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Issue 12 - 8 April 2015

Latest Books

NZNO members can borrow books for 4 weeks. Please supply your physical address and a contact phone number when you request items, as they will be couriered out to you. We also ask that you courier the items back to us, to ensure they reach us safely.

1. WD 210 NZMA
Tackling Obesity
New Zealand Medical Association - Policy Briefing

Existing approaches to tackling obesity in New Zeaalnd are not doing enough. New Zealand is now the fourth most obese country in the OECD, with nearly tow thirds of adults either overweight (34%) or obese (31%). The NZNO recommends a suite of measures including countering the obesogenic environment and improving health literacy.

2. WY 31 NCNZ
The Future Nursing Workforce Supply projections 2010 – 2035

In 2012 the Nursing Council of New Zealand commissioned Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) to undertake an analysis of the nursing workforce from 2010 to 2035 based on available workforce information and taking into account predicted changes in New Zealand's population size and structure. By 2035 it is estimated there will be 5.26 million people living in New Zealand and a predicted increase in demand for health care based on an ageing population and lifestyle disease

3. WP 250 MAY
Modern colposcopy : textbook & atlas

Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott, 2012
Donated by the Womens Health College NZNO
The first two editions of this book were published by the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP). This product is considered the standard of colposcopy and has the reputation of being the best selling educational teaching module_ for the physician, resident, or advanced practice clinician who wishes to bridge the gap between the obvious need for increased early detection of cervical, vaginal, and vulvar disease and the intensive education required for colposcopy.

Articles – Iron

4. . Iron status and dietary iron intake of female blood donors
By Booth, Alison O.; Lim, Karen; Capper, Hugh; Irving, David; Fisher, Jenny; McNaughton, Sarah A.; Riddell, Lynn; Keller, Anthony; Nowson, Caryl A.
Transfusion. Mar 2014, Vol. 54 Issue 3 pt2, p770-774. 5p

Abstract: The aim was to assess iron status and dietary iron intake in a sample of premenopausal female regular and new blood donors. Study Design and Methods Premenopausal women blood donors were invited to participate. Blood samples were analyzed for serum ferritin and hemoglobin. An iron checklist assessed dietary iron intake. Donors were classified as regular donors or new donors.

5. All about iron.
By Murray, Michael T.
Better Nutrition. Mar 2014, Vol. 76 Issue 3, p32-36. 3p
The article discusses the health benefits, deficiency and dietary food sources of iron in human health. It mentions the role of iron in the hemoglobin molecule of human red blood cells (RBC) and its function of transporting oxygen from lungs to body's tissues. It explores the factors which can cause iron deficiency among typical food diets. It also presents a table depicting on several dietary food sources of iron including eggs, beef and beans

6. Malabsorption anemia and iron supplement induced constipation in post-Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) patients.
By: Sahebzamani, Frances M.; Berarducci, Adrienne; Murr, Michel M.
Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Dec 2013, Vol. 25 Issue 12, p634-640. 7p
: Over 250,000 bariatric surgical procedures for the management of morbid obesity are performed in the United States annually. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is an effective bariatric procedure because of its efficacy in achieving significant weight loss, low complication rates, and outcomes in reducing cardiovascular and all cause mortality. Because food bypasses the portion of the small intestine whereby micronutrients are normally absorbed, micronutrient deficiencies following surgery may lead to iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is estimated to occur in 6%-50% of post-RYGB patients.

7. Current Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Practical Guide
By Gomollón, Fernando; Gisbert, Javier P.
Drugs. Nov 2013, Vol. 73 Issue 16, p1761-1770. 10p
: Anemia and iron deficiency anemia are very common in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In most cases, anemia is a consequence of mixed pathogenesis; inflammation and iron deficiency being the most important factors. Iron status should be evaluated carefully, as ferritin is unreliable in the presence of inflammation. It is always necessary to control disease activity; however, supplementation is usually required to fully correct iron deficiencies.

