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Library e-newsletter Issue 21 - 20 June 2016

Retirement income - what's your plan?
We're asking New Zealanders about how they envision affording retirement. Take this short survey and your answers will feed into our wider retirement income policy review

Articles – Shiftwork

1.  The impact of shiftwork on health: a literature review
Matheson, Annabel; O'Brien, Louise; Reid, Jo-Anne
Journal of Clinical Nursing, Dec 2014; 23(23/24): 3309-3320. 12p
: To identify the impact of shiftwork on individuals and their lives and to discuss the implications this has for nurses and nursing. Background The context of shiftwork in the early 21st century is changing rapidly, and those involved in or required to work shiftwork are now spread over many different sectors of the community.

2. Rethinking shiftwork: mid-life nurses making it work!
By West, Sandra; Mapedzahama, Virginia; Ahern, Maureen; Rudge, Trudy.
Nursing Inquiry. Jun 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p177-187. 11p
: Many current analyses of shiftwork neglect nurses' own voices when describing the dis/advantages of a shiftworking lifestyle. This paper reports the findings of a critical re-analysis of two studies conducted with female mid-life Australian nurses to explore the contention that the 'problem-centred' focus of current shiftwork research does not effectively address the 'real' issue for mid-life nurses, that is, how to develop and maintain shiftwork tolerance.

3. Insecurity and shiftwork as characteristics of negative work environment psychosocial and behavioural mediators
By Elovainio, Marko; Kuusio, Hannamaria; Aalto, Anna-Mari; Sinervo, Timo; Heponiemi, Tarja.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. May 2010, Vol. 66 Issue 5, p1080-1091. 12p
: This paper is a report of an investigation into whether insecure work contract and shiftwork are associated with reduced wellbeing indicators, such as psychological distress, low job involvement and low work ability.

4. The 'Robust' roster: exploring the nurse rostering process
By Drake, Robert G.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Sep 2014, Vol. 70 Issue 9, p2095-2106. 12p
: To identify and explore the relationships between stages of the rostering process and the robustness of the worked roster. Background Once published, a nurse roster is often subject to many changes. However, post-approval changes and their implications are rarely examined. Consequently, there is little evidence to determine whether a 'worked' roster was safe, efficient or fair.

5. From the Editor. The 12-Hour Shift.
By Rollins, Judy A.
Pediatric Nursing. Jul/Aug 2015, Vol. 41 Issue 4, p162-164. 2p
: The article focuses on several finding related to the 12-hour Shift of nurses. Topics discussed include nurses who worked 12-hour shifts who were more satisfied than those working 8-hour shifts, better continuity of care and communication when patient information and assessments are being passed between two people and importance of how nurses spend their time between shifts than the actual shift.

6. Nurse fatigue and shift length: A pilot study
By Maust Martin, Deborah.
Nursing Economic$. Mar/Apr 2015, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p81-87. 7p
: The article discusses a pilot study which examined whether there are differences in fatigue levels when the nurses voluntarily change from 12-hour shifts to 8-hour shifts. Topics covered include steps to the evidence based practice model, analysis of survey responses, and influences that impacted the project through all its phases.

Articles – Antibiotic Resistance

7. In the news: antibiotic resistance.
By Lenhoff, Alan.
MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer. Jan 2016, Vol. 48 Issue 1, p26-27. 2p.
: The article focuses on antibiotic resistance. Topics include results of the World Health Organization's multi-country survey on antibiotic resistance and of a study on effects of treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureas (MRSA) infection with beta lactams, an antibiotic similar to methicillin.

8. Introduction: What Will It Take to Address the Global Threat of Antibiotic Resistance?
By: Hoffman, Steven J.; Outterson, Kevin.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Summer 2015 Supplement s3, Vol. 43,
p6-11. 6p
: An introduction is presented in which the authors discuss various reports within the journal on topics including the legal aspects of a global antibiotic resistance (ABR) threat, international collective action initiatives, and groups such as the World Health Organization.

9. I.V. minocycline revisited for infections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms
By Colton, Benjamin; McConeghy, Kevin W.; Schreckenberger, Paul C.; Danziger, Larry H.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2016 Supplement 1, Vol. 73, p279-285. 7p

Abstract: The evidence supporting the potential use of i.v. minocycline for serious infections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) is summarized. Summary. Minocycline achieves good tissue penetration and excellent oral absorption. Minocycline achieves serum concentrations comparable to other tetracyclines, with peak serum concentrations ranging from 3 to 8.75 mg/L following i.v. administration of 200 mg.

10. Healthcare-associated pneumonia: Who is truly at risk for multidrug-reistant pathogens? 
By Peahota, Michelle; Shah, Bhavik M.; El-Beyrouty, Claudine; Schafer, Jason J.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 11/1/2015, Vol. 72 Issue 21, p1897-1904. 8p
: The article examines the risk for multidrug-resistant pathogens (MDRs) in healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP). It discusses guidelines on the exposure of patients to healthcare-associated pathogens in community healthcare settings including skilled nursing centers, infusion centers and dialysis centers, diagnosis of HCAP and its management. It asserts the lack of existing HCAP definition that can serve as a reliable guide for identifying pneumonia patients at risk of MDR pathogens.

