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Issue 38 - 7 November 2014

Articles  Conflict Management

1. Conflict resolution strategies between preceptor and resident-A case-based scenario

By Phillips, Holly; Fuller, Patrick D.; May, J. Russell; Johnston, Susan; Pettit, Natasha N.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2/1/2014, Vol. 71 Issue 3, p184-186. 3p
The article describes a case-based scenario of conflict resolution strategies between preceptor and pharmacy program resident in a practice setting. Emphasis is given on the need of preceptor development to include training in communication and conflict resolution skills. The actions that a residency program director (RPD) must take to resolve the conflict between a preceptor and resident which is said to have arisen from derogatory remarks are suggested.

2.  More than communication skills: experiences of communication conflict in nursing home nurses
By Tsai, Hsiu-Hsin; Tsai, Yun-Fang; Weng, Li-Chueh; Chou, Hsueh-Fen.
Medical Education. Oct  2013, Vol. 47 Issue 10, p990-1000. 11p.

Abstract: Communication conflicts are inevitable in nursing homes. Understanding communication conflicts experienced by practising nurses could provide insights to guide the development of sound communication education programmes.
Objectives The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of nurses in nursing homes of communication conflict in encounters with nursing home residents and their families in Taiwan.

3. The intraprofessional and interprofessional relations of neurorehabilitation nurses: a negotiated order perspective
By  Miller, Karen-Lee; Kontos, Pia C.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Aug 2013, Vol. 69 Issue 8, p1797-1807. 11p
: Aims To report a study of the negotiation practices of neurorehabilitation nurses with one another and with allied health professionals to understand nursing relations. Background Negotiated order theory offers a promising theoretical lens with which to explore negotiation between nurses and other professionals. This study is the first to apply the perspective to nurse-nurse and nurse-allied health professional relations

4. Empathic curiosity: resolving goal conflicts that generate emotional distress
By  Mcevoy, P.; Baker, D.; Plant, R.; Hylton, K.; Mansell, W.
Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing. Apr 2013, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p273-278. 6p
: The quality of the therapeutic alliance between therapist and client is consistently identified as a key component of cognitive behavioural interventions. However, relatively little is known about the causal mechanisms that generate the effects that are ascribed to the therapeutic alliance. This paper outlines how one such causal mechanism, empathic curiosity, may operate. The explanation is rooted in control theory, a theory that explains the link between our experiences and our goal-directed behaviour

5.  Conflict resolution techniques applied to interprofessional collaborative practice
By  Beunza, Juan-Jos.
Journal of Interprofessional Care. Mar 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p110-112. 3p
The author discusses a Conflict Prevention Program, applying the Business Conflict Resolution model from the Program of Negotiation (PON) based at the Harvard Law School to healthcare workers involved in interprofessional work. The author believes that emotional security fostered through finding value in the environment can instill a positive attitude towards change in healthcare workers

Articles – Empathy/Compassion

6.  Empathy is related to clinical competence in medical care
By  Ogle, Jessica; Bushnell, John A; Caputi, Peter.
Medical Education. Aug 2013, Vol. 47 Issue 8, p824-831. 8p
 Most medical schools focus upon aspects of interpersonal functioning such as empathy in the doctor-patient relationship with the aim of training clinically competent doctors. This study investigated the relationship between empathy and clinical competence among medical students

7. The Art of Mental Health Practice: The Role of Drama in Developing Empathy.
By  Goodwin, John; Deady, Rick.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Apr 2013, Vol. 49 Issue 2, p126-134. 9p
 This paper explores concepts central to acting, and details how these concepts can be related to mental health nursing practice. Design and Methods The work of the acting theorists Constantin Stanislavski and Lee Strasberg is examined and recontextualized to illustrate how their work is relevant in modern mental health practice, and the development of empathy.

8. Ethics education: Do we need compassion boot camps?
By Gallagher, Ann.
Nursing Ethics. Sep2014, Vol. 21 Issue 6, p635-636. 2p
The author discusses ethical issues in the field of nursing, particularly in Great Britain, as of September 2014. She focuses on the works of military nurses, which were among the topics tackled at the International Care Ethics (ICE) Observatory Expert Advisory Group meeting on June 20, 2014

9. A critical analysis of Compassion in Practice.
By Dewar, Belinda; Christley, Yvonne.
Nursing Standard. 11/6/2013, Vol. 28 Issue 10, p46-50. 5p.
: Compassion in Practice is a policy introduced in England to develop a culture of compassionate practice among healthcare staff. There is widespread recognition and agreement of the importance of compassionate practice, and the policy offers a vision underpinned by a desirable set of values. In this article, the significance of a coherent vision is explored and is followed by discussion of the need to anchor the policy vision in values that are important to healthcare staff. The policy's approach to vision and values may generate tensions, which are also examined and discussed

Journal – Table of Contents

10. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,
October 2014, Volume 45 · Issue 10

10A. Editorial: Reflections as Content
Administrative Angles
10B. Ensuring Content Integrity When Using Commercial Support
Clinical Updates
10C. Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: An Update of Current Trends and Treatment
Leadership and Development
10D. The Power of Relationships in Leading
Teaching Tips
10E. Synthesizing Learning in a Workshop or Conference
CNE Article
10F. Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of New Graduate Nurses Participating in Nurse Residency Programs: A Systematic Review
CNE Quiz
10G. Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of New Graduate Nurses Participating in Nurse Residency Programs: A Systematic Review
Original Articles
10H. Perinatal Nurses’ Perceptions of Competency Assessments
10I. Strategies for Searching and Managing Evidence-Based Practice
10J. Improving the Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice Through RN-to-BSN Education


11. The Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference
Alcohol - other Drugs - Behavioural Addictions: Prevention, Treatment and Recovery
The focus of the Addiction Conference will be on different types of addiction, prevention, assessment, treatment and recovery. The co-occurrence and prevalence of mental health and substance abuse will also be addressed at the conference..
Date: May 20 2015 - May 21 2015
Call for abstracts: Jan 28 2015
Early bird registration: Apr 07 2015
Convenor: Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association (ANZMH)
Phone: +61 (0)7 5502 2068
Email: [email protected]
More information:

12. Australian Telehealth Conference (ATC) 2015
Integrating care: Bringing health services and people together through telehealth - overcoming fragmentation of care
The aim for this conference is to merge 'traditional' telehealth approaches and communities with the innovative business models and emerging approaches to telehealth and mobile health that present new opportunities and challenges.
Date: Feb 20 2015 - Feb 24 2015
Early bird registration: Dec 19 2014
Phone: +61 (0)3 9326 3311
Email: [email protected]
More information:

News – National

13. Unanimous backing for under-18s sunbed ban bill
One News: - Friday November 07, 2014 
Legislation banning sunbeds for under-18s passed its first reading unanimously in Parliament last night

14. Workshops on rural mental health hailed a success
ODT - Fri, 7 Nov 2014
Nearly 100 people have attended six ''Rural Life: Keeping the Balance'' workshops in Otago and Southland since the programme to address rural mental health was launched earlier this year.

News – International

15. Six in ten drink just one glass of water a day
The Telegraph
The NHS would rather people drank pure water, but we consume very little, preferring tea, coffee and sugary drinks, research shows

16. Smoking and mental health, what's the connection?
People with mental health problems who smoke cost the UK economy £2.34bn, according to new research. But why is smoking so prevalent in this group?


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