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Library e-newsletter: Issue 17 - 20 May 2016

Books added to the NZNO Library Collection

NZNO members can borrow these books for 4 weeks.

1. WY28 MAR
No one left behind: How nurse practitioners are changing the Canadian health care system

Shares a variety of stories from nurse practitioners across all sectors of the Canadian health care system to provide detailed accounts of what they do in their practice.

2. WZ 100 CLA
Nursing: an exquisite profession

Autobiographical account of the nursing career of a former president of the Royal College of Nursing

3. WZ 100 ROU
New Zealand's safer sex pioneer [Ettie Rout]

A revised version of the author's 1992 biography, this is intended as a shorter, more accessible version of the earlier book, to commemorate the centennial of the First World War.

4. HF 5718 GOU
"Just listen": Discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone
Presents techniques for overcoming barriers to communication.

5. WY 154.2 VIS
Fast facts for the triage nurse: An orientation and care guide in a nutshell

Offers guidelines covering key processes and practices that triage nurses use daily. Chapters address core elements of triage such as patient point of entry, acuity scales, and "red-flag" patient presentations and how to handle them; coordination and communication with other health care team members; and documentation.

6. WZ 100 CUR
To Sark and beyond

Recounts the author's experiences as a district nurse in London in the 1960s followed by her years working on Sark in the Channel Islands before emigrating to New Zealand where she worked as a district nurse north of Auckland.

7. WY 20.5 MOU
Nursing research: An introduction

Answers questions about the nursing research process, providing the knowledge necessary to understand nursing research, evidence-based practice and critical appraisal.

8. WY 88 PEP
Interpersonal relations in nursing: A conceptual  frame of reference for psychodynamic nursing

Reprints the classic text from 1952 in which the author suggests that interaction phenomena that occur during nurse-patient relationships have qualitative impact on outcomes for patients.

Articles – Measles

9. Measles: Eliminated but not eradicated
By Grif Alspach, JoAnn.
Critical Care Nurse. Aug 2015, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p9-13. 5p
The author provides a synopsis of essentials that critical care nurses has to know about measles derived from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She says that measles have never been eradicated in the U.S. and cases will continue to rise as its citizens reenter or visitors enter the borders after contracting it elsewhere.

10. Measles at Disneyland: A problem for all ages
By Halsey, Neal A.; Salmon, Daniel A.
Annals of Internal Medicine. 5/5/2015, Vol. 162 Issue 9, Following p655-656. 3p
: The authors reflect on the 2014-2015 California-based Disneyland-associated measles outbreak in which Disneyland employees contracted measles and caused disease transmission. They mention the parents' refusal to vaccinate their children for measles due to a study in 1998 which claimed that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine caused autism.

11. Emergency settings: Be prepared to vaccinate persons aged 15 and over against measles 
By Kaiser, Reinhard.
Journal of Infectious Diseases. Dec 2014, Vol. 210 Issue 12, p1857-1859. 3p.
: An introduction is presented in which the editor discusses various articles within the issue on epidemiology, mortality, and vaccination of measles, changes in epidemiology of measles in Africa, and the guidelines by World Health Organization (WHO) on measles immunization.

12. Framework for verifying elimination of measles and rubella 
Weekly Epidemiological Record. 3/1/2013, Vol. 88 Issue 9, p89-99. 11p.
: The article discusses framework for verifying the elimination of measles and rubella that was endorsed by Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE). The framework has been developed for settings where the aim is to interrupt transmission of both measles and rubella. It presents three criteria for verification of measles and rubella elimination.

Articles – Heart Health: Women

13. Why conquering stress can help your heart 
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Mar 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 7, pCover-7. 2p
: The article discusses the mental and emotional impact of stress and anxiety in women. It refers to takotsubo cardiomyopathy which is a type of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy in which there is a sudden temporary weakening of the muscular portion of the heart. It outlines the symptoms of takotsubo cardiomyopathy such as chest pain and shortness of breath.

14. Heart myths 
By Turner, Lisa; Erickson, Kim.
Better Nutrition. Feb 2016, Vol. 78 Issue 2, p32-36. 4p
: The article focuses on several myths regarding heart disease and highlights the truth behind the cause of cardiovascular disease. The myths discussed include no role of low level of amino acids homocysteine in reducing the risk of heart disease, younger women being more prone to heart disease, role of high-intensity exercise with short intervals in reducing heart disease risk, and saturated fats not leading to heart disease.

15. Your heart: A users manual 
By Levine, Hallie.
Health. Jan/Feb 2016, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p101-104. 4p
: The article discusses the physiological aspects of the human heart. It states the blood flow mechanism of the heart like the pulmonary vein which carries oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to left atrium, and mentions the risks of strike in people with higher blood pressure. It notes data regarding less likelihood of getting a stroke by optimistic women, and cites significance of pregnancy in heart health.

16. The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Heart. 
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. Sep 2014, Vol. 32 Issue 7, p1-3. 2p.
: The article discusses research published in the periodical "British Journal of Sports Medicine" that examined the role of physical activity in reducing heart disease in women. Topics include the risk contributed by lack of physical activity, smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure for heart disease, the use of population attributable risk, and need for women to incorporate aerobic activity and strength training into their lifestyle to decrease sedentary living.

