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Issue 20 - 2 June 2015

New Books

NZNO members can borrow these books for a period of 4 weeks.  They will be couriered out to you so please provide your street address when you request any of these items.

1. Motivational Interviewing
By Miller, W. R & Rollnick, S

This book has been updated to include the new four-process model of motivational interviewing (engaging, focusing, evolving, planning).

2. The Leadership Challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations
By Kouzez, J. & Posner, B.

Fifth edition; 25th anniversary
Based on Kouzes and Posner's extensive global research this new edition explores the toughest organisational challenges leaders face today.  It includes 100 all-new case studies and firsthand accounts.

Articles - Nursing Standard [Journal], MAY 2015

3. Designing the service around the patient
By Elaine Cole
Nursing Standard, 27 May 2015. 29, 39, 18-20.

Abstract: An award-winning nurse-led team has moved a hospital rheumatology service into the community. The result is a huge improvement in waiting times and outcomes.

4. How to pin down ‘butterfly’ care
An online tool is encouraging hospital staff to make the most of a popular scheme to improve dementia care.
By Daloni Carlisle. Nursing Standard, 27 May 2015. 29, 39, 22-23.

Abstract: An evaluation tool funded by the Department of Health has been developed to help hospitals check how well they are implementing the Butterfly Scheme, a system that enables staff to identify people with dementia and address their needs. The tool gives feedback on things staff are doing well and what steps to take next, encouraging continuous improvement.

5. ‘A light at the end of the tunnel’
A new nursing model designed to take pressure off staff is being implemented in Northern Ireland thanks to a £12 million boost.
By Alison Moore. Nursing Standard, 27 May 2015. 29, 39, 24-25.
: Northern Ireland is implementing a new nurse staffing model, backed by £12 million in extra funding. As well as a 70:30 skill mix between registered and unregistered staff, the model allows for ward sisters to focus solely on their supervisory role. Other major benefits include an increased availability of permanent posts and reduced reliance on bank staff.

6. Brain function, disease and dementia
By Malarvizhi Babu Sandilyan & Tom Dening
Nursing Standard, 27 May 2015. 29, 39, 36-42.
: Dementia is a consequence of brain disease. This article, the second in this series on dementia, discusses normal brain function and how certain functions are localised to different areas of the brain. This is important in determining the symptoms of dementia, depending on which parts of the brain are most directly involved

7. Using the Delphi technique in nursing research
By Lesley Wilkes
Nursing Standard, 27 May 2015. 29, 39, 43-49.
: The Delphi technique is often used when consensus views of experts are sought in nursing education, management and clinical work. This article discusses the usefulness of the technique for research in nursing, using personal experience, past critiques and examples from contemporary nursing research.

Articles  - Models of Care

8. Chronic heart failure management in Australia: Time for general practice centred models of care?
By Scott, Ian &   Jackson, Claire
Australian Family Physician, Vol. 42, No. 5, May 2013: 343-346

9. Promoting patient based care and consumer engagement
By Luxford, Karen
Cancer Forum, Vol. 37 Iss. 1, Mar 2013)
: Consumer engagement has blossomed in recent decades into a comprehensive approach, not only engaging people in their own care, but also in key health care system improvements at a range of levels including health services, research, governance and policy. These changes parallel international progress in patient based care and culminate in the recognition of the need for consumer partnerships in recent national and state frameworks. Striving to deliver patient-based care means that we need to rise above the 'disease-based' model of care

10. Evolution of a health navigator model of care within a primary care setting: a case study
By Doolan-Noble, Fiona;   Smith, Danielle;   Gauld, Robin;   Waters, Debra L;   Cooke, Anthony;   Reriti, Helen
Australian Health Review, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2013: 523-528
: Patient navigation originated as an approach for reducing disparities in cancer care and consequent health outcomes. Over time navigator models have evolved and been used to address various health issues in differing contexts. This case study outlines the evolution, purpose and effects of a lay-led health navigator model in a deprived, sparsely populated, New Zealand rural setting, where primary care services are frequently understaffed and routinely overstretched.

11. Recovery model of care within the PICU
By Ward, Louise;   Gwinner, Karleen
Australian Nursing Journal: ANJ, Vol. 20, No. 2, Aug 2012: 41
: Nurses are the primary care providers of consumers admitted to the High Dependency Ward (HDU) or Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). They are the largest professional group providing care to the acutely unwell, managing crisis and complex clinical psychiatric scenarios. It is timely to review the skills and expertise of this nursing specialty for further definition and acknowledgement.

