Articles - Resilience
1. Personal resilience in nurses and midwives: Effects of a work-based educational intervention.
By McDonald, Glenda & Jackson, Debra.
Contemporary Nurse : a Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession
(Aug 2013): 134-43.
Abstract: Nurses and midwives commonly face a variety of challenges and difficulties in their everyday work. Stress, pressure, fatigue and anxiety are acknowledged sources of workplace adversity, which causes decreased perceptions of health and wellbeing. This study reports the effects of a work-based, educational intervention to promote personal resilience in a group of 14 nurses and midwives working in a busy clinical environment.
2. School Nurse Resilience: Experiences After Multiple Natural Disasters
Broussard, Lisa, RN, DNS, CNE; Myers, Rachel, RN, MSN.
The Journal of School Nursing
(Jun 2010): 203-11.
Abstract: This qualitative descriptive study explored the experiences of school nurses in coastal Louisiana, who were affected by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in 2008 and who had also been in the path of destruction caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of school nurses affected by repeated natural disasters in relation to their professional practice
3. Identifying Challenging Job and Environmental Demands of Older Nurses Within the National Health Service
Durosaiye, Isaiah Oluremi; Hadjri, Karim; Liyanage, Champika Lasanthi.
HERD : Health Environments Research & Design Journal
(Apr 2016): 82-105.
Abstract: Objective: To explore the existing theoretical contexts of the job and environmental demands of the nursing profession in the National Health Service (NHS) and to investigate how these job and environmental demands impact on the personal constructs of older nurses within the NHS.
Background: Nursing is the single most widely practiced profession in the healthcare sector in the United Kingdom. However, nurses contend with challenging job and environmental demands on a daily basis, which deplete them of personal constructs (or resources) required to stay in the profession.
4. The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in Critical Care Nurses: A Psychometric Analysis
Mealer, Meredith, PhD, RN; Schmiege, Sarah J, PhD; Meek, Paula, PhD, RN.
Journal of Nursing Measurement
(2016): 28-39.
Abstract: Objective: (a) To investigate the factor structure of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in critical care nurses, using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and (b) to assess reliability and known group differences of the CD-RISC on critical care nurses. Methods: CD-RISC surveys were collected on 744 critical care nurses across the United States
5. The First Care Provider System: Improving Community Resilience for Unexpected Disasters
Bobko, Joshua P, MD; Harris, William J, NREMT-P; Thomas, Stuart.
EMS World
(Mar 2016): 32,34-38.
Abstract: The unspoken secret of EMS is that there is a systemwide overreliance on the existing EMS structure. Too often this reliance means our communities prepare based on the assumption that medical care will be readily available. As recent events continue to prove, this is not always the case, and it suggests our current response paradigm may need improvement. Now is the time to educate and empower everyone to be able to bridge this gap and provide emergency care.
6. Moral Resilience: Managing and Preventing Moral Distress and Moral Residue
Lachman, Vicki D.
Medsurg Nursing
(Mar/Apr 2016): 121-124
Abstract: Practicing nurses need confidence in confronting morally complex situations to reduce the potential for moral injury, and thus prevent moral distress and burnout (Rushton, Batcheller, & Schroeder, 2015). To gain this self-confidence, nurses need to identify appropriate levels of moral responsibility in situations of moral ambiguity or complexity. Understanding the concept of moral resilience will be helpful in creating prevention and intervention strategies.
Articles – Ethics
7. Nursing students' experiences of ethical issues in clinical practice: A New Zealand study
Sinclair, J; Papps, E; Marshall, B.
Nurse Education in Practice
(Mar 2016): 1-7.
Abstract: Nursing students experience ethical problems in clinical practice in a different way from registered nurses. In order to develop ethical reasoning and competence in nursing students, nurse educators must recognise the unique issues students face. This research described the occurrence of ethical issues in clinical practice for 373 undergraduate nursing students who responded to a national questionnaire investigating the frequency of pre-determined ethical issues and the corresponding level of distress.
8. Nursing Ethics: A Lifelong Commitment
Gibbons, Susanne W; Jeschke, E Ann.
Annual Review of Nursing Research
(2016): 1-X.
