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Library e-newsletter Issue 19 - 3 June 2016

Retirement income - what's your plan?

We're asking New Zealanders about how they envision affording retirement. Take this short survey and your answers will feed into our wider retirement income policy review

Articles – Canadian Journal of Public Health

1. Smoking, vaping and public health: Time to be creative
Sweanor, David T, JD.
Canadian Journal of Public Health (Nov/Dec 2015): E464-E466.
: The development of policies on vaping in health care organizations (HCOs) needs to be based on a solid understanding of science and a recognition of individual rights. It should also be seen in the broader public health context of innovative alternative nicotine delivery systems playing a key role in ending the immense devastation of combustible cigarettes.

2. Victimless vapour? Health care organizations should restrict the use of e-cigarettes 
Bean, Sally T, JD, MA; Smith, Maxwell J, MS.
Canadian Journal of Public Health (Nov/Dec 2015): E467-E469.
: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are battery-powered devices that heat a liquid containing either vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol in combination with nicotine and/or flavours; an aerosol is produced that is inhaled by the user. Health Canada currently prohibits the importation, marketing or selling of e-cigarettes containing nicotine, although they can be easily purchased.

3. Active Canada 20/20: A physical activity plan for Canada 
Spence, John C, PhD; Faulkner, Guy, PhD; Bradstreet, Christa Costas, MA; Duggan, Mary, CAE; Tremblay, Mark S, PhD.
Canadian Journal of Public Health (Nov/Dec 2015): E470-E473
: Physical inactivity is a pressing public health concern. In this commentary we argue that Canada's approach to increasing physical activity (PA) has been fragmented and has lacked coordination, funding and a strategic approach. We then describe a potential solution in Active Canada 20/20 (AC 20/20), which provides both a national plan and a commitment to action from non-government and public sectors with a view to engaging corporate Canada and the general public

4. A common public health-oriented policy framework for cannabis, alcohol and tobacco in Canada?  Kirst, Maritt, PhD; Kolar, Kat, MA; Chaiton, Michael, PhD; Schwartz, Robert, PhD; Emerson, Brian, MD, MHSc; et al.
Canadian Journal of Public Health (Nov/Dec 2015): E474-E476
: Support for a public health approach to cannabis policy as an alternative to prohibition and criminalization is gaining momentum. Recent drug policy changes in the United States suggest growing political feasibility for legal regulation of cannabis in other North American jurisdictions. This commentary discusses the outcomes of an interdisciplinary policy meeting with Canadian experts and knowledge users in the area of substance use interventions.

5. Mandatory labeling requirements and over-the-counter cough and cold medication use in early childhood 
Degroot, Julie, MSc; Anderson, Laura N, PhD, MSc; Chen, Yang, MSc; Birken, Catherine S, MD, MSc, FRCPC; Parkin, Patricia C, MD, FRCPC; et al.
Canadian Journal of Public Health (Nov/Dec 2015): E477-E482
: Due to rare but severe adverse events, Health Canada in October 2009 required manufacturers to relabel over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medication (CCM) to state that the products should not be used in children <6 years of age. The main objective of this study was to determine whether this labeling standard decreased OTC CCM use among young children with a recent cough, cold or flu.

6. Investigation of anxiety and depression symptom co-morbidity in a community sample with type 2 diabetes: Associations with indicators of self-care 
Smith, Kimberley J, PhD; Pedneault, Maxime; Schmitz, Norbert, PhD.
Canadian Journal of Public Health (Nov/Dec 2015): E496-E501.
: Ascertain the association of elevated co-occurring anxiety and depression symptoms, elevated anxiety symptoms alone or elevated depression symptoms alone with indicators of self-care behaviours in people with type 2 diabetes. Data from a community sample of 1,990 people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for less than 10 years were assessed.