Articles - Journal of Community Nursing, Apr/May 2016

17. Are poor mental health services the real epidemic in primary care? 
Beckford-Ball, Jason. Journal of Community Nursing (Apr/May 2016): 8-9.
: According to The Guardian, the report paints a devastating picture of England's mental health services', with suicide rising fast, the majority of people with psychiatric conditions not getting the help they need, and children being shipped 'almost anywhere in the country to access sendees.

18. Do you pass the nursing 'stress test'? 
Hall, Angela. Journal of Community Nursing (Apr/May 2016): 10-11.
: The regular Sickness Absence in the Labour Market report from the Office for National Statistics identifies nursing as a particularly high stress occupation and this is reflected in the number of nurses on stress-related leave from work. Factors such as the condition of patients' homes, travel disruption and cost, lack of appropriate equipment, issues with pets - especially' dogs - and patients’ drug or alcohol use are all concerns for community' nurses that do not affect hospital nurses in the same way.

19. What is complex regional pain syndrome? 
Burden, Melanie. Journal of Community Nursing (Apr/May 2016): 12-13.
: Common symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome include: * A burning, intense and 'stabbing' pain, also described as a 'cold pain' * Pain experienced from the lightest of touches: the medical term for this is 'allodynia' (an example of which is experiencing a painful reaction from something that would not normally be expected to hurt, such as stroking the skin with a feather.

20. Breaking the cycle of shame 
Favero, Rhia. Journal of Community Nursing (Apr/May 2016): 20-21.
: There are around 900,000 young people under the age of 19 in the UK with bowel and bladder problems, equating to one in 12 of this age group (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE], 2010).These problems, which include daytime wetting, nighttime wetting, constipation and soiling, can have significant impacts on the emotional wellbeing of sufferers, with those affected - both young people and their parents or carers - reporting feelings of shame, embarrassment and fear of ‘being found out'.

21. Demystifying debridement and wound cleansing 
Downe, Annette; Khatun, Salma.
Journal of Community Nursing (Apr/May 2016): 26,28-30.
: In the community setting, leg ulcer management involves both care of the wound itself and the skin of the lower limb. Cleansing is vital to ensure that infection does not develop in the wound itself and that the integrity of the periwound skin is maintained. Maintaining the skin's barrier function is also vital, as, without this, fluid loss, inflammation, dryness and infection can develop.

22. How to recognise, assess and control wound exudate 
Beldon, Pauline.
Journal of Community Nursing (Apr/May 2016): 32,34,36,38.
: Wound fluid, or exudate, is a normal consequence of healing but physiological circumstances within the individual or their wound can arise, which lead to excessive wound fluid production. There is a risk of maceration and excoriation of surrounding skin, which can cause distress and impact on quality of life. Therefore robust assessment and nursing intervention can successfully manage exudate and facilitate improved wound healing.

Journal Table of Contents

OT Insight: Magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand, March 2016

23A. Occupational therapists as changemakers
23B. A change for good [Therapists who are considered change agents]
23C. Five ways to wellbeing – therapeutic occupation for the masses
23D. NZ Health Strategy: get involved in the future planning of health – why occupational therapist need to be heard
23E. Occupational therapists as scientists
23F. Maori secrets to occupational therapy superpowers part 2: Manaakitanga
23G. Enabling access to health care for Chinese seniors
23H. More than just a cuppa [Ross café at Ross Home and Hospital]
23I. CPE calendar of events, symposiums, conferences


24. 2016 Managing a 24/7 Workforce
This year’s managing a 24/7 workforce is designed to provide policy and standard updates, practical insights on rostering and scheduling staff, as well as health and wellbeing initiatives worth implementing. Receive practical advice on how to sustain your 24/7 workforce with inspiring leadership and creating an appreciative culture
Date: 15 - 16 Nov, 2016
Venue: Auckland
More information

25. Industrial & Employment Relations Summit
: 16 - 17 Mar, 2017
Venue: Auckland
More information:

26. Empowering People Living with Autism
Autism New Zealand 2016 Conference
: 19–20 August 2016
Venue: Shed 6, Wellington
More information:

27. The Lowitja Institute International Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Conference | Australia
Conference theme: Identity | Knowledge | Strength
: 8-10 November 2016
Venue: Melbourne | Australia
More information:

28. Fostering innovation in research on ageing
The Canadian Association on Gerontology
45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting
: October 20-22 October 2016
Venue: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
More information:

News – National

29. Antibiotic apocalypse: Fears over superbugs will kill more people than cancer by 2050
NZ Herald - Thursday May 19, 2016

Pharmaceutical companies should be offered billion dollar rewards to develop new antibiotics to tackle the rise of drug-resistant superbugs, the leader of a major UK government review has recommended. Lord Jim O'Neill is also calling for bans on the widespread use of antibiotics on animals to avert a crisis that could see 10 million unnecessary deaths a year by 2050.

News – International

New superbug case at St Vincent's Hospital and St George's health service in Kew
The Age - May 19, 2016

St Vincent's Hospital is screening patients for a superbug that can kill up to half the people it infects, after the bacteria was discovered in an elderly patient who had surgery there six months ago. St George's Health Service in Kew - a St Vincent's rehabilitation and aged care facility - is also on alert because the patient, Renee Scott, is now being cared for there in a single room with strict infection control procedures.

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