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Issue 41 - 17 November 2015

Nursing Council of New Zealand
Decision on nurse practitioner scope of practice-consultation 2015

How to make a submission
Consultation document - Nurse Practitioner education programme standards and competencies November 2015 (PDF, 715 KB)
To make a submission please click here
The Council welcomes your submission by 18 December 2015

Articles- The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015

1. Writing Multiple Choice Outcome Questions to Assess Knowledge and Competence
By Erik D. Brady, PhD, CHCP
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,  Nov 2015 - Vol 46 · Issue 11: 481-483
: The central goal of any assessment question item should be to accurately measure the learner’s current status. In the case of a knowledge-based assessment, the goal is to author an item that accurately measures the learner’s current knowledge. Likewise, the goal of a competence-based assessment is to have an item that accurately measures the learner’s intent (e.g., commitment to implementing a practice change or making a clinician-appropriate decision in a realistic scenario).

2. Clinical Updates: Development of a Diabetes Learning Needs Assessment Tool to Promote an Individualized Predischarge Patient Education Plan
By Ann Marie Hasse, BSN, RN, CDE, CDTC; Audrey Davis, BSN, RN, CVRN; Tina Glowatz, BSN, RN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46 
Issue 11: 484-486
: The purpose of this article is to feature a nursing staff initiative to improve patients’ understanding of their diabetes management by empowering them with knowledge for successful glycemic control. This initiative also enhanced patient and family–centered care and patient safety through individualized, targeted instruction

3. Leadership and Development: Microaggression and Its Relevance in Health Care
By Michael R. Bleich, PhD, RN, FAAN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
 Issue 11: 487-488
: The concept of microaggression is introduced with the intent of encouraging professional development educators to advance the concept when providing leadership training and development. In the course of training and development, change is encouraged that often is directed from top-down priorities, but it is just as likely to come from bottom-up issues and side-to-side influencers.

4. Teaching Tips: Nurses on Boards
By Karren Kowalski, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
Issue 11: 489-491
: Health care systems are faced with significant changes. Nurses have a depth and breadth of knowledge to help the boards of these systems adapt to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requirements, especially regarding quality and safety issues. To help with these important issues, nurses must be appointed to these boards AND to government boards, commissions, and councils, which are also facing significant questions about health care.

5. CNE Article: Designing Simulation Scenarios to Support Performance Assessment Validity
By Janet E. O'Brien, PhD, RN, CHSE; Debra Hagler, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CNE, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN; Marilyn S. Thompson, PhD
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
 Issue 11: 492-498
: This article advances and demonstrates a validation process to guide the development of health care simulation scenarios for assessing performance competency. The development and evaluation of each scenario used in a simulation-based competency assessment must be based on multiple sources of evidence that support the validity of the assessment for its intended use

6. CNE Quiz: Designing Simulation Scenarios to Support Performance Assessment Validity
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
 Issue 11: 499-500

- Describe a formal validation process for simulation scenarios.
- Explain how relationships among competencies, measurement tools, and scenario content support validity of simulation-based performance assessment data.

7. SQUIRE 2.0 (Standards for QUality Improvement Reporting Excellence): Revised Publication Guidelines From a Detailed Consensus Process
By Greg Ogrinc, MD, MS; Louise Davies, MD, MS; Daisy Goodman, DNP, MPH; Paul Batalden, MD; Frank Davidoff, MD; David Stevens, MD
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
 Issue 11: 501-507
: Since the publication of Standards for QUality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 1.0) guidelines in 2008, the science of the field has advanced considerably. In this manuscript, we describe the development of SQUIRE 2.0 and its key components. We undertook the revision between 2012 and 2015 using (1) semi-structured interviews and focus groups to evaluate SQUIRE 1.0 plus feedback from an international steering group, (2) two face-to-face consensus meetings to develop interim drafts, and (3) pilot testing with authors and a public comment period

8. Revision of Immediate Post–Open Heart Surgery Education for Critical Care RNs
By Marianne J. Mowry, MSN, RN-BC, CHSE; Mollie A. Gabel, MSN, RN, CCRN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
Issue 11: 508-514
: Responding to the complex nature of critical care is imperative, as extensive clinical judgment is required during those vital moments when patients are experiencing complications related to open heart surgery, post–vessel bypass, or valve replacement. Critical care registered nurses must rely on evidence-based foundational knowledge and skills particular to cardiovascular pathophysiology, hemodynamic monitoring, and medications.