Articles – Emergency Medicine Australasia, Apr 2015

7.  Review article: Emergency department models of care in the context of care quality and cost: A systematic review
By Wylie, Kate; Crilly, Julia; Toloo, Ghasem (Sam); FitzGerald, Gerry; Burke, John; Williams, Ged; Bell, Anthony.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr 2015, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p95-101. 7p
: To identify current ED models of care and their impact on care quality, care effectiveness, and cost. A systematic search of key health databases ( Medline, CINAHL, Cochrane, EMbase) was conducted to identify literature on ED models of care. Models described within the literature mainly focused on addressing issues at the input, throughput or output stages of ED care delivery.

8. Low acuity and general practice-type presentations to emergency departments: A rural perspective
By Allen, Penny; Cheek, Colleen; Foster, Simon; Ruigrok, Marielle; Wilson, Deborah; Shires, Lizzi.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr 2015, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p113-118. 6p.
: Objective To estimate the number of general practice ( GP)-type patients attending a rural ED and provide a comparative rural estimate to a metropolitan study. Methods Analysis of presentations to the two EDs in Northwest Tasmania from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2013 using the Diagnosis, Sprivulis, Australian College of Emergency Medicine ( ACEM) and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( AIHW) methods to estimate the number of GP-type presentations.

9. Paracetamol poisoning in adolescents in an Australian setting: Not quite adults
By Graudins, Andis.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr 2015, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p139-144. 7p
: To describe and compare the characteristics of paracetamol poisoning in adolescent and adult patients. Method Descriptive retrospective case series of adolescent (12-17 years) and adult (>18 years) patients presenting to a metropolitan hospital network ED, diagnosed with paracetamol poisoning from October 2009 to September 2013.

10. Removal of ENT foreign bodies in children 
By Craig, Simon S; Cheek, John A; Seith, Robert W; West, Adam.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr 2015, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p145-147. 4p
: The article presents an overview of the most commonly encountered paediatric emergency department scenarios involving aural and nasal foreign bodies. Topics discussed include the presentation of symptoms which vary depending on the site of the foreign body, non-invasive techniques to remove aural foreign bodies such as irrigation with warm water or simple nose-blowing and the usefulness of topical local anaesthetic/vaso-constrictor to help in removing nasal foreign bodies

11. New Zealand Emergency Medicine Network: A collaboration for acute care research in New Zealand 
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr 2015, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p169-172. 5p
: The specialty of emergency medicine in Australasia is coming of age. As part of this maturation there is a need for high-quality evidence to inform practice. This article describes the development of the New Zealand Emergency Medicine Network, a collaboration of committed emergency care researchers who share the vision that New Zealand/ Aotearoa will have a world-leading, patient-centred emergency care research network, which will improve emergency care for all, so that people coming to any ED in the country will have access to the same world-class emergency care.

12. Simulation as a high stakes assessment tool in emergency medicine 
By O'Leary, Fenton.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr 2015, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p173-175. 3p
: The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine ( ACEM) will introduce high stakes simulation-based summative assessment in the form of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations ( OSCEs) into the Fellowship Examination from 2015. Miller's model emphasises that, no matter how realistic the simulation, it is still a simulation and examinees do not necessarily behave as in real life.

13. Diagnostic error: Missed fractures in emergency medicine 
By Deakin, Anita; Schultz, Timothy J; Hansen, Kim; Crock, Carmel.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Apr 2015, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p177-178. 2p
: The article presents an incident submitted to the Emergency Medicine Events Register (EMER), an anonymous, confidential and protected incident-reporting system supported by Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM). Topics discussed include the failure of an emergency department (ED) registrar to correctly identify a triquetral fracture on X-ray and how the missed fracture highlights a system issue that can potentially lead to significant patient harm

