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Issue 14 - 20 April 2015

Articles - Australian Journal of Primary Health

1. Editorial: The rhetoric and reality of e-health: A critical assessment of the benefits of e-health in primary health care
By Newman, Lareen & Frank, Oliver
Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
: In developing the special issue, several things have been foremost in our mind. First, what exactly is e-health, and is it different from telehealth, information and communication technologies (ICT) for health, online health and other terms? Second, we were keen to develop this special issue in light of the techno-optimism that we feel prevails within some parts of government and of the health professions in Australia in relation to e-health,

Practice and Innovation
2. Feasibility study of a self-guided cognitive behaviour therapy Internet intervention for cancer carers
By Scott, Karen & Beatty, Lisa
Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
: Despite the evidence base for Internet-delivered self-help programmes, their application to cancer carers has not been reported. This feasibility study evaluated a 6-week internet cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) programme for early stage cancer carers

3. Talking with the alien: Interaction with computers in the GP consultation
By Dowell, Anthony; Stubbe, Maria; Scott-Dowell, Kathy; MacDonald, Lindsay & Dew, Kevin

Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
Abstract: This study examines New Zealand GPs' interaction with computers in routine consultations. Twenty-eight video-recorded consultations from 10 GPs were analysed in micro-detail to explore: (i) how doctors divide their time and attention between computer and patient; (ii) the different roles ascribed to the computer; and (iii) how computer use influences the interactional flow of the consultation

4. Video-based telehealth in Australian primary health care: Current use and future potential
By Raven, Melissa; Butler, Caryn & Bywood, Petra

Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
Abstract: Many Australians have limited access to health-care services due to a range of barriers, including geographic distance and restricted mobility, which telehealth can potentially address. This paper reviews the current and potential use of video consultation in primary health care in Australia, drawing on international literature. There is substantial evidence of high patient satisfaction, but many studies have methodological limitations

5. e-Learning competency for practice nurses: An evaluation report
By Heartfield, Marie; Morello, Andrea; Harris, Melanie; Lawn, Sharon; Pols, Vincenza; Stapleton, Carolyn & Battersby, Malcolm

Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
Abstract:  Practice nurses in Australia are now funded to facilitate chronic condition management, including self-management support. Chronic disease management requires an established rapport, support and proactivity between general practitioners, patients and the practice nurses. To achieve this, training in shared decision making is needed. e-Learning supports delivery and achievement of such policy outcomes, service improvements and skill development

6. Usefulness of a virtual community of practice and Web 2.0 tools for general practice training: Experiences and expectations of general practitioner registrars and supervisors
By Barnett, Stephen; Jones, Sandra C; Bennett, Sue; Iverson, Don & Bonney, Andrew

Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
Abstract: General practice training is a community of practice in which novices and experts share knowledge. However, there are barriers to knowledge sharing for general practitioner (GP) registrars, including geographic and workplace isolation. Virtual communities of practice (VCoP) can be effective in overcoming these barriers using social media tools. The present study examined the perceived usefulness, features and barriers to implementing a VCoP for GP training

7. A critical discussion of the benefits of e-health in population-level dental research
By Lam, Raymond; Kruger, Estie; Tennant, Marc

Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
Abstract: Population-level research is an essential area of health with the potential to affect quality of life and the broader economy. There are excellent epidemiological studies that have improved health services, but traditional research requires a considerable investment. Although electronic technology has changed the practice of many industries with improved efficiency, its application to health is relatively new. Termed 'e-health', this emerging area has been defined by the World Health Organization as the use of information technology to support many aspects of health such as in administration and scientific information.

8. Systematic review of the types of methods and approaches used to assess the effectiveness of healthcare information websites
By Tieman, Jennifer & Bradley, Sandra L
Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 19 Issue 4 (2013)
: The aim of this systematic review was to identify types of approaches and methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of healthcare information websites. Simple usage data may not be sufficient to assess whether desired healthcare outcomes were achieved or to determine the relative effectiveness of different web resources on the same health topic

Articles – Safe Staffing

9. Safe staffing: Critical to care
By Carrigan, Cate
Australian Nursing Journal: ANJ, Vol. 20, No. 10, Apr 2013: 26-29

Abstract: With the federal election date set for 14 September, the ANF has sent a message to the major political parties to make health a priority issue. Among its key issues, the ANF has stressed the importance of implementing the right staffing levels for nurses and midwives to ensure quality care. Cate Carrigan looks at the growing evidence of the importance of adequate nursing levels and moves to have standards put in place across the country

10. More Power to Control Workloads
The Lamp, Vol. 68, No. 1, Feb 2011: 19

Abstract: Determined action has won a stronger mechanism to enforce safe staffing in Community Health and Community Mental Health

11. Judicial restraint when reviewing health care rationing decisions: A healthy approach?
By Baillie, Rachael
Te Mata Koi Auckland University Law Review, Vol. 18, 2012: 137-166

Abstract: Despite being amenable to judicial review, health care rationing decisions are typically approached with a high degree of judicial restraint and deference to decision-making bodies. This approach has persisted through numerous sector reforms in New Zealand. The reasons for restraint are institutional and constitutional. The former category includes the polycentric and commercial nature of the decisions, and the level of expertise involved

