Articles – Nurse-Led Care
1. Successful Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery Pathway: The Nurse's Role
Brady, Karen M.; Keller, Deborah S.; Delaney, Conor P.
Association of Operating Room Nurses. AORN Journal
(Nov 2015): 469-481.
Abstract: Enhanced recovery pathways (ERPs) are standardized, multidisciplinary approaches to caring for patients with a goal of decreasing length of stay and care costs without negatively affecting patient outcomes. One facility successfully implemented ERPs for patients undergoing abdominal surgery. For implementation to be successful, nurses were found to be key in providing education, perioperative care, and postoperative evaluation, as well as cost containment.
2. Outcomes Achieved Through Implementation of Interdisciplinary Plans of Care
Sutton, Kendra; Suhayda, Rosemarie.
Medsurg Nursing
(Sep/Oct 2015): 304-308.
Abstract: The process used to implement interdisciplinary plans of care on a pilot 32-bed stroke unit to meet Joint Commission requirements is described. Outcomes achieved as a result of the change also are reviewed.
3. Standard versus atrial fibrillation-specific management strategy (SAFETY) to reduce recurrent admission and prolong survival: pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled trial
Stewart, Simon; Ball, Jocasta; Horowitz, John D; Marwick, Thomas H; Mahadevan, Gnanadevan; et al.
The Lancet
(Feb 28, 2015): 775-784
Abstract: Patients are increasingly being admitted with chronic atrial fibrillation, and disease-specific management might reduce recurrent admissions and prolong survival. However, evidence is scant to support the application of this therapeutic approach. We aimed to assess SAFETY--a management strategy that is specific to atrial fibrillation.
4. Consumer satisfaction with practice nursing: a cross-sectional survey in New Zealand general practice
Halcomb, Elizabeth; Davies, Deborah; Salamonson, Yenna.
Australian Journal of Primary Health
(2015): 347-353
Abstract: An important consideration in health service delivery is ensuring that services meet consumer needs. Whilst nursing services in primary care have grown internationally, there has been limited exploration of consumer satisfaction with these services. This paper reports a descriptive survey that sought to evaluate consumers' perceptions of New Zealand practice nurses (PNs).
5. A simple validated questionnaire predicted functional decline in community-dwelling older persons: prospective cohort studies
Suijker, Jacqueline J; Buurman, Bianca M; van Rijn, Marjon; van Dalen, Marlies T; ter Riet, Gerben
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
(Oct 2014): 1121-30
Abstract: To modify and validate in primary health care the Identification of Seniors At Risk (ISAR) screening questionnaire to identify older persons at increased risk of functional decline and to compare this strategy with risk stratification by age alone
6. Revenue effects of practice nurse-led care for chronic diseases
Iles, Richard A, BA/BEc, MHealthEc, PhD; Eley, Diann S, MSc, PhD, MBBS; Hegney, Desley G, RN, PhD; Patterson, Elizabeth, RN, PhD; Young, Jacqui, RN; et al.
Australian Health Review
(2014): 363-9
Abstract: To determine the economic feasibility in Australian general practices of using a practice nurse (PN)-led care model of chronic disease management. A cost-analysis of item numbers from the Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) was performed in three Australian general practices, one urban, one regional and one rural.
Articles – Nursing Standard, June 2016
7. Better ways to manage frailty
Nursing Standard, Vol. 30, Issue 42, 15 June 2016
Abstract: With those aged 65-plus accounting for more than half of all admissions and three quarters of bed days in NHS hospitals, improving care for frail older people is a significant challenge for health services. Now a report published by the NHS Benchmarking Network combines financial, workforce, quality and outcome data for the first time, painting a detailed picture of what’s happening in acute hospital care for older people.
8. Opinion: No cheap substitutes
Nursing Standard, Vol. 30, Issue 42, 15 June 2016
‘Training up’ nurses for doctors’ roles and using healthcare assistants to fill in the gaps is risky, argues Peter Griffiths
Abstract: The Nuffield Trust report on reshaping the healthcare workforce was published last month. Its conclusions were widely reported as a recommendation to ‘train up’ nurses as a solution to junior doctor shortages, with support workers, in turn, substituting for registered nurses.
9. Get on with your colleagues
Nursing Standard, Vol. 30, Issue 42, 15 June 2016
Abstract: Sustaining healthy working relationships takes effort and a bit of reflection – but it’s worth it, says mental health nurse Ian Hulatt
Journal - Table of Contents
World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, Vol 24 No 5, June 2016
10A. Editorial: New government – new Minister – old problems [INMO meeting with new Minister for Health, Simon Harris]
10B. News: Fury at HSE recruitment freeze; ED vacancies will be filled-HSE confirms at WR review; Wage restraint totally unsustainable - INMO
10C. News: Record ED overcrowding yet again
10D. News: INMO calls on HSE to clarify several issues on sick leave entitlement; members urged to support Tesco workers
10E. INMO new SVUH branch
10F. Operating Department Nurses Section conference sees record attendance levels
10G. Ensuring our voice is heard [Claire Mahon’s final ADC address as INMO president]
10H. Pay restoration a top priority [Immediate pay restoration and a focus on incentives to improve recruitment and retention of nurses and midwives are needed]
10I. A bold vision for our health services [INMO’s vision for the future of health services in Ireland]
10J. Making CPD relevant and accessible [Tools developed by the Professional Development Centre to support members’ continuing education]
10K. Ensuring a safe skillmix [National review of the role, functions and work of HCA that needs to be undertaken to ensure safe patient care]
10L. Essential to record extra time worked; delegates demand zero-tolerance approach to bullying
10M. Call for urgent action [Report on missed care}
10N. Quality & Safety: Comprehensive geriatric assessment
10O. CPD: Parkinson’s disease
10P. irish anticoagulation forum: Update on latest thinking
10Q. Focused interventions for injecting drug users
11. Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine Conference
Date: 8-11 September 2016
Venue: Perth, Australia
Theme: 'The changing landscape of palliative care' and the conference will also address the evolving interface between palliative medicine and social media.
More information:
12. 15th World Congress on Public Health
Date: 3–7 April 2017
Venue: Melbourne, Australia
Call for abstracts is now open and closes 26 August 2016
Abstracts can be submitted here:
News – National
13. Countdown harnessing the skills of older workers
Stuff - June 24 2016
New Zealand ranks among the top OECD countries in supporting older workers like supermarket manager Maria Blair. Blair, 59, is a store manager at Countdown Meadowlands in Auckland and is one of 2700 Countdown staff aged over 55.
14. New system tracks Taranaki children's health checks
Taranaki Daily News - June 23 2016
Jaxon Maxwell missed the launch of the Taranaki DHB's new child health initiative on Wednesday, because he wasn't born until later that night. But Jaxon, who was born at 10.59pm on Wednesday, will be one of the first babies to be registered on the Taranaki DHBs new National Child Health Information Platform (NCHIP).
15. More fibre could prevent allergies - study
NZ Herald - Wednesday Jun 22, 2016
A lack of fibre in our diets may be causing the deadly rise in allergies, say Australian researchers. A new Monash University-led study, published in the journal Cell Reports, found mice allergic to peanuts were protected against the allergy when fed a high-fibre diet.
News International
16. When death is the first sign anything is wrong: Sudden cardiac death in young people
Sydney Morning Herald - June 23, 2016
Michael was among the one to four young Australians, aged between one and 35, who die each week from sudden cardiac arrest, finds new research by Sydney University's Chris Semsarian. His groundbreaking new research, published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday, finds more than half of these occur at night or at rest