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Issue 13 - 18 April 2016

New Disability Strategy for New Zealand

One in four New Zealanders is limited by a physical, sensory, learning, mental health or other impairment. That’s more than 1.1 million of us. 
From 13 April until 24 May 2016, we’re asking people to tell us what the most important things are for disabled New Zealanders and their whānau to live a good life, to feel valued, supported and able to participate in their communities.

Articles  - Shared Decision making (SDM)

1. Shared decision making for good healthcare choices
Brudenell, Gemma
Medicus, Vol. 55, No. 5, Jun 2015: 36
: Experts recently warned that the way in which treatment decisions are made in Australia rapidly needs to improve. It was highlighted that we are "'drastically lagging behind' other countries in equipping patients with the information they need to share in decision making". What can you do to help improve this situation?

2. Medication interview: Shared decision making
Rigby, Debbie
AJP: The Australian Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 96, No. 1144, Oct 2015: 64-[67]
: To be proficient at conducting medication reviews a pharmacist needs to understand the concept of patient-centred care with shared decision making

3. Uncertainty in end-of-life care and shared decision making
By Fisher, Malcolm &  Ridley, Saxon
Critical Care and Resuscitation, Vol. 14, No. 1, Mar 2012: 81-87
: Assessing the appropriateness of continuing life support is a difficult task for intensive care unit staff. Part of this difficulty relates to prognostic uncertainty and the varying reliability of clinical decisions. Uncertainty about prognosis is quickly recognised by patients and families, and can be a source of mistrust and potential conflict.

4. MAPPIN'SDM - The Multifocal Approach to Sharing in Shared Decision Making: e34849
By Kasper, Jürgen; Hoffmann, Frauke; Heesen, Christoph; Köpke, Sascha & Geiger, Friedemann. PLoS One (Apr 2012).
: The wide scale permeation of health care by the shared decision making concept (SDM) reflects its relevance and advanced stage of development. An increasing number of studies evaluating the efficacy of SDM use instruments based on various sub-constructs administered from different viewpoints. However, as the concept has never been captured in operable core definition it is quite difficult to link these parts of evidence.  This study aims at investigating interrelations of SDM indicators administered from different perspectives

5. Comparing the nine-item Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire to the OPTION Scale - an attempt to establish convergent validity
By Scholl, Isabelle; Kriston, Levente; Dirmaier, Jörg; Härter, Martin.
Health Expectations. Feb 2015, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p137-150. 14p. DOI: 10.1111/hex.12022
: While there has been a clear move towards shared decision-making (SDM) in the last few years, the measurement of SDM-related constructs remains challenging. There has been a call for further psychometric testing of known scales, especially regarding validity aspects. Objective To test convergent validity of the nine-item Shared Decision- Making Questionnaire (SDM- Q-9) by comparing it to the OPTION Scale

6. Consultation techniques using shared decision making for patients with cancer and their families
By Kawasaki, Yuko. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Dec 2014, Vol. 18 Issue 6, p701-706. 6p. DOI: 10.1188/14.CJON.701-706
: This article elucidates the nursing consultation techniques in shared decision making (SDM) for patients with cancer and their family members. Descriptive data (207 records) from the nurse-led SDM consultation facility and content analysis were used to extract the nursing consultation techniques. In addition, the order in which these techniques were used to structure the SDM process for patients with cancer was identified

7. Assessing patients' involvement in decision making during the nutritional consultation with a dietitian.
By Vaillancourt, Hugues; Légaré, France; Lapointe, Annie; Deschênes, Sarah-Maude; Desroches, Sophie.
Health Expectations. Aug 2014, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p545-554. 10p. DOI: 10.1111/j.1369-7625.2012.00783.x.
: Shared decision making (SDM) represents an interesting approach to optimize the impact of dietary treatment, but there is no evidence that SDM is commonly integrated into diet-related health care. Objective To assess the extent to which dietitians involve patients in decisions about dietary treatment

8. Patient empowerment through shared decisions can lower costs
By: Goozner, Merrill.
Modern Healthcare. 1/25/2016, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p0024-0024. 1p.
: The article reports on the development of educational materials that empowers patients to engage in shared decision-making with their physicians in the U.S. Topics discussed include the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) call on physicians to engage in shared decision-making with asymptomatic chronic smokers, the availability of aids that describe the benefits of harms of screening and follow-up diagnostic testing, and the results of studies on the effects of empowering patients

Articles – Ethics

9. Ethical Issues in Family Care Today 
Barrett, Patrick; Butler, Mary; Hale, Beatrice.
Annual Review of Nursing Research, 34 (2016): 67-X.
: The abstract consideration of ethical questions in family and informal caregiving might rightly be criticized for ignoring the lived experience of people. This chapter seeks to avoid such oversight by reflecting on ethical issues in family care in a way that is based on careful social scientific inquiry into the well-being of caregivers. The chapter draws on our research and experience in working with family caregivers, both professionally and personally.

