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Issue 30 - 17 August 2015

Articles - Nursing Philosophy, Jul 2014

1. Moving forward in nursing
By Sellman, Derek.
Nursing Philosophy,  Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p155-156. 2p
: The author reflects on the changes in the nursing industry wherein the organization or institution gives an indication of the level of controversy they are facing. He examines the euphemistic employment of language for managerialist and corporate purposes. He highlights the importance to enhance the value of education and health care in human being.

2. Research report appraisal: how much understanding is enough?
By Lipscomb, Martin.
Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p157-170. 14p
: When appraising research papers, how much understanding is enough? In this paper it is argued that, where knowledge/justified beliefs derived from research evidence prompt actions that materially affect patient care, appraisers have an epistemic duty to demand high (maximal) rather than low (minimal) levels of understanding regards finding derivation (i.e. appraisers have a duty to seek a superior epistemic situation).

3. In search of salience: phenomenological analysis of moral distress
By Manara, Duilio F.; Villa, Giulia; Moranda, Dina.
Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p171-182. 13p
: The nurse's moral competences in the management of situations which present ethical implications are less investigated in literature than other ethical problems related to clinical nursing. Phenomenology affirms that emotional warmth is the first fundamental attitude as well as the premise of any ethical reasoning. Moral action requires the nurse to think constantly about the important things that are happening in a nursing situation.

4. Anxiety and surplus in nursing practice: lessons from Lacan and Bataille.
By Evans, Alicia M.; Glass, Nel; Traynor, Michael.
Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p183-191. 9p
: It is well established, following Menzies' work, that nursing practice produces considerable anxiety. Like Menzies, we bring a psychoanalytic perspective to a theorization of anxiety in nursing and do so in order to consider nursing practice in the light of psychoanalytic theory, although from a Lacanian perspective. We also draw on Bataille's notion of 'surplus'. These concepts provide the theoretical framework for a study investigating how some clinical nurses are able to remain in clinical practice rather than leave the profession or seek work at a distance from the bedside.

5. Slavery and jouissance: analysing complaints of suffering in UK and Australian nurses' talk about their work.
By Traynor, Michael; Evans, Alicia.
Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p192-200. 9p
: Nursing has a gendered and religious history where ideas of duty and servitude are present and shape its professional identity. This paper draws on psychoanalytic concepts in order to reconsider nursing's professional identity. It does this by presenting an analysis of data from two focus group studies involving nurses in England and Australia held between 2010 and 2012.

6. Tracing detached and attached care practices in nursing education.
By Soffer, Ann Katrine B.
Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p201-210. 10p
: The implementation of skills labs in Danish nursing education can, in itself, be viewed as a complexity. The students are expected to eventually carry out their work in a situated hospital practice, but they learn their professional skills in a different space altogether, detached and removed from the hospitals and practising on plastic dummies. The article start from the assertion that detached engagements are not recognized within the field of nursing education as an equal component to attachments.

7. A pragmatist approach to the hope discourse in health care research
By Herrestad, Henning; Biong, Stian; McCormack, Brendan; Borg, Marit; Karlsson, Bengt.
Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p211-220. 10p
: Hope is a central concept in nursing and other fields of health care. However, there is no consensus about the concept of hope. We argue that seeking consensus is futile given the multifaceted and multidimensional nature of the concept, but instead we encourage in-depth studies of the assumptions behind talk about hope in specific contexts. Our approach to the 'science of hope' is inspired by philosophical pragmatism.

8. Invisible economics of nursing: analysis of a hospital bill through a Foucauldian perspective
By Lasater, Karen B.
Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2014, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p221-224. 4p
: The article discusses the increase rate of health care and hospital services in the U.S. wherein the government has spent more of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health care. It highlights the use of nursing care services by acute hospital inpatients for hospital services. It also details the impact of the loss of economic visibility of nursing which generates revenue for the hospitals

Articles – Immunisation

9. Ethical Challenges in School-Based Immunization Programs for Adolescents: A Qualitative Study. By Braunack-Mayer, Annette; Skinner, S. Rachel; Collins, Joanne; Tooher, Rebecca; Proeve, Claudia; O'Keefe, Maree; Burgess, Teresa; Watson, Maureen; Marshall, Helen.
American Journal of Public Health. Jul 2015, Vol. 105 Issue 7, p1399-1403. 5p
: We investigated ethical issues in school-based immunization programs for adolescents in South Australia in 2011 and how they are addressed.
Results. We identified ethical challenges for the delivery of adolescent immunization in a school-based setting in 3 main areas: informed consent, restrictions on privacy, and harm to students in the form of fear and anxiety.

10. Masterclass: Childhood immunisation
By Lowth, Mary.
Practice Nurse. 6/12/2015, Vol. 45 Issue 6, p20-24. 4p
: The article presents factors on childhood immunisation. Topics discussed include the difference between active and passive immunity, the benefits of vaccination such as avoiding the disease directly and the various types of vaccine like toxoid and conjugate vaccines. Also mentioned are the routes of immunisation such as intramuscular and subcutaneous.

Journal – Table of Contents

11. From Registered Nurse Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, May/June 2015

11A. An inside look at RNAO’s influence
Nursing Notes
11B. In memoriam: Josephine Flaherty (1994 – 2015); New fellowship offered by RNAO and AMS; Ontario passes ban on flavoured tobacco; RNAO releases two new BPGs
Nursing in the News
11C. Windsor RN creates award-winning smartphone app; Kingston nurse offers recommendations to prevent and treat sexual assault; Retired nurse provides aid in earthquake-ravaged Nepal; RN cuts, fragmented care is not the solution
11D. Who’s been immunized? [A small but vocal anti-vaccination population has led nurses to create innovative solutions to curb the spread of disease]
RN profile
11E. From nursing to crime, and back again [Ingrid Boiago]
Policy at Work
11F. Rural, remote and northern nursing taskforce report
RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization
11G. New BPSO designates celebrate at AGM
11H. Resolutions of AGMs past
11I. Members celebrate another stellar year; Government support of BPGs; An emotional farewell – Rhonda Seidman-Carlson; The end-of-life discussion
11J. RNs receive recognition from peers
11K. RNAO Board of Directors 2015-2016
11L. Charting a course for the future [AGM resolutions]
11M. Nurses: With you every step of the way [Nursing week 2015]
11N. In the end: What nursing means to me [Raajpreet Sekhon]


12. National Nursing Informatics Conference
Health Informatics NZ (HiNZ)

Date: Monday, 19 October 2015 [ 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM]
Venue: Christchurch, New Zealand
More information:

13. Quality Care & Patient Safety
24th Annual Conference of the College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand
  15 & 16 October 2015
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Wellington.
More information:

News – National

14. Whooping cough continues
ODT - Mon, 17 Aug 2015
The number of whooping cough cases has remained steady in recent days, although the results of many tests are still pending. There have been 26 confirmed cases of the illness in the Wanaka and Hawea areas since late July, plus 20 probable cases, Southern District Health Board (SDHB) medical officer of health Dr Marion Poore said.

15. Paleo diet rules under fire – research
By Sarah Knapton -  NZ Herald - Monday Aug 17, 2015
Study casts doubt on Paleo diet fad, saying carbs were key to our massive brain growth

News – International

16. Alcohol, prescription drugs beat illegal narcotics for most ambulance calls
Sydney Morning Herald - August 17, 2015

17. Slow progress on e-health causing medication misadventures
Sydney Morning Herald - August 16, 2015  
The hospitalisation of thousands of people each year could be prevented if their health providers shared information electronically, but they can't because their software systems do not talk to each other

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