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Issue 26 - 20 July 2015

Articles - Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management

1. Building research capacity in a regional Australian health service: A management strategy analysis
By Murphy, K; Stockton, D; Kolbe, A; Hulme-Chambers, A; Smythe, G
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 1 (2015)
Research capacity building (RCB) can be challenging for health services, especially in non-metropolitan areas. This management analysis documents the RCB strategy recently initiated by Albury Wodonga Health (AWH), a large health service in regional Australia. AWH's strategy addresses three steps believed to be crucial in planning effective RCB: an initial needs assessment, identification of clear success indicators and multi-level structural considerations

2. An efficient alternative methodology for bed occupancy data collection
By Spencer, LM; Wong, A; Eley, R; Cook, DA; Sinnott, M; Kozan, E

Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 1 (2015)
Abstract: The newly developed Bed Unit Day Investigation and Implementation (BUDII) information technology platform links a number of separate and distinct hospital data bases to provide a spatio-temporal map of inpatient movements and facilitate operational and research enquiries. The Bed Occupancy Audit Tool (BOAT) is used by the study hospital to conduct an annual census of the in-patient status of its operations

3. What employability skills are required of new health managers?
By Messum, D; Wilkes, L; Jackson, D

Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 1 (2015)
Abstract: Employability Skills (ES) for graduates are monitored by Graduate Careers Australia but not specifically in health management. Generic skills are increasingly important especially to help cope with increasing complexity and rapid change. There is little research in the health arena to identify specific skill requirements and gaps in observed skills to requirements. The study was conducted to inform curriculum development, help facilitate employment outcomes for new graduates and improve job matching for employers

4. Pharmacists as managers: What is being looked for by the sector in New Zealand community pharmacy?
By Ram, S; Jensen, M; Blucher, C; Lilly, R; Kim, R; Scahill, S

Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 1 (2015)
Abstract: Aim: To identify employers' requirements when recruiting a pharmacy manager and evaluate the critical skills, knowledge and abilities sought. Methods: Thirty to sixty minute, semi-structured interviews were carried out with employers of pharmacy managers (n=12) within the pharmacy sector in urban and semi-rural Auckland. Interviews were transcribed and thematically analysed

5. Content analysis of mission, vision and value statements in Australian public and private hospitals: Implications for healthcare management
By Leggat, SG; Holmes, M

Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 1 (2015)
Abstract:  Effective use of a mission statement has been linked with better organisational performance. We have seen increasing importance placed on mission statements in hospital accreditation and in performance reporting. Purpose: The aim of this study was to document the content of the mission, vision and value statements of Australian hospitals to better understand the focus of mission statements currently in use.

6. Health LEADS Australia: Implementation and integration into theory and practice
By Shannon, EA.

Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, Vol. 10 Issue 1 (2015)
Abstract: This article reviews the development, implementation and impact of the national health leadership framework, Health LEADS Australia. While influenced by the Canadian LEADS in a caring environment approach, the Australian model had significant stakeholder engagement due to the collaborative and consensual process led by Health Workforce Australia. As stakeholder ownership has passed to formal licensees and other interested parties, adoption and adaptation has raised concerns about framework fidelity

Articles – Nursing Ethics [Journal]

7. Among politicians, patients and nurse leaders: What can a nurse ethicist contribute?
By Gallagher, Ann.
Nursing Ethics. May 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p285-286. 2p
: The article discusses the role played by the nurse ethicist in bringing about change, particularly in British health services. Contributions of nurse ethicist discussed include provision of research findings in areas like moral distress, ethical climate and ethics education to nurse leaders, politicians and patients, promotion of critical thinking on concepts such as compassion, courage, dignity and care, and demonstration of value of nursing ethics through discussion of nursing moral purpose.

8. Effectiveness of ethics education as perceived by nursing students: Development and testing of a novel assessment instrument.
By Vynckier, Tine; Gastmans, Chris; Cannaerts, Nancy; de Casterlé, Bernadette Dierckx.
Nursing Ethics. May 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p287-306. 20p
: The article discusses the study that determined perceived efficacy of nursing ethics education by students in Flanders, Belgium, for the development of Students' Perceived Effectiveness of Ethics Education Scale (SPEEES). Findings discussed include reflecting critically on their own values as the only ethical competence promoted by ethics courses, failure of ethics courses to meet some basic ethics education objectives, and need for further SPEEES improvement and larger scale research.

9. The experiences of people with dementia and intellectual disabilities with surveillance technologies in residential care.
By Niemeijer, Alistair R; Depla, Marja FIA; Frederiks, Brenda JM; Hertogh, Cees MPM.
Nursing Ethics. May 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p307-320. 14p
: The article discusses the ethnographic field study that determined how surveillance technology (ST) is experienced by people with dementia and intellectual disabilities (ID) in residential care for the assessment of how ST may influence autonomy. Findings discussed include clients creating pattern of two themes, coping with new spaces, and resistance to ST measure, person with dementia or ID needing tailored support to enjoy freedom, and need for ST to be set in person-centered approach.

