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Issue 12 - 12 April 2016

Nominate for 2017 New Year Honours
Know women doing great things? Nominations for the New Year Honours 2017 are due to the Honours Unit, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, by 24 May 2016

Articles - Health Impact Assessment

1. Old Myths, New Myths: Challenging Myths in Public Health
By Viehbeck, Sarah M.; Petticrew, Mark; Cummins, Steven.
American Journal of Public Health. Apr 2015, Vol. 105 Issue 4, p665-669. 5p
: Myths are widely held beliefs and are frequently perpetuated through telling and retelling. We examined 10 myths in public health research and practice. Where possible, we traced their origins, interrogated their current framing in relation to the evidence, and offered possible alternative ways of thinking about them.

2. Including migrant populations in health impact assessments
By Miramontes, Lara; Pottie, Kevin; Benkhalti Jandu, Maria; Welch, Vivian; Miller, Keith; James, Megan & Hatcher Roberts, Janet.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Dec 2015, Vol. 93 Issue 12, p888-889. Abstract
: The article discusses how health impact assessment can account for the needs of migrant populations. It cites the challenges to be addressed such as including migrants in the scope of the assessment, sourcing migrant-specific data and engaging a diverse migrant population.

3. Bridging to public health
By Frank, Lawrence; Ulmer, Jared.
Planning. Oct 2014, Vol. 80 Issue 9, p12-16.
: The article discusses the importance of measuring the health impacts of urban planning. Topics covered include the benefits of using scenario-planning software in building communities, the collaboration of consulting firm Urban Design 4 Health with organizations to incorporate health into scenario-planning software, and the advantages of health impact assessment (HIA) tools.

4. What is your health impact assessment?
By: Bashir, Zarnaaz.
Parks & Recreation. Sep 2013, Vol. 48 Issue 9, p32-33.
: The article offers information on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA). It mentions that HIA helps to evaluate the health effects of a program, plan or policy, such as building a new roadway or expanding parks and green space. It informs that HIA project included access to health-promoting goods and opportunities for physical activity and increases the understanding among participants and community residents of the relationship between health and environment in Greenville, South Carolina.

Articles – Diabetes

5. Diabetes
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Apr 2016, Vol. 23 Issue 9, p26-27. 2p.
: The article presents a tutorial on the etiology of types 1 and 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Topics covered include the estimated number of Australians with diabetes, symptoms and risk factors, and complications such as blindness and amputation. Also mentioned are management options such as weight loss, decreased carbohydrate intake, and increased physical activity

6. Diabetic Charcot neuroarthropathy: The diagnosis must be considered in all diabetic neuropathic patients presenting with a hot, swollen foot
Ibrahim S Al-Busaidi, Rhett Mason, Helen Lunt
New Zealand Medical Journal, 16th October 2015, Volume 128 Number 1423
: Charcot neuroarthropathy (CN) is an uncommon, but debilitating and costly1 complication of diabetes.2 Typically, it presents in patients with established diabetic peripheral neuropathy as a hot, swollen foot, either with or without pain.2,3 The diagnosis is based primarily on history and clinical examination, with no single test able to confirm or refute the diagnosis.2 Plain weight-bearing X-rays are used to confirm the diagnosis, but may be normal or show subtle changes in early CN.

Selected Articles - Nursing Economic$ [Journal]

7. Nurse Practitioner Care Model: Meeting the Health Care Challenges With a Collaborative Team
By: Kutzleb, Judith.
Nursing Economic$. Nov/Dec 2015, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p297-305. 9p
: The article focuses on the evolving role of the nurse practitioner (NP) and the integration of the role into the health care workforce. Topics discussed include a background on the NP Care Model, which was introduced to the organizational workforce in a Northern New Jersey Medical Center, the Health Heart Initiative program coordinated by the NP, and how operational effectiveness and quality patient outcomes were met.

8. Patient engagement in hospital fall prevention 
By Huey-Ming Tzeng.
Nursing Economic$. Nov/Dec2015, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p326-334. 9p
: The article discusses the issue of whether patient engagement in hospital fall prevention could be a possible approach to lessen falls and fall-related injuries. Topics mentioned include inpatient fall-related burden on individuals and society and for hospitals, lessons learned from patients' views about hospital fall prevention programs, and the current movement of recommending patient centeredness for fall prevention care

9. On Leadership. Intelligently managed data: Achieving excellence in nursing care
By: Kerfoot, Karlene M.
Nursing Economic$. Nov/Dec 2015, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p342-343. 2p.
: The article focuses on the challenges involved in transitioning from traditional thinking to data-driven decision support to achieve excellence in health care. She discusses the two challenges in the transition which include preparing chief nursing officers and other leaders and staff to lead in the digital revolution and moving nursing care as fast as possible into the intelligent data/analytics world of health care

Articles – Journal of Advanced Nursing, Apr 2015

10. The relationship between nurse staffing and inpatient complications.
By: Schreuders, Louise Winton; Bremner, Alexandra P.; Geelhoed, Elizabeth; Finn, Judith.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p800-812. 13p
: To compare characteristics of hospitalizations with and without complications and examine the impact of nurse staffing on inpatient complications across different unit types. Background Studies investigating the relationship between nurse staffing and inpatient complications have not shown consistent results. .

