Judge rejects right-to-die plea
A High Court judge has rejected Wellington woman Lecretia Seales' fight to die on her terms.
Books - for lending
NZNO members can borrow these books for a period of 4 weeks. They will be couriered out to you so please provide your street address when you request any of these items.
1. A dame we knew: A tribute to Dame Cecily Pickerill
By Beryl Harris
Published in 2014
2. Hearts Hands Minds: The cardio-thoracic nurses of Green Lane hospital
By Margaret Horsburgh
Published in 2010
3. Khaki angels: Kiwi stretcher-bearers in the first and second world wars
By Brendan O’Carroll
Published in 2009
4. Sing no sad songs: Losing a daughter to cancer
by Sandra Arnold
Published in 2011
Articles – Measles
5. Measles progress stalled
Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Dec 2014, Vol. 92 Issue 12, p852-853. 2p. DOI: 10.2471/BLT.14.011214.
Abstract: The article discusses data published in the World Health Organization's November 2014 "Weekly Epidemiological Report" and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" which revealed that the number of deaths from measles across the globe increased to 145,700 in 2013
6. Progress Toward Regional Measles Elimination--Worldwide, 2000-2013.
By Perry, Robert T.; Gacic-Dobo, Marta; Dabbagh, Alya; Mulders, Mick N.; Strebel, Peter M.; Okwo-Bele, Jean-Marie; Rota, Paul A.; Goodson, James L. MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report. 11/14/2014, Vol. 63 Issue 45, p1034-1038. 5p
Abstract: The article focuses on the progress of regional measles elimination from 2000-2013. Topics discussed include the Global Vaccine Action Plan endorsed by World Health Assembly in 2012, World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nation Children's Fund (UNICEF) reports on Immunization Activities, and verification of measles elimination.
7. Ready or Not: Responding to Measles in the Postelimination Era.
By Shaklee Sammons, Julie.
Annals of Internal Medicine. 7/15/2014, Vol. 161 Issue 2, p145-146. 2p
Abstract: In this article, the author reflects on the increasing incidence of measles, an infection of the respiratory system, immune system and skin, in the U.S. Topics discussed include vaccination coverage of a vulnerable infant, need of rapid control efforts are vital to prevent spread in health care facilities in the country, and several precautions including patient isolation and the use of personal protective equipment.
8. Measles: pathology, management and public health issues
By Bentley, Jackie; Rouse, Jo; Pinfield, Jenny.
Nursing Standard. 5/21/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 38, p51-58. 8p
Abstract: Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that continues to occur in epidemics in the UK despite efforts to eradicate it. In the acute stage, measles is associated with several complications including otitis media, but some of the most severe consequences of the disease occur months and even years after the initial infection. This article aims to develop the reader's understanding of measles, including its pathophysiology, management and associated public health issues.
Articles – Euthanasia
9. Descriptions of euthanasia as social representations: comparing the views of Finnish physicians and religious professionals
By Jylhänkangas, Leila; Smets, Tinne; Cohen, Joachim; Utriainen, Terhi; Deliens, Luc.
Sociology of Health & Illness. Mar 2014, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p354-368. 15p. 4 Charts. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12057
Abstract: In many western societies health professionals play a powerful role in people's experiences of dying. Religious professionals, such as pastors, are also confronted with the issues surrounding death and dying in their work. This qualitative study addresses the ways in which Finnish physicians and religious professionals perceive and describe euthanasia and conceptualises these descriptions and views as social representations
10. Attitudes towards euthanasia and assisted suicide: A comparison between psychiatrists and other physicians
By Levy, Tal Bergman; Azar, Shlomi; Huberfeld, Ronen; Siegel, Andrew M.; Strous, Rael D. Bioethics. Sep 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 7, p402-408. 7p
DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8519.2012.01968.x.
Abstract: Euthanasia and physician assisted-suicide are terms used to describe the process in which a doctor of a sick or disabled individual engages in an activity which directly or indirectly leads to their death. This behavior is engaged by the healthcare provider based on their humanistic desire to end suffering and pain. The psychiatrist's involvement may be requested in several distinct situations including evaluation of patient capacity when an appeal for euthanasia is requested on grounds of terminal somatic illness or when the patient is requesting euthanasia due to mental suffering
11. Similarities and differences between continuous sedation until death and euthanasia – professional caregivers’ attitudes and experiences: A focus group study
By Anquinet, Livia; Raus, Kasper; Sterckx, Sigrid; Smets, Tinne; Deliens, Luc; Rietjens, Judith Ac.
Palliative Medicine. Jun 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 6, p553-561. 9p.
DOI: 10.1177/0269216312462272.
Abstract: The article discusses a study that investigated professional caregivers' view of the similarity between continuous sedation until death and euthanasia. It states that the study involved questioning the four focus groups at Ghent University Hospital, Flanders, Belgium and found that although caregivers distinguished between continuous sedation and euthanasia based on patient preferences and requests, some admitted that distinction between the two was sometimes difficult in the clinical setting.
