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Issue 40 - 5 November 2015

Be in the Know!

Subscribe to Kai Tiaki Nursing Research: an annual journal showcasing New Zealand nursing research.
September 2015 issue, Vol. 6 No. 1  – OUT NOW
Research topics range from the fun and games which built nursing comradeship in yesteryear, through to the new online revising tool used by undergraduates to study for state finals.
Own it for the price of five cups of coffee.
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Subscription enquiries: 0800 28 38 48 or Email [email protected]

Articles  - NZ Medical Journal, 30th October 2015

1. Editorial: Bullying in surgery
By Catherine Ferguson
NZ Medical Journal, 30 October 2015, Vol 128 No 1424
: Workplace NZ defines bullying as “repeated and unreasonable behavior directed towards a worker or a group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety.” The recent work commissioned by RACS, and reinforced by New Zealand surveys of both resident doctors and medical students, has bought the issue of bullying in medicine into sharp focus over the past few months.

2. Bullying in health care settings: time for a whole-of-system response
By Peter Crampton, Tim Wilkinson, Lynley Anderson, Sue Walthert, Hamish Wilson
NZ Medical Journal, 30th October 2015, Vol.128 No.1424
: Sadly, there is nothing new in reports of bullying in medical training and in health care settings. Two recent events have once again brought this issue to the nation’s attention. The first event was triggered this year by an Australian doctor who revealed her experiences of sexual harassment within surgical training. The second event was the recent release of survey results on medical students’ experiences of bullying.

3. Bullying culture: Valuing the teacher-student relationship
By Elizabeth Berryman
NZ Medical Journal, 30th October 2015, Vol. 128 No.1424
: The New Zealand Medical Students’ Association (NZMSA) is calling on all clinical teachers and students to take a new approach to teacher-student relationships in the light of medical students reporting high levels of bullying when on clinical placements

4. Workplace bullying in hospitals: an unresolved problem
By Steven Kelly
NZ Medical Journal, 30th October 2015, Vol.128 No.1424
: Bullying and harassment is endemic in the health sector. It occurs with all types of staff and across varying levels of seniority.1 A recent extensive investigation commissioned by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons has revealed that 49% of fellows, trainees and international medical graduates have been subject to discrimination, bullying or harassment

5. Care for children and adolescents with diabetes in New Zealand District Health Boards: Is the clinical resourcing ready for the challenge?
By Craig Jefferies, Neil Owens, Esko Wiltshire for the Clinical Network for Children with Diabetes in New Zealand, on behalf of the Paediatric Society of New Zealand diabetes clinical network
NZ Medical Journal,30th October 2015, Vol.128 No 1424
: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is the most common form of diabetes in childhood and adolescents throughout New Zealand, irrespective of ethnicity and socioeconomic status. T1DM is progressively increasing in incidence worldwide by 3–5%/year, a phenomenon also seen in New Zealand.1-7 Although the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents in New Zealand are also increasing—particularly in Māori and Pacific populations—type 2 diabetes accounts for less than 10% of new onset cases of diabetes in this age range

6. Care versus convenience: Examining paracetamol overdose in New Zealand and harm reduction strategies through sale and supply
By Nadia Freeman, Paul Quigley
NZ Medical Journal, 30th October 2015, Vol.128 No.1424
: Paracetamol is commonly used throughout the world as an effective form of mild pain relief.1 It is the first line analgesic recommended for the treatment of minor injury by the Accident Compensation Corporation.5 However, paracetamol also contributes to considerable financial cost to the health care system through hospital admissions, as paracetamol overdose is now the most common form of drug poisoning in many developed countries

7. Differences in acute general surgical admissions between obese or overweight patients compared to normal-sized patients
By Richard Flint
NZ Medical Journal 30th October 2015, Vol.128 No.1424
: Obesity is considered the greatest health risk of the modern era. The relationship between obesity and co-morbidities that lead to early mortality has been well established. Indeed, there is direct evidence for a causal relationship between body mass index (BMI) and medical conditions such as diabetes, vascular diseases, and certain cancers

8. Risk management and clinical practice
By Graham Mellsop, Peter M Ellis, Paul Glue, Chris Gale, Roger Mulder, David B Menkes
NZ Medical Journal, 30th October 2015, Vol. 128 No.1424
: 2015 has seen many media reports of suicides by those who have attended psychiatric services. There have been front page headlines, television news and current affairs items, sometimes with dramatic headlines bearing challenging relationships to the content

