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Issue 23 - 24 June 2015

Men’s Health Week, 15-21 June 2015

PHCRIS asked Professor Wittert Head of the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide and Senior Consultant Endocrinologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.) for his top three tips for supporting men’s health in the clinic:

1. Communication is key
2. From little things big things grow
3. Take a look at testosterone

Articles - Sarcopenia

1. Food for thought on maintaining muscle mass as we age
By Ngaire Kerse. NZ Doctor - 10 June 2015
When it comes to minimising later-life loss of muscle mass, the evidence shows exercise works, but nutrition is trickier. Age-related loss of skeletal muscle and function is common, and has been termed sarcopenia. A precise definition of sarcopenia is tricky; however, there is general agreement that between the ages of 40 and 80 years, muscle mass declines between 30 and 50 per cent on average.

2. Practical insights for medical practitioners into age-related muscle wasting
By Brooks, Christine M
Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine, Vol. 19, No. 1, May 2014: 8-11

Abstract: Age-related decline in lean body mass is often associated with serious functional impairment during the older years. In 1988 Irwin Rosenberg suggested using the term "sarcopenia" to bring attention to the condition and to stimulate research that would provide an understanding of what caused skeletal muscle wasting as one ages

3. Exercise to reduce effects of sarcopenia
By Keogh, Justin;   Henwood, Timothy;   Climstein, Mike
Australian Nursing Journal: ANJ, Vol. 19, No. 9, Mar 2012: 39-40
: Many older adults, especially those living in aged care experience a significant loss of muscle mass, and consequently decreased muscle strength and function, a process referred to as sarcopenia (Cruz-Jentoft et al 2010).

Articles – Advances in Mental Health [Journal]

4. Assessing patient satisfaction in an Australian primary mental health care context
By King, Kylie; Bassilios, Bridget; Nicholas, Angela; Fletcher, Justine; Reifels, Lennart; Pirkis, Jane
Advances in Mental Health, Vol. 12 Issue 3 (Dec 2014)
: This paper presents the first attempt to provide a national snapshot of patient satisfaction with the Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) programme in Australia. ATAPS is funded by the Department of Health and Ageing and provides focussed psychological strategies to patients with common mental health disorders.

5. There is a lot to it: Being a mother and living with a mental illness
By Perera, Dinali N; Short, Liz; Fernbacher, Sabin
Advances in Mental Health, Vol. 12 Issue 3 (Dec 2014)
: Mothers living with mental illness face many challenges, and have needs that are not always well understood or met by services. Although research in this area has increased over the last decade, there is still scant understanding about mothers' specific experiences and needs in relation to motherhood. This paper aims to increase understanding about these experiences and needs.

6. Meeting unmet needs?: The role of a rural mental health service for older people
By Henderson, Julie; Crotty, Mikaila M; Fuller, Jeffrey; Martinez, Lee
Advances in Mental Health, Vol. 12 Issue 3 (Dec 2014)
: Rural and remote residents have been identified as a group with limited access to mental health services. Older rural people may experience additional problems due to lack of access to transport, limited opportunities for social engagement and the stigma attached to mental illness.

7. Staff experiences of providing support to students who are managing mental health challenges: A qualitative study from two Australian universities
By McAllister, Margaret; Wynaden, Dianne; Happell, Brenda; Flynn, Trudi; Walters, Vicki; Duggan, Ravini; Byrne, Louise; Heslop, Liza; Gaskin, Cadeyrn
Advances in Mental Health, Vol. 12 Issue 3 (Dec 2014)
: The prevalence and consequences of mental health challenges amongst university students is now widely acknowledged and university staff provide an important but often hidden service to these students. While completing a university degree is important to the student's long-term outcomes there remains a paucity of literature on the support role provided to these students by staff.

8. Mental health stigma update: A review of consequences
By Sickel, Amy E; Seacat, Jason D; Nabors, Nina A
Advances in Mental Health, Vol. 12 Issue 3 (Dec 2014)
: Mental illness remains a pervasive social issue that affects the well-being of millions of individuals globally. Despite the overall prevalence of mental illness, increasing numbers of individuals needing mental health treatment do not receive it. Mental Health Stigma (MHS) has been proposed as a significant barrier to seeking/obtaining mental health treatment

9. Investigating individual online synchronous chat counselling processes and treatment outcomes for young people
By Dowling, Mitchell; Rickwood, Debra
Advances in Mental Health, Vol. 12 Issue 3 (Dec 2014)
: The aim of the current study was to explore the progress and depth of counselling processes used during online chat sessions, and their relationships to the number of sessions attended and client treatment outcomes.

