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Issue 36 - 24 October 2014

Articles – Social Media and Nurses

1. Smart nurses thoughtless posts on social media.
By Bickhoff, Laurie.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Oct 2014, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p31-31. 1p
The article discusses how inappropriate posts on social media by nurses is undermining the profession by depicting nurses as untrustworthy and unprofessional. Topics include the discrepancy between the public image of nursing and the reality, nurses' perpetuation of stereotypes via social media, the social media policy of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), and addressing the issue through educating nurses on the impact they are having..

2. How do you give information?
By Smith, Sarah. Nursing Children & Young People. Oct 2014, Vol. 26 Issue 8, p14-14. 1p
The article argues on providing children and young people with age-appropriate health information in Great Britain as of October 2014. It references the guidance from the Patient Information Forum (PiF) which focuses on choosing the right format and using technology such as social media, applications, and the Internet to deliver information to this age group. It also mentions the 25th anniversary of the United  Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child..

3. Disparaging feedback on social media.
By Fitzpatrick, John. Pulse. Oct 2014, p124-124. 1p.
: The article focuses on the concept of ethical practices intended for medical staffs on how to apply zero tolerance to online criticisms. Topics includes medical staffs should ensure health policy standards, act in good faith and create a professional relationship with patients. Also presented are views of several medical experts including Anne-Marie Cunningham, Richard Stacey and John Fitzpatrick..

4. Who is watching whom? (cover story).
By: Trossman, Susan. American Nurse. Sep/Oct 2014, Vol. 46 Issue 5, p1-8. 2p.
The article reports that the Ohio Nurses Association (ONA) in September 2014 has formed a task force that will study the frequency by which patients and their families use social media to document nurses' actions in health care settings.

5. Health Department Use of Social Media to Identify Foodborne Illness -- Chicago, Illinois, 2013-2014. 
By Harris, Jenine K.; Mansour, Raed; Choucair, Bechara; Olson, Joe; Nissen, Cory; Bhatt, Jay. MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report. 8/15/2014, Vol. 63 Issue 32, p681-685. 5p
: The article deals with FoodBorne Chicago, launched by Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and civic partners on March 23, 2013, tasked to promote food safety improvement in Chicago, Illinois by identifying and responding to complaints on possible foodborne illnesses on online social networking Twitter

6. When trouble can be just a click away.
By Kleebauer, Alistair. Nursing Standard. 8/6/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 49, p20-21. 2p
In the last in our series on the draft NMC code, Alistair Kleebauer looks at social networking

Articles – Working hours/Shifts

7. Does self-scheduling increase nurses’ job satisfaction? An integrative literature review.
By Koning, Clare. Nursing Management - UK. Oct 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 6, p24-28. 5p
: Flexible work schedules give nurses the freedom and control to manage the demands of work and home, allow organisations to meet their staffing needs and can improve job satisfaction. This article reports the results of an integrative review of published peer-reviewed research and personal narratives that examined nurses’ perceptions of the relationship between job satisfaction and a self-scheduling system.

8. Stroke mortality falls when nurse staffing levels higher.
By Hunt, Louise. Nursing Older People. Oct 2014, Vol. 26 Issue 8, p8-9. 2p.
: The article reports findings of a British study that indicated higher weekend nursing levels on stroke units significantly reduced the risk of patient health. According to the study, weekend nursing ratios were potentially associated with mortality outcomes. The research also found that patients admitted on weekends to stroke units with three nurses per ten beds had a 30-day mortality risk of 11%

9. Longer shifts are a threat to patient safety, Europe-wide survey shows.
By Keogh, Kat. Nursing Standard. 10/1/2014, Vol. 29 Issue 5, p13-13. 3/4p.
Staff working overtime and 12-hour shifts are compromising patient safety and quality of care, a survey of 30,000 nurses reveals

10. In Our Unit. Hands When You Want Them, Staffing When You Need It.
By Tazbir, Janice; Wicklein, Mark. Critical Care Nurse. Aug 2014, Vol. 34 Issue 4, p89-92. 4p
: The article presents the creation of patient care support nurse (PCSN) in a teaching hospital in the Midwest to address the level of staff satisfaction and patient safety under budgetary constraints. It discusses job description, reporting responsibility and organizational structure for PCSNs. It also offers narratives from the perspectives of a PCSN, the nursing staff and management

Articles - Preceptorship

11. Preceptorship of nurses in the community.
By Price, Bob. Primary Health Care. May 2014, Vol. 24 Issue 4, p36-41. 6p.
:There is recognition that newly qualified nurses find it difficult to make the transition to registered nurse practice. The transition may be especially challenging in the community, where nurses practise in a variety of settings, including the patients' homes. Preceptorship programmes in the first year of registered nurse work have been recommended by the Department of Health, but the term preceptorship is poorly defined and often confused with other roles. This article suggests four areas of learning that might form the focus of a preceptorship programme: orientation to the patients and services provided locally, real-time clinical reasoning, skill review, and socialisation into the community care team.

