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Issue 35 - 17 October 2014

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a bacteria that can cause acute stomach illness
16 October 2014: Since 1 September 2014 there have been increased notifications of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Cases have mainly been notified from the Auckland, Canterbury, Wellington, Waikato and Bay of Plenty/Lakes regions
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Articles – Solar Keratoses

1.Solar keratoses
By Freeman, M. & Freeman, A. Australian Doctor. 19/10/2012, p25-32. 7p.
: The article offers information on Solar Keratoses, a skin disorder, caused localized abnormal proliferation of epidermal keratinocytes that are damaged by ultraviolet radiation. It also adds that p53 gene is responsible for same kind of mutations found in squamous cell carcinoma. It further mentions that irregular shape and rough scaly surface of skin as one of the clinical features of typical solar Keratosis.

2. Dermatology update
By Oakley, Amanda. New Zealand Doctor. 20/06/2012, p26-31. 3p
: A quiz about dermatology and treatment of solar keratoses is presented

3. Accuracy in skin cancer diagnosis: A retrospective study of an Australian public hospital dermatology department
By Rolfe, Heidi M.
Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 01/05/2012, Vol. 53 Issue 2, p112-117. 6p.
: Accurate identification of skin lesions is vital in ensuring malignancies are not missed and that they are treated early to avoid mortality. It is also important that appropriate lesions are submitted for biopsy to decrease the costs and morbidity associated with the unnecessary removal of benign lesions. This study attempted to assess current accuracy in skin cancer diagnosis.

4. Field treatment of facial and scalp actinic keratoses with photodynamic therapy: Survey of patient perceptions of treatment satisfaction and outcomes.
By Tran, Dai T.; Salmon, Robert.
Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 01/08/2011, Vol. 52 Issue 3, p195-201. 7p
: Diffuse field change with actinic keratoses (AK) is a ubiquitous skin disease in Australia, with potential for malignant transformation.

Articles – Missed Care/Safe Staffing

5. Does Missed Nursing Care Predict Job Satisfaction?
By Kalisch, Bea; Tschanen, Dana; Lee, Hyunhwa. J
Journal of Healthcare Management. Mar/Apr 2011, Vol. 56 Issue 2, p117-131.
This study explores the impact of missed nursing care (required patient care that is omitted) on job satisfaction of nursing personnel. Data from 3,135 registered nurses (RNs) and 939 nursing assistants (NAs) on 110 patient care units in ten midwestern hospitals revealed that nursing staff who perceived less missed nursing care on the patient care unit where they work are more satisfied in their current position and occupation

6. Missed nursing care: a concept analysis
By Kalisch, Beatrice J.; Landstrom, Gay L.; Hinshaw, Ada Sue.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jul 2009, Vol. 65 Issue 7, p1509-1517. 9p
: This paper is a report of the analysis of the concept of missed nursing care. Background. According to patient safety literature, missed nursing care is an error of omission. This concept has been conspicuously absent in quality and patient safety literature, with individual aspects of nursing care left undone given only occasional mention.

7. Stroke mortality falls when nurse staffing levels higher
By Hunt, Louise.
Nursing Older People. Oct 2014, Vol. 26 Issue 8, p8-9. 2p
The article reports findings of a British study that indicated higher weekend nursing levels on stroke units significantly reduced the risk of patient health. According to the study, weekend nursing ratios were potentially associated with mortality outcomes. The research also found that patients admitted on weekends to stroke units with three nurses per ten beds had a 30-day mortality risk of 11%

8. Safe staffing needs to focus on patient needs, not just numbers
By Tallo, Donato. Nursing Standard. 8/6/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 49, p34-35. 2p
A letter to the editor is presented in response to an editorial in the July 16, 2014 issue that was concerned with safe staffing levels in British hospitals.

9. The next phase in safe staffing battle is crucial
By Scott, Graham. Nursing Standard. 16/7/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 46, p3-3. 2/3p.

Abstract: The author reflects on a guideline on safe nurse-patient ratios which was released in 2014 by Great Britain's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. He suggests that the movement for British hospitals to employ more, better qualified nurses has gained momentum in 2014. He argues that while the guideline is a good start, the challenge is to build on the guideline's work to help ensure safe staffing levels across Great Britain.

Articles – Coaching/Mentoring

10. Stemming the Obesity Epidemic: Are Nurses Credible Coaches?
By Marchiondo, Kathleen.
MEDSURG Nursing. May/Jun2014, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p155-158. 4p.
: The article discusses aspects of obesity epidemic in the U.S. and the role of nurses to prevent the disease. Topics include the sedentary lifestyles is one factor that contributes to weight gain, obesity affects life span, quality of life, and escalates health care costs, and Healthy People 2010, a national health promotion and disease prevention initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

11. From Clinical Expert to Guide: Experiences From Coaching People With Rheumatoid Arthritis to Increased Physical Activity.
By  Nessen, Thomas; Opava, Christina H.; Martin, Cathrin; Demmelmaier, Ingrid.
Physical Therapy. May 2014, Vol. 94 Issue 5, p644-653. 10p
: Physical activity levels in people with rheumatoid arthritis are lower than what are recommended for a healthful lifestyle. To support physical activity, health care professionals may use behavioral change techniques based on a biopsychosocial perspective. Investigating the implementation process may be relevant for understanding how these techniques translate to practice.

