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Issue 25 - 10 July 2015

Articles – Bullying

1. New graduate nurse transition programs: Relationships with bullying and access to support
By Rush, Kathy L;   Adamack, Monica;   Gordon, Jason;   Janke, Robert
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, Vol. 48, No. 2, Oct 2014: 219-228

Abstract: New graduate nurses are often targets of bullying and horizontal violence. The support offered by new graduate nurse transition programs may moderate the effects of bullying and limit its negative impact on new graduate nurse transition. This study examined the relationships between access to support, workplace bullying and new graduate nurse transition within the context of new graduate transition programs

2. 5 Myths About Bullying In the Workplace.
By Green-Wilson, Jennifer.
PT in Motion. Feb 2015, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p54-54. 1p.
: The article discusses a research concerning the incidents of bullying in the workplace. It that bullying is moved by perpetrator's need to control the targeted individuals, according to the U.S. Workplace Bullying Institute. It also emphasizes the impact of bullying to people who are weak, inadequate and lack of integrity

3. Ethical Issues in the Disruptive Behaviors of Incivility, Bullying, And Horizontal/Lateral Violence
By Lachman, Vicki D.
Urologic Nursing. Jan/Feb 2015, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p39-42. 4p
The article discusses the ethical issues on incivility, bullying and horizontal or lateral violence in the nursing workplace. The negative effects of the disruptive behaviors on patient outcomes are mentioned, including poor patient satisfaction, increased healthcare cost and increased medical errors. The author stresses that the disruptive behaviors can also affect nurse job satisfaction and retention.

4. Bullying in the Nursing Workplace: Applying Evidence Using A Conceptual Framework
By Youn Ju Lee; Bernstein, Kunsook; Mihyoung Lee; Nokes, Kathleen M.
Nursing Economic$. Sep/Oct 2014, Vol. 32 Issue 5, p255-267. 13p
: The article discusses the prevalence of workplace bullying in nursing care environments and its negative effects on targeted employees. Among the practices discussed are mobbing, harassment and workplace incivility of perpetrators to victims. A study based on information from Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and PsychInfo databases underscored the importance of prevention and intervention programs such as counseling.

5. Depression and bullying in children
By Stephanie Moor, Sally N Merry
New Zealand Medical Journal [Editorial], 7th March 2014, Vol. 127 Number 1390
: The importance of depression in children and adolescents, and the potential negative long-term sequelae are increasingly recognised. The article by Paterson et al1 in this issue of the Journal provides some insights into depression in children aged 9 years in the ongoing Pacific Island Families Study. This study is the first large prospective longitudinal study of Pacific Island families born in Auckland, New Zealand and has as its aim to inform health intervention strategies for the Pacific Island population

6. Pacific Islands Families Study: depressive symptoms in 9-year-old Pacific children living in New Zealand
By Janis Paterson, Leon Iusitini, Steve Taylor
New Zealand Medical Journal , 7th March 2014, Vol. 127 Number 1390
: Pacific peoples living in New Zealand (NZ) are an ethnically heterogeneous (Samoan, 49%; Cook Islands Māori, 22%; Tongan, 19%; and Niuean, 9%), rapidly growing, youthful group. Representing 6.9% of the population, they are highly urbanised, with two thirds living in the Auckland region.1 The Pacific Islands Families (PIF) Study is a longitudinal birth cohort study of Pacific families that aims to derive a holistic understanding of family health and development on which to base appropriate Pacific-driven intervention strategies

Articles – Nursing Standard, June 2015

7. How safer clinical practice could prevent needless asthma deaths
By Jennifer Spinks
Nursing Standard, Volume 29, Issue 43, 24 June 2015, 12-13
: Research by a leading charity suggests mistakes in how inhalers are prescribed and used are putting thousands of patients at risk.

8.  Regular cardio activity could reduce severity of asthma symptoms
Nursing Standard, Volume 29, Issue 43, 24 June 2015, 14-14
: Twice-a-week treadmill sessions lessen bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Aerobic exercise can reduce the severity of symptoms and improve quality of life in patients with moderate to severe asthma, suggests a randomised controlled trial

9. Seeing images of calcified coronary arteries may serve as patients’ wake-up call
Nursing Standard, Vol. 29, Issue 43, 24 June 2015, 14-14
: People newly diagnosed with coronary artery disease may be more likely to change their lifestyles if shown images of their own calcified coronary arteries during a consultation with a nurse.

