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Issue 38 - 21 October 2015

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Subscribe to Kai Tiaki Nursing Research: an annual journal showcasing New Zealand nursing research. September 2015 issue, Vol. 6 No. 1  – OUT NOW
Research topics range from the fun and games which built nursing comradeship in yesteryear, through to the new online revising tool used by undergraduates to study for state finals.
Own it for the price of five cups of coffee.
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Articles  - Obesity

1. How Do Treatment-Seeking Overweight Youth and Their Parents Describe Weight Promoting Factors in Their Family?
By Lyles, Annmarie; Riesch, Susan K.; Sanders, Linda; Sass-Deruyter, Suzanne M.; Birchmeier, Becky & Kotula, Kelly.
Journal of Community Health Nursing. Oct-Dec 2012, Vol. 29(4), p187-201. 15p
: The aim of this pilot study is to describe youth and parents' perceptions of potential weight-promoting factors among families seeking treatment for youth overweight. We identified 2 important gaps in the vast multidisciplinary literature: (a) a lack of studies addressing both the youth and the parent perceptions about family factors that are potentially weight-promoting and (b) a lack of interventions that community health nurses could deliver specifically targeting families seeking treatment for overweight youth.

2. How much does overweight impact the adolescent developmental process?
By Fonseca, H.; Matos, M. G.; Guerra, A. & Gomes-Pedro, J.
Child: Care, Health & Development. Jan 2011, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p135-142. 8p
: To analyse the associations between body mass index (BMI) and health-related behaviours among Portuguese adolescents based on the three waves of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey conducted in Portugal. Data were derived from the three waves (1998, 2002 and 2006) of the World Health Organization collaborative cross-national survey HBSC, including 17 024 public school students (6th, 8th and 10th grades).

3. Defining an epidemic: the body mass index in British and US obesity research 1960-2000.
By Fletcher, Isabel.
Sociology of Health & Illness. Mar 2014, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p338-353. 16p
: Between the 1970s and the mid-1990s the body mass index (BMI) became the standard means of assessing obesity both in populations and in individuals, replacing previously diverse and contested definitions of excess body weight. This article draws on theoretical approaches from the sociology of standards and science and technology studies to describe the development of this important new standard and the ways in which its adoption facilitated the development of obesity science, that is, knowledge about the causes, health effects and treatments of excess body weight

4. Are Metabolically Healthy Overweight and Obesity Benign Conditions? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
By: Kramer, Caroline K.; Zinman, Bernard; Retnakaran, Ravi.
Annals of Internal Medicine. 12/3/2013, Vol. 159 Issue 11, p758-769. 17p
: Recent interest has focused on a unique subgroup of overweight and obese individuals who have normal metabolic features despite increased adiposity. Normal-weight individuals with adverse metabolic status have also been described. However, it remains unclear whether metabolic phenotype modifies the morbidity and mortality associated with higher body mass index (BMI). Purpose: To determine the effect of metabolic status on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in normal-weight, overweight, and obese persons

Articles – Sugar and Taxation

5. Sugary Beverage Tax Policy: Lessons Learned From Tobacco.
By: Pomeranz, Jennifer L.
American Journal of Public Health. Mar 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 3, pe13-e15. 3p
: Excise taxes on sugary beverages have been proposed as a method to replicate the public health success of tobacco control and to generate revenue. As policymakers increase efforts to pass sugary beverage taxes, they can anticipate that manufacturers will emulate the strategies employed by tobacco companies in their attempts to counteract the impact of such taxes

6. A systematic review of the effectiveness of food taxes and subsidies to improve diets: Understanding the recent evidence.
By Thow, Anne Marie; Downs, Shauna; Jan, Stephen.
Nutrition Reviews. Sep 2014, Vol. 72 Issue 9, p551-565. 15p
: There has been significant growth in political, public, media, and academic interest in taxes and subsidies to encourage healthy food consumption over the past 3 years. The present systematic review, including an assessment of study quality, was conducted on new evidence published between January 2009 and March 2012 for the effect of food taxes and subsidies on consumption.