9. Pilot for Nurse-Led, Interprofessional In-Service Training on Trauma-Informed Perinatal Care
By Kristen R. Choi, BSN, RN; Julia S. Seng, PhD, CNM, FAAN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
 Issue 11: 515-521
: Perinatal health care providers receive little training on addressing posttraumatic stress in childbearing women. Provision of trauma-informed care requires agency-wide adaptations. The authors developed a brief, agency-level, in-service training on trauma-informed perinatal care and evaluated the training using a knowledge, skills, and attitudes framework.

10. Perceptions of New Nurses Concerning Incivility in the Workplace
By Cindy Kerber, PhD, PMHCNS, BC; Wendy Mann Woith, PhD, RN, FAAN; Sheryl Henry Jenkins, PhD, ACNP, APN; Kim Schafer Astroth, PhD, RN
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, Nov 2015 - Vol 46
Issue 11: 522-527
: Although an atmosphere of civility in which nurses respect and value each other is crucial to health care, incivility continues to be widespread. New graduate nurses completed an online questionnaire in which they described incivility and discussed its impact on new nurses and patients

Articles – Psoriasis

11. Anti-IL-23 phase II data for psoriasis: a review.
By Kourosh Beroukhim, Melissa J. Danesh, Catherine Nguyen, Annemieke Austin, John Koo, and Ethan Levin.
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. (Oct. 2015) 14.10 p1093. Word Count: 3151.
Gale - Health Reference Center Academic database
: Monoclonal antibodies that target both Interleukin (IL)-12 and IL23 have shown great efficacy in the treatment of psoriasis. Recent evidence suggests that IL-23 serves a more critical role than IL-12 in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, leading to the development of monoclonal antibodies that specifically target IL-23.

12. The power of combination topical therapy for psoriasis.
By Leon H. Kircik and Panagiotis Zografos
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. (Oct. 2015)  14.10 p1113. Word Count: 2947.
Gale - Health Reference Center Academic database
: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease where the use of topical corticosteroids is a mainstream treatment. However, the continuous use of high potency topical corticosteroids is limited by a variety of well known adverse events which include, atrophy, and telangiectasia. Also, inhibition of lipid synthesis by steroids can cause impairment of the epidermal barrier, which is already disrupted in most of the inflammatory cutaneous disorders such as psoriasis

13. Psoriasis: an overview of current and emerging medications: many therapeutic options are available for patients with psoriasis, ranging from topical agents to phototherapy and systemic and biologic agents.
By Eman Bahrani and Maura Holcomb.
Clinical Advisor. (Nov. 2015)  18.11 p45. Word Count: 5211.
Gale - Health Reference Center Academic database
: Psoriasis is a complex immune-mediated disease that affects approximately 120 million people globally and requires chronic management. (1) The condition manifests itself in the skin, joints, or both, and exhibits associated comorbidities that increase risk for early death, including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, psoriatic arthritis, depression, anxiety, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Crohn's disease, and lymphoma

