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Issue 1 - 12 January 2016

Women in H&S in New Zealand

The next edition of Safeguard will include a story on women's experience as H&S practitioners in New Zealand. To supplement the story and to give more people a voice we invite women working in NZ as a H&S practitioner or occupational health nurse to take part in this brief survey.
The survey will close at 5pm on Monday 18 January.
Do the survey now!

Articles - Nursing Standard

1. What NHS employers have to do to get you through their doors
By Alistair Kleebauer
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30 (19), 12-13
: Organisations are being forced to compete with each other like never before to attract high-calibre staff in this seller’s market.

2. Clinical digest: Nicotine still found on newborn babies’ cots in ‘smoke-free’ hospitals
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 14-14
: Chemicals in neonates’ urine samples prove tobacco’s pervasiveness. Babies in neonatal intensive care may still be exposed to smoke residue from the skin and clothing of their smoker parents.

3. Concerns over excessive testing of patients with type 2 diabetes
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 14-14
: More than half of patients with controlled type 2 diabetes have more tests than is recommended in national guidelines, and this has been associated with overtreatment of the condition, say US researchers.

4. Better international knowledge of FGM needed among health practitioners
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 14-15
: More resources and evidence-based guidelines are needed for health practitioners across the world to provide culturally sensitive medical and psychological treatment for women and girls who have undergone female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM).

5. Alcohol in moderation can reduce mortality for people with mild Alzheimer’s
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 15-15
: Moderate alcohol consumption by people recently diagnosed with mild Alzheimer’s disease is associated with significantly reduced risk of death

6. Access to green space reduces risk of depression during pregnancy
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 15-15
: Depression during pregnancy can affect health, but living in green spaces can alleviate symptoms and lead to happier and healthier mothers.

7. Clinical Update: Atrial Fibrillation
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 17-17.
: Essential facts: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm disturbance, affecting more than one million people in the UK, according to the Atrial Fibrillation Association (AFA). Although not life-threatening in its own right, AF can be uncomfortable and often requires treatment. It also increases the risk of a stroke by about five times, according to the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

8. Looking back with pride 1916-2016
By Lynne Pearce  
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 18-21.
: As the RCN enters its centenary year, Lynne Pearce looks back at landmark moments from 100 years of campaigning, supporting and celebrating nurses. The RCN celebrates its centenary this year. In the past century it has grown into a unique voice for nursing, as a trade union and a professional body for its 430,000 members. General secretary and chief executive Janet Davies is confident it will still be here in 2116, a powerful body for an irreplaceable profession.

9. A modern take on menopause
New NICE guidance should dispel undue concerns about hormone replacement therapy, as Lynne Pearce reports
By Lynne Pearce  
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 22-23.
: Old scare stories about hormone replacement therapy and lack of training among healthcare professionals mean that many women are missing out on treatments for debilitating symptoms of menopause. NICE’s new guidance says HRT can be effective and offers advice aimed at healthcare professionals and patients.

10. Helping remove the shadow of torture
By Alison Whyte  
Nursing Standard, 2016. 30, 19, 24-25.
: The refugee crisis means nurses in the UK are likely to be caring for victims of systematic violence, writes Alison Whyte. Freedom from Torture is a UK-based organisation that treats and supports torture survivors. Since its inception, more than 50,000 people have been referred for help. Its chief executive Susan Munroe says nurses in any specialty may encounter patients who have been tortured.

Articles – Patient Safety

11. Accountability in nursing practice: Why it is important for patient safety
By Renae Battié and Victoria M Steelman
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol. 28, No. 4, Summer 2015: 14-16
: Accountability is an essential component of professional nursing practice; accountability also is an essential component of patient safety. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics states that the definition of accountability is “to be answerable to oneself and others for one’s own actions”1. As perioperative nurses, we are accountable to our patients and their family members, our colleagues, our workplace, and our profession.

12. Primary health networks - a new home for patient safety in primary care?
By Makeham, Meredith
Health Voices, No. 16, Jun 2015: 19-20
: As the time approaches for the establishment of Primary Health Networks, we have a new opportunity to reflect on how they might best achieve their key objectives: increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of medical services for patients, in particular those at risk of poor health outcomes; and improving coordination of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

13. A return to nursing rounds - person centred or a task too far?
By Lyons, Sarah;   Brunero, Scott &  Lamont, Scott
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 22, No. 9, Apr 2015: 30-33
: Nursing rounds have been reintroduced in many clinical areas in order to improve nursing care and patient outcomes focusing on patient safety and satisfaction. The term 'nursing round' is used to describe several different practices and models in nursing of which the main concepts can be summarised as 'scheduled intentional nursing rounds', 'nursing teaching rounds', 'nursing ward rounds', and 'nursing grand rounds'. This article explores the concept of 'scheduled intentional nursing rounds' (Meade et al. 2006).

14. Are GP supervisors confident they can assess registrar competence and safety, and what methods do they use?
By Ingham, Gerard;   Morgan, Simon;   Kinsman, Leigh &  Fry, Jennifer
Australian Family Physician, Vol. 44, No. 4, Apr 2015: 236-240
The new Royal Australian College of General Practitioners' vocational training standards emphasise patient safety and matching the level of supervision to registrar competence. Methods: All supervisors attending a regional training provider's annual education workshop were surveyed about their overall confidence in assessing the safety of their registrars' patients, their registrars' competence across the five RACGP domains of general practice and supervision methods used.