Abstract: Over the past 30 years, the health-care context as well as the roles and responsibilities of nurses have drastically changed. Leaders in nursing around the world recognize that the health-care system is stressed and the well-being of the nursing workforce plagued by the pressures and challenges it faces in everyday practice. Our goal is to provide an illustration of ethics education as an interwoven, ongoing, and essential aspect of nursing education and professional development.
9. Nursing Students' Use of Electronic and Social Media: Law, Ethics, and E-Professionalism
Westrick, Susan J.
Nursing Education Perspectives
(Jan/Feb 2016): 16-22.
Abstract: This article discusses the promotion of professionalism in nursing students with regard to the use of electronic and social media. Misuse of social media can lead to disciplinary actions and program dismissal for students and to legal actions and lawsuits for nursing programs. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and National Council of State Boards of Nursing social media guidelines provide a foundation for promoting e-professionalism in students
10. Nursing Ethics and Disaster Triage: Applying Utilitarian Ethical Theory
Wagner, Jacqueline M; Dahnke, Michael D.
Journal of Emergency Nursing
(Jul 2015): 300-306.
Abstract: In their book Principles of Biomedical Ethics, which was first published in 1979, Tom Beauchamp and James Childress identified and developed these principles, along with more narrowly defined moral rules (such as fidelity and veracity) to provide a coherent approach to ethical decision making in a medical and health care context.1 This approach, later designated "principlism," has not achieved universal consensus as the appropriate approach for ethical decision making in health care.
11. The Nursing Code of Ethics: Its Value, Its History
Epstein, Beth, PhD, RN; Turner, Martha, PhD, RN-BC.
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
(May 2015): 33-41.
Abstract: To practice competently and with integrity, today's nurses must have in place several key elements that guide the profession, such as an accreditation process for education, a rigorous system for licensure and certification, and a relevant code of ethics. The American Nurses Association has guided and supported nursing practice through creation and implementation of a nationally accepted Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. This article will discuss ethics in society, professions, and nursing and illustrate how a professional code of ethics can guide nursing practice in a variety of settings.
12. Moral distress: A review of the argument-based nursing ethics literature
McCarthy, Joan; Gastmans, Chris.
Nursing Ethics
(Feb 2015): 131-152.
Abstract: The aim of this review is to examine the ways in which the concept of moral distress has been delineated and deployed in the argument-based nursing ethics literature. It adds to what we already know about moral distress from reviews of the qualitative and quantitative research.
Articles – Graduate Nurses
13. What are the ‘necessary’ skills for a newly graduating RN? Results of an Australian survey
Roy A. Brown & Patrick A. Crookes
BMC Nursing 2016 15:23 DOI: 10.1186/s12912-016-0144-8
Abstract: There appears to be a sense of disappointment with the product of contemporary nursing programs in Australia in that new graduate RNs are often referred to as not possessing appropriate skills by clinical colleagues. This work identifies the skills that the profession believes that newly graduating RN’s should possess at the point of registration.
14. Generation next
By Fedele, Robert.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Feb 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 7, p16-21. 6p.
Abstract: The article reports on the struggle of Australian graduate nurses and midwives to find employment as of February 2016. Topics include the decline in the number of nursing graduates who manage to find full-time jobs over the past decade, the percentage of Australia's nursing graduates that found full-time work four months after graduating by 2014, and nurses and midwives' right to transition into the workforce
15. The support needs of new graduate nurses making the transition to rural nursing practice in Australia
By Lea, Jackie; Cruickshank, Mary.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Apr 2015, Vol. 24 Issue 7/8, p948-960. 13p
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the findings from the new graduate nurse participants of a larger study that explored the transitional experiences of newly graduated nurses making the role transition in rural health care facilities in Australia. Evidence indicates that workload, skill mix and organizational pressures are still of concern for new nursing graduates within the Australian context and internationally.
16. Orientation and transition programme component predictors of new graduate workplace integration.
By Rush, Kathy L.; Adamack, Monica; Gordon, Jason; Janke, Robert; Ghement, Isabella R.
Journal of Nursing Management. Mar 2015, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p143-155. 13p
Abstract: To examine the relationships between selected components of new graduate nurse transition programmes and transition experiences. Background Transition support for new graduates is growing increasingly multifaceted; however, an investigation of the effectiveness of the constituent components of the transition process is lacking.