Journal – Table of Contents

From ANMJ: Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, Nov 2015

14A. Editorial: ANMF’s 12th Biennial conference
14B: Mandated ratios – Victorian nurses and midwives celebrate ratios win
14C. ANMF delivers sonic boom at fair Work Commission; Australian College of Nursing has a new CEO – Kylie Ward
14D. Nursing fellow a first [Claire Rickard – Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences]; Anxiety as common as depression for new patients
14E. Revamped electronic health records
14F. Prominent Aboriginal leaders tie for major award; Conference draws hundreds of nurses and midwives
14G. New pap smear guidelines online
14H. Geelong nurse crowned nation’s top graduate [ Narelle Place]
14I. CRANAplus conference utilises power of sharing stories
14J. Ban on over the counter codeine products; Review into tragic infant deaths at Victorian health service
14K. Changes in aged care
14L. The age of reason: Shining the spotlight on aged care
14M. Australia signs up to new sustainable global goals; Asia-Pacific research hub; Irish nurses act on ED overload; Aspirin may increase survival of gastrointestinal cancer
14N. The loss of common decency
14O. Women fleeing domestic violence turned away; Walk daily to cut risk of death; Support for new-time mums; Social media can depress night-time teens; Overseas travel may increase UTI risk
14P. The value of male faculty from the perspective of newly graduated male registered nurses
14Q. Patient and carer information: Can they read and understand it? An example from palliative care
14R. Taking it from excellence and making it exceptional
14S. Are there warning signs for suicide?
14T. Post-traumatic stress disorder
14U. Sexual diversity and social stigma on HIV prevention for Thai gay men; Has the Practice Nurse Incentive Program improved health promotion and illness prevention education access for men?; Men’s mental health; men at work = study probing fathers’ work-life balance; Nindee Men’s Shed a place to reconnect; New funding to raise men’s health awareness; men’s health – the man with breast cancer; Getting men to talk about suicide; Movember has a new MOVE
14V. Perinatal mental health and men; An attitude of adventure; Men’s health in Australia; Men’s health – it should be a feminist issue; Chlamydia in men – are you thinking about it?


15. 18th South Pacific Nurses Forum
Through nursing excellence for universal (Pacific) health
: 10-14 October 2016
Venue: Honiara, Solomon Islands
More information:

16. The 7th Annual Elder Law Conference
Primarily focussing on:
• The ethical and legal challenges affecting clinical decision-making and patient outcomes within aged care
• Managing difficult conversations in aged care
• Elder abuse
• Legislation updates
Date: 23rd & 24th February 2016
Venue: Auckland
More information:

17. National Rural Health Conference 2016
Wai Ora, Healthy Environments"
: 31 March – 3 April 2016
Venue: Dunedin Centre on the Octagon
More information:

News – National

18. Health Research Council strategic refresh
10 November 2015
The Ministry of Health and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment have released the findings of their strategic refresh of the Health Research Council (HRC).
What actions will be taken as a result of the refresh?
The first piece of work will be the development of a health research strategy, to be led by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in close collaboration with the Health Research Council. Public consultation on the draft strategy is expected to begin early 2016.
Read more:

19. Rare TB case shows difficulty diagnosing, treating children
NZ Herald - 1:45 PM Monday Nov 16, 2015
WASHINGTON (AP) " When a 2-year-old returned sick from a visit to India, U.S. doctors suspected tuberculosis even though standard tests said no. It would take three months to confirm she had an extreme form of the disease " a saga that highlights the desperate need for better ways to fight TB in youngsters in countries that can't afford such creative care

20. Report highlights New Zealand's health system failing Maori
Stuff - November 16 2015
Being Maori is the biggest risk to poor health outcomes and an early death, a report has shown. The bleak outlook highlighted the risk for Maori women with cancer who are twice as likely to die from the disease than non-Maori. It also exposed the hundreds of child hospitalisations in the region every year - all of them avoidable.

News - International

21. Let health insurers cover GP visits: Victoria University report
Sydney Morning Herald - November 16, 2015
Health insurers should be allowed to cover more health services, including GP visits, under a more privatised Australian health system, an independent report says. Victoria University's Australian Health Policy Collaboration is calling for one of the greatest overhauls of Australia's health system since Medicare was introduced to offer universal access to healthcare in 1984.

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