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Issue 2 - 26 January 2015

Articles – Antibiotic resistance

1. Low-Tech bacteria battle
By Seppa, Nathan.
Science News. 04/10/2014, Vol. 186 Issue 7, p22-26. 5p.
: The article discusses antibiotic resistance. The author argues that in order to prevent resistance in bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile, the way antibiotics are prescribed needs to change. Topics include a comment from discoverer of penicillin Alexander Fleming on making microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) recommendations for controlled antibiotic use, and Ontario, Canada's antimicrobial stewardship program.

2. Q&A: Resistance to antibiotics
 By Browne, Roy Robins.
Chemistry in Australia. 01/06/2014, p27-29. 3p.
: The article addresses the bacterial resistance to antibiotics and its impact on healthcare worldwide, as stated by the World Health Organization. Topics discussed include the bacteria capable of resisting antibiotics like Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, reasons for antibiotic resistance to happen and solutions to antibiotic resistance like responsible consumption of the drugs.

Selected articles
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal
December 2014

3. End of life care lacking in the community
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
: Dying patients are being taken to hospital against their wishes because of a lack of resources in the community, an RCN survey of more than 7,700 nurses has revealed.

4. Tackling tuberculosis among vulnerable Kent communities
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
: Cases of tuberculosis (TB) have made a concerning comeback in some parts of the country. At present, rates in the UK average at 14 cases per 100,000 people. This re-emergence has led the Department of Health to urge all nurses, especially those in community settings, to be aware of the signs and symptoms.

5. Unique collaborations between primary and secondary care shift services to community
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
King’s Fund report highlights improvements in patient health achieved by nurses and GPs. Nurses based on the south coast have been part of a scheme highlighted as a blueprint for partnerships between hospital consultants and primary care services.

6. I found the answer…but it took years
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
: Jan Procter-King aims to entice you to learn motivational interviewing skills and explains why they have been a revelation. I HAVE been interested for many years in how we make people adopt healthy behaviours. This curiosity has stayed with me throughout my career and I think I have now found the answer.

7. Putting people with parkinson’s disease back in control
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
; Laura Cockram and colleagues describe the work of Parkinson’s UK in developing an excellence network to improve disease-specific services, including a campaign to increase the number of Parkinson’s specialist nurses across the UK. This article outlines how health and social care services need to enable people with Parkinson’s disease to take control of their lives and what Parkinson’s UK is doing in partnership with health and social care professionals to achieve this. It describes the development of an excellence network to link professionals and lead improvements in services, and highlights the importance of getting the right care at the right time.

8. Living with Parkinson’s disease in the community: improving assessments and interventions
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
: Understanding how long-term illness affects quality of life for patients and families is central to providing individualised, patient-focused care in the community, as Leire Ambrosio and colleagues explain. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a long-term condition that affects patients’ and carers’ quality of life. It is important to develop and implement new approaches that bring together health and psychosocial care for people living with chronic illnesses such as PD. The authors emphasise the role of primary care nurses in supporting patients and their informal carers, and outline how practitioners can focus care on patients’ psychosocial as well as physical needs

9. Immunisation – keeping the focus
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
; Helen Donovan outlines the crucial role played by primary care nurses in helping parents understand the benefits of vaccinating children and achieving high rates of vaccine uptake across England. The Department of Health and Public Health England nursing teams held a week of action between November 17 and 21. The week included a range of interactive activities such as web chats, publications, webinars, video messages, visits and blogs to celebrate the contribution of nurses, midwives, health visitors and allied health professionals to the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families

10. Asthma care – time for a rethink
Primary Health Care: The RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, December 2014
: Asthma is a common problem managed in primary care, however many patients do not have good control of their condition. This article looks at routine asthma care, indicating where the findings from the 2014 National Review of Asthma Deaths might change current practice. It examines triggers and exacerbations and considers the four key areas identified in the report: the use of services, medical and professional care, prescribing and medicines use, patient factors and perception of risk of poor control

Articles – Time Management

11. The relationships between communication, care and time are intertwined: a narrative inquiry exploring the impact of time on registered nurses' work.
By Chan, Engle Angela; Jones, Aled; Wong, Kitty
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2013 Sep; 69 (9): 2020-9.
 To report a qualitative study which explores registered nurses' views on the issue of time in the workplace.
Background: There is a worldwide shortage of healthcare workers, subsequently time as a healthcare resource is both finite and scarce. As a result, increased attention is being paid to the restructuring of nursing work. However, the experience of time passing is a subjective one and there exists little research which, over a prolonged period of time, describes nurses' experiences of working in time-pressurized environments

