Recently completed a thesis or dissertation?
Publicise your findings by sending it to the NZNO library ([email protected]) for inclusion in the Thesis Collection and NZ Nursing Research Index
Criteria for inclusion:
“Research concerned with the practice of nursing, nursing education, nursing policy or nursing management”
Articles – Deteriorating Patient
1. Detection and management of the deteriorating ward patient: an evaluation of nursing practice
By Odell, Mandy.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Jan 2015, Vol. 24 Issue 1/2, p173-182. 10p
Abstract: Aims and objectives To audit ward nursing practice in the adherence to an early warning scoring protocol in the detection and initial management of the deteriorating ward patient and investigate factors that may impact on practice. Background Hospital inpatients can experience unexpected physiological deterioration leading to poor outcomes and death. Although deterioration can be signalled in the patients' physiological symptoms, evidence suggests that ward staff can miss, misinterpret or mismanage the signs. Rapid response systems have been implemented to address this problem.
2. Ensuring a proactive evidence-based, patient safety approach to patient assessment
By Considine, Julie; Currey, Judy.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Jan 2015, Vol. 24 Issue 1/2, p300-307. 8p
Abstract: Aims and objectives To argue that if all nurses were to adopt the primary survey approach (assessment of airway, breathing, circulation and disability) as the first element of patient assessment, they would be more focused on active detection of clinical deterioration rather than passive collection of patient data. Background Nurses are the professional group that carry the highest level of responsibility for patient assessment, accurate data collection and interpretation.
3. Promoting the 6Cs of nursing in patient assessment
By Clarke, Chris.
Nursing Standard. 7/2/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 44, p52-59. 8p
Abstract: Recognising the deteriorating patient is an essential nursing skill, and structured frameworks should be in place to assist effective patient assessment. The aim of this article is to encourage nurses to consider how to promote the 6Cs of nursing within such assessment. The article provides an overview of the Patient Assessment and Clinical-reasoning Tool designed to facilitate the development of clinical reasoning skills and effective communication with other healthcare professionals, thereby enhancing patient-centred care.
4. An integrative literature review on preparing nursing students through simulation to recognize and respond to the deteriorating patient
By Fisher, Duana & King, Lindy.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Nov 2013, Vol. 69 Issue 11, p2375-2388. 14p
Abstract: Aims To synthesize studies that explored simulation as preparation of nursing students for recognition and response to the deteriorating patient. Background New graduate nurses are expected to have the skills to recognize and respond to rapidly deteriorating patient conditions. To this end, education programmes have turned increasingly to simulation to assist students to gain the necessary skills.
5. Review article: Improving the hospital clinical handover between paramedics and emergency department staff in the deteriorating patient
By Dawson, Sarah; King, Lindy; Grantham, Hugh.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. Oct 2013, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p393-405. 13p
Abstract: Clinical communication and recognising and responding to a deteriorating patient are key current patient safety issues in healthcare. The aim of this literature review is to identify themes associated with aspects of the hospital clinical handover between paramedics and ED staff that can be improved, with a specific focus on the transfer of care of a deteriorating patient
Articles - Early Warning Systems
6. A paediatric early warning scoring system for a remote rural area.
By Henderson, Sarah.
Nursing Children & Young People. Jul 2012, Vol. 24 Issue 6, p23-26
Abstract: Health professionals can fail to identify and treat serious illness or acute deterioration in children because of a lack of relevant training, experience or supervision. In Argyll and Bute in Scotland a standardised, monitoring system was initiated measuring six physiological parameters: temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, oxygen saturation and consciousness level. The total score dictates what actions to take. This local system was positively evaluated but a national paediatric early warning scoring system is needed.
7. Monitoring vital signs using early warning scoring systems: a review of the literature
By Kyriacos, U; Jelsma, J. & Jordan, S.
Journal of Nursing Management. Apr 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p311-330. 20p
Abstract: Serious adverse events can be prevented by recognizing and responding to early signs of clinical and physiological deterioration. Of 534 papers reporting MEWS/EWS systems for adult inpatients identified, 14 contained useable data on development and utility of MEWS/EWS systems. Systems without aggregate weighted scores were excluded. MEWS/EWS systems facilitate recognition of abnormal physiological parameters in deteriorating patients, but have limitations. There is no single validated scoring tool across diagnoses
Articles –
Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, Vol.16 Iss.1, Jun 2015
8. Indigenous cancer care in Queensland, Australia: Health professionals' framing of "difference"
By Meiklejohn, Judith A; Adams, Jon; Valery, Patricia C; Walpole, Euan T; Martin, Jenny H Williams, Hayley M; Garvey, Gail
Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, Volume 16 Issue 1 (Jun 2015)
Abstract: This paper reports on interviews with tertiary health professionals to elicit their perspectives of Indigenous cancer patients and report on factors influencing clinical decisions, particularly concerning co-morbidities, Indigeneity, and access and use of cancer services. The overarching concept of "difference" framed three main categories: "Acknowledging difference", "Not knowing how to accommodate difference" and "Not seeing difference".