11. A descriptive study of nurse-reported missed care in neonatal intensive care units
By Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L.; Pickler, Rita H.; Younger, Janet B. & Mark, Barbara A. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p813-824. 12p
: The aims of this study are to describe: (1) the frequency of nurse-reported missed care in neonatal intensive care units; and (2) nurses' reports of factors contributing to missed care on their last shift worked. Background Missed nursing care, or necessary care that is not delivered, is increasingly cited as a contributor to adverse patient outcomes.

12. Self-rated health and health-strengthening factors in community-living frail older people 
By Ebrahimi, Zahra; Dahlin-Ivanoff, Synneve; Eklund, Kajsa; Jakobsson, Annika & Wilhelmson, Katarina.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p825-836. 12p
: The aim of this study was to analyse the explanatory power of variables measuring health-strengthening factors for self-rated health among community-living frail older people. Frailty is commonly constructed as a multi-dimensional geriatric syndrome ascribed to the multi-system deterioration of the reserve capacity in older age.

13. Emotional resistance building: how family members of loved ones undergoing chemotherapy treatment process their fear of emotional collapse 
By McCarthy, Bridie; Andrews, Tom & Hegarty, Josephine.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p837-848. 12p
: To explore family members' experiences when their loved one is undergoing chemotherapy treatment as an outpatient for newly diagnosed colorectal cancer and to develop an explanatory theory of how they process their main concern.

14. Nursing casualization and communication: A critcal ethnography
By Batch, Mary; Windsor, Carol.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p870-880. 11p
: The aim was to explore the relationship between nursing casualization and the culture of communication for nurses in a healthcare facility. Background Casualization, or non-standard work, is the use of temporary, contract, part-time and casual labour. An increase in casual labour has been part of a global shift in work organization aimed at creating a more flexible and cheaper workforce.

15. The thriving of older people assessment scale: Validity and reliability assessments 
By Bergland, Ådel; Kirkevold, Marit; Sandman, Per-Olof; Hofoss, Dag & Edvardsson, David.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr 2015, Vol. 71 Issue 4, p942-951. 10p
: To explore construct validity and reliability of the Thriving of Older People Assessment Scale. Background The concept of thriving emphasizes person-environment interaction in relation to well-being. The Thriving of Older People Assessment Scale has been developed and evaluated as a self-report and proxy scale based on the theory of thriving

Journal Table of Contents

The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, March 2016, Vol. 43, No. 4

16A. Editorial: safety in the workplace
16B. Table talk: Growing and involving our membership
16C. News: PNC conference blossoms
16D. The road to recovery: 10th annual Post Anaesthesia Nurses of New Zealand conference
16E. Education: Anaesthesia and post anaesthesia care nursing seminar
16F. Surgical smoke danger: Time for consistent policy and practice
16G. Creating smoke free theatres: The time is now
16H. Commentary: Surgical plume and Health and Safety legislation
16I. Carpal tunnel syndrome: A review of current best practice
16J. Communication in practice: A clinical snapshot
16K. Florence Nightingale’s visit to NZ Perioperative Nurses conference
16L. Writing guidelines for The Dissector


17.  Women's Health Section Conference 2016
Dates: 12, 13 and 14th May 2016
Venue: The Atrium at Wintec, Tristram Street, Hamilton
Programme: WHS Conference 2016 Programme (draft) updated March 2016
Registration and accommodation form: WHS Conference 2016 Registration

Brightstar Health and Safety Training

18. Due Diligence, Governance & Leadership under the New Health & Safety Act
15 Jun, 2016       Auckland       Super saver ends on 3 May, 2016
28 Jun, 2016       Wellington       Super saver ends on 3 May, 2016

19. Leadership, Culture and Collaboration in Health & Safety
 16 Jun, 2016       Auckland       Super saver ends on 3 May, 2016
 29 Jun, 2016       Wellington       Super saver ends on 3 May, 2016

20. Workplace Accidents: Investigating the critical role of the “Human Factor”
 17 Jun, 2016       Auckland       Super saver ends on 3 May, 2016
 30 Jun, 2016       Wellington       Super saver ends on 3 May, 2016
More information:

News – National

21. Jabs encouraged ahead of flu season
Newshub - Wednesday 6 Apr 2016
People are being encouraged to get vaccinated ahead of the flu season. The immunisation campaign launches today -- it's free to adults over 65, as well as pregnant women and some with chronic medical conditions

22. City research on patient woes quoted
ODT - Fri, 8 Apr 2016
Dunedin research highlighting the plight of Otago's hip and knee patients was raised in Parliament yesterday. Published in the New Zealand Medical Journal last Friday, the research, whose lead author is Dunedin orthopaedic surgeon David Gwynne-Jones, argues that patients should seek alternative means of funding their surgery because of the severity of rationing in the public sector.

News – International

23. Diabetes a 'global issue for public health' as cases quadruple to 422 million: WHO
Sydney Morning Herald - April 6, 2016 
LONDON: The number of adults with diabetes has quadrupled worldwide in under four decades to 422 million, and the condition is fast becoming a major problem in poorer countries, a World Health Organization study showed on Wednesday. In one of the largest studies focussing on diabetes trends, the researchers said ageing populations and rising levels of obesity across the world mean diabetes is becoming "a defining issue for global public health".

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