7. Ethics and Obesity Prevention: Ethical Considerations in 3 Approaches to Reducing Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages.
By Kass, Nancy; Hecht, Kenneth; Paul, Amy; Birnbach, Kerry.
American Journal of Public Health. May 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 5, p787-795. 9p
: Obesity and overweight prevalence soared to unprecedented levels in the United States, with 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 6 children currently categorized as obese. Although many approaches have been taken to encourage individual behavior change, policies increasingly attempt to modify environments to have a more positive influence on individuals' food and drink choices.

8. .The Ethics of Sin Taxes.
By: Green, Rebecca.
Public Health Nursing. Jan/Feb2011, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p68-77. 10p
:  The current global economic crisis is forcing governments to consider a variety of methods to generate funds for infrastructure. In the United States, smoking-related illness and an obesity epidemic are forcing public health institutions to consider a variety of methods to influence health behaviors of entire target groups. In this paper, the author uses a public health nursing model, the Public Health Code of Ethics (), the , and other relevant ethical theory to weigh and balance the arguments for and against the use of sin taxes.

Articles – Nursing & Health Sciences [Journal]

9. The theory-practice gap: Well and truly alive in mental health nursing.
By Kellehear, Kevin James.
Nursing & Health Sciences. Jun 2014, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p141-142. 2p
The author reflects on the theory-practice gap in mental health nursing. He discusses the role of universities or colleges in preparing mental health nursing graduates with the ability to think critically, problem solve, and act as change agents, among other things, the Recover Model of Care, and approaches to resolving conflicting expectations and demands in nursing.

10. Overweight and television and computer habits in Swedish school-age children and adolescents: A cross-sectional study.
By Garmy, Pernilla; Clausson, Eva K.; Nyberg, Per; Jakobsson, Ulf.
Nursing & Health Sciences. Jun 2014, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p143-148. 6p
: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents (6-16 years), and relationships between being overweight and sleep, experiencing of fatigue, enjoyment of school, and time spent in watching television and in sitting at the computer. Trained school nurses measured the weight and height of 2891 children aged 6, 7, 10, 14, and 16, and distributed a questionnaire to them regarding television and computer habits, sleep, and enjoyment of school

11. Caregiving actions: Outgrowths of the family caregiver's conceptions of care.
By Aga, Fekadu; Nikkonen, Merja; Kylmä, Jari.
Nursing & Health Sciences. Jun 2014, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p149-156. 8p
: Caregiving actions emanate from the family caregiver's care meanings. Therefore, this article presents caregiving actions as outgrowths of the family caregiver's cultural conceptions of care and as situated within constraining sociocultural factors. Qualitative data were collected through interviews and participant observations from 18 purposively selected family caregivers of people living with HIV/ AIDS ( PLWAs) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

12. Relationship in Japan between maternal grandmothers' perinatal support and their self-esteem. By Iseki, Atsuko; Ohashi, Kazutomo.
Nursing & Health Sciences. Jun 2014, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p157-163. 7p
: This study investigated the influence on their mental well-being of the perinatal support given by Japanese grandmothers. The Rosenberg self-esteem and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression ( CES- D) scales were used to assess grandmothers' mental well-being before and after their daughters' childbirth

13. Relationship between plasma total homocysteine level and dietary caffeine and vitamin B6 intakes in pregnant women.
By Shiraishi, Mie; Haruna, Megumi; Matsuzaki, Masayo; Ota, Erika; Murayama, Ryoko; Sasaki, Satoshi; Yeo, SeonAe; Murashima, Sachiyo.
Nursing & Health Sciences. Jun 2014, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p164-170. 7p
: A high total homocysteine (t Hcy) level during pregnancy is a risk factor for adverse perinatal outcomes, such as fetal growth restriction and preeclampsia. Caffeine is assumed to increase t Hcy levels by acting as a vitamin B6 antagonist. The objective of this study was to examine a relationship between circulating t Hcy levels and dietary caffeine and vitamin B6 intakes in pregnant Japanese women