Articles – Nurses and Compassion

14. It's agony for us as well 
By Green, Janet; Darbyshire, Philip; Adams, Anne; Jackson, Debra.
Nursing Ethics. Mar 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p176-190. 15p
: Improved techniques and life sustaining technology in the neonatal intensive care unit have resulted in an increased probability of survival for extremely premature babies. The by-product of the aggressive treatment is iatrogenic pain, and this infliction of pain can be a cause of suffering and distress for both baby and nurse. The research sought to explore the caregiving dilemmas of neonatal nurses when caring for extremely premature babies

15. Targeted intervention for family and professional caregivers: Attachment, empathy, and compassion 
By Vachon, Mary L. S.
Palliative Medicine. Feb2016, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p101-103. 3p
: The author reflects on the sense of attachment and care for the patient who is under medical care during traumatic event or crisis and the need of empathy and compassion for family and professional caregivers. He states that under threatening situations family and professional caregivers turn to other people for getting the required support

16. Compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue among critical care nurses 
By Sacco, Tara L.; Ciurzynski, Susan M.; Harvey, Megan Elizabeth; Ingersoll, G
Critical Care Nurse. Aug 2015, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p32-44. 13p
: Although critical care nurses gain satisfaction from providing compassionate care to patients and patients' families, the nurses are also at risk for fatigue. The balance between satisfaction and fatigue is considered professional quality of life. Objectives To establish the prevalence of compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue in adult, pediatric, and neonatal critical care nurses and to describe potential contributing demographic, unit, and organizational characteristics.

17. Nurses do not have proprietary righst on caring: but we do on clinical practice models 
By Davidson, Patricia M.; Du, Huiyun.
Journal of Nursing Management. May 2015, Vol. 23 Issue 4, p409-410. 2p
: The article focuses on the increased role of nurses in the current health care system. It states that unlike the past times, nurses have better skills and education, and their role is no more predictable and controllable. It discusses that nurses have taken initiatives to formulate innovative methods for delivering medical care , and mentions that in this era of increased diversity of the health workforce, nurses should take up the challenge of maintaining their role in the health system.

Journal Table of Contents

From International Journal of Nursing Practice, April 2016

18A. Abortion in modern health care: Considering the issues for health-care professionals
18B. Assessment of family history of substance abuse for preventive interventions with patients experiencing chronic pain: A quality improvement project
18C. Factors contributing to malnutrition in patients with Parkinson's disease
18D. The effects of personalized care planning for adults living with chronic conditions
18E. Back massage intervention for relieving lower back pain in puerperal women
18F. The effect on pain of three different methods of intramuscular injection: A randomized controlled trial
18G. Bullying among nurses and its relationship with burnout and organizational climate
18H. Stroke unit Nurse Managers' views of individual and organizational factors liable to influence evidence-based practice: A survey
18I. Quality of life, social support and cognitive impairment in heart failure patients without diagnosed dementia
18J. Effects of the Anger Coping Programme based on cognitive behavioural techniques on adolescents' anger, aggression and psychological symptoms
18K. Do you use social media? A study into new nursing and midwifery graduates' uptake of social media
18L. Perceived organizational support and intention to remain: The mediating roles of career success and self-esteem


19. Perinatal anxiety and depression seminar
This seminar provides professional development for those supporting families affected by mental illness related to pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood.
Date: 24 June 2016
Location: Learning Centre Auditorium, Hutt Valley DHB
42 Queens Drive - Lower Hutt
More information:

News – National

20. 'Health age' research spells out grim outlook for many
Stuff - May 25, 2016

Insurer Sovereign has polled the nation and found that on average people's bad habits have them on track to die two years before their time. Sovereign's research is part of the development of a scheme to reward policyholders who live healthier lifestyles, thereby lowering the risk of insuring them

News International

21. Health consumer groups warn Telstra could profit from cancer register
The Age - May 26, 2016

Public health and consumer groups have questioned whether Telstra and other private companies could profit from millions of Australians' cancer screening records. The register - merging data from nine non-profit run registers - will allow GPs to access a single record of their patients' cervical and bowel cancer screening history                                                                      







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