8. The double burden of obesity and iron deficiency on children and adolescents in Greece: the Healthy Growth Study.
By: Manios, Y.; Moschonis, G.; Chrousos, G. P.; Lionis, C.; Mougios, V.; Kantilafti, M.; Tzotzola, V.; Skenderi, K. P.; Petridou, A.; Tsalis, G.; Sakellaropoulou, A.; Skouli, G.; Katsarou, C.
Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics. Oct 2013, Vol. 26 Issue 5, p470-478. 9p
: Some small cohort studies have noted that obesity co-exists with lower serum iron levels. The present study aimed to examine the association between being overweight and iron deficiency ( ID) in a large cohort of Greek children and adolescents. Methods A representative sample of 2492 primary schoolchildren aged 9-13 years old was examined. Anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary intake and physical activity data were collected.

Articles – New Zealand Medical Journal, 27th March 2015

9. Availability of antidotes, antivenoms, and antitoxins in New Zealand hospital pharmacies
NZMJ, 27th March 2015, Volume 128 Number 1411

Poisoning is an internationally recognised burden on healthcare systems,1 and New Zealand is not immune. Annual rates of poisoning deaths in this country reaching 6.3 per 100,000 in both 2001 and 2002; two-thirds (64.3%) related to carbon monoxide exposures,2 the remainder due to a range of substances—volatile compounds,3 antidepressants,4 sedative/hypnotics,5 and the opioids in particular.6 Examination of adult hospital admissions due to poisoning over a 10-year period revealed a mean annual rate of 115.4 per 100,000, or 29,881 admissions.

10. Removal of Special Authority requirements for clopidogrel improved optimal care following percutaneous coronary intervention across sociodemographic groups
NZMJ, 27th March 2015, Volume 128 Number 1411

Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet agent that, when combined with aspirin, has greater efficacy in reducing the risk of coronary thrombosis following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) than aspirin alone.1,2 Delays in clopidogrel therapy post-PCI are associated with worse clinical outcomes.1-4 The use of clopidogrel in the 6 months following PCI was standard practice in New Zealand from 2006 until a newer agent, ticagrelor, became available in mid-2012

11. Paediatric EEG provision in New Zealand: a survey of practice
NZMJ, 27th March 2015, Volume 128 Number 1411

Epilepsy is a group of disorders classified into electro-clinical syndromes defined by age of onset, type of seizures, electroencephalographic (EEG) features and comorbidities.1 It is the most common serious neurological disorder of children affecting ~7300 New Zealand children under 14 years of age.2 Although individuals may live normal lives, 30% have seizures resistant to current therapy with major social, psychological, physical and cognitive sequelae.

12. Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind (CALM): the mental health of medical students and their use of a self-help website
NZMJ, 27th March 2015, Volume 128 Number 1411

High levels of depression and anxiety in tertiary students in New Zealand is an area of concern.1 Support, resilience, coping strategies and treatment for mental disorders are protective factors for suicide,2 and resilience can be increased with training.3 However, there is a paucity of New Zealand research looking at the identification of effective interventions, and the factors enabling their successful implementation in the tertiary student population

13.  Predicting lymph node metastases in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: use of a morphological scoring system
NZMJ, 27th March 2015, Volume 128 Number 1411

Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is highly prevalent in New Zealand with an incidence of 118 per 100,000.1 The majority of these (70–80%) occur in the head and neck region, and for the most part these tumours present early and can be cured with excision. However, a small proportion of cSCCs behave aggressively, with approximately 3–4% of patients developing lymph node metastases. Interestingly, the rates of metastasis is lower than this (1.9–2.6%) in New Zealand studies

14. Association of point prevalence diagnosis of delirium on length of stay, 6-month mortality, and level of care on discharge at Waitemata District Health Board, Auckland
NZMJ, 27th March 2015, Volume 128 Number 1411

Delirium is defined as an acute change in cognition that occurs within a few hours to days that cannot be accounted for by pre-existing dementia or cognitive impairment.10,11,15 It is very common in hospitalised older adults, with a reported range in studies of medical inpatients of 15–40%1–7 and in the post-surgical setting of 7–52%

15. WW1: Prices of Drugs
NZMJ, 27th March 2015, Volume 128 Number 1411
[Editorial published in NZMJ 1914 September;13(55):323–324]

The widespread ramifications of the war are perhaps in no respect more marked than in the effect that they are having, and are likely to have, on the supplies and prices of many varieties of drugs and other surgical requisites which form an indispensable part of the equipment of hospitals and dispensaries.