10. Children’s negative thoughts and anxieties about elective surgery reduced by play
Nursing Standard. Vol. 29, Issue 43, 24 June 2015, 14-15
: A therapeutic play intervention could reduce perioperative anxiety and postoperative pain in children undergoing elective surgery, suggests a randomised controlled trial.

11. Violence at work
Nursing Standard. Vol. 29, Issue 43, 17-17
: Incidents of violence and aggression are relatively common in health and social care settings, and the numbers are rising. According to NHS Protect, 68,683 assaults against NHS staff in England were reported in 2013/14 – an increase of 8% on the previous 12 months

12. A nurse who never gives up
By Elaine Cole
Nursing Standard. 29, 43, 18-20
: Young people in gangs are at high risk of self-harm and exploitation. Dorcas Gwata has found a way to reach them. Clinical nurse specialist Dorcas Gwata is the winner of the Mental Health category of this year’s Nursing Standard Nurse Awards. She specialises in work with young people involved in gangs who are at high risk of violence, sexual exploitation, self-harming and substance abuse

13. Fit for the future
Nursing Standard. Vol. 29, Issue 43, 22-23
: The evidence is clear – physical activity has ‘huge’ health benefits, beyond tackling obesity, which means healthcare professionals should act to get their patients moving, reports Lynne Pearce

14. Why women ignore first signs of cancer
Nursing Standard. 29, 43, 25-25
: A survey for Breast Cancer Care has revealed that women later diagnosed with breast cancer often delayed reporting symptoms to their GP. Nurses need to inform women about the less well known signs and to empower them to get to know their breasts and report changes promptly.

15. Diagnosis of dementia
Nursing Standard. 29, 43, 36-41
: There are two stages to making a diagnosis of dementia: establishing the presence of a dementia syndrome and determining the likely cause. Dementia should be distinguished from mild cognitive impairment, in which any cognitive and functional changes are less marked

16. Use of interviews in nursing research
Nursing Standard. 29, 43, 44-48.
: Conducting interviews is one of the most common ways of collecting data in healthcare research. In particular, interviews are associated with qualitative research, where researchers seek to understand participants’ experiences through their own words and perspectives. This article will help healthcare researchers prepare to carry out interviews as part of their research.

Journal – Table of Contents

17. From The Outlet: New Zealand Stomal Therapy Nurses, July 2015

17A. NZNOSTS Section: Chairperson’s Report – Marie Buchanan
17B. Co-editors Report – Bronney Laurie & Jackie Hutchings
17C. Updating National Contact Information
17D. Application for Bernadette Hart Award
17E. CSSANZ Nursing Scholarship 2015
17F. The Liberty NZ Stomal Therapy ‘Publishing Excellence’ Award
17G. Tribute to Marie Oldridge – Clinical Nurse Specialist Stomal Therapy
17H. NZNO Regional Meeting – March 2015
17I. Entering the Specialist Stomal Therapy Nursing Role in South Canterbury
17J. Working as a stomal resource nurse in the Buller
17K. Living with my Invisible Disease – Written by Liam
17L. Chained to the toilet – Written by Kathryn
17M. Patient Instruction Sheets
17N. Case Study: Deceptive Fistulae – Dianne Devlin
17O. Turning a Negative into a Positive - Nicola Braven & Kim Snoep - Ostomy Nurses, Southland


18. NZ College of Primary Health Care Nurses NZNO
Conference 2015 - Hanging Ten for Health

Date: 31 July - 2 August 2015
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

19. 14th Annual HiNZ Conference
This year's theme is COLLABORATE. Systems reform requires input from all people working across the system and collaboration is vital to the success of health IT projects

Date: 19-22 October 2015
Venue: Wigram Air Force Museum, Christchurch

News – National

20. Food taxes in NZ would save lives, study finds
Taxing fatty and salty foods while offering subsidies on fruit and veggies would prevent thousands of early deaths, research says. The study by Auckland, Otago and Oxford universities said Maori and low-income New Zealanders would be most likely to benefit because they experience more diet-related disease and are more responsive to changes in food prices

News – International

21. Why nostalgia is bad for your health
Jurassic World, TFI Friday, The Clangers... Bryony Gordon says all this harking back to bygone eras is making us ill


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