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Issue 40 - 21 November 2014

Articles – International Journal of Nursing Practice, October 2014

1. Bedside nursing handover: Patients' opinions (pages 451–459)
By Sai Lu, Debra Kerr and Louise McKinlay
International Journal of Nursing Practice, October 2014
: Within the context of contemporary nursing practice, bedside handover has been advocated as a potentially more suitable mode for achieving patient-centred care. Given that patients can play an important role in the process, better understanding of patients' perspectives of bedside handover could be a critical determinate for successful implementation of the practice. Using a phenomenological approach, this study attempted to explore patients' perceptions of bedside nursing handover.

2. Nursing students' expectations regarding effective clinical education: A qualitative study (pages 460–467)
By Maryam Esmaeili, Mohammad Ali Cheraghi, Mahvash Salsali & Shahrzad Ghiyasvandian
International Journal of Nursing Practice, October 2014
: This study aimed to describe the expectations of Bachelor of Science nursing students regarding what constitutes an effective clinical education. In this study, a semistructured interview process was utilized with 17 nursing students studying in sophomore, junior and senior years in training units of hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

3. Effect on pain intensity of injection sites and speed of injection associated with intramuscular penicillin (pages 468–474)
By Emel Tuğrul and Leyla Khorshıd
International Journal of Nursing Practice, October 2014
: The aim of this one-group, quasi-experimental study was to examine the effect of choice of injection site and injection duration on the intensity of pain associated with intramuscular penicillin injection. Injections containing the same dose of drug were administered 12 hours apart for each patient over 5 s/mL and 10 s/mL durations in the dorsogluteal and ventrogluteal sites

Articles – Impaired Driving

4. Long-Term Impact on Alcohol-Involved Crashes of Lowering the Minimum Purchase Age in New Zealand.
By Taisia Huckle; Parker, Karl.
American Journal of Public Health. Jun 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 6, p1087-1091. 5p
: We assessed the long-term effect of lowering the minimum purchase age for alcohol from age 20 to age 18 years on alcohol-involved crashes in New Zealand.
Methods. We modeled ratios of drivers in alcohol-involved crashes to drivers in non-alcohol-involved crashes by age group in 3 time periods using logistic regression, controlling for gender and adjusting for multiple comparisons.

5. Reduction in Fatalities, Ambulance Calls, and Hospital Admissions for Road Trauma After Implementation of New Traffic Laws.
By Brubacher, Jeffrey R.; Chan, Herbert; Brasher, Penelope; Erdelyi, Shannon; Desapriya, Edi; Asbridge, Mark; Purssell, Roy; Macdonald, Scott; Schuurman, Nadine; Pike, Ian.
American Journal of Public Health. Oct 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 10, pe89-e97. 9p
: We evaluated the public health benefits of traffic laws targeting speeding and drunk drivers (British Columbia, Canada, September 2010). Methods. We studied fatal crashes and ambulance dispatches and hospital admissions for road trauma, using interrupted time series with multiple nonequivalent comparison series. We determined estimates of effect using linear regression models incorporating an autoregressive integrated moving average error term

6. Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk, But Do They Let Friends Drive High?
By Glascoff, Mary A.; Shrader, Joe S.; Haddock, Rose K.
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. 2013, Vol. 57 Issue 1, p66-84. 19p
:This study reports on a study of college students at a state supported university regarding the use of designated drivers associated with illicit drug use, especially marijuana use. The purpose of the study was to examine whether college students report that they drive under the influence of illicit drugs, if they use the strategy of designating a driver following use of illicit drugs and/or following the use of alcohol, if they serve as a designated driver for those who are impaired by illicit drugs and if they have knowingly allowed an individual who they thought was impaired to drive.

7. Preventing impaired driving: Opportunities and problems
By Voas, Robert B.; Fell, James C.
Alcohol Research & Health. 2011, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p225-235. 11p
: Impaired driving remains a significant public health problem in the United States. Although impressive reductions in alcohol-related fatalities occurred between 1982 and 1997, during which all 50 States enacted the basic impaired-driving laws, progress has stagnated over the last decade. Substantial changes in the laws and policies or funding for the enforcement of the criminal offense of driving while intoxicated (DWI) are needed for further substantial progress in reducing alcohol-related crash injuries.

Articles – Dry Eye

8.  Dry eye requires a little TLC - tear layer care
By Miller, Shirley.
Primary Health Care. Nov 2013, Vol. 23 Issue 9, p30-33. 4p.
: Many women in their late forties and older are referred to specialist ophthalmic nurse practitioners in the belief that they require punctual occlusion, when their condition could easily be treated with drops specially formulated for dry eyes. Dry-eye syndrome is often difficult to diagnose as symptoms can vary considerably from patient to patient.

9.  Common vision problems in women
Harvard Women's Health Watch. Feb 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 6, p4-5. 2p
The article offers a guide to age-related vision changes and tips to help preserve one's sight, explaining the need to have vision problems diagnosed and treated early to avoid future complications. Some of the problems explained include presbyopia, cataracts and glaucoma. It also presents a list of symptoms to help one identify if there is already a need to call a primary care doctor or ophthalmologist.

