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Issue 1 - 20 January 2015

9 family sun safe tips for summer

New Zealand has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world so protecting ourselves from over-exposure to the sun is an important healthy behaviour – and it needs to start early

Articles – Hand washing

1. A Bundle Strategy Including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium difficile Infections.
By Pokrywka, Marian; Feigel, Jody; Douglas, Barbara; Crossberger, Susan; Hensler, Amelia; Weber, David.
MEDSURG Nursing. May/Jun 2014, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p145-164. 4p
: The article discusses the study which determines the effect of expanded bundle strategy such as patient hand hygiene on Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) disease's rate in hospitalized patients. The study involves patients at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Shadyside in Pennsylvania wherein C. difficile disease cases were defined. Result shows a decline in the number of C. difficile diseases on the subjects due to hand hygiene.

2. Stethoscope hygiene: A best practice review of the literature.
By Shaw, Felicity; Cooper, Simon.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Mar 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 8, p28-31. 4p
: The article reports on high rates of contamination seen in stethoscopes due to disinfectant failures and improper hygiene. A discussion of research which was conducted to investigate stethoscope contamination rates and professionals' attitudes toward disinfection and best practice guidelines using a literature review and found that contamination was prevalent and that disinfection attitudes and practices are inadequate is presented.

3. An observational study of hand hygiene compliance in paediatric wards.
By Randle, Jacqueline; Firth, Joseph; Vaughan, Natalie.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Sep 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 17/18, p2586-2592. 7p.
: Aims and objectives. To measure healthcare workers', children's and visitors' hand hygiene compliance in a paediatric oncology ward and a paediatric respiratory ward in an English hospital. Background. Children are especially vulnerable to healthcare-associated infections, yet few studies have reported on hand hygiene compliance in paediatric clinical areas.
Conclusion. Owing to the nature of the clinical environments, we are unable to draw conclusions about children's hand hygiene compliance; however, visitors' compliance was low. Among healthcare workers, levels of compliance were higher compared with previous reported estimates

4. Hand hygiene in community health.
By Alexander, Suzanne; Harris, Joanna; Newman, Helen.
Australian Nursing Journal. Jun 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 11, p52-53. 2p
: The article reports on a 2009 decision which the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District in New South Wales made to adopt the National Hand Hygiene initiative, discussed at the web site www., to improve community health care worker hand hygiene. A discussion of an auditing program which was developed to assess compliance with the initiative, and of an improvement in hand hygiene which was seen among community health workers as a result of the initiative, is presented.

Articles – Shingles

5. Herpes zoster (shingles) at a large New Zealand general practice: incidence over 5 years. By J Stewart Reid, Brendon Ah Wong
NZMJ, 19th December 2014, Volume 127 Number 1407
: The objective of this study, in a large group practice in Lower Hutt with a stable population of around 19,000 patients, was to describe the retrospective incidence of shingles over a 5-year period so that it could be compared to international data. The results indicate that incidence of shingles rose with age, females were more frequently affected than males and that the thorax was the commonest site.

6.  Varicella zoster virus: chickenpox and shingles.
By Gould, Dinah.
Nursing Standard. 4/16/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 33, p52-58. 7p.
The varicella zoster virus causes two infections: varicella, also known as chickenpox occurring mostly in childhood, and herpes zoster, also known as shingles affecting mainly older people. Varicella usually occurs in children under ten years of age. However, adults who develop varicella are at risk of developing complications and the infection is likely to be more severe. Nurses whose work brings them into contact with those at risk have a vital role in providing information about the importance of avoiding varicella. After the acute infection, the varicella zoster virus gains access to the ganglia in the sensory nervous system where it can remain dormant for years. Reactivation results in herpes zoster, a common and unpleasant illness.

Articles - JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014

7. Care Coordination: A Model for the Acute Care Hospital Setting
By Cherona J. Hajewski, Maria R. Shirey .
JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014, Vol 44, No 11, 577 - 585   
Abstract: Objective:
To evaluate a patient care delivery model (PCDM) that redefined roles for unit-based nurse case managers and RNs to streamline care coordination processes.
Background: Aligning care coordination in acute care is essential to meet constructs of accountable care .

8. Clinical Ladder Program Implementation: A Project Guide
By Yu Kyung Ko & Soyoung Yu.
Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014, Vol 44, No 11,  612 - 616 
: This article describes the development of a clinical ladder program (CLP) implementation linked to a promotion system for nurses. The CLP task force developed criteria for each level of performance and a performance evaluation tool reflecting the self-motivation of the applicant for professional development. One year after implementation, the number of nurses taking graduate courses increased, and 7 nurses were promoted to nurse manager positions.

9. The Evolution and Development of an Instrument to Measure Essential Professional Nursing Practices
By Marlene Kramer; Barbara B. Brewer; Diana Halfer Cynthia Nowicki Hnatiuk; Maura MacPhee & Claudia Schmalenberg .
Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014, Vol 44, No 11, 569 - 576   
: Nursing continues to evolve from a task-oriented occupation to a holistic professional practice. Increased professionalism requires accurate measurement of care processes and practice. Nursing studies often omit measurement of the relationship between structures in the work environment and processes of care or between processes of care and patient outcomes. Process measurement is integral to understanding and improving nursing practice. This article describes the development of an updated Essentials of Magnetism process measurement instrument for clinical nurses (CNs) practicing on inpatient units in hospitals. It has been renamed Essential Professional Nursing Practices: CN.