11. Germ warfare 
By Thomas Hertz, Beth
Long-Term Living: For the Continuing Care Professional. Nov/Dec 2015,
Vol. 64 Issue 6, p16-18. 3p.
: The article examinees how nursing homes in the U.S. can take measures to enhance antibiotic prescribing practices. Topics discussed include the increasing antibiotic resistance of superbugs and the proposal from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for long-term care facilities to incorporate an antibiotic stewardship program into their infection prevention and control program. The identification of a core team for implementing the program is then mentioned.

12. Hospital group takes systematic approach to antimicrobial stewardship 
By Traynor, Kate.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 9/15/2015, Vol. 72 Issue 18, p1524-1525. 2p
: The article offers information on the approach to antimicrobial stewardship at UnityPoint Health. Topics discussed include the September 2014 "Report to the President on Combating Antibiotic Resistance," the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and condition of participation (CoP) in Medicare.

13. Universal access to effective antibiotics is essential for tackling antibiotic resistance 
By Daulaire, Nils; Bang, Abhay; Tomson, Göran; Kalyango, Joan N.; Cars, Otto. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Summer 2015 Supplement s3, Vol. 43, p17-21. 5p
: Universal access to effective antimicrobials is essential to the realization of the right to health. At present, 5.7 million people die from treatable infections each year because they lack this access. Yet, community-based diagnosis and appropriate treatment for many of the leading causes of avoidable infectious deaths has been shown to be feasible and effective, demonstrating that strategies to reach the under-served need to receive high priority.

Journal Table of Contents

Registered Nurse Journal, March/April 2016

14A. Editor’s note: The up side of adversity [Kimberley Kearsey]
14B. President’s view: It’s been an honour to be your president [Vanessa Burkoski]
14C. Saving lives: Expanding harm reduction to include supervised injection services
14D. Culture defines career choices [Thunder Bay NP Mae Katt pays tribute to her aboriginal heritage]
14E. Nursing in the News: RNs give a voice to the homeless; Safe sex often forgotten; Temporary clinic offers care to refugees; Prevent falls with quick, easy tips; Health care for prisoners failing
14F. Nursing in the News: Perth members take blood pressure checks to new heights; NICU needs RNs
14G. Nursing Notes: Ontario Nurse to serve on UN commission; Webinars to raise awareness, conquer stigma; New legislation to help first responders access care quicker; Promising numbers for those needing transplants
14H. Against the clock: RNAO staff writer Daniel Punch shadows RNs on night shift in critical care and medicine]
14I. Know your rights [What you need to know when working with unregulated care providers]
14J. More than they budgeted for [RNAO members shake up budget day]
14K. get to know your new president [Carol Timmings will become RNAO’s 54th president]
14L. 5 ways you can help to improve oral health; Five things you can do to improve oral health]
14M. In the end: What nurisng means to me…n 


15. Pasifika Medical Association 20th Anniversary Conference 2016 – The Pathway to Leadership is Service
Date: 24 – 26 August, 2016
Venue: Rendezvous Hotel, Auckland
This year’s conference marks 20 years since the Pasifika Medical Association was established.
The 2016 Pre-Conference Workshop series will be presented from 9.00am Wednesday 24 August.

Pre conference workshops on:

  • Disaster responses: “Have the Pacific community something to offer?”This workshop will build on previous work undertaken by PMA to ensure that Pacific clinicians are well prepared and are able to contribute to improvements in Crisis response capacity in their communities and countries.
  • Role of Medical Councils and Associations in the region.This workshop will focus on how New Zealand can support the improvement in the registration and regulation of clinicians in Pacific countries. It will be hosted by PMA and include the participation of the New Zealand Medical Council and representatives from the Ministries of Health in the region.

News – National

16. Results soon from teen alcohol survey
ODT - Mon, 20 Jun 2016

The Wanaka Alcohol Group should get the first results from an online survey of the drinking habits of the town's teenagers by the end of this month.

17.New Plymouth warned after people with measles visit the region
Taranaki Daily News - June 19 2016

New Plymouth residents are being warned about a potential measles outbreak after visitors to the region may have exposed others to the infectious disease.

News International

18.'Good' cholesterol may not always protect against heart disease
Medical News Today – 4 April 2016

High levels of "good cholesterol," or high-density lipoprotein, are unlikely to protect people from heart disease if their bloodstream also contains high levels of a newly identified biomarker of inflammation in the arteries. This is the conclusion of research recently presented at the American College of Cardiology 2016 Scientific Sessions in Chicago, IL

19. High cholesterol 'does not cause heart disease' new research finds, so treating with statins a 'waste of time'
The Telegraph - 13 June 2016

Cholesterol does not cause heart disease in the elderly and trying to reduce it with drugs like statins is a waste of time, an international group of experts has claimed.A review of research involving nearly 70,000 people found there was no link between what has traditionally been considered “bad” cholesterol and the premature deaths of over 60-year-olds from cardiovascular disease.















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