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Issue 16 - 6 May 2015

The Kaiawhina Stakeholder Engagement Survey, to seek support for the draft actions, is now live. The Health and Disability Kaiāwhina Workforce Action Plan
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Articles – Rosters

1. The nurse rostering problem: from operational research to organizational reality?
By Drake, Robert G.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr 2014, Vol. 70 Issue 4, p800-810. 11p.
DOI: 10.1111/jan.12238.
: Aim To examine the practical applicability of the 'hard' and 'soft' constraints associated with the 'nurse rostering problem' as defined in operations management research literature and thereby investigate the objectivity of the rostering process. Background In practice, rostering nursing staff is often unrecognized, unrewarded and undervalued; yet, despite four decades of research, operations management has little to offer in terms of faster, safer, fairer or more effective rosters. This paper contrasts the theoretical perceptions of roster 'constraints' with the subjective, often political, rules governing practical rosters

2. Roster planning made easy
By Wray, Sarah.
Nursing Standard. 3/20/2013, Vol. 27 Issue 29, p62-63. 2p
: Sarah Wray looks at how electronic systems are helping nurses save time and money

3. Nurses' satisfaction with shiftwork and associations with work, home and health characteristics: a survey in the Netherlands.
By Peters, Velibor P.J.M.; de Rijk, Angelique E.; Boumans, Nicolle P.G.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Dec 2009, Vol. 65 Issue 12, p2689-2700. 12p.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05123.x.
: This paper is a report of a study conducted to determine if satisfaction with irregular working hours that are a form of shiftwork operates as a mediator between work and home characteristics and health problems. Background. Shiftwork contributes to health problems, decreased well-being and poorer health habits. It also affects employees’ decisions to leave the healthcare sector. Although many nurses voluntarily work shifts, there have been few studies of their satisfaction with irregular working hours when these are a form of shiftwork

4. Impact of SBAR on Nurse Shift Reports and Staff Rounding
By Cornell, Paul; Townsend Gervis, Mary; Yates, Lauren; Vardaman, James M.
MEDSURG Nursing. Sep/Oct 2014, Vol. 23 Issue 5, p334-342. 9p.
: The Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) protocol was used to improve shift reports and interdisciplinary rounding. On a medical-surgical unit, observations were conducted before and after implementation. Both processes were significantly shorter and more consistent. SBAR enabled more focused and efficient communication

5. The night shifts
By Foster, Brooke Lea.
Psychology Today. May/Jun2014, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p72-88. 9p
: In this article, the author focuses on challenges faced by nightshift workers in their day-to-day life in the U.S. along with information on several studies that inform about the poor health outcomes originating from night shifts. Topics discussed include difficulties faced by Val Barnes to fulfill her job demands, poor impact on the circadian rhythm of human body because of insufficient sleep and higher risk of heart disease in nightshift workers

Articles – Hand Hygiene

6. Understanding non-compliance with hand hygiene practices
Heather Gluyas Associate professor. School of Health Professions, Murdoch University, Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia
Nursing Standard. 29, 35, 40-46.
: Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) continue to be a challenge in developed and developing countries. Hand hygiene practice is considered to be the most effective strategy to prevent HCAIs, but healthcare workers’ compliance is poor. Using a human factors perspective, this article explores elements that affect healthcare workers’ hand hygiene compliance

7. Hand hygiene is crucial to combat Clostridium difficile
By Ruth Sander Independent consultant. Care of the older person
Nursing Older People. 26, 8, 15-15.
: Patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) can contaminate the environment with spores that are able to survive for months. A previous room occupant with CDI is a significant risk factor for developing the infection. Room cleaning with commonly used disinfectants will not kill spores

8. Key beliefs of hospital nurses' hand-hygiene behaviour: Protecting your peers and needing effective reminders
Health Promotion Journal of Australia: Official Journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals, Volume 26 Issue 1 (Apr 2015)
White, Katherine M; Jimmieson, Nerina L; Graves, Nicholas; Barnett, Adrian; Cockshaw, Wendell; Gee, Phillip; Page, Katie; Campbell, Megan; Martin, Elizabeth; Brain, David
: Issues addressed: Hand hygiene in hospitals is vital to limit the spread of infections. This study aimed to identify key beliefs underlying hospital nurses' hand-hygiene decisions to consolidate strategies that encourage compliance

9. The search for an evidence-based intervention to improve hand hygiene compliance in a residential aged care facility
By  Abernethy, Gail &   Smyth, Wendy
Healthcare Infection, Vol. 18, No. 4, Dec 2013: 156-161
: Healthcare-acquired infections are a major source of morbidity and mortality in people living in residential aged care facilities. Compliance with hand hygiene by healthcare workers can reduce the risk of infection to residents, yet compliance rates are generally low. Infection-control advocates within the aged care sector are looking to conduct programs to improve rates among their staff. This review was conducted to identify a reproducible intervention to improve staff hand hygiene compliance within an Australian residential aged care facility

10. Hand hygiene in community health
By Alexander, Suzane;   Harris, Joanna;   Newman, Helen
Australian Nursing Journal: ANJ,, Vol. 20, No. 11, Jun 2013: 52-53
: In 2009, our local health district adopted the National Hand Hygiene initiative to improve health care worker hand hygiene. As part of this undertaking, we conducted regular hand hygiene auditing workshops attended by hospital staff. In 2010, community nurses commenced auditor training. It soon became evident resources were hospital inpatient focussed.

