (n = 1089).
Journal Table of Contents
Canadian Nurse, Volume 112, Number 5- June 2016
15A. Editorial: Feeling inspired [Using emojis in my facebook]
15B. President’s message: Looking back with pride and joy [Karima Velji]
15C. Board membership: It’s not for the faint of heart [CAN board]
15D. Jeanne Mance Award and Order of Merit Award recipients
15E. Feedback [Letters to the editor]
15F. News: Combined effects of depression and metabolic dysregulation; Turning up the heat on Alzheimer’s disease; Fighting Zika, one car tire at a time; Vaccine for herpes and the common cold on the horizon?; Amoxicillin allergy testing goes more than skin deep; Published research from CAN members
15G. Terminology 101: Reliability of psychometric instruments
15H. Ask an expert: Much left to learn about Zika
15I. Comparing person health practices: Individuals with mental illness and the general Canadian population
15J. Champions for the cause [Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald – 23 year campaign to have non-state torture recognised as a human rights violation]
15K. Nature therapy at work [Children + a holistic wellness program]
15L. Commentary: Are we prepared for marijuana to go mainstream?
15M. The last word: Our food supply is still salty to a fault
16. New Beginnings: Stomal Therapy Conference
Date: October 27-28, 2016
Venue: Rydges Latimer, Christchurch
More information:
17. College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand Conference
Balance - Caring for others, Caring for ourselves
Date: 3-4th November 2016
Advanced Emergency Nurses Network (AENN) Day: 5th November 2016
Venue: Heritage Hotel Auckland
More information:
News – National
18. Wellington health board's smear email breached privacy of grieving mother
Stuff - August 2, 2016
Wellington health board chief executive Debbie Chin has been censured for sending an all-staff email attacking the reputation of a mother whose son died in the hospital's care. The Privacy Commission has found the email, sent by the Capital & Coast District Health Board chief executive to all the board's 3200 staff, breached grieving mother Lyn Copland's privacy in multiple ways.
19. Seven foods you should always have in your freezer
NZ Herald - Monday Aug 8, 2016
In an ideal world we would shop once a week at the local fresh food market, plan our meals in advance and always take our lunch to work.
In reality things are rarely this perfect and as such your freezer can play a significant role in helping you to eat well on a daily basis no matter how busy you are.
News International
20. Sleep apnea triggers pediatric fatty liver disease progression
Medical News Today – 7 August 2016
Obstructive sleep apnea and low nighttime oxygen - which results in oxidative stress - may trigger progression of pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.