12. Opinions of health care professionals and the public after eight years of euthanasia legislation in the Netherlands: A mixed methods approach.
By Kouwenhoven, Pauline Sc; Raijmakers, Natasja Jh; Van Delden, Johannes Jm; Rietjens, Judith Ac; Schermer, Maartje Hn; Van Thiel, Ghislaine Jmw; Trappenburg, Margo J; Van De Vathorst, Suzanne; Van Der Vegt, Bea J; Vezzoni, Cristiano; Weyers, Heleen; Van Tol, Donald G; Van Der Heide, Agnes.
Palliative Medicine. Mar 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p273-280. 8p
Abstract: The article discusses a study conducted to assess the opinions of Dutch physicians, nurses and the general public on the legal necessities for euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS). It concluded as the health care professionals and the general public mostly supports the legal requirements for euthanasia and PAS, which is permitted by the Dutch Euthanasia Act, and has great support for the law.
Selected articles – Public Health Nursing [Journal]
13. Gender Differences in Immediate Hypersensitivity Reactions to Vaccines: A Review of the Literature.
By: Griffioen, Mari; Halsey, Neal.
Public Health Nursing. May/Jun 2014, Vol. 31 Issue 3, p206-214. 9p.
DOI: 10.1111/phn.12073.
Abstract: To examine published studies of immediate hypersensitivity reactions ( IHS) following vaccination and to determine whether women are at an increased risk of developing IHS after vaccination. Design and Sample PubMed was reviewed for vaccine articles reporting IHS by gender through June 2012. Data were abstracted on type of study, vaccine, hypersensitivity reaction, and statistic reported. Measures
14. The Impact of an Urban Home-Based Intervention Program on Asthma Outcomes in Children
By Sweet, Laura L.; Polivka, Barbara J.; Chaudry, Rosemary V.; Bouton, Philip. Public Health Nursing. May/Jun 2014, Vol. 31 Issue 3, p243-252. 10p.
DOI: 10.1111/phn.12071.
Abstract: This program evaluation examines the outcomes of a multicomponent urban home-based asthma program implemented through a city health department in a large Midwestern city. The purpose of the program was to improve asthma outcomes by controlling indoor asthma triggers in the home environment.
15. A Human Rights Approach: The Work of Public Health Nurses.
By Kelly, Patricia J. Public Health Nursing. Mar/Apr2014, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p97-98. 2p. DOI: 10.1111/phn.12107
Abstract: The author reflects on the role of public health nurses in improving human rights. She believes that nurses apply a human rights approach when providing care for vulnerable populations, developing/implementing programs to provide services to these populations, or teaching students to understand the social roots of health disparities. The author cites a 1958 speech by United Nations Human Rights Commission chair Eleanor Roosevelt in which Roosevelt reflects on the work of public health nurses.
16. Adaptation of a Best Practice Guideline to Strengthen Client-Centered Care in Public Health
By Athwal, Lorraine; Marchuk, Brenda; Laforêt-Fliesser, Yvette; Castanza, Joyce; Davis, Lori; LaSalle, Marg.
Public Health Nursing. Mar/Apr 2014, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p134-143. 10p.
DOI: 10.1111/phn.12059.
Abstract: Best practice guidelines ( BPGs) were developed by the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario ( RNAO) to support evidence-based nursing practice. One Ontario public health unit chose to implement the BPG on client-centered care ( CCC). A critical review of this BPG revealed issues that would hinder successful implementation within a public health setting
17. Participatory Design of an Integrated Information System Design to Support Public Health Nurses and Nurse Managers
By: Reeder, Blaine; Hills, Rebecca A.; Turner, Anne M.; Demiris, George.
Public Health Nursing. Mar/Apr 2014, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p183-192. 10p. DOI: 10.1111/phn.12081.
Abstract: The objectives of the study were to use persona-driven and scenario-based design methods to create a conceptual information system design to support public health nursing. Design and Sample We enrolled 19 participants from two local health departments to conduct an information needs assessment, create a conceptual design, and conduct a preliminary design validation
Articles - Documentation
18. Case study: Keeping accurate and timely documentation
By Tiley, Luke
Queensland Nurse, Vol. 32, No. 1, Feb 2013: 34-36
Abstract: In January 2013 the Queensland Office of the State Coroner handed down findings on the death of Adam Trent Ryan, who committed suicide by hanging at his home in Charleville on 12 July 2009.
19. Documentation in a PICU setting: Is a checklist tool effective?
By Boucher, Kylie; Griffiths, Eliza; Sargent, Danielle; Mabotha, Nicole; George, Pauline; McKinley, Dianne; Marks, Siriol
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 30, No. 2, Dec 2012 - Feb 2013: 5-12
Abstract: To compare and contrast nursing compliance with, and completion of, two versions of a nursing care management form. The audit highlights areas and levels of compliance and non compliance and provides the foundation for further document development. Design: A retrospective chart audit was undertaken comparing completion levels of a previous nursing checklist (form A) and a revised and updated checklist document (form B).
