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Issue 27 - 27 July 2015

Māori words and phrases of the day
NZ Herald - Monday Jul 27, 2015

Selected Articles – Nursing Times

1. Rise in potentially risky 12‐hour shifts among nursing staff
By Steve Ford. Nursing Times, 24 July, 2015
: There has been an increase in the use of 12-hour nursing shifts that may potentially be influencing patient care, according a review commissioned by the chief nursing officer for England. It appears to confirm anecdotal evidence of a rise in popularity of longer shifts and acknowledgement by staff that they leave them feeling more tired than eight-hour shifts

2. Sites to pioneer new models for urgent and emergency care
By Judith Welikala,  Nursing Times, 24 July, 2015
: The first areas to pilot new integrated care models for urgent and emergency have been announced. The eight sites – referred to as “vanguards” by NHS England – will test new urgent and emergency care models, and will get access to £200m transformation fund.

3. Caring from a distance: the role of telehealth
Nursing Times, 6 July, 2015
: Research highlights how community nurses can overcome some of the barriers that deter them from using telehealth to remotely monitor patients at home

4. Caring from a distance: the role of telehealth
By Steve Ford. Nursing Times, 6 July, 2015
; Research highlights how community nurses can overcome some of the barriers that deter them from using telehealth to remotely monitor patients at home

5. The nurse's role in patient nutrition and hydration
Nursing Times, 6 July, 2015
: The revised Nursing and Midwifery Council code of conduct has restored some responsibility to nurses for ensuring their patients receive good nutritional care. This article covers:
- How nutrition and hydration needs became overlooked
- Stipulations of the NMC’s revised code of conduct
- How nurses can ensure they comply with the Code

6. Reducing the risk of baby falls in maternity units
Nursing Times, 6 July, 2015
; Using open curtains and bedside cots, for mothers identified as being more likely to drop their babies, have greatly reduced the number of baby falls. This article covers:
In this article
- Baby falls and how they occur
- How to implement a change of practice
- Guidelines for preventing and managing baby falls

7. Patients' expectations of treatments and tests
Nursing Times, 6 July, 2015
: Demand for ineffective or unproven treatments will continue to rise unless a more concerted effort is made to help people make informed decisions.
This article includes the results of a systematic review of patients’ expectations of tests and treatment and expert commentary on the results

8. Supporting the crucial role of carers
Nursing Times, 16 July, 2015
: Working with carers improves patient experience while cutting demands on services. Jane Lynch spends her working life caring for people with cancer. As lung clinical nurse specialist (CNS) at the Harley Street Clinic, Ms Lynch is there to support patients through diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

Articles – Cultural Safety

9. A critical reflection on the concept of cultural safety
By Gerlach, Alison J.
The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 79.3 (Jun 2012): 151-8.
: Cultural safety promotes a more critical and inclusive perspective of culture. As an analytical lens in occupational therapy practice and research, it has the potential to reveal and generate broader understandings of occupation and health from individuals or groups in society who are traditionally silenced or marginalized. In relation to Aboriginal peoples, it clearly situates health and health inequities within the context of their colonial, socioeconomic, and political past and present

10. Identity, Ethics and Cultural Safety: Strategies for Change
By Doutrich, Dawn; Dekker, Lida; Spuck, Janet; Hoeksel, Renee.
Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal 21 (2014): 15-21.
: Cultural safety within nursing is a vital concept gaining global influence. It demonstrates ways in which culture and the sense of self are connected to safe and ethical care for patients. It is argued that transcultural nursing and cultural competence preparation have tended to depict the 'diverse' patient as the 'other', while reaffirming the hegemony of the dominant culture

11. Cultural Safety Assessment of an Urban Canadian Hospital
By Gurm, Balbir Kaur, EDD; Cheema, Jas, MA.
Journal of Cultural Diversity 20.4 (Winter 2013): 177-83.
: Canada continues to grow as a multicultural country but the number of people employed in healthcare does not reflect the increasing population diversity. In addition there are no set Canadian standards in providing Culturally Safe health services. The purpose of this survey study was to determine if there is inconsistency between the written and practiced policy on cultural safety in an urban hospital on the west coast of British Columbia

