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Issue 10 - 22 March 2016

Articles - Neuralgia

1. Disease state management: DSM: Pain: Trigeminal neuralgia
Roller, Louis; Gowan, Jenny
AJP: The Australian Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 94 Issue 1119 (Aug 2013)
: Trigeminal neuralgia is a severe form of facial pain. Current treatment options and modalities provide improved hope for relief and pharmacists need to remind patients that periodic medical reconsideration of their pain may be useful.

2. Facial pain - a diagnostic challenge
Quail, Geoffrey
Australian Family Physician, Vol. 44, No. 12, Dec 2015: 901-904
: Facial pain is one of the most common neurological complaints together with headache, and back and abdominal pain. In most cases, the aetiology can be ascertained from a detailed history and examination. However, the source of pain may be obscure as oral and facial structures frequently have multiple innervations, and referred pain to the ear is common.

3. Neuropathic pain: A management update
Votrubec, Milana;   Thong, Ian
Australian Family Physician, Vol. 42, No. 3, Mar 2013: 92-97
: Neuropathic pain is described as burning, painful, cold or electric shocks and may be associated with tingling, pins and needles, numbness or itching. Objective: This article summaries the diagnosis and management of four common neuropathic pain presentations.

Articles – Evidence-Based Practice

4. Implementation of an evidence-based patient safety team to prevent falls in inpatient medical units
By Godlock, Gwendolyn.
MEDSURG Nursing. Jan/Feb 2016, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p17-23. 7p
: The article describes an evidence-based practice (EBP) intervention for patient safety and falls prevention. It discusses the implementation of the EBP TeamSTEPPS® for communication and teamwork in reducing inpatient falls using the FOCUS-PDCA model for process reviews in quality improvement projects. It describes the formation of the Fall Safety Team including registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses and certified nursing assistants.

5. Evidence-based practice. Neurovascular assessment: An essential nursing focus
By Schreiber, Mary L.
MEDSURG Nursing. Jan/Feb2016, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p55-57. 3p
: The article focuses on neurovascular assessment in the nursing practice. Topics discussed include assessment of extremities for sensory and motor function and peripheral circulation including bilateral pulse assessments, assessment of capillary refill and assessment of changes in skin color and temperature. It also discusses neurovascular impairment, protocols for assessments and implications of timely communication of any change in assessments to the nursing practice.

6. Evidence-based practice
By: Warren, Ed.
Practice Nurse. Dec 2015, Vol. 45 Issue 12, p27-32. 5p.
: The article discusses the importance of revalidation in evidence based practice (EBP) for practice nurses. Topics covered include the Code of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (MWC) relating to EBP and its revalidation, the importance of being updated by using publications about nursing practice and policies from the Royal College of Nursing and publications offering clinical guidelines, and the EBP guidelines published by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

7. Pediatric pain assessment in the emergency department: A nursing evidence-based practice protocol
By: Habich, Michele; Letizia, MariJo.
Pediatric Nursing. Jul/Aug 2015, Vol. 41 Issue 4, p198-202. 5p
: Many children present to the emergency department (ED) in pain and/or experience pain as a result of interventions necessary to manage their illness. Pediatric pain assessment and management is complex and challenging. Despite the presence of published standards of care specific to pain assessment and management, nurses in the ED may not know about and/or consistently use these evidence-based practices. In particular, pediatric patients are inconsistently and/or inappropriately assessed for pain in the ED.

8. Continuing to challenge practice to be evidence based 
By Flynn Makic et al.
Critical Care Nurse. Apr 2015, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p39-50. 12p
: Practice habits continue in clinical practice despite the availability of research and other forms of evidence that should be used to guide critical care practice interventions. This article is based on a presentation at the 2014 National Teaching Institute of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The article is part of a series of articles that challenge critical care nurses to examine the evidence guiding nursing practice interventions. Four common practice interventions are reviewed: (1) weight-based medication administration, (2) chest tube patency maintenance, (3) daily interruption of sedation, and (4) use of chest physiotherapy in children.

Articles  - Patient Experiences

9. Rural patients' experiences of the open disclosure of adverse events
By Piper, Donella; Iedema, Rick; Bower, Kate.
Australian Journal of Rural Health. Aug 2014, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p197-203. 7p.
: Objective To analyse rural patients' and their families' experiences of open disclosure and offer recommendations to improve disclosure in rural areas. Design Retrospective qualitative study based on a subset of 13 semistructured, in-depth interviews with rural patients from a larger dataset. The larger data set form a nationwide, multisite, retrospective-qualitative study that included 100 semistructured, in-depth interviews with 119 patients and family members who were involved in high-severity health care incidents and incident disclosure.