12. Mentoring in nursing: an invaluable exchange
By Taylor, Julia. Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Apr 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 9, p29-29. 1p.
The article reports on the practice of mentoring in nursing and discusses research, including from Ehrich and Hansford, Andrews and Wallis and Fawcett, which has investigated mentoring and its benefits in the nursing profession. In the article the author reflects on her experience of being a nursing mentor in Australia and offers her opinions on the benefits of mentoring and developing mentoring programs.

13.  Mentorship in Nursing: An Interview with Connie Vance.
By Nickitas, Donna M.
Nursing Economic$. Mar/Apr 2014, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p65-69. 5p.
An interview with Connie Vance, professor of nursing at the College of New Rochelle School of Nursing in New Rochelle, New York, is presented. She shares how she became interested in the topic of mentorship in nursing. She explains the significance and relevance of the historical mythology of the concepts of mentor and mentoring to the modern profession of nursing. She also discusses the major elements of a successful mentor-protégé relationship.

Journal Table of Contents

International Journal of Nursing Practice
October 2014, Volume 20, Issue 5

14A. Bedside nursing handover: Patients' opinions (pages 451–459)
By Sai Lu, Debra Kerr and Louise McKinlay
14B. Nursing students' expectations regarding effective clinical education: A qualitative study
(pages 460–467)
By Maryam Esmaeili, Mohammad Ali Cheraghi, Mahvash Salsali and Shahrzad Ghiyasvandian
14C. Effect on pain intensity of injection sites and speed of injection associated with intramuscular penicillin (pages 468–474)
By Emel Tuğrul and Leyla Khorshıd
14D. A qualitative study on the roles and responsibilities of nurse consultants in Hong Kong
(pages 475–481)
By Dominic SK Chan, Diana TF Lee, Sek Ying Chair, Sylvia YK Fung, Eric LS Chan and Carmen WH Chan
14E. Moral sensitivity and critical thinking disposition of nursing students in Korea (pages 482–489)
By Sung-Hee Ahn and Hye-A Yeom
14F. Determining the effectiveness of illustrated communication material for communication with intubated patients at an intensive care unit (pages 490–498)
By Münevver Otuzoğlu and Azize Karahan
14G. Effect of establishing pain committee on the pain assessment skills of paediatric nurses
(pages 499–509)
By Pouran Varvani Farahani, Fatemeh Alhani and Eisa Mohammadi
14H. Evaluation of falls by inpatients in an acute care hospital in Korea using the Morse Fall Scale
(pages 510–517)
By Yung Hee Sung, Myung Sook Cho, In Gak Kwon, Yoen Yi Jung, Mi Ra Song, Kyunghee Kim and Sungho Won


15. Transforming Together Coaching and Mentoring Conference
Hosted by the Educational Leadership Research Centre, University of Waikato
Date:  8th to Friday 10th April 2015
Venue: University of Waikato, Hamilton City, NZ
More information:

16. Migrant Cross-Cultural Encounters
A Multi-Disciplinary Conference
Date: 24-26 November 2014
Venue: Dunedin
More information:

News – National

17. Farm paddock quarantined over gastro bug
Stuff -  16/10/2014
A single paddock has been quarantined after being linked to a severe stomach bug that put almost 40 people in hospital. Foodstuffs, which owns Pak 'n Save and New World supermarkets, announced today that the source of the recent Yersinia pseudotuberculosis outbreak appeared to be farm-based. The bug is uncommon in New Zealand with only 13 cases notified last year, but about 127 people have been affected and 38 hospitalised during last month's outbreak

18. Success: Enlisting the power of older staff
NZ Herald - Friday Oct 17, 2014
Don't disregard enlisting older staff as the war for talent rages, says the Kiwi head of a global healthcare provider. Grainne Moss, managing director of Bupa Care Services New Zealand, says businesspeople often discount employing anyone beyond their mid-50s, believing those employees are coasting into retirement and they'd be better recruiting someone younger.

19. NZ healthcare costs rising
STUFF -  11/05/2014
Imagine a world where every time you get a taxpayer-funded health treatment, such as at a hospital, you are handed a "statement" of what it cost. One who finds that easy to picture is Oamaru-born Sir Malcolm Grant, the chairman of NHS (National Health Service) England

News – International

20. Primary Health Network merges New England with Hunter and Central Coast
The Federal Government has released its maps for the new Primary Health Networks, which will replace Medicare Locals. The 17 Medicare Locals in New South Wales are being reduced to nine Primary Health Networks, meaning the New England Medicare Local will join with the Hunter and Central Coast Medicare Locals.


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