Articles – Tinnitus

15. Clinician-supported internet-delivered psychological treatment of Tinnitus 
By Andersson, Gerhard
American Journal of Audiology. Sep 2015, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p299-301. 3p
: Internet-delivered psychological treatments for tinnitus distress have existed for more than 15 years, and there are a slowly growing number of studies. The aim of this brief report is to review the evidence and to comment on the future potentials of Internet treatments for tinnitus. Method: Studies were retrieved, and in total 6 controlled studies were included in the review with 9 different comparisons (6 in which the treatment was compared against a control group and 3 in which Internet treatment was compared against group treatment

16. Differences among patients that make Tinnitus worse or better 
By Tao Pan; Tyler, Richard S.; Haihong Ji; Coelho, Claudia & Gogel, Stephanie A.
American Journal of Audiology. Dec 2015, Vol. 24 Issue 4, p469-476. 8p
: Our objective was to identify activities that influence tinnitus and to determine if conditional probabilities exist among such variables. Method: Two hundred fifty-eight patients were asked the following two questions: "When you have your tinnitus, which of the following makes it worse?" and "Which of the following reduces your tinnitus?"

17. What's that sound?
By Rockwood, Kate.
Health. Sep 2015, Vol. 29 Issue 7, p81-83. 3p
: The article provides guidance on how women can determine body noises that are normal and those that are not. It explains how body sounds like whistling of the nose, ringing in one or both ears, popping of joint, belching of throat, and queefing of vagina are produced. It also warns about body sounds that indicates certain medical conditions or disease including snorting which is linked to sleep apnea and wheezing which could be sign of allergies, asthma or congestive heart failure.

18. The hellish din in my head 
By Perry, Michael.
Men's Health. Jul/Aug 2015, Vol. 30 Issue 6, p92-96. 4p.
: The author reports on his experience of being afflicted with tinnitus or having a ringing sound. Topics include how the author tried to live with his tinnitus, the occurrence of tinnitus as a result of damage to the ear from too much noise exposure, and audiological treatment for tinnitus including assessing and treating any hearing loss.

Journal - Table of Contents

From American Journal of Nursing, Vol 115, Number 12, December 2015

19A. Reflecting on the Ebola Epidemic: What If?
19B. Paying Attention to Compassion Fatigue in Emergency Nurses
19C. Oregon Nurse Wins Wrongful Termination Lawsuit
19D. A Blood Pressure Study Is Stopped Early Because of Important Results
19E. Drug use among young people; A promising brief assessment for delirium in older adults
19F. Schedules and injury risk among newly licensed RNs
19G. The complexities of nurse migration
19H. Drug watch: Similar brand names lead to medication errors; The first drug for hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women
19I. Cochrane Corner: Slow vs. fast subcutaneous Heparin injections for prevention of pain and bruising
19J. Inside an Ebola Treatment Unit: A nurse’s report
19K. Incorporating acupressure into nursing practice
19L. Original research: Implementation of an early mobility program in an ICU
19M. Creating careers and hope in Bangladesh
19N. Nurses and the migration to electronic health records
19O. My turn [A retired physician recalls how a nurse helped him out of a predicament as a new intern]


20. Safeguard National Health & Safety Conference 2016
: 25-26 May 2016
Venue: SKYCITY Convention Centre, Federal Street, Auckland (New Zealand Room, Level 5)
More information:

21. Caring for Country Kids
Children’s Healthcare Australasia (CHA) and the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA)
: 17-19 April 2016
Venue: Alice Springs Convention centre, Australia
More information:

22. Ending Domestic & Family Violence
: 12 & 13 April 2016
Venue: Sydney Boulevard Hotel
More information:

News – National

23. Holiday drunks clog Waikato emergency department, 90 per cent of staff assaulted
Waikato Times – 11 January 2016

A Waikato doctor is fed up with the number of drunks who turn up at his emergency department. They're not just diverting attention from truly sick people, they're assaulting his staff. "We get vomited on, occasionally hit, frequently verbally abused - there's a lot of swearing," Waikato Hospital Emergency Department head John Bonning said.

24. Home birth group not deterred by loss of support
ODT -  8 Jan 2016

Demonstrating a natural water birth, midwife Fleur Kelsey is assisted by midwife Margaret Gardener and expectant mother Julie McGrory Losing public funding for its pregnancy classes will not deter a Dunedin organisation that wants to promote natural birth. "We feel quite strongly that we need to keep providing it so there's a choice for parents,'' Dunedin Home Birth Association educator and midwife Margaret Gardener said.

25. Editorial: Vicious cycle of poverty can be broken
Bay of Plenty Times - Saturday Jan 9, 2016

I consider the thoughts in a recent Morgan Foundation opinion piece on poverty are so good they're worth sharing wider. Science researcher Jess Berentson-Shaw attacks the stereotype that if you give money to those who are poor, they waste it on booze and cigarettes.

News – International

26. Small group of expensive patients account for most health spending
Majority of people over age 65 cost the health-care system less than a cup of expensive coffee a day. About one per cent of Canadians account for a third of health-care costs, and there are striking differences by age group, say researchers who hope the findings will help doctors to meet patient needs. Their findings, published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, were based on almost 15 million people in Ontario who were eligible for health-care funding between 2009 and 2011.

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