Articles – Meningitis
1. Meningococcal meningitis outbreaks
By Capriotti, Theresa, DO, MSN, CRNP, RN; Long, Meghan.
The Clinical Advisor : For Nurse Practitioners
(May 2015): 32,34,41-42,44
Abstract: Each year, clusters of meningitis break out in the United States, particularly in adolescents and young adults. Early diagnosis is challenging but critical. In 2013, 400 cases of meningococcal meningitis were reported in the United States.1 These cases included 70 deaths, as well as many patients who were disabled. Although the incidence of meningococcal meningitis is low, morbidity and mortality are high
2. Case 11-2015: A 28-Year-Old Woman with Headache, Fever, and a Rash
By Cabot, Richard C; Rosenberg, Eric S; Harris, Nancy Lee; Shepard, Jo-Anne O; Cort, Alice M; et al.
The New England Journal of Medicine
(Apr 9, 2015): 1454-1462
Abstract: A 28-year-old woman was seen in the emergency department of this hospital because of the acute onset of headache, fever, rash, and myalgias. On examination, she had petechiae on the chest, abdomen, and thighs and a purpuric lesion on the right shoulder
3. Severe infection in primary care: A refresher on early recognition
By Richard Everts and David Dixon.
NZ Doctor, March 18 2015
Abstract: Recognising severe bacterial infection early is challenging as the signs and symptoms are difficult to distinguish from other common and less severe infections. A young patient develops a painful and progressively swollen leg after an injury. He shivers and his body aches. He struggles to walk into your practice and collapses onto your examination bed. He is vague and says he feels “crap
4. Study delivers new information on preventing the spread of meningitis
Victoria University. Wednesday 29 May 2013
Abstract: Study delivers new information on preventing the spread of meningitis Research by a Victoria University PhD graduate, carried out at Environmental Science and Research (ESR), has highlighted the risk of contracting the disease through sharing things like drink bottles and glasses. Dr Claire Swain's work has shown that meningococcal bacteria can survive outside the body for periods ranging from four hours to seven days, and that environmental conditions are a key factor in survival rates for the bacteria
Articles – Bowel Cancer
5. Prospective cohort studies of bowel movement frequency and laxative use and colorectal cancer incidence in US women and men
By Zhang, Xuehong; Wu, Kana; Cho, Eunyoung; Ma, Jing; Chan, Andrew T; et al.
Cancer Causes & Control
(May 2013): 1015-24
Abstract: The associations between bowel movement frequency, laxative use, and colorectal cancer incidence remain uncertain. No published studies have accounted for potential latency between these factors and colorectal cancer onset.
6. Colorectal cancer risk and patients' survival: influence of polymorphisms in genes somatically mutated in colorectal tumors
By Huhn, Stefanie; Bevier, Melanie; Pardini, Barbara; Naccarati, Alessio; Vodickova, Ludmila; et al.
Cancer Causes & Control
(Jun 2014): 759-69.
Abstract: The first two studies aiming for the high-throughput identification of the somatic mutation spectrum of colorectal cancer (CRC) tumors were published in 2006 and 2007. Using exome sequencing, they described 69 and 140 candidate cancer genes (CAN genes), respectively. We hypothesized that germline variants in these genes may influence CRC risk, similar to APC, which is causing CRC through germline and somatic mutations
7. Total calcium intake and colorectal adenoma in young women
By Massa, Jennifer; Cho, Eunyoung; Orav, Endel J; Willett, Walter C; Wu, Kana; et al.
Cancer Causes & Control
(Apr 2014): 451-60
Abstract: Total calcium intake appears to reduce occurrence of colorectal adenoma; however, the dose necessary for prevention in young women is unclear. We examined fine categories of calcium intake in relation to occurrence of first colorectal adenoma in a cohort of mostly premenopausal (88 %) women aged 26-60 at time of endoscopy.
8. Association between statin use and colorectal cancer risk: a meta-analysis of 42 studies
By Liu, Yanqiong; Tang, Weizhong; Wang, Jian; Xie, Li; Li, Taijie; et al.
Cancer Causes & Control
(Feb 2014): 237-49.
Abstract: There is a long-standing debate about whether statins have chemopreventive properties against colorectal cancer (CRC), but the results remain inconclusive. We therefore present a meta-analysis to investigate the association between statin use and risk of CRC.
Articles – Patient Privacy
9. The development of the patient privacy scale in nursing
By Özturk, Havva; Bahçecik, Nefise; Özçelik, Kumral Semanur.
