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Subscribe to Kai Tiaki Nursing Research: an annual journal showcasing New Zealand nursing research. September 2015 issue, Vol. 6 No. 1 – OUT NOW
Research topics range from the fun and games which built nursing comradeship in yesteryear, through to the new online revising tool used by undergraduates to study for state finals.
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Articles – Vitamin D
1. Vitamin D deficiency: studies fuel debate over screening.
By: Lenhoff, Alan. MLO:
Medical Laboratory Observer. Jun 2015, Vol. 47 Issue 6, p46-49. 4p.
Abstract: This section offers news briefs on developments and research relating to vitamin D deficiency, as of June 1, 2015. News discussed include study that found high vitamin D deficiency prevalent in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), potential of vitamin D supplementation to slow or even reverse less aggressive, or low-grade, prostate tumor progression, and vitamin D found to play a role in prevention of inflammation that leads to type two diabetes and atherosclerosis.
2. How much calcium do you really need?
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Aug 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 12, p1-7. 2p
Abstract: The article presents the findings of clinical trials which determined how calcium intake affects risk of hip fractures. British studies found that calcium and vitamin D supplements do not prevent fractures and that high calcium intake does not reduce fracture risk. It also cites the downsides to high levels of calcium supplementation such as increased risk of kidney stones and increased risk of heart attack.
3. Osteoporosis: What about men?
By Farford, Bryan; Balog, Jonathan; Dawson Jackson, Kensler; Montero, Daniel. Journal of Family Practice. Sep 2015, Vol. 64 Issue 9, p542-552. 8p.
Abstract: The article presents a study on the health risks for osteoporosis of men undergoing dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy in the U.S. The study examines the drug effectiveness of prescribe bisphosphonates for men with osteoporosis to reduce the risk of vertebral fractures. The study also advices men who have higher risks of osteoporosis to consume calcium and vitamin D supplements.
4. Safe Upper Levels for Vitamins and Minerals: What You Need to Know
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. Jan 2015, Vol. 32 Issue 11, p4-5. 2p
Abstract: The article discusses the recommended levels for taking vitamin and mineral supplements. It notes a warning from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that taking dietary supplements above safe levels can increase a person's risk for bleeding or other create complications when combined with prescription drugs. The article offers information from the Institute of Medicine regarding toxic and tolerable upper intake levels for Vitamins A, B, and C, and minerals like calcium, iron, and selenium.
5. Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Greater Risk of Dementia.
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. Nov 2014, Vol. 32 Issue 9, p1-3. 2p
Abstract: The article discusses the assertion of Tufts University professor Robin Kanarek that vitamin D helps protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease dementia from inflammatory changes in the hippocampus. University of Exeter in England scientist David Llewellyn states that their study for the Alzheimer's Association indicates a correlation of low vitamin D levels to the disease. Their prospective findings were based on data taken from the Cardiovascular Health Study.
Articles – Emotion Management
6. Strategies of emotion management: not just on, but off the job.
By Hammonds, Clare; Cadge, Wendy.
Nursing Inquiry. Jun 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p162-170. 9p
Abstract: Intensive care nurses, like professionals in other intense occupations characterized by high degrees of uncertainty, manage the emotions that result from their work both on and off the job. We focus on the job strategies - calling-in, sharing their experiences with others and engaging in a range of activities oriented to emotional recovery - that 37 intensive care nurses use to manage their emotions off the job.
7. Your Mood: A USER'S MANUAL.
By: Levine, Hallie.
Health. Oct 2015, Vol. 29 Issue 8, p111-115. 5p
Abstract: The article offers information on mental wellbeing for women. It discusses various body parts and emotion hormones released by these body parts such as Pituitary and hormone prolactin produced by the gland and cortisol hormone produced by adrenal glands, a 2013 study which suggest that people reported with depression have irritability and anger as the main symptoms and some of the neurotransmitters in the body such as dopamine, glutamate and serotonin.
8. Emotional vitality in caregivers: application of Rasch Measurement Theory with secondary data to development and test a new measure.
By Barbic, Skye P.; Bartlett, Susan J.; Mayo, Nancy E.
Clinical Rehabilitation. Jul 2015, Vol. 29 Issue 7, p705-716. 12p
Abstract: Objective: To describe the practical steps in identifying items and evaluating scoring strategies for a new measure of emotional vitality in informal caregivers of individuals who have experienced a significant health event. Design: The psychometric properties of responses to selected items from validated health-related quality of life and other psychosocial questionnaires administered four times over a one-year period were evaluated using Rasch Measurement Theory
9. Event Prediction and Affective Forecasting in Depressive Cognition: Using Emotion as Information About the Future.
By Marroquín, Brett; Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan.
Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology. Feb 2015, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p117-134.
Abstract: Depression is characterized by a bleak view of the future, but the mechanisms through which depressed mood is integrated into basic processes of future-oriented cognition are unclear. we hypothesized that dysphoric individuals' predictions of what will happen in the future ( likelihood estimation) and how the future will feel ( affective forecasting) are attributable to individual differences in incorporating present emotion as judgment-relevant information
Selected articles
- Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 2 (2015)
10. An evidence-based framework: Competencies and skills for managers in Australian health services
By Martins, J &; Isouard, G.
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 2 (2015)
Abstract: This paper is concerned with competencies and skills that enhance the capacity of health service managers to handle changes that medical technology and other factors have brought about. The paper takes a strategic rather than an all encompassing approach to identify the systemic changes that have taken place in the last decade
11. Combatting staff burnout in mental health: Key managerial and leadership tasks that are fundamental to staff wellbeing and retention
By Coates, D; Howe, D
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 2 (2015)
Abstract: Mental health services in Australia are struggling to recruit and retain adequately qualified and experienced staff. High turnover rates and understaffing is a significant problem faced by mental health services around the world and the most common reason for this is high levels of stress and staff burnout in this field.
12. Do peer leaders in the workplace improve implementation of self-management support training?
By Ervin, KE; Jeffery, V
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 2 (2015)
Abstract: The study aimed to detect changes in implementation rates of self management support, utilising health coaching training, when staff are provided with increased workplace support through peer leaders.
Journal – Table of Contents
From L.O.G.I.C: The journal of the New Zealand College of Primary Health Care Nurses, NZNO, September 2015
13A. Guest Editorial – Jane O,Malley: Equally well and primary care nurses
13B. Editor’s report: Co-editor Kate Stark
13C. Chair’s report: Hanging Ten for Health conference 2015
13D. Conference 2015: Message from the heart [Mia Carroll]
13E. Conference 2015: Models of care [Jill Clendon & Léonie Walker]
13F. Conference 2015: The DESMOND Story [Marryllyn Donaldson]
13G. Nursing for strengths: Utilising strengths and solutions focused approaches in daily patient care. What might be the possibilities?
13H. Rural nursing: NRH Conference News [Kate Stark & Sharon Hansen]
13I. Transgender youth: Bay of Plenty pilot pathway [Ross Mackay & Diana Prizgintas]
13J. The NZ Telehealth resource centre [Mark Eager]
13K. Varicella: What can New Zealand learn from other countries’ experiences? [Jacqui Crooks]
13L. Community pharmacy: Working together with you [Diana Wolken]
13M. Foot & Soul Clinic: A community outreach [Rachael Westenra RN]
13N. Oral health: Call for a unified approach [Norma van Arendonk]
13O. Join the college: NZCPHCN membership form
14. NZ Dementia Summit
Jointly hosted by the NZ Dementia Cooperative, Alzheimers NZ and Carers NZ
Date: 5 – 6 November 2015
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:
15. 5th International Conference on Neurology & Epidemiology | Australia
Date: 18-20 November 2015
Venue: Griffith University | Gold Coast | AustraliaAbstract submissions close on 30 June 2015. Early bird registrations close on 15 July 2015.
View the programme or see the conference website for more information.
16. Christianity and the Code. Professing Faith in Professional Practice
The inaugural conference brings together renowned speakers to share their insights into how we can as professional practitioners and leaders being exemplars of quality practice and professing our faith through the delivery of truly holistic care.
Date: Friday evening November 6th, Saturday November 7th, 2015
Venue: Laidlaw College, 80 Central Park Drive, Henderson Auckland
Registration online
More information:
News - National
17. Low-nicotine cigarettes cut use, dependence, study finds
NZ Herald - 12:45 PM Thursday Oct 1, 2015
A new study might help the push for regulations to limit nicotine in cigarettes. Smokers who switched to special low-nicotine ones wound up smoking less and were more likely to try to quit, researchers found. The study only lasted six weeks, and researchers call the evidence preliminary. But they say it's the first large study to show that slashing nicotine, perhaps below an addiction threshold, is safe and leads to less smoking.
News – International
18. Health funding model for Victoria is proving elusive
The Age - October 1, 2015
We age, health costs soar, and governments argue over who will cough up the cash