10. The Menefee Model for Patient-Focused Interdisciplinary Team Collaboration
By Kathy S. Menefee.
Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014, Vol 44, No 11, 598 - 605  
: The conversion to electronic plans of care in a community hospital setting offered an opportunity to design an interdisciplinary, collaborative model for patient-focused care. The performance improvement initiative began with the development of evidence-based interdisciplinary plans of care and concluded with a consistent and effective process for patient engagement and daily interdisciplinary team rounding. This project demonstrates how an interdisciplinary model that includes patient-centered, nurse-led care plan rounding was created, implemented, and measured.

11. The Power of Nursing Peer Review
By Lee Anna Spiva, Nicole Jarrell & Pamela Baio.
Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014, Vol 44, No 11, 586 - 590
This article describes how an integrated healthcare system created a nursing peer-review structure to empower nurses to make practice changes and enhance professional accountability. A nursing peer-review committee and tools supporting the process were developed and implemented.

12.  Using Lean Methodology to Decrease Wasted RN Time in Seeking Supplies in Emergency Departments
By David M. Richardson; Valerie A. Rupp; Kayla R. Long, Megan C. Urquhart, Erin Ricart , Lindsay R. Newcomb, Paul J. Myers & Bryan G. Kane.
Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014, Vol 44, No 11, 606-11.
Abstract: Background:
Timely stocking of essential supplies in an emergency department (ED) is crucial to efficient and effective patient care.
Objective: The objective of this study was to decrease wasted nursing time in obtaining needed supplies in an ED through the use of Lean process controls.
Conclusion: A redesigned process including a standardized stocking system significantly decreases the number of searches by nurses for supplies.

13. Why Do Older RNs Keep Working?
By Elizabeth Graham; Judith Donoghue; Christine Duffield, Rhonda Griffiths, Jen ichel-Findlay & Sofia Dimitrelis .
Journal of Nursing Administration, November 2014, Vol 44, No 11, 591-7.
To identify the reasons older RNs (>=45 years) remain in the healthcare workforce.
Background: Despite predictions of early retirements of older nurses, many continue to work past the age when they can gain access to their retirement funds.Methods: The authors surveyed nurses older than 45 years in New South Wales, Australia..
Conclusions: Retaining older nurses in the workforce is an important strategy for managing workforce shortages. Nurse executives will need to consider strategies that will enhance retention of older nurses and focus on the reasons older nurses want to keep working

Journal - Table of Contents

14. From American Journal of Nursing, January 2015, Vol. 115, Number 1

14A. Marking Time [In preparation for our annual review of the preceding year, I asked editorial board members and contributing editors to share their thoughts on the health care events and themes that will mark how we remember 2014. Many pointed to the first-quarter rollout of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a major story]
14B. Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising
In the News
14C. The Top Health Care Story of 2014: A Year of Infectious Diseases
14D. The Top Nursing News Stories of 2014
14E. The Top Clinical News Stories of 2014
14F. The ACA Continues to Run the Gauntlet
14G. NewsCAP: Prestigious award goes to Linda Aiken
14H. Stories to Watch in 2015
14I. AJN Report: Controversy Over Pelvic Examinations
Drug Watch
14J. Asthma medication receives new warning
14K. New Treatment for Opioid-Induced Constipation


15. Goodfellow Symposium 2015
Date: 27-29 March 2015
Venue: Viaduct Events Centre, Auckland 
More info:

16. 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the New Zealand Pain Society | Auckland
25–29 March 2015
Venue: The Langham Hotel | Auckland
The Annual Scientific Meeting of the New Zealand Pain Society has the theme 'Pain through the Ages'. The expansive programme will cover the impact of pain across the age spectrum from infants to the elderly. 
More information:

17. Life Without Limits Neuromuscular Conference 2015
: 16–18 April 2015
Venue: SkyCity Convention Centre, Auckland
More information:

News – National

18. Canterbury hospital staff not washing hands enough
STUFF - January 19 2015

Canterbury hospital staff are risking patient safety because they are not washing their hands often enough. The national target for hand hygiene compliance is 70 per cent, but in the most recent monitoring period (July-October 2014) the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) achieved 62 per cent - the third worst-performing board in the country behind Hutt Valley and Taranaki. Deborah Williamson, clinical microbiologist at Environmental Science and Research (ESR), said hand hygiene was a "fundamental component of healthcare".

19. Do you reward exercise with food?
STUFF - January 16 2015

If you've ever exercised to lose weight, there's a good chance the following thought has crossed your mind: "I worked out so hard. I deserve a treat!" It's also pretty likely that you indulged post-workout in some food you'd deemed forbidden – or consumed more than usual – and in so doing ate back all the calories you burned, and then some.

20. Worst killers of Kiwis changing
NZ Herald - Friday Dec 19, 2014

More New Zealanders died from Alzheimer's disease and chronic kidney disease last year than in 1990, a study has found. However, Kiwis are living longer and fewer are being killed on the roads and dying from pneumonia. The Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, conducted by an international consortium of researchers co-ordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, did a comprehensive analysis of trend data from 188 countries

News – international

21. Lack of exercise may be responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity
January 14, 2015

A brisk 20 minute walk each day could be enough to reduce an individual’s risk of early death, according to new research published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study of over 334,000 European men and women found that twice as many deaths may be attributable to lack of physical activity compared with the number of deaths attributable to obesity, but that just a modest increase in physical activity could have significant health benefits.

22. The art of being ill
Olivia Parker, The Daily Telegraph, 14 Jan 2015

How many times a day do you find yourself wishing that that snotty colleague/friend/stranger who insists on struggling along on a tide of tissues and self-pity had just stayed in, sparing the rest of us their obvious discomfort and the risk of contagion


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