Journal – Table of Contents

16. From Nursing Management (RCN), Volume 22, Issue 1, 25 March 2015
16A. Let’s take a fresh look at learning
16B. Many NHS trusts take a relaxed approach to ward visiting times
16C. Stress experienced at work is affecting staff health, survey finds
16D. Call for training to continue for a year after graduation
16E. Proposals to introduce staff ratios in Wales dismissed as too rigid
16F. Risk reduction plans needed for long shifts
16G. Voters position health service at top of the election agenda
16H. Savile review urges NHS to tighten its patient safety procedures
16I. Report calls for leaders to help staff blow the whistle
16J. Vantage point – Should research focus on now or the future?
16K. Commit to safety first


17. Celebrating its 25th year – be part of the success story
Date: 20-21 May 2015
Venue: National Exhibition Centre Birmingham
More info:

18. NZ Aged Care Workforce Survey Launch
There is no charge for this event, a light lunch is included. Copies of the report will be available.
Date: Tuesday, 28 April 2015, 12-1.30pm
Venue: Sir Paul Reeves Building, 2 Governor Fitzroy Place
AUT University, Auckland City
Attendees must register: by 4pm, 22 April for catering purposes

News - National

19. Employers overlook older workers
Bay of Plenty Times – 7 April 2015
Employers are likely to overlook older job seekers, a new report reveals - but local recruitment agencies say although it is more difficult for those aged over 50 to find jobs they are harder workers. A survey from the Auckland University of Technology and Equal Employment Opportunities Trust found there was a "tipping point," typically at about 50-60 years of age, at which workers were seen as less attractive.

20. Alzheimer's worries? Read this list
Stuff – April 8, 2015
For people of a certain age, it's not uncommon to seize on any forgetfulness as a symptom of Alzheimer's disease. Lose the car keys, forget a name, read a Top 10 list of dementia's warning signs and the worry begins. "Even more epidemic than Alzheimer's itself is the fear of Alzheimer's," said Richard Lipton, who heads the Einstein Ageing Study at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York

21. Telemedicine cuts down kilometres and costs
ODT - Wed, 8 Apr 2015
Paediatric endocrinologist Dr Ben Wheeler with diabetes patients (pictured, on screen) Sammy (left) and Kate Harry with their mother, Jo. Photo by Gregor Richardson. Central Otago child diabetes patients are being saved thousands of kilometres of travel because of a remote medicine clinic run from Dunedin Hospital

22. Patients urged to book flu jab early
NZ Herald - Thursday Apr 2, 2015
People eligible for state-paid influenza vaccinations are being urged to book their pre-winter jab immediately, now that bulk supplies of the vaccine have landed after a month-long international delay. Health Minister Jonathan Coleman said more than 500,000 doses had arrived in New Zealand.

23.. Four ways to break out of a weight loss rut
Stuff - April 2 2015
It's easy to fall into an eating rut. It could be from following a plan that leaves you bored to tears eating the same foods day after day. Or maybe you hit a weight loss plateau and can't seem to move the needle on the scale toward your goal. Perhaps you're trapped in a pattern where you want to eat better, but can't find the motivation to take action. Regardless of what has you stuck, one tactic that could help turn things around is to literally upend your current habits and try the exact opposite

24. Why an ageing population does matter
Taranaki Daily News – 1 April 2015
A recent newspaper headline, "Ageing population doesn't matter: Bill English", suggests our finance minister is losing his political marbles. Older readers who can still teeter down to a polling booth would have been keen to learn why he was being so dismissive. Fair to say, he wasn't being indifferent to the needs of the elderly. He was explaining to a New Zealand Initiative seminar (but not too convincingly) why the Government won't raise the age of eligibility for national superannuation

News – international

25. How bad is watching TV for your health?
The Telegraph – 2 April 2015
TV viewing is much maligned by moral crusaders and health experts alike, but how bad is it for your health? We separate fact from fiction and determine conclusively what risk, if any, the box poses to your well-being

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