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Kai Tiaki Nursing Research: journal
September 2015 issue, Vol. 6 No. 1 – OUT NOW
Research topics range from the fun and games which built nursing comradeship in yesteryear, through to the new online revising tool used by undergraduates to study for state finals. Own it for the price of five cups of coffee.
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Articles - Pain Management
1. Why go online when you have pain? A qualitative analysis of teenagers' use of the Internet for pain management advice.
By Henderson, E. M.; Keogh, E.; Eccleston, C.
Child: Care, Health & Development. Jul 2014, Vol. 40 Issue 4, p572-579. 8p.
2 Charts. DOI: 10.1111/cch.12072.
Abstract: Adolescents are routinely recognized as native to online technologies. However, we know from previous research that this familiarity does not often translate into its use for help-seeking around health. We designed this study to examine the experience of adolescents in using the Internet to access pain management information, specifically why some adolescents may be reluctant to use these resources
2. Pain management.
By Gilbert, Steve. Pulse. Nov 2014, p90-93. 3p.
Abstract: The article discusses several challenges faced by the general practitioners (GPs) in managing patient with chronic pain including the administration of nerve block injections, the use of analgesic for chronic non-malignant pain and the management of post-herpetic neuralgia in patient. It examines the interventional pain techniques to assess and treating chronic pain
3. Effective Pain Management in Patients with Dementia: Benefits Beyond Pain?
By Flo, Elisabeth; Gulla, Christine; Husebo, Bettina.
Drugs & Aging. Dec 2014, Vol. 31 Issue 12, p863-871. 9p. 1 Chart.
DOI: 10.1007/s40266-014-0222-0.
Abstract: This current opinion aims to provide a literature overview of the associations between pain and neuropsychiatric symptoms and the efficacy of pain management for both pain and neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with dementia. In addition, international guidelines and recommendations for pain management have been collated, and important developing research areas are highlighted.
4. Degree of Knowledge of Health Care Professionals About Pain Management and Use of Opioids in Pediatrics.
By: Freitas, Gabriel R. M.; Castro, Cláudio G.; Castro, Stela M. J.; Heineck, Isabela. Pain Medicine. May 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 5, p807-819. 13p.
DOI: 10.1111/pme.12332.
Abstract: To evaluate the degree of knowledge about pain management and opioids use by professionals working at three pediatric units. This is a cross-sectional study. This study was carried out at three pediatric units (pediatrics, intensive care unit, and oncology) of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, which is a university hospital located in southern Brazil. Subject The subjects of this study include physicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses, nursing technicians, and nursing assistants
5. The 'Comfortable Dying' Measure: How Patient Characteristics Affect Hospice Pain Management Quality Scores.
By Kelly, Lauren; Bender, Laura; Harris, Pamela; Casarett, David.
Journal of Palliative Medicine. Jun 2014, Vol. 17 Issue 6, p721-724. 4p. DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2013.0571.
Abstract: All hospices were required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to collect the 'Comfortable Dying' measure in 2012 (National Quality Forum measure #0209). However, it is not known how scores on this measure are affected by patient characteristics. It is important to identify these characteristics so that a hospice's case mix can be taken into account when interpreting its scores
Articles – Hydration/Dehydration
6. Nutrition and hydration in dying patients: the perceptions of acute care nurses.
By Higgins, Isabel; Riet, Pamela; Sneesby, Ludmilla; Good, Phillip;
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2014 Sep; 23 (17/18): 2609-17.ISSN: 0962-1067
PMID: 24354446
Abstract: To explore the perceptions of nurses regarding the provision and nonprovision of medical nutrition and hydration during the end stage of life when death is imminent in the acute care setting. This article builds on previous studies that describe the perceptions of medical doctors and palliative care nurses regarding medical nutrition and hydration during the end stage of life when death is imminent
7. The Volume of Hydration in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients with Hydration-Related Symptoms: A Prospective Study.
By Nakajima, Nobuhisa; Takahashi, Yuji; Ishitani, Kunihiko.
Journal of Palliative Medicine. Sep 2014, Vol. 17 Issue 9, p1037-1041. 5p. 4 Charts. DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2013.0557.
Abstract: Recently, there has been a growing interest in the use of artificial hydration therapy (AHT) for terminally ill cancer patients. Some studies have demonstrated that appropriate hydration can contribute to patient comfort; however, few studies have examined the effects of volume reduction on patient symptoms and quality of life (QOL). This study aimed to clarify the effects of reducing the volume of artificial hydration based on the Japanese guideline in terminally ill cancer patients with hydration-related symptoms on the alleviation of various symptoms and QOL.
8. Providing artificial nutrition and hydration in palliative care. (cover story).
By: Stiles, Ella.
Nursing Standard. 1/16/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 20, p35-42. 8p. 2 Charts.
Abstract: This literature review investigates nurses' attitudes towards providing artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) in the palliative care setting. Various factors that influence nurses' attitudes are examined. While some of the findings have limited generalisability because of the dearth of evidence originating from the UK, United States and western Europe, the issues should still be considered.
9. Thirst and hydration status in everyday life.
By Millard-Stafford, Mindy; Wendland, Deborah Michael; O'dea, Namrita K; Norman, Tracy L.