10.  Soothing dry eyes.
Harvard Health Letter. Nov 2012, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p6-6. 2/3p
The article discusses dry-eye syndrome and a study showing effects of caffeine consumption on dry eyes. The results revealed that people who consumed caffeine may produce more tears than people who take a placebo. It states that caffeine consumption can also cause restlessness, anxiety and hence more research is needed to recommend caffeine as a treatment for dry eyes.

11.   Eye infections and gland problems
By Fraser, Scott; Fry, Mandy.
Pulse. 10/19/2011, Vol. 71 Issue 34, p24-25. 2p.
: An interview with ophthalmologist Scott Fraser is presented. Fraser discusses the difference between viral conjunctivitis and bacterial conjunctivitis. He mentions that blepharitis is a malfunction in the meibomian gland and is common in people with psoriasis. He notes that dry eyes is part of ageing and warns that drying of corneas can cause bacterial infection.

Journal  -  Nursing Standard, Volume 29, Issue 12, 19 November 2014

12A. Rethink of future nurse education is needed
12B. Better discharge for older people could save the NHS £40 million
12C. Winter cash boost is ‘sticking plaster’ solution, RCN warns
12D. Midwives are in a position to ‘make a difference for generations to come’
12E. Underfunding of workforce blamed for Essex incident
12F. New guidance advises staff on complaints process
12G. RCM chief challenges government to come back to negotiating table
12H. Nurses plead guilty to neglect
11I. Gadgets tempt men into weight loss
12J. New nurses given opportunity to join leadership academy
12K. Improving diabetes advice could reduce the need for amputations
12L. Take care with renal patients’ veins
12M. Employers urged to sign up to healthy eating charter for staff
12N. How is the government’s integrated care project faring? [NHS Pioneers has been described by one minister as the ‘starting gun’ for combining local health and care services]
Clinical Digest
12O. Cognitive ability may decline after ten years of shift working [Study warns of safety risks as increasing numbers work nights]
12P. Children exposed in womb to sodium valproate show lower intelligence scores at school
12Q. Nursing students drink hazardous amounts of alcohol while at university
12R. Patients cleared of coronary heart disease continue to have symptoms
12S. Feelings of shame surround mothers struggling with breastfeeding issues
Clinical Update
12T. Ebola
12U. Clean, dry and ready to start school [When teachers in Suffolk raised concerns that children were starting school still wearing nappies, Clare Slater-Robins and colleagues came up with an innovative project to help parents to toilet train their children]

Ministry of Health – Latest Publications

13. Evaluation of the New Graduate Nurse employment scheme through the Very Low Cost Access initiative [14 November 2014]

14. Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Health 2014 [12 November 2014]

15. Audit Report Writing Guide [12 November 2014]

16. Health of the Health Workforce 2013 to 2014 [11 November 2014]

17. The Role of Health Workforce New Zealand [11 November 2014]


18. Health and Wellbeing Conference
Conferenz is launching its first Health and Wellbeing Conference in 2015. This conference will address the opportunities an organisation has to improve the health and wellbeing of its employees and how this can influence a company’s performance.
Date:  16-17 March 2015
Venue:  Skycity ConventionCcentre
More information:

News – National

19. Health cost-cutting scheme HBL shelved
Stuff - 20/11/2014

The Government is axing its controversial health cost-cutting entity, Health Benefits Ltd but still wants district health boards to save $620 million over four years. Health Benefits Limited (HBL), was set up by the Government in 2010 to save DHBs $700 million over five years. According to the Government it has already achieved $300 million of that target, although $200 million of that was net savings

20. How well do you know New Zealand's native language? Ka pai?
A University of Otago research project has come up with a Maori language app, called Aki, which uses games to help develop te reo skills. One of the developers, Dr Katharina Ruckstuhl, said the project came from looking at how families in Dunedin passed on Maori language to their children.

21. NZ's health funding 'unsustainable'
Stuff – 14 November 2014

Government agencies are pushing for reform over the way the health system is funded, warning the present structure is unsustainable.  But Health Minister Jonathan Coleman has dismissed their recommendations.  Both the Ministry of Health and the Treasury have suggested that changing the way funding is distributed could lift performance within the health sector and counter rising costs to an already-stretched system.

22. A look at the new drink-drive laws
Stuff -  16 November 2014

Ahead of new, tougher drink-drive laws that take effect on December 1, police will reveal how many motorists they stop who are over the limit. They expect to issue 19,000 fines in the first year alone. With the busy Christmas party season approaching, Michelle Duff investigates what the new rules will mean and how effective they will be.

23. New drink-drive laws: How much can I drink?
Stuff - November 16 2014

Want to know how much you can drink under the new laws? For three nights in a row, Laura Walters went to the pub to find out. If you think you're good to drive, you're probably not. I'm not a big drinker, and definitely not a big drink-driver, but in the spirit of science I agreed to a few beers over three successive nights to see what it would take to reach the new breath-alcohol limit.

News – International

24.Could you shut up for 48 hours?
Forget running a marathon or climbing a mountain – is a sponsored silence the hardest endurance test of all? Most of the words we say are unnecessary. There are few messages we urgently need to convey and, even then, e-mail usually does the trick. Yet 20,000 words spill past our lips every day, as we tell jokes, narrate our daily experiences and express ourselves through conversation. One charity is on a mission to stop talking for 48 hours. Instead of fundraising through an endurance test or skydive, Shift.MS, which provides support for those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), has asked hundreds of volunteers to take part in a sponsored silence

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