10. Self-Neglect: Ethical Considerations
Day, Mary Rose; Leahy-Warren, Patricia; McCarthy, Geraldine.
Annual Review of Nursing Research, (2016): 89-X.
: Self-neglect is a significant international public health issue. Estimates suggest that there may be over one million cases per year in the United States. Aging populations will put more people at risk of self-neglect. This chapter presents background literature, self-neglect definitions and policy context, risk factors, and a brief overview of research on perspectives of self-neglect from both clients and community health and social care professionals

11. Ethical Considerations Regarding the Use of Smart Home Technologies for Older Adults: An Integrative Review
Chung, Jane; Demiris, George; Thompson, Hilaire J.
Annual Review of Nursing Research, (2016): 155-XI.
: With the wide adoption and use of smart home applications, there is a need for examining ethical issues regarding smart home use at the intersection of aging, technology, and home environment. Purpose: The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of ethical considerations and the evidence on these ethical issues based on an integrative literature review with regard to the utilization of smart home technologies by older adults and their family members

12. No Need to Object: Ethical Obligations for Interprofessional Collaboration in Emergency Department Discharge Planning 
Webster, Laura Bentley; Shirley, Jamie L.
Annual Review of Nursing Research, (2016): 183-XI.
: Emergency departments (EDs) serve a wide range of patient needs. A crucial aspect of safe and effective care in the ED is to appropriately transition patients to the next level of care. In most EDs, this disposition planning is done exclusively by physicians, which has the potential to result in unacceptable harm. A virtue ethics approach demonstrates the need for explicit inclusion of nurses in disposition planning.

Journal Table of Contents

Registered Nurse Journal: The journal of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Vol 28, No. 1, January/February 2016

13A. Presidents View: The added value new grads bring to our workplaces
13B. Welcoming Syrian refugees: The Canadian way
13C. Mailbag: Food for thought on social media; Mentors can come from near or far; RN follows in the footsteps of colleague, fellow
13D. In the nEws: Crisis team helps to de-escalate stressful situations; Nursing cuts will affect patient care; Quitting…made easier; Boost staffing to reduce violence in nursing homes
13E. “My life was nursing”: Remembering Thora “Jerry” Gerow 1919 to 2016; harvesting freedom for migrant workers; Ending violence against women
13F. Open arms [Nurses play a key role in ensuring thousands of Syrians get off to a safe and healthy start in Canada]
13G. From theory to practice [Challenges faced by Ontario nursing grads in transitioning from the classroom to the workplace]
13H. Fearlessness and mentorship: a recipe for success
13I. Strength in numbers [A rheumatology practice is treating more people in less time]
13J. One member, one vote
13K. Policy at work: Health Accord talks; Pre-budget presentations
13L. In the end: What nursing means to me

A series of webinars will be held throughout April, featuring Commission falls clinical lead Sandy Blake and local and international experts. 
Please email Bridgette Connor to register.

14. Webinar one
Human factors and learning from falls events
: Tuesday 19 April 2016, 8–9am

15. Webinar two
Falls prevention and primary care partnerships
: Tuesday 26 April 2016, 5–6pm

16. Webinar three
An international perspective: Managing falls and fractures in care homes for older people in Scotland
Friday 29 April, 8–9am

More information:[WEBINARS

News – National

17. Doctors warn against swaddling babies
NZ Herald - Monday Apr 11, 2016
Australian doctors have issued a warning about swaddling infants, after a study indicated the popular calming method could lead to joint development issues like "clicky hip" later in life.

18. Report shows 170,000 people who need surgery are not on waiting list
NZ Herald - Monday Apr 11, 2016
About 280,000 New Zealanders are waiting for elective surgery - with more than half of those people not even on official waiting lists. Independent research showed up to 110,000 people were on official waiting lists for surgery. But about 170,000 people were still not on a list, despite being told elective surgery was required.

19. Dementia's links to minor trauma found in most contact sports
April 9 2016
Koli Sewabu knows he is lucky to have walked away from rugby with no side effects from his concussions. The former Fijian international had more than his fair share of head knocks, and the way he dealt with them is enough to make a neurologist shudder.

News – International

20. Trying to get fit? Bad gums may be your undoing
April 17, 2016 - 8:20PM
Bad gums? They're very likely shortening your lifespan, and even undermining sport and exercise that should extend your life, says a world oral health expert. Your parents probably told you to brush your teeth to prevent holes. But international expert Professor Jorg Eberhard said gum disease and tooth decay may also be an important factor determining the success of a pregnancy, the ability to control diabetes and the risk of a stroke or heart attack.




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