Nutrition Reviews. Nov 2012 Supplement, Vol. 70, pS147-S151. 5p.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2012.00527.x
Abstract: Water is an essential nutrient for all persons; thus, maintaining a chronic state of optimal hydration is recognized to provide health benefits. Fluid balance is maintained via thirst, a feedback-controlled variable, regulated acutely by central and peripheral mechanisms. However, voluntary drinking is also a behavior influenced by numerous social and psychological cues.
10. Promoting and maintaining healthy hydration in patients.
By Ruxton, Carrie. Nursing Standard. 4/4/2012, Vol. 26 Issue 31, p50-56. 7p.
Abstract: Fluid is essential for life and health. Nurses have an important role in helping patients maintain optimal levels of hydration, particularly in hospital or residential settings where access to fluid is less likely to be under the patient's control. This article describes the benefits of healthy hydration, outlines guidelines on fluid requirements for different patient groups and discusses which beverages should be promoted
Articles – Nursing Standard [RCN Journal]
11. Race and the NHS – a chance for change
By Thelma Agnew. Nursing Standard, September 30, Vol 30 no 5, 2015
Abstract: BME nurses are under-represented at senior levels and have a worse experience in the workplace than their white counterparts. The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard requires employers to track how they are performing. Contributors to our roundtable discussion said the standard will make a difference, but only if employers are rigorous in examining weaknesses and work with BME staff to change the culture.
12. Disability discrimination in healthcare services and employment
By Christopher Barber Registered nurse (learning disability) and visiting lecturer. Birmingham City University, Birmingham, England
Correspondence to: [email protected]
Nursing Standard. 30, 5, 40-45.
Abstract: This article discusses the meaning and philosophical basis of disability discrimination in health care. It focuses on aspects of language that influence discourse about disability and affect the experiences of people with disabilities. Reference is made to the experiences of those who have an autism spectrum condition, with a specific focus on three NHS employees with Asperger syndrome, in relation to disability discrimination
13. The long road to equality
Nursing Standard. 30, 5, 64-65.
By Alison Handley.
Abstract: Eleanor Smith says black nurses in the NHS still face an uphill struggle to get on in their careers, but she hopes change might be afoot.
Journal – Table of Contents
From Nursing Times, 23-29 September, 2015
14A. Editor’s View: Nurses need time to be compassionate
14B. The Nursing Week: Nurse workforce growth stalls as NHS budgets bite; Nurse education may be at risk in government spending review; Epilepsy ‘passport’ aims to cut admission rates.
14C. Tributes paid to first Parkinson’s specialist nurse [Rosemary Maguire]; Nurses lack training for new psychosis treatment standards; CQC:Broadmoor trust has ‘substantial’ staffing issue
14D. MPs query compassion levels in provision of end-of-life care; Training needed to avoid the past failings of Liverpool Care pathway; Child palliative care limited by nurse numbers
14E. Dehydration affects staff performance; Two year study to assess benefit of productive ward programme
14F. Grant win for liver service led by nurses; Jonathan Hazan – There are many reasons why nurses avoid incident reporting
14G. Nursing Practice: Health promotion needs to be safe as well as better resourced; Pain that can be relieved should not be endured
14H. The nurse’s changing role in clinical research
14I. How real-time data can improve patient care
14J. Ensuring cultural safety in nurse education
14K. Physiology – how the body detects pain stimuli
14L. Nursing Life: 60 seconds with Lynsey Ayers, a staff nurse for St Ann’s Hospice
14M. Role model: Igniting a passion for nursing [Stuart McKenzie, Chair of Congress at the Royal College of Nursing]
14N. The Leadership Academy: Don’t pretend to be someone else
15. Christianity and the Code. Professing Faith in Professional Practice
The inaugural conference brings together renowned speakers to share their insights into how we can as professional practitioners and leaders being exemplars of quality practice and professing our faith through the delivery of truly holistic care.
Date: Friday evening November 6th, Saturday November 7th, 2015
Venue: Laidlaw College, 80 Central Park Drive, Henderson Auckland
Registration online
More information:
Ministry of Health Publications
16. Gerontology Acceleration Programme (GAP) Evaluation Report
The Evaluation of the Gerontology Acceleration Programme reports findings from a nursing workforce development programme between Canterbury District Health Board and the aged residential care sector
Download the report here:
17. Prostate Cancer Management and Referral Guidance
Every year 3000 men are found to have prostate cancer and 600 die from the disease. This publication will help primary care practitioners provide men and their family and whānau with consistent, culturally appropriate information on prostate cancer testing and treatment.
News - National
18. Low-nicotine cigarettes cut use, dependence, study finds
NZ Herald - 12:45 PM Thursday Oct 1, 2015
A new study might help the push for regulations to limit nicotine in cigarettes. Smokers who switched to special low-nicotine ones wound up smoking less and were more likely to try to quit, researchers found. The study only lasted six weeks, and researchers call the evidence preliminary. But they say it's the first large study to show that slashing nicotine, perhaps below an addiction threshold, is safe and leads to less smoking.
News – International
19. Health funding model for Victoria is proving elusive
The Age - October 1, 2015
We age, health costs soar, and governments argue over who will cough up the cash