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Issue 14 - 27 April 2016

New Disability Strategy for New Zealand – Join the Conversation

One in four New Zealanders is limited by a physical, sensory, learning, mental health or other impairment. That’s more than 1.1 million of us. From 13 April until 24 May 2016, we’re asking people to tell us what the most important things are for disabled New Zealanders and their whānau to live a good life, to feel valued, supported and able to participate in their communities.

Books available for borrowing

NZNO members may borrow books for a four week period. 

1. Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice
Denise F. Polit & Cheryl Tatano Beck
8th edition, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2014

2. Health Equity, Social Justice and Human Rights
Ann Taket
Routledge, 2012

3. Nursing Research: An introduction
Pam Moule & Margaret Goodman
2nd edition, Sage, 2014

4. Perioperative nursing: An introduction
Lois Hamlin, Menna Davies, Marilyn Richardson-Tench, Fraser Sutherland
2nd edition, Elsevier Australia, 2016

5. The quest for health equity: Health care issues, costs and access
Angela Sauaia
Nova Science, 2014

Articles  - Quality Improvement/Patient Safety

6. Documenting Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Efforts: The Quality Portfolio. A Statement from the Academic Hospitalist Taskforce
Taylor, Benjamin B; Parekh, Vikas; Estrada, Carlos A; Schleyer, Anneliese; Sharpe, Bradley.
Journal of General Internal Medicine (1), Jan 2014: 214-8.
: The Society of General Internal Medicine Academic Hospitalist Task Force sought to develop a practical tool, the quality portfolio, to systematically document quality and safety achievements. The portfolio was refined for implementation to include an outlined framework, detailed instructions for use and an example to guide users.

7. Use of Personal Electronic Devices by Nurse Anesthetists and the Effects on Patient Safety
Snoots, Lauren R, MSN, CRNA; Wands, Brenda A, PhD, MBA, CRNA.
AANA Journal (2), April 2016: 114-119.
: Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) provide high-quality patient care to ensure patient safety. Strict vigilance and prompt response is required of the CRNA to make critical decisions. Distractions during anesthesia delivery may threaten patient safety. Personal electronic devices (PEDs) have become an integral tool used by 90% of adults. Adaptation of PEDs has permitted their integration into current anesthesia practice.

8. Implementation of a team model for RACF care by a general practice
Meade, Carole; Ward, Bernadette; Cronin, Helen.
Australian Family Physician (4), Apr 2016: 218-222.
: Many general practitioners (GPs) struggle to meet the demand for their services at residential aged care facilities (RACFs). The aim of this study was to describe and examine the effect on service provision and GPs of a new model of RACF care in a rural general practice.

9. Patient Perceptions of the Environment of Care in Which Their Healthcare is Delivered
LaVela, Sherri L; Etingen, Bella; Hill, Jennifer N; Miskevics, Scott.
HERD : Health Environments Research & Design Journal (3), Apr 2016: 31-46.
: To measure patients' perceptions of the environment of care (EOC), with a focus on the physical environment, in which healthcare is delivered. The EOC may impact patient experiences, care perceptions, and health outcomes. EOC may be improved through redesign of existing physical structures or spaces or by adding nurturing amenities

Articles – International Journal of Nursing Practice, February 2016

10. Narrative review of health-related quality of life and its predictors among patients with coronary heart disease (pages 4–14)
Imran Muhammad, Hong-Gu He, Yanika Kowitlawakul and Wenru Wang
International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2016 Feb; 22(1)
: This paper summarizes the empirical evidence concerning health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and attempts to identify its significant predictors. Previous studies have consistently demonstrated the negative impact of CHD on HRQoL, citing three major types of predictive factors: sociodemographic, clinical and psychosocial factors. There are, however, few studies that collectively investigate the relationship among concepts such as HRQoL, anxiety and depression, social support, and sociodemographic and clinical factors in relation to CHD

11. The effectiveness of individual rehabilitation on health status in patients with heart failure: A quasi-experimental study (pages 15–21)
Palle Larsen and Preben U Pedersen
International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2016 Feb;22(1)
: Patients with heart failure (HF) live with a serious disease, and need long-term rehabilitation care. Elements in rehabilitation for patients with HF are based on the recommendations from the European Society of Cardiology and focuses on self-care and adherence in general. The aim of this study is to test the effect of individually prepared rehabilitation plans measured on health status (HS).

12. A novel approach to fit testing the N95 respirator in real time in a clinical setting (pages 22–30)
Peggy Or, Joanne Chung and Thomas Wong
International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2016 Feb;22(1)
: The instant measurements provided by the Portacount fit-test instrument have been used as the gold standard in predicting the protection of an N95 respirator in a laboratory environment. The conventional Portacount fit-test method, however, cannot deliver real-time measurements of face-seal leakage when the N95 respirator is in use in clinical settings. This research was divided into two stages. Stage 1 involved developing and validating a new quantitative fit-test method called the Personal Respiratory Sampling Test (PRST). In Stage 2, PRST was evaluated in use during nursing activities in clinical settings.

Articles – Nursing Management [RCN Journal], April 2016

13. Why research is vital
Marianne Ditomassi , Jeanette Ives Erickson , Dorothy A Jones
Nursing Management, Vol. 23(1), 01 April 2016
: The future of health care will depend on how we respond to reform, financial and workforce constraints, government attempts to improve care quality and patient safety, and changes to technology and patient populations. The nursing profession will play a prominent role in meeting these challenges, because nurses understand the importance of applying knowledge to the delivery of care.