12. The therapeutic family model of care: An attachment and trauma informed approach to transitional planning
By Turner, Nicole
Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, No. 32, Winter 2012: 24-25

Abstract: St Luke's commenced its Leaving Care journey in 2003. We have learned much along the way, particularly about the importance of education and employment as a pathway out of potential homelessness and poverty. We have learned that a wrap around approach to young people leaving care is vital, and that it should involve support, mentoring and vocational pathways.

Journal – Table of Contents

20. From Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,  May 2015, Vol 46, Iss. 5

20A. The Importance of Learning
Administrative Angles
20B. Developing a Learner-Directed, Learner-Paced Activity
Clinical Updates
20C. Screening for Distress in Patients With Cancer
Leadership and Development
20D. Leadership and Brilliant Mistakes
Teaching Tips
20E. A Game-Based Strategy for the Staff Development of Home Health Care Nurses
CNE Article
20F. Intercultural–Global Competencies for the 21st Century and Beyond
CNE Quiz
20G. Intercultural–Global Competencies for the 21st Century and Beyond
Original Article
20H. Investigating Internationally Educated Taiwanese Nurses’ Training and Communication Experiences in the United States
20I. Recognizing the Dialectic of Compassionate Care in the Workplace: Feedback From Nurse Educators
20J. Preceptor Skills and Characteristics: Considerations for Preceptor Education


21. Māori Public Health Symposium
: 7 July 2015
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington
Inquiries: [email protected]

News – National

22. Soaring health insurance costs hurting the elderly
Bay of Plenty Times - Friday May 29, 2015
The soaring cost of private health insurance is forcing many retirees to cancel their policies and rely on the public system.

23. Kiwis on a path to stamp out sugar
Stuff - May 29 2015
So, this war on sugar… has everyone taken a side? Is anyone winning it? There's a lot of talk on what we shouldn't be eating and how a sugar tax will make us healthier, but is there any hard, physical evidence of territory we've claimed back from the sugar beast?

24. Mental health red tape needs to be cut: report
Taranaki Daily News - May 29 2015
A discussion about the way mental health and addiction services are delivered to the community was held at Tu Tama Wahine O Taranaki on Thursday.

25. Stories shared of when cancer strikes
Rotorua Daily Post - 7:20 AM Wednesday May 27, 2015
Protecting families' future when a loved one has cancer will be discussed in Rotorua. Locals will be sharing stories of facing cancer and the impact it has had on family members in the Future Proofing Your World event tomorrow night at Rydges Rotorua Hotel.

26. Maternity Hub under discussion
Stratford Press - 3:22 PM Wednesday May 27, 2015
An 'invitation only' meeting was held last Wednesday in which the Taranaki District Health Board (TDHB) began discussions on the potential of creating a child and maternal hub.The idea of the hub was first mentioned two months ago, when the TDHB's decision to keep the Stratford Maternity facility closed was announced. At that time, the board stated it would explore the option of developing a child and maternal hub in the district.

27. End of an era for long-serving nurse manager
9:43 AM Thursday May 28, 2015
The day Jude Olsen told his grandmother Maria Roberts that he wanted to be a nurse, it bowled her over with surprise quickly followed by immense pride.The 22-year-old is part of the 2015 nurse entry to practice (NETP) intake at Waikato Hospital and is working in Day of Surgery. Maria is a duty nurse manager who retires from nursing on Friday after 54 years, seven of which she took off to have her three children

News – International

28. Lifespan lengthening for people with MS but there's still a 7.5-year gap: study
The Canadian Press  05.26.2015
TORONTO - Life expectancy for people who have multiple sclerosis is lengthening but is still about 7.5 years shorter than that of people who do not have the disease, a new study suggests

29. Increase in drug spending hits 40 year low but expected to rebound soon: report
Helen Branswell, The Canadian Press  05.27.2015
TORONTO - The amount of money Canadians spent on prescription drugs last year rose a mere 0.9 per cent, the lowest increase since statistics on drug spending were first measured in 1975, a new report said Thursday. But Michael Law, a health economist at the University of British Columbia, warned that the trend of slowing growth in drug costs has probably run its course and steeper increases will likely pick up again soon.

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