Nursing Ethics. Nov 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p812-828. 17p. 4 Charts
Abstract:: The article discusses issues surrounding patient privacy and confidentiality in nursing services. Topics include an overview of the four categories of privacy, namely physical, psychological, social, and cognitive, the right to privacy as a fundamental personal right and a key concept in nursing, and factors contributing to violation of a patient's right for privacy including increase in the number of communication channels, technological advances, and social media.
10. Maintaining Patients' Privacy and Confidentiality With Family Communications in the Intensive Care Unit.
By McCullough, Jayne; Schell-Chaple, Hildy.
Critical Care Nurse. Oct 2013, Vol. 33 Issue 5, p77-79. 3p. 1 Chart.
Abstract: The article discusses how health care providers can share information about a patient in the intensive care unit with the patient's family and patient-designated significant others. The importance of maintaining patients' privacy and confidentiality to actively engage these people in their loved one's care is stressed. This approach allows the patients' family to participate in care planning and shared decision making.
11. Patient privacy: so easily breached
By Starr, Linda.
Australian Nursing Journal. Jun 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 11, p33-33. 1p.
Abstract: In this article the author discusses the impact that advances in technology have had on the ability of physicians and health care facilities to manage the confidentiality and privacy of their patients' medical records. In the article she reflects on three scenarios, including dumpster diving, the inappropriate disclosure of medical information by a physician and the inappropriate use of photography during a medical emergency, which could lead to the harmful disclosure of patient information.
12. LEGAL BRIEFS. Patient Privacy and Social Media
By Hader, Amy L.; Brown, Evan D.
AANA Journal. Aug 2010, Vol. 78 Issue 4, p270-274. 5p
Abstract: Healthcare providers using social media must remain mindful of professional boundaries and patients' privacy rights. Facebook and other online postings must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), applicable facility policy, state law, and AANA's Code of Ethics
Journal – Table of Contents
13. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand: Journal of Professional Nursing, March 2015
13A. Editorial [The peer review process for articles that are submitted]
13B. Non-prescribing diabetes nurse specialist views of nurse prescribing in diabetes health
13C. Institutional ethnography: An emerging approach for health and nursing research
13D. Oncology nurses’ perception of cancer pain: A qualitative exploratory study
14. Quality Care & Patient Safety
24th Annual Conference of the College of Emergency Nurses New Zealand
Date: 15 & 16 October 2015
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Wellington
More information:
News – National
15. Five convenience foods that aren't as healthy as you think
NZ Herald - Tuesday Aug 4, 2015
When it comes to convenience foods, marketing teams go hard with buzzwords: healthy, nutritious, energy, wholesome, grain-filled, fat-free, sugar-free! There's a lot of money that goes into ensuring you're making a good choice when choosing a 'protein bar' over a bar of chocolate, or a 'breakfast drink' over plain old chocolate milk. The reality is many items construed as healthy options are not even close.
16. Retirement village disputes exposed
NZ Herald - Monday Aug 10, 2015
The booming multi-billion dollar booming retirement village sector is in for a big shake-up following revelations of wide-ranging dispute issues dogging residents. Troy Churton, the Commission for Financial Capability's retirement village programme strategy manager, this morning announced a big change in the sector following an investigation which showed:
• the formal dispute resolution process is not user-friendly for all residents
• there are a lack of alternative options to resolve disputes
• there is a need for greater advice and support for residents in resolving disputes, as well as better information about the dispute process.
A forum will now be established by the retirement commissioner and the commission to investigate better ways to resolve disputes in retirement villages
News – International
17. Want to eat better? Make friends with hunger first
The Age - August 10, 2015
Back in 2003, Swedish scientists blindfolded a group of people and told them to eat until they were full – and found they ate 24 per cent less food than when they were not blindfolded. It is an experiment Dr Helena Popovic repeats at weekend retreats that teach people how to eat more healthily – not by reducing carbs or whipping up kale smoothies, but by learning to reconnect with both the feeling of real hunger and the signs the body has had enough to eat.
18. ACT Health blocks the release of critical urology audit report
The Age - August 10, 2015
The ACT government has blocked the release of a critical audit report that led to Canberra Hospital being stripped of its accreditation for urology training over concerns about internal culture and significant staff disharmony. The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons withdrew the hospital's training accreditation for urology services in June, after a review found a lack of respect and ongoing mistrust between consultants and trainee doctors, creating an unsatisfactory training environment