20. Nursing documentation: Frameworks and barriers
By Blair, Wendy; Smith, Barbara
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 2012: 160-168
Abstract: The quality of nursing documentation is an important issue for nurses both nationally and internationally. Nursing documentation should, but often does not show the rational and critical thinking behind clinical decisions and interventions, while providing written evidence of the progress of the patient. A number of frameworks are currently available to assist with nursing documentation including narrative charting, problem orientated approaches, clinical pathways, and focus notes.
Articles – Social Media
21. Social media: The pitfalls and the potential
By Douglas, Kara
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, Jul 2014: 24-28
Abstract: Most people have heard stories about nurses and midwives being fired for ranting about their employer on Facebook or tweeting an inappropriate photo. But instead of being scared of social media, some nurses and midwives are embracing it as a tool to advance the professions, educate their patients and boost their careers
22. New perspectives on the contribution of digital technology and social media use to improve the mental wellbeing of children and young people: A state-of-the-art review
By Goodall, Deborah; Ban, Sasha; Birks, Eileen; Clifton, Andrew
Neonatal, Paediatric & Child Health Nursing, Vol. 16, No. 1, Mar 2013: 19-26
Abstract; The purpose of this paper is to identify the extent, if any, that digital technology can impact on the mental well being of children and young people, to determine some implications for practice, and to highlight any risks and/or barriers that may impede the use of such technology. Methods This study uses a 'state of the art' literature review methodology to achieve this objective
23. Smart nurses thoughtless posts on social media
By Bickhoff, Laurie
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4, Oct 2014: 31
Abstract: For decades, as nurses we have been fighting to prove we are competent, trusted health professionals. However, our reputation now faces a new threat, and it comes from within our own ranks. Repeatedly, we see nurses uploading inappropriate posts on social media. These posts depict nurses as untrustworthy and unprofessional, disparaging our reputation. prevent further damage.
Journal – Table of Contents
24. From Whitireia Nursing and Health Journal , Issue 21 (Dec 2014)
24A. Dean's view: Holloway, Kathy
24B. Editorial: An idea whose time has come: Nursing entrepreneurialism [Darbyshire, Philip]
24C. Identity, ethics and cultural safety: Strategies for change
24D. Interprofessional education: How can it enhance learning?
24E. Recognising cultural safety issues for indigenous students in a baccalaureate nursing programme: Two unique programmes
24F. My years at Napier hospital: December 1924 - May 1931
24G. Te Ao Maori, Te Ao Hauora: A student nurse's reflection
24H. Using reflection to improve person-centred care as a new graduate registered nurse
25. Death Down Under
Date: 13-15 January 2016
Venue: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ
Conference email: [email protected]
26. 2015 Aotearoa Conference on Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Date: 3rd and 4th of September 2015.
Venue: University of Auckland
More information: http://tjaotearoa.org.nz/
News – National
27. Religion, gender, and ethnicity in spotlight as Statistics NZ seeks views on 2018 Census
2018 Census formal submissions open – media release (PDF, 2 pages, 220kB)
People are saying loud and clear that they want the census to keep asking about religion. Statistics New Zealand will today begin accepting formal submissions on content for the 2018 Census, following the first two weeks of an online discussion forum
28. Privatised mental health concerns
ODT - Tue, 2 Jun 2015
Giving private investors an opportunity to invest in the provision of mental health social services and make money from them could have disastrous consequences, the Methodist Mission says
29. Retirement village operator Ryman Healthcare mulls an Australian sharemarket listing
Stuff - June 1 2015
Ryman Healthcare will consider a dual listing in Australia as it accelerates plans to create a $1 billion retirement portfolio in Melbourne over the next five years.
30. Birth rate lowest for 20 years
Rotorua Daily Post - Tuesday Jun 2, 2015
Births in Rotorua are at their lowest level for more than 20 years, though one local midwife says she's seeing an increase in women looking for support. According to Statistics New Zealand data, the number of births in the Rotorua district was at its lowest since published regional records began in 1992.
31. SkyCity measles scare
The Aucklander - Friday May 29, 2015
The Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) said anyone who had been in the SkyCity complex, hotel, or stair challenge, as well as a nearby Mexican restaurant between May 22 and May 24, should check with their doctor that they had been immunised against measles
News – International
32. Health Minister Cameron Dick announces suicide prevention training for hospital staff
The Age - June 3, 2015
A mother who has witnessed five suicides in her family has had her first wish granted by Health Minister Cameron Dick. All Queensland hospital emergency department staff will now get specific training in identifying people with mental health problems.
33. ACT Budget 2015: Health funding targets elective surgery wait lists and mental health services
The Age – 2 June 2015
The ACT Government will spend $14.8 million over the next two years to slash the territory's elective surgery waiting list while launching additional mental health services. Close to one-third of territory government's 2015-16 budget spending was allocated to health - $161 million over four years – with new beds to be created at both Canberra and Calvary Hospital