9. Improving the patient journey through better mental health care: Core business for all nurses
Ryan, Kim; Marks, Peta; Butterfield, Clare
Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, Volume 16 Issue 1 (Jun 2015)
Abstract: The evidence is clear that the mental and physical health of people is closely linked and has a reciprocal relationship. People with cancer are likely to experience psychological distress at various times throughout their illness, and a significant proportion will develop a mental health problem. There are many contributors to psychiatric morbidity in people who have cancer, including physical and biological issues, as well as psychological and social issues.
10. Exploring the preferences, perceptions and satisfaction of people seeking cancer information and support: Implications for the cancer council helpline
By Boltong, Anna; Byrnes, Monica; McKiernan, Sandy; Quin, Nicola; Chapman, Kathy
Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, Volume 16 Issue 1 (Jun 2015)
Abstract: Helpline services have existed in Cancer Councils for more than 20 years as an information and support service and gateway to a myriad of practical, informational and emotional support programs for people affected by cancer.
Aims: To explore public awareness and perceptions of the Cancer Council Helpline, including barriers and facilitators to calling this telephone service and user satisfaction.
11. Management of toxicities related to intravenous administration of epidermal growth factor inhibitors
By Condon, Marie; Ross-Adjie, Gail; Monterosso, Leanne
Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, Volume 16 Issue 1 (Jun 2015)
Abstract: The use of newer targeted cancer therapies, including tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) and epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors (EGFRI) in the solid tumour groups can often result in a complex suite of cutaneous side effects. Whilst not systemically as toxic as some traditional chemotherapy agents, their cutaneous side effect profiles may have a considerable impact on the patient and their health-related quality of life.
Journal - Table of Contents
From NZ Medical Journal, Vol 129 No 1429: 29 January 2016
12A. Sharing Clinical Trial Data: A Proposal from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
12B. Gout in Aotearoa New Zealand: are we going to ignore this for another 3 years?
12C. Causes of prolonged jaundice in infancy: 3-year experience in a tertiary paediatric centre
12D. Ethnic counts on mortality, New Zealand Cancer Registry and census data: 2006–2011
12E. Outcomes of bone density measurements in coeliac disease
12F. ABO blood group incompatible renal transplantation in New Zealand: a report of the first 20 cases
12G. Long-term follow-up of patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy at Waitemata District Health Board
12H. Antenatal screening for aneuploidy—surveying the current situation and planning for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis in New Zealand
12I. Urinalysis requests on the elderly residing in the Auckland community: tick box requesting?
12J. The changing paradigm of the doctor-patient relationship: Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board and developments in the ‘duty to warn’
12K. Prenatal testing for aneuploidy and other conditions in New Zealand: time for action again
Conferences & Training
13. Compassionate Communities - Health Professionals and Community
What is the role of community in looking after the dying at home, in aged care facilities, in hospitals and hospices? How do we care for each other as we care for the dying patient? How can we engage communities to promote conversations and community actions around death, dying and bereavement?
Date: 18 March 2016
Venue: Newtown Community & Cultural Centre
More information:
14. The 2016 Goodfellow Symposium
Theme: Skills for Next Monday
Includes sessions on: Advanced care life support ; Mindfulness; Cervical Smears
Date: 18 - 20 March 2016
Venue: The Vodafone Event Centre
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15. New Zealand Interprofessional Health Conference (NZIPHC)
Date: 4th and 5th of July 2016
Venue: AUT University’s City Campus, Auckland
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16. The Lowitja Institute International Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Conference [ Identity | Knowledge | Strength]
Date: 8, 9 & 10 November 2016
Venue: Melbourne, Australia
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News – National
17. $38 million deal praised by care worker
Newshub - Friday 19 Feb 2016 5:21 a.m.
The community care worker whose case led to a new deal for the sector says she's delighted parliament has unanimously passed a bill that's going to make a huge difference.The Bill passed its third reading yesterday, and from the beginning of next month about 24,000 community care workers will be paid for the time and cost of travelling between clients.Until now, the organisations that employ them, which are funded through the health system, didn't have to pay for travel time or mileage. The new deal is going to cost the Government about $38 million a year.
News – International
18. Mental health to be covered in first-aid courses
Canadian Occupational Health - 27 January 2016
The Canadian Red Cross will start incorporating mental health programming into its standard first aid training, enabling Canadians to recognize the signs and symptoms of a developing mental health emergency