11. Hand hygiene compliance: The elephant in the room
By Stevens, Stella;   Hemmings, Lynn;   Lawler, Anthony;   White, Craig
Healthcare Infection, Vol. 18, No. 2, Jun 2013: 86-89
: Hand hygiene compliance rates for medical staff are consistently lower than those for nurses. Strong leadership to improve compliance has been repeatedly called for, but studies exploring medical staff leadership influence are limited. The qualitative study reported here aimed to explore the perceptions that medical staff have of their clinical leaders and the extent to which they influence hand hygiene practice in their clinical units, and to compare this with unit specific compliance data.

Articles – Bowel Management

12. Bowel management and day surgery: A look at constipation
By Mclean-Vickers, Joanne
Day Surgery Australia, Vol. 13, No. 2, Jul 2014: 22-24

Abstract: Admission for a surgical procedure can increase the incidence of constipation, and increase the risk of postoperative bowel-related representation to hospital following discharge. The preadmission nurse provides education that aims to reduce the impact of changes to lifestyle, including diet and exercise practices, thus increasing the incidence of postoperative constipation.

13. Literature review: Management of constipation in people with Parkinson's disease
By Wuong, Sie
Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, Summer 2012: 110, 112-114, 116-118

Abstract: Constipation is a common non-motor complaint among people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD) and it has a significant effect on quality of life. Numerous studies show that more than 50% of people in this patient group suffered from moderate to severe constipation. The causes of constipation for these people are multifactorial and include autonomic nervous dysfunction leading to slow transit constipation, defaecatory disorder, decreased mobility, reduced fluid intake, and medication side effects

14. Understanding normal and abnormal colonic motility
By Dinning, Phil G;   Arkwright, John W
Day Surgery Australia, Vol. 11, No. 3, Nov 2012: 4-6

Abstract: Functional colonic disorders of the human digestive tract, such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and faecal incontinence, cause significant societal burdens because of their impact upon quality of life and health care systems. While abnormal gut motility is often associated with the functional disorders, monitoring, defining and interpreting such activity is difficult

15. Complementary treatments for irritable bowel syndrome
By Oates, Liza
Australian Pharmacist, Vol. 31, No. 10, Oct 2012: 808-811

Abstract: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic remitting and relapsing functional gastrointestinal disorder commonly seen in primary practice. The reported prevalence varies depending on the diagnostic criteria used, but ranges from 5% to 20%.1 It is characterised by recurrent abdominal pain/discomfort, changes in bowel habit (constipation and/ or diarrhoea), and may be accompanied by bloating or flatus

Journal – Table of Contents

16. From TQN The Queensland Nurse, Vol.34, No. 1; January 2015

16A. Think of quality health care when casting your vote
16B. Queensland decides 2015: The choice is in your hands

16C. No corner of state immune to LNP job and service cuts]
16D.  A relentless attack on our health & aged care services
16E.  Your deserve better [job cuts - nurses and midwives]
16F. LNP’s history of attacks on nurses’ and midwives’ rights
16G. Where do the parties stand on key issues
16H. Overworked, under-resourced and worried about patient safety
16I Ratios save lives
16J EB9 negotiation delays a worrying sign for the future
16K. Navigating Queensland’s voting system: A guide
16L. Queenslanders can’t risk a privatisation agenda
16M. Three years of government sets health and safety back decades

Conferences & Seminars

17. Māori Concepts of Health Promotion: traditional and cultural approaches to health and wellbeing
:     Friday 29 May 2015
Time:    9.30am – 3.30pm
Location:  Auckland
Venue: The Community of St Lukes, Lounge Room
                130 Remuera Rd, Remuera. Map

18. COPD and Adult Asthma - Updates on Assessment & Treatment 
: 20 August 2015
Location: PHARMAC, Wellington
Speakers: This session led by Dr Jeff Garrett, Respiratory physician,supported by an interdisciplinary team including a clinical nurse specialist, physiotherapist and GP will focus on updates on assessment and treatment  for both COPD and adult asthma.  
More information:

News – National

19. Disbelief as sunbeds avoid total ban
Bay of Plenty Times - 8:45 AM Wednesday May 6, 2015

The rejection of a call for an outright ban on commercial-sunbed use has dismayed the Cancer Society and a local skin-cancer specialist.The parliamentary health select committee has recommended a partial ban, which would limit UV tanning services to those aged over 18.

20. HPA supports the Ministry of Health and the National Influenza Specialist Group in the following key areas.
Flu campaign 2015

21. GPs: Why we charge for under 6s
By Claire Trevett, Scott Yeoman
NZ Herald - Tuesday Apr 28, 2015
Auckland medical centres say high cost of running practices in city behind charges for children's visits

22. Enliven centre opens in Bay
By Roger Moroney
Hawkes Bay Today - Monday Apr 27, 2015
Presbyterian Support East Coast has opened permanent premises in Pakowhai for its Enliven programme which is aimed at catering for the social, physical and mental condition of elderly people in the Hawke's Bay community

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