Articles - Handwashing/Infection Prevention
1. Increasing Hand Washing Compliance With a Simple Visual Cue
By Ford, Eric W.; Boyer, Brian T.; Menachemi, Nir; Huerta, Timothy R.
American Journal of Public Health. Oct 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 10, p1851-1856. 6p
Abstract: We tested the efficacy of a simple, visual cue to increase hand washing with soap and water. Automated towel dispensers in 8 public bathrooms were set to present a towel either with or without activation by users. We set the 2 modes to operate alternately for 10 weeks. Wireless sensors were used to record entry into bathrooms. Towel and soap consumption rates were checked weekly. There were 97 351 hand-washing opportunities across all restrooms. Towel use was 22.6% higher (P = .05) and soap use was 13.3% higher (P = .003) when the dispenser presented the towel without user activation than when activation was required. Results showed that a visual cue can increase hand-washing compliance in public facilities
2. Healthcare-associated infections: the value of patient isolation
By Nicholson, Linda.
Nursing Standard. 10/8/2014, Vol. 29 Issue 6, p35-44. 10p
Abstract: This article focuses on information about reducing or preventing the transmission of infection from patients with known, suspected or high risk of developing a multidrug-resistant organism infection such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
3. NSW hand hygiene campaign.
By Smollen, Paul; Crawford, Iain; Curtis, Paul.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Sep 2014, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p35-35. 3/4p.
Abstract: The article discusses the role that hand hygiene plays in reducing health care associated infections in health care facilities. A discussion of a hand hygiene program for health care facilities called the Clean In, Clean Out campaign which has been introduced by New South Wales' Clinical Excellence Commission is presented
4. A Bundle Strategy Including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium difficile Infections.
By Pokrywka, Marian; Feigel, Jody; Douglas, Barbara; Crossberger, Susan; Hensler, Amelia; Weber, David.
MEDSURG Nursing. May/Jun 2014, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p145-164. 4p
Abstract: The article discusses the study which determines the effect of expanded bundle strategy such as patient hand hygiene on Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) disease's rate in hospitalized patients. The study involves patients at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Shadyside in Pennsylvania wherein C. difficile disease cases were defined. Result shows a decline in the number of C. difficile diseases on the subjects due to hand hygiene..
5. Stethoscope hygiene: A best practice review of the literature.
By Shaw, Felicity; Cooper, Simon.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Mar 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 8, p28-31. 4p
Abstract: The article reports on high rates of contamination seen in stethoscopes due to disinfectant failures and improper hygiene. A discussion of research which was conducted to investigate stethoscope contamination rates and professionals' attitudes toward disinfection and best practice guidelines using a literature review and found that contamination was prevalent and that disinfection attitudes and practices are inadequate is presented
6. Infection control in primary care.
Practice Nurse. 2/21/2014, Vol. 44 Issue 2, p29-32. 4p.
Abstract: The article narrates salutary tales of violations of the standards set out by the British Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure that service users, staff and others exposed to a healthcare associated infection (HCAI) are protected against identifiable risks. It elaborates on several key risks associated with cleaning of premises, hand washing, clinical wastes, and specimen handling. It also presents six steps for effective hand washing, and tips for meeting infection control requirements..
Articles - Hypertension
7. Hypertension: diagnosis, assessment and management.
By Bunker, Jill.
Nursing Standard. 6/18/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 42, p50-59. 10p
Abstract: Hypertension is a serious and common condition, the prevalence of which is set to rise given the increase in the ageing population, sedentary lifestyles and obesity. This article reviews the management of primary hypertension in adults, with reference to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines. Diagnosis using clinic, ambulatory and home blood pressure (BP) monitoring, risk factors , BP targets, lifestyle advice, drug treatment and patient education are also discussed
8. Q: How do hydrochlorothiazide and chlorthalidone compare for treating hypertension?
By Kildare, Leanne; Jones, Ty; Neher, Jon O.
Journal of Family Practice. Apr 2014, Vol. 63 Issue 4, p227-228. 2p.
Abstract:The article provides an answer to a question on the comparison of hydrochlorothiazide and chlorthalidone in the treatment of hypertension
Selected Articles - NZ Management [Journal]
9. Your personal brand.
By Powell, Fiona.
New Zealand Management. 01/11/2014, Vol. 61 Issue 4, p24-25. 2p.
Abstract: The author offers advice for the professional in defining and creating a personal brand using social network technology that may enable a successful career. Topics include the concept of personal branding and developing and managing and communicating one's brand. It mentions works on personal branding by professionals including author Tom Peters and blogger Dan Schawbel..
10. Balanced Leadership.
By Lang, Douglas.
New Zealand Management. 01/11/2014, Vol. 61 Issue 4, p28-28. 3/4p.