Articles – Clinical Supervision

9. Connecting practice: a practitioner centred model of supervision
By A. Nancarrow, Susan; Wade, Rachael; Moran, Anna; Coyle, Julia; Young, Jennifer; et al.
Clinical Governance 19(3) (2014): 252-235.
: The purpose of this paper is to analyse existing clinical supervision frameworks to develop a supervision meta-model. This research involved a thematic analysis of existing supervision frameworks used to support allied health practitioners working in rural or remote settings in Australia to identify key domains of supervision which could form the basis of supervision framework in this context

10. Implementing clinical supervision (part 1): a review of the literature
By Turner, James; Hill, Alison.
Mental Health Nursing (Online) (Jun/Jul 2011): 8-12.
: This article represents part one of a three-part series incorporating a review of the literature, a study relating to implementing clinical supervision into a ward-based environment and current practice in regards to the support of clinical supervisors in a community mental health setting. Proctor's (1987) Tripartite model is the supervision model of choice and provides commonality between the studies

11. Implementing clinical supervision (part 2): using Proctor's model to structure the implementation of clinical supervision in a ward setting
By Turner, James; Hill, Alison.
Mental Health Nursing (Online) (Aug/Sep 2011): 14-19
: This is the second of three articles on clinical supervision. This study was undertaken a number of years ago when there was limited but useful literature in press regarding the models of supervision available. Following a review of the literature Proctor's (1987) model of clinical supervision was the model of choice. The authors' objective through this series of papers, is to facilitate and enable wards and areas to set clinical supervision in motion

12. Implementing clinical supervision (part 3): An evaluation of a clinical supervisor's recovery-based resource and support package
By Hill, Alison; Turner, James.
Mental Health Nursing (Online) (Oct/Nov 2011): 16-20.
: This is the third of a series of articles exploring the implementation of clinical supervision. This study explored the effect of a support and educative package to clinical supervisors in assisting the embedding of evidence-based practice and recovery values into their supervision sessions and also the impact on clinical supervision uptake. The study was based on an action research approach and had a mixed methodology that included questionnaire, focus groups and audit

Journal – Table of Contents

From The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, November 2015

13A. Your Executive Committee members
13B. NZNOSTS Section: Chairperson’s report [Maree Buchanan]
13C. Co-editors report [Bronney Laurie and Jackie Hutchings]
13D. Policy for Bernadette Hart Award selection
13E. Application for Bernadette Hart award
13F. The Liberty NZ Stomal Therapy ‘Publishing Excellence’ award
13G. Best published article entry form
13H. NZNOSTS Treasurer’s report 2014/15 [Financial year ended 31 March 2015]
13I. New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses contact details 2015
13J. NZNOSTS conference: New beginnings
13K.College & Section day and NZNO AGM and conference report [Maree Buchanan and Bronney Laurie]
13L. A man’s journey through the ravages of metastatic bladder cancer and incontinence
13M. Case study: Her never ending story by Jackie Hutchings [Crohns; Loop ileostomy]


14. National Rural Health Conference 2016
Wai Ora, Healthy Environments"

Date: 31 March – 3 April 2016
Venue: Dunedin Centre on the Octagon
More information:

15. Nursing Council of New Zealand
Decision on nurse practitioner scope of practice and further consultation 2015

Following extensive consultation the Nursing Council has confirmed it will make changes to the nurse practitioner scope of practice and education programmes that prepare nurse practitioners to meet future health needs of New Zealanders.  These changes will not come into effect until the Council has completed a further consultation on new education programme standards and competencies for nurse practitioners.
How to make a submission
Consultation document - Nurse Practitioner education programme standards and competencies November 2015 (PDF, 715 KB)
In order to make a submission please click here
The Council welcomes your submission by 18 December 2015

News – National

16. Study: New docs' suicidal thoughts eased with online therapy
NZ Herald - Thursday Nov 5, 2015

CHICAGO (AP) " Doctors-in-training face long, stressful hours, sleepless nights and a high risk of depression and suicidal thoughts, but often are too stoic and time-starved to seek help. A study suggests online self-help behavior therapy could be a solution

17. Government needs to prioritise third biggest killer - Asthma Foundation
Stuff – November 4, 2015

A national respiratory strategy launched today calls for urgent action to address New Zealand's third biggest killer. Te Ha Ora (The Breath of Life) is the first ever attempt to co-ordinate and prioritise the reduction of respiratory disease, Asthma Foundation chief executive John Wills said.

News – International

18. Fast, easy and cheap: sleep hormone melatonin could save WA Health millions
The Age - November 5, 2015

Spending just $15,000 on a hormone supplement for patients could save the WA Health Department millions each year – not to mention save lives, a new study seeks to prove. Giving intensive care patients pills containing the sleep hormone melatonin could reduce the delirium that up to 80 per cent suffer, a delirium linked to higher mortality rates as well as increased length of stay in the ICU

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