10. Ethical decision-making in hospice care.
By Walker, Andreas; Breitsameter, Christof.
Nursing Ethics. May 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p321-330. 10p
: The article discusses the study that determined processes and degrees of latitude that take place in hospice care decision-making in relation to ethical and ethically relevant issues. Topics discussed include collective decisions with ethical dimension in medication in prefinal phase and questions affecting provision of solids and liquids in end-of-life phase, nurse's decision-making process based on their care administration style, and need for nurse to incorporate four hospice care pillars.

11. Limits to relational autonomy—The Singaporean experience
By Krishna, Lalit Kumar Radha; Watkinson, Deborah S; Beng, Ng Lee.
Nursing Ethics. May 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p331-340. 10p
: Recognition that the Principle of Respect for Autonomy fails to work in family-centric societies such as Singapore has recently led to the promotion of relational autonomy as a suitable framework within which to place healthcare decision making. However, empirical data, relating to patient and family opinions and the practices of healthcare professionals in Confucian-inspired Singapore, demonstrate clear limitations on the ability of a relational autonomy framework to provide the anticipated compromise between prevailing family decision-making norms and adopted Western led atomistic concepts of autonomy.

12. A comparison of the discursive practices of perception of patient participation in haemodialysis units.
By Aasen, Elin Margrethe.
Nursing Ethics. May 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p341-351. 11p
: The article discusses the study that compared differences of perceptions about patient participation in the context of haemodialysis treatment among older patients undergoing haemodialysis treatment, their next of kin and nurses. Findings discussed include discourse of paternalism and discourse of patient participation found, integration of participation of older patients and their next of kin not as well as social practice in dialysis units, and dominance of social practice of paternalism.

13. Developing nursing ethical competences online versus in the traditional classroom.
By  Trobec, Irena; Starcic, Andreja Istenic.
Nursing Ethics. May 2015, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p352-366. 15p
: The article discusses the study that determined effectivity of active learning methods online compared to traditional classroom and their impact on ethical competencies of nursing students to identify readiness and responsiveness of nursing higher education in Slovenia. Findings discussed include no significant difference between learning settings, both with positive impact upon learning, and active student engagement with active learning methods allowing ethical competency development.

Journal – Table of Contents

14. From Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2015
14A. Editorial: Making connections [Twenty five years on, much has changed in education and development for general practice nurses (GPNs), but some issues remain]
14B. Guidelines on tackling violence updated; Charity suggests changes to district nurse competencies; Health prevention cuts will cost more in long term, says RCN
14C. Hajj pilgrims must see GP if they return with flu-like symptoms;  Aerobic exercise found to improve quality of life for asthma patients
14D. School nurse pilot tackles childhood obesity
14E. Specialist role provides thyroid cancer support
14F. Will the next five years be ‘conservative’? [The community workforce]
Research News
14G. Older people and women most likely to take up health checks; Quality of advice included with thermometers on fever in children; Evaluation of adapted accelerated partner therapy interventions; Assessing the engagement of homeless people with primary care
Research focus
14H. Loneliness and social isolation in older people
Art & Science
14I. Understanding and managing cystic fibrosis
14J. Embedding simulated practice: health of the community experience
14K. Improving maternal and neonatal health in Malawi through knowledge and education
Continuing Professional Development
14L. Colorectal cancer and how to avoid it


15. The Public Sector Conference: Stewardship of the Public Sector
: 16 September 2015
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, Wellington
More information:

16. 14th Annual HiNZ Conference
This year's theme is COLLABORATE. Systems reform requires input from all people working across the system and collaboration is vital to the success of health IT projects
Date: 19-22 October 2015
Venue: Wigram Air Force Museum, Christchurch
More information:

17. New Zealanders at War - Writing War
: Saturday October 24 to Monday October 26, 2015 (Labour weekend)
Venue: Vaughan Park Retreat and Conference Centre, 1043 Beach Road, Long Bay,  Auckland 0630
More information:

News – National

18. Flu vaccine programme extended as viruses spike
11:25 AM Wednesday Jul 15, 2015

Health Minister Jonathan Coleman today announced the influenza immunisation programme will be extended until the end of next month. The extension follows reports that an unusual pattern of sickness is developing in the North and South Islands, with health professionals recording peaks of different influenza strains - something not seen in more than 30 years

News – International

19. Have scientists found a drug to stop Alzheimer's disease?
The Telegraph – 19 July 2015
The first drug that can halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease if caught early is expected to be unveiled this week. Trials have been ongoing into a new treatment called Solanezumab which appears to stop the degenerative disease in its tracks. The results will be announced by drugs giant Eli Lilly on at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on Wednesday morning but if positive it will be the first drug proven to be effective for treating dementia.

20. The future of health rests on the internet of near things
The Telegraph – 19 July 2015

The IoT’s dazzling future appears to trailing a little behind, but there is one area where the hyperbole is justified and that is in the field of healthcare. The IoT is going to influence, even dominate, the way humanity will exist. Take artificial pancreas, for example. Smart sensors inside the body will be able to monitor the blood-sugar level and be networked to an internal insulin pump, creating an artificial pancreas.


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