17. The influence of personal and workplace resources on new graduate nurses' job satisfaction
By Pineau Stam, Lisa M.; Spence Laschinger, Heather K.; Regan, Sandra; Wong, Carol A.
Journal of Nursing Management. Mar 2015, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p190-199. 10p
Abstract: This study examined the influence of new graduate nurses' personal resources (psychological capital) and access to structural resources (empowerment and staffing) on their job satisfaction. Background Reports suggest that new graduate nurses are experiencing stressful work environments, low job satisfaction, and high turnover intentions. These nurses are a health human resource that must be retained for the replacement of retiring nurses, and to address impending shortages.
Journal Table of Contents
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal
Volume 26, Number 3, March 2016
18A. Editorial: MenB vaccine leads the way
18B. News: Regulator debunks revalidation ‘myths’ as system goes live; General practices may be nearing a state of emergency, says BMA; Drop in community health funding puts pressure on NHS; Ten ‘healthy towns’ designed for people with dementia; Public Health England releases new guidance on healthy eating.
18C. Community nurses needed so patients can die at home; Alarm over reduction in number of entrants to district nurse course
18D. Analysis: revalidation offers nurses and midwives opportunities
18E. Harnessing technology to cut the number of admissions
18F. Better primary care for special needs patients
18G. Opinion: Out of the cold [Plans to develop primary care services in Wales are welcome, but their implementation must involve the nursing workforce
18H. Research News: Electronic frailty index for elderly; Preventing food allergies through early introduction and exposure; Self-harm in primary care populations study; Child access to GP services and EDs
18I. Research Focus: Sports-related concussion
18J. How venous leg ulcers affect quality of life
18K. Learning outcomes from an end of life care training programme
18L. Ensuring diversity among community nursing leaders
18M. Treatment and management of psoriasis; Questionnaire: management of psoriasis
19. The Law @ Work Conference
26 July, Heritage Hotel, Auckland
27 July, Intercontinental Hotel, Wellington
The Law @ Work is a new employment law conference, bringing together some of New Zealand’s leading employment law practitioners. The aim of the conference is to give you an in-depth analysis of the most topical issues in employment law.
Enquiries: [email protected]
Ph: Annette Vao on 09 360 3712.
20. Fostering innovation on research in ageing
45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting
The Canadian Association on Gerontology
Date: October 20-22, 2016
Location: Montreal, Quebec
More information:
News – National
21. Vaccinate against measles now, as Waikato faces an epidemic
Stuff - April 29 2016
OPINION: On Tuesday, April 26, the Waikato Times reported on eight definite and six possible cases of measles here in Waikato. I have been practising emergency medicine for 20 years and, fortunately, have seen few cases of measles. There is one reason for this: vaccination works. But the only way it works is when virtually everyone in a community is vaccinated. This is not the case in the Waikato. And for this reason, we are seeing a resurgence of measles, a disease that was thought to be nearly eradicated from the United States and other developed countries back in 2000.
22. Iwi trains to save lives on marae
Stuff - May 2, 2016
A central North Island iwi is introducing first aid training and new medical equipment in its marae to help save lives. Hui, tangi and birthdays can result in big gatherings for the Ngati Tuwharetoa tribe which - the sixth largest in New Zealand. It has more than 30 marae and the chance of someone needing medical attention is high.
News – International
23. First Biology of Ageing Conference explores how to prolong life, maintain health
The Age - April 29, 2016
At the inaugural Australian Biology of Ageing Conference, hosted by the University of NSW, more than 130 experts will discuss the latest research into prolonging life, maintaining health and slowing the ageing process. Among them is keynote speaker Dr Darren Baker, who has found a way to increase the median lifespan of mice by as much as 35 per cent.
24. The flu vaccine is four times more effective if given in the morning
Telegraph – 26 April 2016
The flu vaccine is four times more effective if given in the morning, scientists have discovered, a finding which could help prevent the deaths of thousands of people each year. Influenza is still a deadly infection for vulnerable people like pensioners and last winter around 16,000 people died from the virus, after the flu strain mutated unexpectedly.