14. Listening to feedback
Kath Evans , Paul Jebb
Nursing Management, Vol.23(1), 01 April 2016
: Focusing on the experience of patients and carers, and ensuring people are treated with compassion, dignity and respect in a clean, safe and well-managed environment, are crucial to good practice. Senior nurses are well placed to ensure that they and the staff they manage continually reflect on, and learn from, practice, and thereby ensure that patient outcomes are improved and the NMC code of conduct is upheld.

15. Revalidation and reflective practice
Alison Finch
Nursing Management, Vol. 23(1), 01 April 2016
: This article discusses how revalidation encourages a more conscious and active form of reflection. It also describes how leaders can help nurses to reflect on practice to identify improvements and become more familiar with the NMC Code.

16. Helping nurses through the revalidation process
Paul Edwards , Lucy Brown , Rebecca Royle-Evatt
Nursing Management, Vol. 23(1), 01 April 2016
Revalidation can seem challenging for some nurses and managers, but with the support of their organisations they can engage confidently with the process. This article describes Bupa’s approach to creating an infrastructure that embeds revalidation in its services

17. Nurses’ perceptions and experiences of mentoring
Valerie Douglas , John Garrity , Kim Shepherd , Lynn Brown
Nursing Management, Vol. 23(1), 01 April 2016
: This article reports the results of the qualitative findings of a survey of mentorship practices (Brown et al 2012). The findings suggest that mentors value support from link lecturers and practice education facilitators, especially when they experience difficulties with nursing students who do not have the required competencies to pass their placement.

Articles – Nursing Older People [RCN journal], 31 March 2016

18. Addressing the nutritional needs of older patients
Wendy-Ling Relph
Nursing Older People, Vol. 28(3), 31 March 2016
: Malnutrition affects three million people in the UK each year, 10% of whom are aged 65 and older. Chronic malnutrition is associated with well-documented clinical criteria for frailty: unintentional weight loss, weakness, immobility and sarcopenia. Frail, older people who are malnourished visit their GP twice as often as well-nourished equivalents and are three times more likely to be admitted to hospital where, on average, their stay is three days longer

19. Transcultural nursing strategies for carers of people with dementia
Melissa Bunting , Catharine Jenkins
Nursing Older People, Vol. 28, Issue 3, 31 March 2016
: This article, based on practice experience and a literature review, explores the effect of caring among different cultural groups and offers recommendations for culturally congruent interventions to support carers. It provides evidence-based guidance to enable nurses to meet their responsibilities for transcultural working, as laid out in the Care Act 2014

20. Applying comprehensive geriatric assessment to investigate falls
Geraldine Rodgers
Nursing Older People, Vol. 28(3), 31 March 2016
: This article presents the case of an older man who had a three-month history of falls. After his most recent fall he was admitted to an emergency department, where examination identified no significant abnormal pathology, and subsequently to a nurse-led older person’s clinic. The article describes how a CGA approach was adopted to assess the man, establish an underlying diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, and develop a personalised care plan to address immediate falls risk and long-term planning

21. Interaction between community pharmacists and community nurses in dementia care
Veronica M Smith
Nursing Older People, Vol. 28(3), 31 March 2016
: Using information taken from a larger study, this article presents the views of community pharmacists and one community nurse on how their communication, information sharing and team integration may improve care for this patient group. The community pharmacists reported positive attitudes to supporting people affected by dementia, but they highlighted barriers to integrated team working. In contrast, the community nurse conveyed the belief that the community pharmacist was an integrated member of the community health team.

Journal Table of Contents

Canadian Nurse, April 2016, Volume 112 Number

22A. Editorial: Finally, working on a health system for 21st-century Canadians
22B. President’s message: Did you know… [CAN represents nearly 139,000 RNs in Canada]
22C. From the CEO: Everything that grows, changes [CNA’s contribution to professional development]
22D. Examining medical assistance in dying from all sides
22E. Introduction to psychometric measurement
22F. Indigenous nurse leaders share success stories
22G. Ready to embrace the future? [Where health acre is headed, how patients’ expectations are changing and what nurses can do to adapt and lead]
22H. Innovative leadership program expands reach
22I. Overcoming barriers to access, One community support at a time
22J. An oral cancer therapy nurse navigator role
22K. In tune with living well
22L. A profession looking to gain more prestige through academia


23. School of Nursing, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Inaugural Interprofessional Symposium on Safe and Quality Prescribing

Date: Friday 8 July 2016, 9-4.15pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 505-007, Grafton Campus
85 Park Road, Grafton, Auckland
More information:

News – National

25. New Zealand's unsung WW1 heroes
11:28 am on 22 April 2015
Andrew McRae, Veterans' Affairs Reporter
From the first days of fighting at Gallipoli, the New Zealand nurses who worked on hospital ships and in field hospitals were some of the First World War's unsung heroes's-unsung-ww1-heroes

26. Gambling initiative aims to teach staff to be proactive instead of reactive
Timaru Herald - April 20 2016
Potential problem gamblers will be the target of a new gambling initiative launched in Timaru, prompting a call for better training standards. Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand chief executive Graeme Ramsey called for the national gambling attendant training standards to be raised

27. Waikato District Health Board looks to improve services to rural areas
Waikato Times - April 20 2016
Rural residents suffer from inequality in healthcare and they're being admitted to hospital more frequently because of it, according to a Waikato DHB staffer. Community and clinical support director Mark Spittal is calling for an increase in the the number of general practitioners operating in rural areas to tackle the problem. He says those communities often have poor access to resources and key health professionals.

News – International

28. Flu vaccine four times more effective if given in morning
Telegraph – 26 April 2016
The flu vaccine is four times more effective if given in the morning, scientists have discovered, a finding which could help prevent the deaths of thousands of people each year. Influenza is still a deadly infection for vulnerable people like pensioners and last winter around 16,000 people died from the virus, after the flu strain mutated unexpectedly.




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