12.  Care priorities - Registered Nurses' clinical daily work in municipal elderly care settings
By Norell, Margaretha; Ziegert, Kristina; Kihlgren, Annica
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 2013 Jun; 27 (2): 388-95
: Common in Swedish elderly home care is that Registered Nurses work independently, and lead the care team without being a part of it. People involved in the care of the patient can be social services, physician, Registered Nurse (RN), nurses in inpatient care and family. In according to current model for nursing documentation RNs Time pressure is perceived as high, but the nurses have the opportunity to influence their daily work situation and make priorities. The purpose of this study was to investigate how RNs prioritise interventions in municipal elderly care settings

13. Does time matter? Exploring the relationship between interdependent teamwork and time allocation in Swedish interprofessional teams
By Thylefors, Ingela
Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2012 Jul; 26 (4): 269-75
 This paper explores the relationship between time allocation on formal and informal forms of contact within interprofessional teams and an interdependent collaboration. The results suggest three ways to strengthen interprofessional team collaboration - development of team climate and communication and more opportunity for both manager coordination and self-regulation.

Journal - Table of Contents

15. From Nursing Praxis in New Zealand: Journal of Professional Nursing, November 2014, Volume 30, No.3
15A. Meeting the needs of Maori with diabetes: Evaluation of a nurse-led service
15B. Optimising cultural safety and comfort during gynaecological examinations: Accounts of indigenous Maori women
15C. Maori perspectives: A deeper understanding of nursing and smoking

16. New Zealand Cemeteries Heritage Week
Explore the New Zealand Cemetery Records, 1800-2007 - online for the first time at
: Tuesday 3 February - Thursday 5 February, 2015
Venue: Whare Wānanga, Level 2, Central City Library, Lorne Street, Auckland
Booking: Contact the Central Auckland Research Centre Ph: 09 307 7771

17. International Health & Wealth Conference
IHW is one of the world’s foremost events connecting Health and Wealth: the industries of healthcare, wellness, tourism, real estate, finance and wealth management, insurance, IT, including all related cross-border opportunities
: Oct 15-17, 2015
Venue: Algarve / Portugal 2015
More information:

18. Public Consultation: New Zealand’s Fifth Periodic Report under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Public meetings:
Wellington - 3 February 2015 (Bowen State Building) 1:00pm to 3.00pm
Christchurch - 5 February 2015 (The Atrium) 10:00am to 12:00pm
Auckland - 12 February 2015 (Mt Albert Senior Citizens Hall) 11:00am to 1:00pm
More information: ;Click on ‘UNCROC Public Consultation’ under the ‘What’s New’ section.
Email: [email protected]
Leave a voicemail: 0800 UNCROC (0800 862762).

News – National

19. $50m bill looms for Dunedin Hospital
ODT - Mon, 26 Jan 2015

Up to $50 million will be needed to keep the clinical services building at Dunedin Hospital going for another 10 years, according to an assessment by the Beca consultancy group.

20. Pay boost for health board boss riles snubbed hospital staff
Manawatu Standard - 23/01/2015

Palmerston North Hospital workers are frustrated about minimal pay increases when they say the district health board chief's half-million pay packet gets a more substantial boost.  Administration and clerical staff at MidCentral Health were offered only a 0.7 per cent pay increase this year, as well as a 1 per cent lump sum payment. MidCentral chief executive Murray Georgel's salary went up to the $540,000 to $549,000 pay bracket, indicating a percentage increase of somewhere between 1.9 and 5.6 from the 2012-2013 year.

21. Working women over 65 to double
The number of women working past the age of 65 is tipped to double in the next 20 years, according to new research commissioned by the National Advisory Council for the Employment of Women (NACEW). The research, titled Employment of Older New Zealand Women, by economist Dr Paul Callister suggests the number could top 30 percent in a further 20 years.

News – international

22. Gaming to death: What turns a hobby into a health hazard?
CNN , January 21, 2015
Earlier this month, a 32-year old male gamer was found dead at a Taiwanese Internet cafe following a non-stop three-day gaming session. This followed the death of another male gamer who died in Taipei at the start of the year following a five-day gaming binge.While these cases are extremely rare, it does beg the question of why gaming can lead to such excessive behavior. I have spent nearly three decades studying videogame addiction and there are many studies published in both the medical and psychological literature showing that very excessive gaming can lead to a variety of health problems that range from repetitive strain injuries and obesity, through to auditory and visual hallucinations and addiction

23. Travelers taking antibiotics may be helping spread of 'superbugs'
Diarrhea is an illness frequently experienced by travelers, but those who take antibiotics in an attempt to improve their trips could be putting themselves and others at further risk. A new study suggests that travelers taking antibiotics for diarrhea could be increasing their chances of contracting superbugs

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