Abstract: The author discusses management strategies for those in leadership positions and offers a Balanced Scorecard list for assessing elements that contribute to executive performance. Topics include questions on the need for executive learning and growth, assessing executive processes and innovation in management, and the relationship with colleagues
11. Workplace conflict erodes productivity.
New Zealand Management. 01/10/2014, Vol. 61 Issue 3, p8-8. 1p.
Abstract: The article focuses on a study commissioned by specialist complaint management and dispute resolution services company FairWay Resolution which found that workplace conflict declines productivity. FairWay Resolution chief executive Greg Pollock notes that the study highlights the need to recognize and manage workplace conflict. Also presented is a chart showing the reasons for conflict including performance, workload, and contract obligations..
12. The Not for Profit and the business of social media.
By Jackson, Donovan.
New Zealand Management. 01/10/2014, Vol. 61 Issue 3, p14-16. 3p.
Abstract: The article offers information on the results of the report from professional services firm Grant Thornton which examines the use by not for profit (NFP) organizations to social media. Among the results of the study include one on the real opportunity presented by the use of social media, one on the ability provided by social media to measure and promote the impact of their activities, and one highlighting the need for senior executives to consider questions regarding their social media
13. Four myths that stop leaders using social media.
By Kasian-Lew, Dionne.
New Zealand Management. 01/10/2014, Vol. 61 Issue 3, p17-17. 1p.
Abstract: An excerpt from the article "Four myths that stop leaders using social media," by Dionne Kasian- Lew published on the Australian Institute o f Management (AIM) blog is presented, which focuses on the four mythologies which hinder business leaders to use social media
14. The rise and rise of coaching and mentoring.
By Birchfield, Reg.
New Zealand Management. 01/10/2014, Vol. 61 Issue 3, p32-33. 2p
Abstract: The article focuses on the role and importance of mentoring and coaching in management and leadership development. Topics discussed include statement of Phil Hartwick of New Zealand Institute of Management (NZIM) on the confusion on the difference between coaching and mentoring, the role of coaching in skills development, and the increase of organisational complexity
Journal - Safeguard, September/October 2014, Issue 147
15A. Comment—A Swedish perspective
Ronny Tedestedt's dissertation at Uppsala University compared some aspects of the OHS systems in Sweden and New Zealand.
15B. Don’t just sit there!
We spend so much of our working lives sitting down that our health is being undermined.
15C. Hang in there
Persistence has paid off for the designer of an award-winning suspended scaffolding system.
15D. Money talks
Peter Bateman trawls through our recent survey of OHS incomes and highlights some points of interest.
15E. When duty calls
What does a Cantabrian do when offered the chance to contribute to the post-quake rebuild?
15F. Testing the waters
Safeguard editor Peter Bateman decided to create an online health, safety and wellbeing climate survey. Then he persuaded three organisations to test it
15G. One out of the box
A cereal company’s award-winning wellness programme that benefits both its workers and their community.
16. Technology & Privacy Forum
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Topic: ANZ’s practical approach to privacy compliance
Speaker: Hannah Johnston, ANZ Regulatory Affairs Manager and Private & Data Protection Compliance Manager
When: Friday, 21 November, 12:00-1:00pm
Where: Thorndon Room, Ground Floor, National Library of NZ
Limited seating (80): RSVP before 19 Nov 2014: [email protected]
More information:
News – National
17. PM says using homeopathy to treat Ebola is mad
STUFF - 30/10/2014
Prime Minister John Key has dismissed a Green MP's suggestion that health officials should consider homeopathic remedies to treat the deadly Ebola virus as "barking mad". Green Party MP Steffan Browning made the suggestion, regarding World Health Organisation (WHO) options for treating Ebola, while acknowledging "some people will see it as wacky".
18. Older nurses make better carers: study
STUFF - 31/10/2014
Older nurses offer a safer pair of hands than their younger colleagues, a study has revealed. By this reasoning, Vicki Portman's patients are receiving top care. The Napier mother of five came to nursing late in life, graduating three years ago when she was 60, and she now works at a Napier rest home.
19. Child died after ED discharge
ODT - Fri, 31 Oct 2014
A sick child who later died was sent home from Dunedin Hospital's emergency department despite a nursing assessment saying it might not be safe, a new report shows
News – International
20. Secret of healthy ageing discovered in ground-breaking 35-year study
The Telegraph - 30 Oct 2014
Landmark survey of 2,500 men shows how healthy lifestyle ultimately pays off in old age
21. The personal hazards that are always at hand
The Australian - October 31, 2014
Given the phenomenal rise of gadgets, how should our bodies and brains interact with handheld electronic devices? Modern earphones, or buds, can deliver sound at unacceptable levels — around the 100dB mark — directly into the ear canal, in closer proximity to the sensitive eardrum.