Journal – Table of Contents

From Journal of Primary Health Care, September 2015

14A. Editorial:  The same but completely different  Susan Dovey [Visions/Objectoves of this journal]
14B. Guest editorial:  General practitioners gatekeepers for referral but neurosurgeons gatekeepers for investigations
14C.  The distribution and frequency of blood lipid testing by sociodemographic status among adults in Auckland, New Zealand
14D. The Green Prescription Active Families programme in Taranaki, New Zealand 2007–2009: Did it reach children in need?
14E. Optimising neurosurgical outpatient care: a paradigm shift?
14F. General practitioner awareness of sexual orientation among a community and internet sample of gay and bisexual men in New Zealand
14G.  The patient perspective on a first raised PSA test
14H.  The impact of non-motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease on partners: understanding and application of chronic sorrow theory
14I. Culturally and linguistically diverse patients’ views of multimorbidity and general practice care
14J. Nursing roles and responsibilities in general practice: three case studies [Leonie Walker, Jill Clendon, Katherine Nelson]
14K.  Doctors’ attitudes and confidence towards providing nutrition care in practice: Comparison of New Zealand medical students, general practice registrars and general practitioners
14L. General practitioners should allow use of anonymised patient records for research YES; General practitioners should allow use of anonymised patient records for research NO
14M.  Nuggets of Knowledge: Skin infection? Avoid topical antibiotics
14N. Cochrane Corner: Calcium intake and reducing blood pressure
14O.  Potion or Poison? Olive leaf
14P. Challenges in the doctor–patient relationship: 12 tips for more effective peer group discussion
Articles from this journal - free to download:


15. Christianity and the Code. Professing Faith in Professional Practice
The inaugural conference brings together renowned speakers to share their insights into how we can as professional practitioners and leaders being exemplars of quality practice and professing our faith through the delivery of truly holistic care.
Date: Friday evening November 6th, Saturday November 7th, 2015
Venue:  Laidlaw College, 80 Central Park Drive, Henderson Auckland
Registration online 
More information

News – National

16. Ministry of Health - Review of deceased organ donation and transplantation
The Government wants to increase organ donation and transplantation rates in New Zealand.The Ministry of Health is conducting a review of deceased organ donation and transplantation. While there have been some recent increases, New Zealand still has low rates of deceased organ donation compared to other developed countries
Terms of reference:

17. Date rape drug ingredient in fitness booster
NZ Herald - Tuesday Oct 20, 2015

Pre-workout supplements contain ‘unpredictable’ ingredient used to make date-rape depressants. An illegal substance used to make the date rape drug GHB is being sold to Kiwi fitness buffs in exercise supplements. Picamilon (N-nicotinoyl-GABA) is a class B drug. Imports of the drug have been regularly seized at the border since 2013 to prevent it being used to manufacture GHB - a depressant that has been linked to date rapes.

News – International

18. Private health insurers may be breaking the law by varying customers' policies: ACCC
The Age - October 20, 2015

Private health insurers may be breaching the law in their growing practice of varying existing policies and cutting the level of cover without warning the policyholder. In a scathing report delivered to the Senate, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said insurers were at risk of breaking the law when they varied a customer's policy terms, conditions and exclusions, even if the contract allowed it.

19. Royal Flying Doctor Service takes mental health programs to the most remote areas
The Age - October 18, 2015

Mental health nurse Glynis Thorp doesn't have a traditional office. Travelling to see patients in the bush, she flies in by light plane and sees them wherever she can -- on a park bench, in a car sitting in 45 degree heat, or in a corridor of an abandoned railway building. She is part of a push by the Royal Flying Doctor to expand mental health services in some of the most remote and smallest communities in Australia

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