12. Perspectives on good preceptorship: A matter of ethics.
By Hilli, Yvonne; Salmu, Marita; Jonsén, Elisabeth.
Nursing Ethics. Aug 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 5, p565-575. 11p
The article discusses a Nordic qualitative study aimed at exploring the preceptors' perceived experiences of good preceptorship with respect to undergraduate nursing students in clinical practice

13. Preceptorship pay off
By Whitehead, Bill. Nursing Standard. 2/19/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 25, p72-73. 2p
: The article reports on research which was conducted to investigate the support that newly qualified nurses need when transitioning from student to registered nurse

14. Successful preceptorship of newly qualified nurses.
By Price, Bob. Nursing Standard. 12/4/2013, Vol. 28 Issue 14, p51-56. 6p.
: There is widespread recognition that many newly qualified nurses find it difficult to make the transition from completing their university course to taking up their first registered nurse post. Preceptorship programmes during the first year of registered nurse practice have been recommended by the Department of Health. Preceptors have an important role in ensuring successful transition of the newly qualified nurse; however they also require practical guidance on how best to support the nurse.

Journal Table of Contents

15. From Primary Health Care: the RCN Community Health Nursing Journal, October 2014

15A. Healthcare assistants being used to fill gaps in provision [The article discusses the findings of a survey conducted by the Eastern branch of the Royal College of Nursing, Great Britain to examine the balance between district and community nurses and healthcare assistants in East England]
15B. Specialist role enables young patients to have care at home.
[The article focuses on the role of specialist nurse, funded by WellChild, a children's charity in Great Britain, in the community nursing team of Nottingham Children's Hospital (NCH) in Nottingham, England in providing support to children and young people with long-term breathing difficulties]
15C. Nurses in step with the smartphone generation
School-aged children are leading a communications revolution, with ways of getting in touch shifting significantly. This article explores the effect of this development on healthcare professionals, particularly nurses
15D. Barriers to diabetic retinopathy screening in South Asian groups [The incidence of diabetes in the UK  is six times higher among people of South Asian origin compared with their European counterparts. This qualitative study explored the barriers to, and incentives for, accessing diabetic retinopathy screening by the South Asian population in Nottingham]
15E. District nursing in the Great War: a challenge on all fronts [At the outbreak of the first world war in 1914, district nurses were faced with extreme challenges. With a much needed skill set, they were expected to make a significant contribution to the war effort]
15F. The use of probiotics to help manage changes in the gut as people age [The aim of this article is to help readers understand the changes that occur in gastrointestinal bacterial population, or microflora, as people age]


16. International Pacific Health Conference 2014
Theme: Pacific health solutions through research and practice.
Date: 3 to 5 November 2014
Venue: Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Auckland
More information:

News – National

17. Coconut oil seen as health hazard  
STUFF - 24/10/2014
Coconut oil is high in saturated fat and should not be used as regular cooking oil despite being the "trendy thing", the New Zealand Heart Foundation says

18. NZ well-prepared against Ebola: Coleman  
STUFF - 23/10/2014
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says a meeting of 20 government agencies to discuss New Zealand's response to the threat of Ebola, reflected a "high level of preparedness" within the Government.

19. Vaccine no match for rogue flu strain  
A rogue flu strain has surfaced in New Zealand, infecting even those who have had their annual vaccination.Most flu sufferers this year have had the H1N1 influenza A strain, or swine flu, against which the latest vaccine offers good protection.

News – International

20. Couch potato lifestyles could kill the welfare state, landmark report warns
Britain's appalling couch potato lifestyle is one of the worst in the world, and could cause the collapse of the welfare state, bombshell report warns

21. People eat more when dining with overweight friends, study finds
PCTV News - October 2, 2014  
Diners eating in the company of larger people have a tendency to eat more. That's the basic finding of a new Cornell University study that found the body type of the people you are eating with or those around may influence how much you

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