Articles – ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia

10. Interprofessional interactions influence nurses' adoption of handover improvement
By Coleman, Kimberley; Redley, Bernice; Wood, Beverley et al.
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol 28 Iss 1 (Autumn 2015)
: The purpose of this study was to explore clinician experiences of adopting quality improvement tools to standardise interprofessional (anaesthetist-to-nurse) handover communication when patients arrive in the post-anaesthetic care unit (PACU).

11. Remembering our ANZAC nurses
By Williams, Carollyn
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol. 28 Iss 1 (Autumn 2015)
: The Australian College of Operating Room Nurses (ACORN) wishes to acknowledge the significant contribution made by nurses during World War 1 and particularly at Gallipoli on the 100th year anniversary of the Gallipoli landing.

12. Traditional canister-based open waste management system versus closed system: Hazardous exposure prevention and operating theatre staff satisfaction
By Horn, M; Patel, N; MacLellan, M; Millard, N
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol. 28 Iss 1 (Autumn 2015)
: Exposure to blood and body fluids is a major concern to health care professionals working in operating rooms (ORs). Thus, it is essential that hospitals use fluid waste management systems that minimise risk to staff, while maximising efficiency.

13. Patient blood management initiatives in the perioperative setting
By Bielby, Linley; Akers, Chris; Perillo, Jo; Sieradzki, Nicole; Pollock, Claire; Nasra, Faye; Polack, Caroline; McGregor, Susan; Bastin, Kaylene; Pearse, Bronwyn
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol. 27 Issue 4 (Summer 2014)
: The concept of patient blood management (PBM) is to individualise patient care to avoid the unnecessary exposure to blood or blood products. In 2012, the National Blood Authority (NBA) released the second of a planned six PBM modules: Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 2 - Perioperative.

14. What are the non-technical skills used by scrub nurses?: An integrated review
Kang, Evelyn; Gillespie, Brigid M; Massey, Debbie
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol. 27 Issue 4 (Summer 2014)
: In 1999, the US Institute of Medicine released a report To err is human: Building a safer health system, which estimates that 44,000 and 98,000 patients die as a result of medical errors in the operating room (OR) annually. Despite dramatic improvements in surgical safety knowledge, at least half of the adverse events occur during surgical care

15. Perioperative nurses' knowledge, practice, attitude, and perceived barriers to evidence use: A multisite, cross-sectional survey
By Duff, Jed; Butler, Margaret; Davies, Menna; Williams, Robyn; Carlile, Jannelle
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Vol. 27 Issue 4 (Summer 2014)
: Despite the wide acceptance of evidence-based practice as the foundation for professional health care delivery, there still remains a considerable gap between research evidence and current perioperative nursing practice. The aim of this study was to describe the self-reported knowledge, practice, attitudes and perceived barriers to evidence-based practice among perioperative nurses from nine metropolitan hospitals

Journal – Table of Contents

16. From The New Zealand Medical Journal, Vol 128 No 1416: 12 June 2015

16A. Editorial: An important investment to control Acute Rheumatic Fever needs to run its course
16B. Barriers to successful cessation among young  late-onset smokers
16C. Efficacy of intralesional triamcinolone injections for benign refractory oesophageal strictures at Counties Manukau Health, New Zealand.
16D. Ethnic differences in acute hospitalisations for otitis media and elective hospitalisations for ventilation tubes in New Zealand children aged 0–14 years
16E. HIV-associated tuberculosis in Auckland
16F. Karyotypes, confined blood chimerism, and confusion: a case of genetic sex mislabelling and its potential consequences
16G. The role of echocardiography in Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia at Auckland City Hospital
16H. Whooping cough—where are we now? A review
16I. Domperidone safety: a mini-review of the science of QT prolongation and clinical implications of recent global regulatory recommendations
16J. Randomised trial of peanut consumption in infants at risk for peanut allergy


17. 14th Annual HiNZ Conference
COLLABORATE: share. solve. achieve. Measure
Date: 19-22 October 2015
Venue: Wigram Air Force Museum, 45 Harvard Ave, Wigram, Christchurch.
More information:

18. NZ College of Primary Health Care Nurses NZNO
Conference 2015 - Hanging Ten for Health

Date: 31 July - 2 August 2015
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
More information:

News – National

19. Taranaki dietician steps down after forty years of hospital food
Taranaki Daily News – 16 June 2015

It was the end of an era for Taranaki dietitian, Gillian Gonthier at the end of May, when she clocked out from the familiar surroundings of Taranaki Base Hospital's dietitians' offices for the last time. Gillian's 40-year career, with the exception of a couple of years when she was overseas, was based in Taranaki.


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