12. Unequal staffing: A snapshot of nurse staffing in critical care units in New South Wales, Australia
By Harding, Thomas & Wright, Michael
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, Vol. 47, No. 1/2, Apr/May/Jun 2014: 7-15

Abstract: A growing body of research provides evidence of the link between nurse-to-patient ratios (NTPRs) and skill mix with adverse patient outcomes. This paper reports an investigation into nurse staffing patterns, skill mix and patient movement in critical care units in NSW, Australia 

13. Views from Nursing Specialists on Staffing and Nurse Ratios
The Lamp, Vol. 67, No. 6, Jul 2010: 17-19
The NSWNA has been busy undertaking research and consultation to inform the development of nurse-to-patient ratio models for eight specialty areas of nursing - an important inclusion in our claim for the new Award for public health system nurses. The Lamp spoke with senior nurses about staffing in their specialty areas and how mandated staff ratios would impact on nurses' capacity to deliver safe patient care

Journal – Table of Contents

14. From Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing: Official Journal of Australian College of Children & Young People’s Nurses, Australian College of Neonatal Nurses, Neonatal Nurses College Aotearoa and Nurses for Children and Young People of Aotearoa, Vol 18 No.1, March 2015

14A. Editorial: Karen New [ As we enter 2015, it is a good time to reflect that this is a the year that the targets set in 2000 for the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) might be realised]
14B. A paediatric hospice in Australia introduces an innovative neonatal project
By Fiona Niven and Nicole Ovens
14C. “The whole day revolves around it”: Families’ experiences of living with a child with type 1 diabetes — a descriptive study
By Julie Symons, Ruth Crawford, Dorothy Isaac and Shona Thompson
14D. Progress towards attainment of MDG4 in Botswana
By Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe, Wananani Tshiamo and Mosidi Mokotedi
14E. Neonatal Early Warning Tools: A literature review
By Michelle Paliwoda and Karen New
14F. Cochrane Nursing Care Column: Probiotics for prevention of necrotising enterocolitis
By Carmel Collins and Trudi Mannix

Conferences & Seminars

15.  An investigation of Social Impact Bonds for Health and Social Care
Nicholas Mays [Professor of Health Policy and Director, Policy Research Unit]
in Policy Innovation Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Date: Tuesday, 28 April 2015, 12.30 – 1.30 pm
Venue: GBLT4, Lecture Theatre 4, First Floor, Old Govt Building, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University, Wellington

16. The Dying Room Symposium Te Ara Whanui
: 16 May 2015
Venue: The James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor
Most deaths are not sudden, they occur over hours or days. This symposium will focus on the physiological, emotional, cultural and spiritual elements of a person in the last 48 hours of life and how health professionals can best facilitate this important time for all involved. The importance of this time should not be underestimated. The dignity and comfort of the dying person, reflected in the often strong memories for those accompanying the dying person, may be positive or distressing.
More info:

17. Public Health Association of New Zealand Annual Conference
"Healthy people, healthy nation: Public health is everybody's business"
7-9 September 2015
Venue: Dunedin

News - National

18. Falls in older people
This summary of findings for 2013 in the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s Atlas of HealthCare Variation falls domain confirms that for people aged 65 and older, falls are a major cause of injury:

  • 97,385 had at least one ACC claim in 2013 due to a fall (in other words, 266 ACC claims were accepted every day)
  • 18,925 were admitted to hospital after a fall
  • 3239 of these admissions were for a fall-related hip fracture

19. Port View residents call in lawyers
Taranaki Daily News - April 16 2015
Port View residents have called in lawyers to help them sort out the "unbelievable mess" they had been left with after the rest home's owners pulled the plug last month. More than 30 residents, family members and supporters attended a meeting at St James Church in Moturoa on Thursday to talk to New Plymouth lawyer Nik Marinovich and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment spokesman Ian Ramsay

20. Free clinics to battle rheumatic fever
By Mikaela Collins
NZ Herald - Thursday Apr 16, 2015

21. Doctors back 'no jab, no pay' plan
ODT - Mon, 13 Apr 2015
Doctors are backing a plan to strip childcare and welfare benefits from parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids.  The Australian Medical Association supports the federal government's policy, which could cost parents who object to immunisations up to $15,000 in tax-payer funded payments.

22. Fast food ban proposed for Christchurch's new sports hub
The Press – 13 April 2015

News – International

23. Health minister Sussan Ley: 'Disturbing picture' of mental health in Australia but experts slam her 'bureaucratic' response
The Age - April 16, 2015 - 11:11PM
By Amy Corderoy & Dan Harrison
Mental health experts are dismayed by the federal government's long-awaited response to a National Mental Health Commission report that paints a "disturbing picture" of failures of care and support for ordinary Australians living with mental illness.

24. Health supplement Acacia rigidula may contain synthetic amphetamines
The Age - April 15, 2015
Anti-doping experts say athletes using supplements are in danger of inadvertently breaching doping laws. Photo: Ricardo DeAratanha  Body-building and fitness companies are selling supplements which may contain synthetic amphetamines and stimulants that have never been tested on humans, in some cases bypassing rules that require approval with the NSW Food Authority


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