10. Learning from people with long-term conditions: new insights for governance in primary healthcare 
By Ross, Fiona; Smith, Pam; Byng, Richard; Christian, Sara; Allan, Helen; Price, Linnie; Brearley, Sally.
Health & Social Care in the Community. Jul 2014, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p405-416. 12p
: The introduction of top-down centrally driven solutions to governance of healthcare, at the same time as increasing policy emphasis on greater 'bottom up' patient and public involvement in all aspects of healthcare, has set up complex tensions for policy implementation and healthcare practice. This paper explores the interplay of these agendas in the context of changes in primary healthcare services provided by the National Health Service in England.

11. Recording patient stories as an aid to training and service improvment 
By Callanan, Charlie.
Nursing Management - UK. Dec 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 8, p20-22. 3p
: This article looks at how recording patient experiences using digital technology has improved nursing training and problem solving as well as the patient experience. 

12. Using patient stories to shape better services
By Last, Rhian.
Practice Nurse. 9/7/2012, Vol. 42 Issue 13, p33-37. 5p
: The article emphasizes how narrative leadership can be used by practice nurses to improve the services they offer. Narrative leadership refers to the willingness to hear and learn from patients stories, and to deliberately and co-operatively use such stories to change for the better. The author describes the value of narrative leadership in health care administration

Journal Table of Contents

Nursing Times, 9-15 March 2016

13A. Editor’s view: Agency pay caps expose system-wide problem
13B. Trusts breach agency pay cap on 60,000 occasions
13C. Lord Willis: new nursing roles is not a substitute; Proposed nursing hours metric too blunt to guarantee care
13D. Slow progress since maternity inquiry risks another disaster; Care home nurse training scheme helps reduce hospital admissions
13E. Hep C nurses face surge in drug demand; Virgin Care set to roll out game changing pressure ulcer scanner
13F. District nurses key to catheter patient support; CCTV in care homes will help protect residents against abuse
13G. OPINION: Six Cs are not enough to revive compassion; What would happen if NHS staff stopped working unpaid hours?
13H. COMMENT: Nurses can be confident about doing their reflective accounts; Use the patient experience to improve care
13I. The ethics of using cameras in care homes
13J. Improving nurses’ access to healthcare evidence
13K. Student Nursing Times Awards 2016: Shortlist announced
13L. Using patient stories to reflect on care
13M. 60 seconds with Deborah Sturdy [Visiting professor at Bucks New University and independent consultant nurse/nurse advisor for Care England
13N. Educating for best practice [Equipping nurses with high-quality clinical skills]


13. NZNO Stomal Therapy Section Conference
: 27-28 October 2016
Venue: Rydges, 30 Latimer Square, Christchurch
More Information – contact the Treasurer: [email protected]

14. World Congress on Community Nursing
Date:  June 20-22, 2016
Venue: Cape Town, South Africa
More information:

15. 12th World Congress of Nurse Anesthetists in the UK
Date: 13-16 May 2016
Venue: Glasgow, UK
More information:

News – National

16. Off-duty nurses provide vital medical care to crash victims
ODT - 21 Mar 2016

Police are praising the actions of a group of off-duty nurses who rushed to the aid of five men injured in a serious car crash near Outram on Saturday. Three people were thrown from the vehicle, which was left mangled after it left State Highway 87, ploughed through a fence and rolled about 5pm

17. Privacy review at Wellington Hospital after staffer caught snooping on records
Stuff – March 17, 2016

A Wellington Hospital staff member has left after being caught accessing 33 patients'  records. The breaches have sparked an independent privacy review of the Capital & Coast District Health Board's privacy practices, which recommended more thorough auditing, restrictions on access to electronic medical files, and better staff training.

News – International

18. Millions of Australians at risk of bowel cancer
The Age – 21 March 2016

More than 8 million Australians (almost one in three people) will be in the "crosshairs" of bowel cancer in just 10 years. That's the finding of a disturbing new report released on Monday by leading social demographer Bernard Salt, who says by 2026, 4.6 million baby boomers and 4 million Gen Xers "will be subjected to a bowel cancer lottery" purely because of their age

19. 'Serious gap' in mental health provision, school leaders warn
The Telegraph – 5 Mar 2016

Gap in mental health provision outside the classroom means that issues including cyberbulling and self-harm are not being addressed, ASCL warn

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