12. STUDENTS' CORNER: Using Te Tiriti O Waitangi to identify and address racism, and achieve cultural safety in nursing
By Oda, Keiko; Rameka, Maria.
Contemporary Nurse : a Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession 43.1
(Dec 2012): 107-12.
: Racism is an idea and belief that some races are superior to others (Harris et al., 2006a). This belief justifies institutional and individual practices that create and reinforce oppressive systems, inequality among racial or ethnic groups, and this creates racial hierarchy in society (Harris et al., 2006a). In this article we analyse and discuss how nurses can challenge and reduce racism at interpersonal and institutional levels, and improve Maori health outcomes by understanding and using cultural safety in nursing practice and understanding Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

13. Indigenous health: STEPPING INTO THE GAP
Keast, Karen; Dragon, Natalie.
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal 22.8 (Mar 2015): 18-22.
: The Prime Minister's Closing the Gap 2015 report shows only slight improvements have been made in health and education outcomes in the past 12 months, with targets for life expectancy and several other key performance indicators failing to be met. Funding health In response to the report card, several peak organisations called on the federal government to better fund and resource primary healthcare service providers to detect, treat and manage chronic health conditions in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

14. Walking in two worlds
By Walker, Léonie.
Kai Tiaki : Nursing New Zealand 21.5 (Jun 2015): 34-35.
; Mâori nurses can best provide for their patients and demonstrate their professionalism when they can work within a Mâori model of care and through a Mâori world view that is acknowledged, accepted and honoured. If Mâori health disparities are to be ameliorated, not only do there have to be more Mâori nurses, but they also have to be supported to practise in ways that genuinely meet the needs of their clients.

Journal – Table of Contents

15. From Maramatanga whakaora ngangahau OT Insight: Magazine of Occupational Therapy New Zealand, July 2015

15A. Engaging Maori who are homeless
15B. It took one word to walk to recovery: ‘whaea’
15C. OTNZ Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa News
15D. Te Arawa te iwi [Rotorua, the site of APOTC 2015 is the home of Te Arawa iwi, who are mana whenua of this area]
15E. Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress
15F. Tuhono Tuatoru [A model of practice developed to assist people and organisations to better engage with tangata whenua]
15G. Disability and the Treaty of Waitangi
15H. Mobilising for Social Change
15I. Cultural Safety
15J. Some bicultural themes at APOTC 2015
15K. He Kohikohinga Korero – Information exchange
15L. He Maramataka – OT Insight CPE


16. 14th Annual HiNZ Conference
This year's theme is COLLABORATE. Systems reform requires input from all people working across the system and collaboration is vital to the success of health IT projects
Date: 19-22 October 2015
Venue: Wigram Air Force Museum, Christchurch

News – National

17. District Health Board governance overhaul proposed
Stuff -  July 27 2015

A leaked document suggests removing the control of District Health Boards from elected representatives in a proposed overhaul of their governance structure.The Capability and Capacity Review leaked to Radio New Zealand is part of a series of reviews implemented in the health sector when new Director-General of Health Chai Chuah was confirmed in the role in March. Currently most DHBs have 11 members, seven of whom are elected at local government elections

18. Surgery promise for women
ODT - Mon, 27 Jul 2015

Dunedin breast cancer survivors, Delwyn Jope (front) has had part of her breast reconstruction surgery completed but (back from left) Jenny Sherman, Andrea Macnee and Marie Steele continue to wait and are happy more procedures are being planned. The more than 50 cancer survivors in Otago and Southland waiting for breast reconstruction have been promised surgery by the end of next year

News - International

19. Exercise not just for healthy: Getting on treadmill may help seniors when memory begins fading
Lauran Neergaard, The Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Exercise may do more than keep a healthy brain fit: New research suggests working up a good sweat may also offer some help once memory starts to slide— and even improve life for people with Alzheimer's.

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